Refractive index and extinction coefficient of materialsNote : The exctinction coefficient is related to the absorption coefficient by 0/4λπ=αk , where α is the absorption coefficient, is the extinction coefficient, and λ0 is the wavelength in vacuum.AcrylicWavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)370 1.51259380 1.51066390 1.50891400 1.50731 410 1.50584420 1.50449430 1.50324440 1.50209450 1.50102460 1.50004470 1.49911480 1.49826490 1.49746500 1.49671510 1.496520 1.49534530 1.49472540 1.49413550 1.49358560 1.49306570 1.49256580 1.4921590 1.49165600 1.49123610 1.49083620 1.49044630 1.49008640 1.48973650 1.4894660 1.48908670 1.48878680 1.48849690 1.48821700 1.48795710 1.48769720 1.48745730 1.48721740 1.48699750 1.48677760 1.48656770 1.48636780 1.48617790 1.48598800 1.4858810 1.48563820 1.48546830 1.4853840 1.48515850 1.485870 1.48471880 1.48457890 1.48444900 1.48432910 1.48419920 1.48407930 1.48396940 1.48385950 1.48374960 1.48363970 1.48353980 1.48343990 1.483331000 1.483241010 1.483151020 1.483061030 1.482981040 1.482891050 1.482811060 1.482731070 1.482661080 1.482581090 1.482511100 1.48244Ag (Silver) (note that there are two consecutive sets of data) Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)210.1356 1.19213.7586 1.21217.5088 1.23221.3929 1.25225.4182 1.26229.5926 1.27233.9245 1.28238.4231 1.28243.098 1.3247.96 1.31253.0204 1.32258.2917 1.34263.7872 1.36269.5217 1.38275.5111 1.41281.7727 1.41288.3256 1.4295.1905 1.38302.3902 1.32309.95 1.15317.8974 .91326.2632 .44335.0811 .13344.3889 .13354.2285 .1364.6471 .08375.697 .06387.4375 .05399.9355 .05413.2667 .05427.5172 .04476.8461 .05495.92 .05 516.5833 .05539.0435 .06563.5454 .06590.3809 .05619.9 .06 652.5263 .05688.7778 .04729.2941 .03774.875 .03 826.5333 .04885.5714 .04953.6923 .04 1033.167 .04 1127.091 .05 1239.8 .1 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.63333 1.31210.13559 1.32213.75862 1.33217.50877 1.338 221.39285 1.342 225.41818 1.343 229.59259 1.352 233.92452 1.362 238.42307 1.37243.09803 1.379 247.96 1.388 253.0204 1.393 258.29166 1.391 263.78723 1.384 269.52173 1.37275.51111 1.335 281.77272 1.289 288.32558 1.221 295.19047 1.107 302.39024 0.913 309.94999 0.642 317.89743 0.412 326.26315 0.591 335.08107 0.94344.38888 1.191 354.22856 1.419 364.64705 1.605 375.69696 1.78387.43749 1.944 399.93548 2.104 413.26666 2.275 427.51723 2.432 442.78571 2.58459.18518 2.744 476.84614 2.92495.91999 3.093 516.58332 3.284 539.04347 3.498 563.54544 3.709652.5263 4.43688.77776 4.714729.2941 5.034774.87499 5.381826.53332 5.772885.57141 6.26953.69229 6.7691033.16665 7.3691127.09089 8.1181239.79998 9.001Ag (Silver)Data from “Handbook of Optical Constant of Solids” by Edward Palik (1985)Measurements of the reflectivity of evaporated Ag films by Hong Luo and Yun-Li Li revealed that the Palik data gave the best agreement with experimental results.Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive Index n (-)206.6 1.125213.8 1.173221.4 1.208229.6 1.238238.4 1.265248.0 1.298253.0 1.320258.3 1.343263.8 1.372269.5 1.404275.5 1.441281.8 1.476288.3 1.502295.2 1.519298.8 1.522302.4 1.496306.1 1.432310.0 1.323311.5 1.246313.9 1.149315.5 1.044317.9 0.932319.5 0.815322.0 0.708323.7 0.616326.3 0.526330.6 0.371332.4 0.321335.1 0.294339.7 0.259344.4 0.238354.2 0.209364.7 0.186375.7 0.200387.5 0.192400.0 0.173413.3 0.173427.5 0.160442.8 0.157459.2 0.144476.9 0.132495.9 0.130652.6 0.140 688.8 0.140 729.3 0.148 774.9 0.143 826.6 0.145 885.6 0.163 953.7 0.198 1033 0.226 1127 0.251 1240 0.329 Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive Index k (-) 206.6 1.27 213.8 1.29 221.4 1.30 229.6 1.31 238.4 1.33 248.0 1.35 253.0 1.35 258.3 1.35 263.8 1.35 269.5 1.33 275.5 1.31 281.8 1.26 288.3 1.19 295.2 1.08 298.8 0.992 302.4 0.882 306.1 0.766 310.0 0.647 311.5 0.586 313.9 0.540 315.5 0.514 317.9 0.504 319.5 0.526 322.0 0.565 323.7 0.609 326.3 0.663 330.6 0.813 332.4 0.902 335.1 0.986 339.7 1.12 344.4 1.24 354.2 1.44 364.7 1.61 375.7 1.67 387.5 1.81 400.0 1.95 413.3 2.11 427.5 2.26 442.8 2.40 459.2 2.56 476.9 2.72 495.9 2.88 516.6 3.07688.8 4.44 729.3 1.74 774.9 5.09 826.6 5.50 885.6 5.95 953.7 6.43 1033 6.99 1127 7.67 1240 8.49 Al (Aluminum)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 364.6471 .407 375.697 .432 387.4375 .46399.9355 .49413.2667 .523 427.5172 .558 442.7857 .598 459.1852 .644 476.8461 .695 495.92 .755 516.5833 .826 539.0435 .912 563.5454 1.02 590.3809 1.15 619.9 1.3 652.5263 1.49 688.7778 1.74 729.2941 2.14 774.875 2.63 826.5333 2.74 885.5714 2.24 953.6923 1.47 1033.167 1.26 1127.091 1.2 1239.8 1.21 1377.556 1.26 1549.75 1.44 1771.143 1.77 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 364.65 4.43 375.70 4.56 387.44 4.71 399.94 4.86 413.27 5.02 427.52 5.2 442.79 5.38 459.19 5.28 476.85 5.8 495.92 6.03 516.58 6.28 539.04 6.55 563.55 6.85729.29 8.57 774.87 8.6 826.53 8.31 885.57 8.21 953.69 8.95 1033.17 12 1127.09 11.2 1239.80 12.5 1377.56 14 1549.75 16 1771.14 18.3Al10Ga90As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.311 210.2 1.318 213.8 1.330 217.5 1.345 221.4 1.371 225.5 1.408 229.6 1.459 234.0 1.531 238.5 1.634 243.1 1.819 248.0 2.207 253.1 2.772 258.3 3.267 263.8 3.611 270.0 3.829 275.6 4.010 281.8 4.017 288.4 3.922 295.2 3.801 302.4 3.697 310 3.618 317.9 3.566 326.3 3.537 335.1 3.532 344.4 3.552 354.3 3.601 364.7 3.690 375.8 3.864 387.5 4.253 400 4.460 413.3 4.838 427.6 4.968 442.9 4.725 459.3 4.518 476.9 4.353 496 4.220 516.7 4.111 539.1 4.018 563.6 3.940 590.5 3.876 620.0 3.820885.7 3.530 953.8 3.484 1033.3 3.452 1127.3 3.428 1240 3.410 1377.8 3.395 1550 3.383 1771.4 3.374 2066.7 3.366 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.457 210.2 2.538 213.8 2.608 217.5 2.698 221.4 2.800 225.5 2.921 229.6 3.059 234.0 3.223 238.5 3.433 243.1 3.704 248.0 3.983 253.1 4.036 258.3 3.846 263.8 3.536 270.0 3.229 275.6 2.876 281.8 2.507 288.4 2.240 295.2 2.074 302.4 1.983 310 1.937 317.9 1.920 326.3 1.924 335.1 1.945 344.4 1.979 354.3 2.030 364.7 2.100 375.8 2.203 387.5 2.187 400 1.949 413.3 1.836 427.6 1.126 442.9 0.763 459.3 0.575 476.9 0.462 496 0.382 516.7 0.320 539.1 0.276 563.6 0.237 590.5 0.199 620.0 0.171 652.6 0.127 688.9 0.099 729.4 0.082885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al20Ga80As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.333 210.2 1.339 213.8 1.349 217.5 1.366 221.4 1.393 225.5 1.433 229.6 1.490 234.0 1.567 238.5 1.677 243.1 1.860 248.0 2.210 253.1 2.734 258.3 3.238 263.8 3.638 270.0 3.924 275.6 4.053 281.8 4.018 288.4 3.911 295.2 3.795 302.4 3.701 310 3.633 317.9 3.588 326.3 3.568 335.1 3.572 344.4 3.602 354.3 3.668 364.7 3.792 375.8 4.084 387.5 4.379 400 4.607 413.3 4.943 427.6 4.757 442.9 4.547 459.3 4.375 476.9 4.235 496 4.118 516.7 4.022 539.1 3.940 563.6 3.871 590.5 3.815 620.0 3.759 652.6 3.700 688.9 3.662 729.4 3.635 775.0 3.536953.8 3.429 1033.3 3.401 1127.3 3.379 1240 3.361 1377.8 3.346 1550 3.334 1771.4 3.324 2066.7 3.316 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.457 210.2 2.531 213.8 2.600 217.5 2.688 221.4 2.794 225.5 2.912 229.6 3.049 234.0 3.208 238.5 3.407 243.1 3.654 248.0 3.914 253.1 3.997 258.3 3.867 263.8 3.575 270.0 3.223 275.6 2.803 281.8 2.449 288.4 2.206 295.2 2.059 302.4 1.976 310 1.933 317.9 1.917 326.3 1.922 335.1 1.942 344.4 1.979 354.3 2.034 364.7 2.115 375.8 2.180 387.5 1.978 400 1.857 413.3 1.322 427.6 0.865 442.9 0.636 459.3 0.500 476.9 0.409 496 0.341 516.7 0.288 539.1 0.242 563.6 0.202 590.5 0.165 620.0 0.118 652.6 0.094 688.9 0.082 729.4 0.020 775.0 0.002 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 01377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al2O3 (Alumina)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 260 1.824 280 1.815 300 1.808 320 1.802 340 1.797 360 1.793 380 1.789 400 1.786 420 1.784 440 1.781 460 1.779 480 1.777 500 1.775 520 1.774 540 1.772 560 1.771 580 1.77 600 1.768 620 1.767 640 1.766 660 1.765 680 1.765 700 1.764 720 1.763 740 1.762 760 1.762 780 1.761 800 1.76 820 1.76 840 1.759 860 1.759 880 1.758 900 1.758 1033 1.755 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 260 0 280 0 300 0 320 0 340 0 360 0 380 0 400 0 420 0 440 0 460 0 480 0 500 0 520 0580 0 600 0 620 0 640 0 660 0 680 0 700 0 720 0 740 0 760 0 780 0 800 0 820 0 840 0 860 0 880 0 900 0 1033 0Al30Ga70N (AlGaN)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 310.0 2.557 354.29 2.36 413.33 2.27 496.0 2.22 620.0 2.18 826.67 2.156 1240.0 2.14 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 225.45 0.4126 248.0 0.345 275.56 0.289 310.0 0.007 354.29 0 413.33 0 496.0 0 620.0 0 826.67 0 1240.0 0Al32Ga68As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.347 210.2 1.338 213.8 1.352 217.5 1.367 221.4 1.393 225.5 1.437 229.6 1.497 234.0 1.581 238.5 1.696 243.1 1.878 248.0 2.198 253.1 2.684 258.3 3.196288.4 3.883 295.2 3.772 302.4 3.686 310 3.625 317.9 3.588 326.3 3.575 335.1 3.589 344.4 3.633 354.3 3.724 364.7 3.922 375.8 4.246 387.5 4.456 400 4.825 413.3 4.781 427.6 4.582 442.9 4.404 459.3 4.258 476.9 4.135 496 4.032 516.7 3.945 539.1 3.872 563.6 3.815 590.5 3.750 620.0 3.690 652.6 3.650 688.9 3.592 729.4 3.509 775.0 3.456 826.7 3.404 885.7 3.394 953.8 3.363 1033.3 3.338 1127.3 3.317 1240 3.300 1377.8 3.285 1550 3.273 1771.4 3.263 2066.7 3.254 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.443 210.2 2.502 213.8 2.577 217.5 2.669 221.4 2.776 225.5 2.893 229.6 3.030 234.0 3.187 238.5 3.376 243.1 3.604 248.0 3.845 253.1 3.957 258.3 3.881 263.8 3.617 270.0 3.177310 1.927 317.9 1.914 326.3 1.921 335.1 1.946 344.4 1.988 354.3 2.054 364.7 2.134 375.8 2.041 387.5 1.879 400 1.558 413.3 1.012 427.6 0.722 442.9 0.556 459.3 0.446 476.9 0.367 496 0.305 516.7 0.258 539.1 0.227 563.6 0.202 590.5 0.167 620.0 0.145 652.6 0.111 688.9 0.008 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al42Ga58As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.353 210.2 1.350 213.8 1.357 217.5 1.377 221.4 1.406 225.5 1.456 229.6 1.523 234.0 1.613 238.5 1.740 243.1 1.926 248.0 2.234 253.1 2.695 258.3 3.200 263.8 3.733 270.0 4.054 275.6 4.103 281.8 4.014310 3.667 317.9 3.640 326.3 3.640 335.1 3.668 344.4 3.736 354.3 3.887 364.7 4.172 375.8 4.401 387.5 4.706 400 4.778 413.3 4.605 427.6 4.430 442.9 4.280 459.3 4.154 476.9 4.047 496 3.957 516.7 3.881 539.1 3.820 563.6 3.747 590.5 3.686 620.0 3.664 652.6 3.559 688.9 3.479 729.4 3.422 775.0 3.378 826.7 3.341 885.7 3.332 953.8 3.304 1033.3 3.280 1127.3 3.260 1240 3.243 1377.8 3.229 1550 3.216 1771.4 3.206 2066.7 3.198 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.440 210.2 2.507 213.8 2.574 217.5 2.675 221.4 2.783 225.5 2.908 229.6 3.047 234.0 3.201 238.5 3.384 243.1 3.598 248.0 3.822 253.1 3.937 258.3 3.909 263.8 3.646 270.0 3.157 275.6 2.691 281.8 2.363 288.4 2.161 295.2 2.040 302.4 1.971354.3 2.071 364.7 2.042 375.8 1.870 387.5 1.640 400 1.119 413.3 0.786 427.6 0.596 442.9 0.472 459.3 0.385 476.9 0.319 496 0.268 516.7 0.219 539.1 0.178 563.6 0.134 590.5 0.100 620.0 0.059 652.6 0.003 688.9 0 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al49Ga51As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.366 210.2 1.363 213.8 1.364 217.5 1.379 221.4 1.412 225.5 1.462 229.6 1.532 234.0 1.632 238.5 1.763 243.1 1.951 248.0 2.250 253.1 2.686 258.3 3.187 263.8 3.731 270.0 4.072 275.6 4.107 281.8 4.009 288.4 3.894 295.2 3.798 302.4 3.730 310 3.688 317.9 3.671375.8 4.525 387.5 4.753 400 4.654 413.3 4.483 427.6 4.328 442.9 4.195 459.3 4.081 476.9 3.985 496 3.903 516.7 3.838 539.1 3.761 563.6 3.696 590.5 3.665 620.0 3.558 652.6 3.477 688.9 3.417 729.4 3.368 775.0 3.329 826.7 3.283 885.7 3.288 953.8 3.261 1033.3 3.238 1127.3 3.219 1240 3.202 1377.8 3.188 1550 3.176 1771.4 3.166 2066.7 3.157 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.418 210.2 2.49 213.8 2.572 217.5 2.666 221.4 2.78 225.5 2.903 229.6 3.045 234 3.199 238.5 3.378 243.1 3.579 248 3.787 253.1 3.904 258.3 3.899 263.8 3.645 270 3.147 275.6 2.668 281.8 2.351 288.4 2.159 295.2 2.046 302.4 1.98 310 1.945 317.9 1.933 326.3 1.942 335.1 1.969 344.4 2.017400 .926 413.3 .684 427.6 .534 442.9 .429 459.3 .355 476.9 .292 496 .245 516.7 .205 539.1 .164 563.6 .133 590.5 .088 620 .002 652.6 0 688.9 0 729.4 0775 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al59Ga41As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.385 210.2 1.370 213.8 1.370 217.5 1.389 221.4 1.422 225.5 1.475 229.6 1.553 234.0 1.661 238.5 1.805 243.1 2.007 248.0 2.304 253.1 2.740 258.3 3.221 263.8 3.762 270.0 4.120 275.6 4.127 281.8 4.015 288.4 3.903 295.2 3.815 302.4 3.758 310 3.729 317.9 3.725 326.3 3.750 335.1 3.822 344.4 3.977 354.3 4.224 364.7 4.429400 4.497 413.3 4.343 427.6 4.208 442.9 4.092 459.3 3.992 476.9 3.909 496 3.837 516.7 3.758 539.1 3.690 563.6 3.658 590.5 3.546 620.0 3.467 652.6 3.405 688.9 3.354 729.4 3.313 775.0 3.274 826.7 3.237 885.7 3.227 953.8 3.203 1033.3 3.182 1127.3 3.163 1240 3.147 1377.8 3.133 1550 3.122 1771.4 3.112 2066.7 3.103 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.420 210.2 2.485 213.8 2.565 217.5 2.669 221.4 2.785 225.5 2.915 229.6 3.059 234.0 3.217 238.5 3.392 243.1 3.581 248.0 3.772 253.1 3.881 258.3 3.866 263.8 3.617 270.0 3.107 275.6 2.616 281.8 2.318 288.4 2.142 295.2 2.038 302.4 1.978 310 1.947 317.9 1.935 326.3 1.944 335.1 1.973 344.4 2.002 354.3 1.924 364.7 1.754 375.8 1.450 387.5 1.028 400 0.754442.9 0.384 459.3 0.317 476.9 0.262 496 0.205 516.7 0.157 539.1 0.126 563.6 0.063 590.5 0.005 620.0 0 652.6 0 688.9 0 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al70Ga30As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.377 210.2 1.366 213.8 1.365 217.5 1.375 221.4 1.407 225.5 1.462 229.6 1.545 234.0 1.662 238.5 1.829 243.1 2.049 248.0 2.354 253.1 2.777 258.3 3.214 263.8 3.758 270.0 4.144 275.6 4.142 281.8 4.028 288.4 3.932 295.2 3.868 302.4 3.835 310 3.836 317.9 3.868 326.3 3.947 335.1 4.103 344.4 4.319 354.3 4.502 364.7 4.665 375.8 4.615 387.5 4.471 400 4.325 413.3 4.196476.9 3.823 496 3.746 516.7 3.696 539.1 3.595 563.6 3.500 590.5 3.425 620.0 3.361 652.6 3.306 688.9 3.261 729.4 3.225 775.0 3.188 826.7 3.153 885.7 3.162 953.8 3.139 1033.3 3.120 1127.3 3.103 1240 3.088 1377.8 3.075 1550 3.064 1771.4 3.054 2066.7 3.046 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.426 210.2 2.493 213.8 2.581 217.5 2.688 221.4 2.809 225.5 2.946 229.6 3.098 234.0 3.269 238.5 3.445 243.1 3.620 248.0 3.788 253.1 3.873 258.3 3.853 263.8 3.637 270.0 3.150 275.6 2.645 281.8 2.365 288.4 2.206 295.2 2.111 302.4 2.055 310 2.023 317.9 2.009 326.3 2.006 335.1 1.993 344.4 1.877 354.3 1.678 364.7 1.357 375.8 0.980 387.5 0.735 400 0.574 413.3 0.460 427.6 0.374 442.9 0.307 459.3 0.245563.6 0 590.5 0 620.0 0 652.6 0 688.9 0 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al80Ga20As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 206.7 1.368 210.2 1.360 213.8 1.354 217.5 1.370 221.4 1.399 225.5 1.447 229.6 1.528 234.0 1.661 238.5 1.857 243.1 2.110 248.0 2.426 253.1 2.833 258.3 3.233 263.8 3.751 270.0 4.107 275.6 4.112 281.8 4.004 288.4 3.928 295.2 3.893 302.4 3.904 310 3.962 317.9 4.078 326.3 4.267 335.1 4.462 344.4 4.613 354.3 4.667 364.7 4.562 375.8 4.413 387.5 4.277 400 4.155 413.3 4.050 427.6 3.961 442.9 3.872 459.3 3.787 476.9 3.738 496 3.635620.0 3.277 652.6 3.236 688.9 3.202 729.4 3.173 775.0 3.147 826.7 3.124 885.7 3.103 953.8 3.083 1033.3 3.065 1127.3 3.049 1240 3.035 1377.8 3.022 1550 3.012 1771.4 3.003 2066.7 2.995 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 206.7 2.409 210.2 2.473 213.8 2.560 217.5 2.667 221.4 2.792 225.5 2.935 229.6 3.104 234.0 3.293 238.5 3.475 243.1 3.635 248.0 3.763 253.1 3.815 258.3 3.765 263.8 3.582 270.0 3.128 275.6 2.639 281.8 2.389 288.4 2.256 295.2 2.183 302.4 2.144 310 2.119 317.9 2.092 326.3 2.013 335.1 1.820 344.4 1.561 354.3 1.199 364.7 0.890 375.8 0.685 387.5 0.541 400 0.437 413.3 0.353 427.6 0.276 442.9 0.205 459.3 0.161 476.9 0.104 496 0.013 516.7 0.004 539.1 0.003 563.6 0652.6 0 688.9 0 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01240 0 1377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0Al90Ga10As (AlGaAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 459.3 3.807 476.9 3.637 496 3.524 516.7 3.438 539.1 3.369 563.6 3.312 590.5 3.263 620.0 3.221 652.6 3.183 688.9 3.151 729.4 3.122 775.0 3.096 826.7 3.073 885.7 3.052 953.8 3.033 1033.3 3.017 1127.3 3.002 1240 2.989 1377.8 2.977 1550 2.967 1771.4 2.959 2066.7 2.951 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 459.3 0 476.9 0496 0 516.7 0 539.1 0 563.6 0 590.5 0 620.0 0 652.6 0 688.9 0 729.4 0 775.0 0 826.7 0 885.7 0 953.8 0 1033.3 0 1127.3 01377.8 01550 0 1771.4 0 2066.7 0AlAs (AlAs)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 450 3.644 500 3.383 550 3.252 600 3.171 650 3.116 700 3.075 750 3.045 800 3.021 850 3.002 900 2.987 950 2.974 1000 2.964 1050 2.955 1100 2.947 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 450 0 500 0 550 0 600 0 650 0 700 0 750 0 800 0 850 0 900 0 950 0 1000 0 1050 0 1100 0 AlCu (AlCu)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 250 .156 260 .169 270 .178 280 .184 290 .198 300 .212 310 .22 320 .234 330 .253 340 .26 350 .278 360 .284 370 .31 380 .319 390 .336 400 .371 410 .378440 .443 450 .483 460 .496 470 .523 480 .546 490 .564 500 .604 510 .627 520 .659 530 .676 540 .697 550 .738 560 .778 570 .804 580 .846 590 .88 600 .912 610 .936 620 .992 630 1.054 640 1.087 650 1.145 660 1.176 670 1.209 680 1.292 690 1.355 700 1.408 710 1.459 720 1.529 730 1.609 740 1.677 750 1.755 760 1.844 770 1.892 780 1.974 790 2.048 800 2.114 810 2.152 820 2.157 830 2.137 840 2.08 850 2.002 860 1.88 870 1.774 880 1.678 890 1.588 900 1.357 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 250 2.296 260 2.360 270 2.487 280 2.585 290 2.697 300 2.808 310 2.915 320 3.022360 3.458 370 3.561 380 3.672 390 3.780 400 3.885 410 3.996 420 4.122 430 4.221 440 4.342 450 4.446 460 4.533 470 4.656 480 4.751 490 4.859 500 4.969 510 5.086 520 5.172 530 5.270 540 5.348 550 5.430 560 5.532 570 5.626 580 5.735 590 5.857 600 5.953 610 6.022 620 6.093 630 6.202 640 6.266 650 6.352 660 6.430 670 6.508 680 6.583 690 6.656 700 6.727 710 6.805 720 6.858 730 6.896 740 6.955 750 7.002 760 7.037 770 7.050 780 7.056 790 7.047 800 7.020 810 6.974 820 6.949 830 6.864 840 6.789 850 6.702 860 6.694 870 6.676 880 6.736 890 6.666 900 6.541 AlGaAs (AlGaAs)209.02 1.28545248508453 217.22 1.32032263278961 225.42 1.37323021888733 233.62 1.48570561408997 241.82 1.7694000005722 250.02 2.46587252616882 258.22 3.389075756073 266.42 3.75496292114258 274.62 3.88819861412048 282.82 3.88765478134155 291.02 3.8235764503479 299.22 3.73733401298523 307.42 3.6508104801178 315.62 3.57570695877075 323.82 3.51893854141235 332.02 3.48516845703125 340.22 3.47775650024414 348.42 3.49891829490662 356.62 3.54958248138428 364.82 3.62924456596375 373.02 3.73598432540894 381.22 3.86674070358276 389.42 4.01790714263916 397.62 4.18640422821045 405.82 4.3716778755188 414.02 4.58073616027832 422.22 4.85699796676636 430.42 5.14157819747925 438.62 5.07710933685303 446.82 4.90418386459351 455.02 4.70998764038086 463.22 4.63189315795898 471.42 4.5785083770752 479.62 4.51574468612671 487.82 4.44697952270508 496.02 4.37857627868652 504.22 4.31417560577393 512.42 4.25516319274902 520.62 4.20172548294067 528.82 4.15352725982666 537.02 4.1100492477417 545.22 4.07074499130249 553.42 4.03510236740112 561.62 4.00266599655151 569.82 3.97304058074951 578.02 3.94588613510132 586.22 3.92091226577759 594.42 3.89786958694458 602.62 3.87654495239258 610.82 3.85675501823425 619.02 3.83834028244019 627.22 3.82116413116455 635.42 3.80510592460632 643.62 3.79006147384644 651.82 3.77593874931335 660.02 3.76265645027161 668.22 3.7501425743103 676.42 3.73833394050598701.02 3.70659685134888 709.22 3.69709539413452 717.42 3.68806672096252 725.62 3.67947816848755 733.82 3.67129898071289 742.02 3.66350150108337 750.22 3.65606021881104 758.42 3.64895272254944 766.62 3.64215731620789 774.82 3.63565516471863 783.02 3.62942814826965 791.22 3.623459815979 799.42 3.61773538589478 807.62 3.61224031448364 815.82 3.60696196556091 824.02 3.60188865661621 832.22 3.59700894355774 840.42 3.5923125743866 848.62 3.5877902507782 856.82 3.58343267440796 865.02 3.57923102378845 873.22 3.57517838478088 881.42 3.57126688957214 889.62 3.56748986244202 897.82 3.56384110450745 906.02 3.56031394004822 914.22 3.55690360069275 922.42 3.55360388755798 930.62 3.5504105091095 938.82 3.54731845855713 947.02 3.54432320594788 955.22 3.54142069816589 963.42 3.53860712051392 971.62 3.53587818145752 979.82 3.53323078155518 988.02 3.53066158294678 996.22 3.52816724777222 1004.42 3.52574515342712 1012.62 3.52339196205139 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-)200.82 1.66781806945801 209.02 1.85217201709747 217.22 2.0677502155304 225.42 2.33885884284973 233.62 2.69836187362671 241.82 3.16800260543823 250.02 3.60006952285767 258.22 3.32953214645386 266.42 2.82239437103271 274.62 2.3909318447113 282.82 2.05908346176147 291.02 1.82610464096069 299.22 1.67490649223328 307.42 1.58738803863525 315.62 1.54888486862183 323.82 1.54801416397095 332.02 1.57547581195831356.62 1.74640214443207 364.82 1.8069748878479 373.02 1.85733163356781 381.22 1.89154934883118 389.42 1.90506625175476 397.62 1.89482223987579 405.82 1.85895752906799 414.02 1.79536104202271 422.22 1.69268214702606 430.42 1.28904664516449 438.62 .868514239788055 446.82 .620086073875427 455.02 .502179682254791 463.22 .469512969255447 471.42 .398350775241852 479.62 .32428365945816 487.82 .261832118034363 496.02 .213070780038834 504.22 .175852552056313 512.42 .147426322102547 520.62 .125486433506012 528.82 .108311600983143 537.02 9.46637615561485E-02 545.22 8.36590230464935E-02 553.42 7.46630877256393E-02 561.62 6.72161430120468E-02 569.82 6.09802231192589E-02 578.02 5.57035394012928E-02 586.22 5.11960536241531E-02 594.42 4.73123639822006E-02 602.62 4.39398363232613E-02 610.82 4.09902334213257E-02 619.02 3.83936129510403E-02 627.22 3.60940173268318E-02 635.42 3.40462736785412E-02 643.62 3.22135426104069E-02 651.82 3.05655729025602E-02 660.02 2.90773082524538E-02 668.22 2.77278702706099E-02 676.42 2.64997463673353E-02 684.62 2.53781229257584E-02 692.82 .024350443854928 701.02 2.34059747308493E-02 709.22 2.25355010479689E-02 717.42 2.17310786247253E-02 725.62 2.09858249872923E-02 733.82 2.02937498688698E-02 742.02 1.96496229618788E-02 750.22 1.90488547086716E-02 758.42 1.84874013066292E-02 766.62 1.79616939276457E-02 774.82 1.74685791134834E-02 783.02 1.70052405446768E-02 791.22 1.65691804140806E-02 799.42 1.61581467837095E-02 807.62 1.57701410353184E-02 815.82 1.54033545404673E-02 824.02 1.50561612099409E-02848.62 1.41181424260139E-02 856.82 1.38359572738409E-02 865.02 1.35672688484192E-02 873.22 1.33111644536257E-02 881.42 1.30668161436915E-02 889.62 1.28334555774927E-02 897.82 1.26103842630982E-02 906.02 1.23969642445445E-02 914.22 1.21925948187709E-02 922.42 1.19967386126518E-02 930.62 1.18088880553842E-02 938.82 1.16285802796483E-02 947.02 1.14553812891245E-02 955.22 1.12888952717185E-02 963.42 1.11287469044328E-02 971.62 1.09745962545276E-02 979.82 1.08261201530695E-02 988.02 1.06830215081573E-02 996.22 .010545021854341 1004.42 1.04118594899774E-02 1012.62 1.02832932025194E-02 AlN (AlN)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)225.45 2.31248.0 2.22275.56 2.16310.0 2.11354.29 2.078413.33 2.05496.0 2.02620.0 2.005826.67 1.991240.0 1.977Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-)206.0 0.0656225.45 0.0269248.0 0275.56 0310.0 0354.29 0413.33 0496.0 0620.0 0826.67 01240.0 0AlON (AlON)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)404.66 1.812435.83 1.806546.01 1.792589.3 1.793852.11 1.7781000 1.7761020.4 1.7761041.7 1.7751063.8 1.7741087 1.774 1111.1 1.773 1136.4 1.772 1219.5 1.771 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 404.66 0 435.83 0 546.01 0 589.3 0 852.11 01000 0 1020.4 0 1041.7 0 1063.8 01087 0 1111.1 0 1136.4 0 1219.5 0AlSb (AlSb)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-) 354.23 3.95 364.65 3.97 375.7 4.14 387.44 4.51 413.27 4.52 427.52 4.66 442.79 5.27 459.19 5.08 476.85 4.81 495.92 4.61 516.58 4.44 539.04 4.31 563.55 4.2 590.38 4.01 619.9 3.9036 652.53 3.8143 688.78 3.7343 729.29 3.6626 774.87 3.5985 399.94 4.57 826.53 3.5412 885.57 3.4901 953.69 3.4447 1033.17 3.4044 Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-) 354.23 2.6900 364.65 2.6400 375.70 2.6900 387.44 2.4700 413.27 1.9700 427.52 2.0600 442.79 1.5800 459.19 0.9200 476.85 0.6300 495.92 0.4600516.58 0.3300539.04 0.2400563.55 0.0100590.38 0.0060619.90 0.0040652.53 0.0030688.78 0.0020729.29 0.0010774.87 0.0003399.94 2.1200826.53 0.0002885.57 0.0001953.69 0.00001033.17 0.0000APEXEWavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)220 1.945277384 240 1.870849594 260 1.812948502 280 1.767018981 300 1.729973914 320 1.699660907 340 1.674542093 360 1.653494981 380 1.635684734 400 1.620480027 420 1.607396292 440 1.596056593 460 1.586164165 480 1.577482787 500 1.569822539 520 1.563029326 540 1.556977061 560 1.551561773 580 1.546697109 600 1.54231087 620 1.538342312 640 1.534740037 660 1.531460317 680 1.528465758 700 1.525724234 720 1.52320802 740 1.520893083 760 1.518758516 780 1.516786054 800 1.514959689 820 1.513265341 840 1.511690585 860 1.510224425 880 1.508857101 900 1.507579925 920 1.506385142 940 1.505265815 960 1.504215721 980 1.503229266 1000 1.502301409 1020 1.501427599 1040 1.500603719 1060 1.499826036Wavelength λ (nm) Extinction coefficient k (-)200 1.5736225 1.5206250 1.4883275 1.4675300 1.4534325 1.4435350 1.4363375 1.4309400 1.4267425 1.4234450 1.4209475 1.4187500 1.417525 1.4156550 1.4144575 1.4133600 1.4125625 1.4117650 1.4111675 1.4105700 1.41725 1.4095750 1.4091775 1.4088800 1.4084825 1.4082850 1.4079875 1.4077900 1.4074925 1.4072950 1.4071975 1.40691000 1.40681025 1.40661050 1.40651075 1.40641100 1.40621125 1.40611150 1.4061175 1.4061200 1.4059AR2600DUVWavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)220 2.087951916 240 1.938048997 260 1.837967298 280 1.768880258 300 1.719802469 320 1.684060425 340 1.657456496 360 1.637268938 380 1.621685101 400 1.60946875 420 1.59975866 440 1.591943276 460 1.585580755480 1.580346812 500 1.576520 1.572358163 540 1.569282204 560 1.56666471 580 1.564421869 600 1.562487654 620 1.56080958 640 1.559345573 660 1.558061645 680 1.556930131 700 1.555928363 720 1.555037642 740 1.55424245 760 1.553529834 780 1.552888923 800 1.552310547 820 1.551786929 840 1.551311447 860 1.550878435 880 1.550483025 900 1.550121018 920 1.549788778 940 1.549483145 960 1.549201363 980 1.548941021 1000 1.54871020 1.548476438 1040 1.548268687 1060 1.54807529 Au (Gold)Wavelength λ (nm) Refractive index n (-)189.9785 1.427194.9984 1.424200 1.427206.6333 1.422210.1356 1.43213.7586 1.432217.5088 1.438221.3929 1.442225.4182 1.452229.5926 1.454233.9245 1.462238.4231 1.47243.098 1.478247.96 1.484253.0204 1.49258.2917 1.504263.7872 1.546269.5217 1.598275.5111 1.648281.7727 1.69288.3256 1.742295.1905 1.776302.3902 1.812309.95 1.83317.8974 1.84。
1.644Βιβλιοθήκη 1.6501.740
CaF2 K6 K8 K9 ZK6 ZK8 BaK2 F1 BaF8 ZF1 ZF5 ZF6
1.43381 1.51110 1.51590 1.51630 1.61263 1.61400 1.53988 1.60328 1.62590 1.64752 1.73977 1.75496
材质常用物体折射率表常用物体折射率表常用物体折射率表常用物体折射率表材质 IOR 值空气 1.0003液体二氧化碳 1.200冰 1.309水(20度) 1.333丙酮 1.360普通酒精 1.36030% 的糖溶液 1.380酒精 1.329面粉 1.434溶化的石英 1.460Calspar2 1.48680% 的糖溶液 1.490玻璃 1.500玻璃,锌冠 1.517玻璃,冠 1.520氯化钠 1.530氯化钠(盐)1 1.544聚苯乙烯 1.550石英 2 1.553翡翠 1.570轻火石玻璃 1.575天青石 1.610黄晶 1.610二硫化碳 1.630石英 1 1.644氯化钠(盐)2 1.644重火石玻璃 1.650二碘甲烷 1.740红宝石 1.770兰宝石 1.770特重火石玻璃 1.890水晶 2.000钻石 2.417氧化铬 2.705氧化铜 2.705非晶硒 2.920碘晶体 3.340常用晶体及光学玻璃折射率表物质名称分子式或符号折射率熔凝石英 SiO2 1.45843氯化钠 NaCl 1.54427氯化钾 KCl 1.49044萤石 CaF2 1.43381冕牌玻璃 K6 1.51110K8 1.51590K9 1.51630重冕玻璃 ZK6 1.61263ZK8 1.61400钡冕玻璃 BaK2 1.53988火石玻璃 F1 1.60328钡火石玻璃 BaF8 1.62590 重火石玻璃 ZF1 1.64752 ZF5 1.73977ZF6 1.75496液体折射率表物质名称分子式密度温度℃折射率丙醇CH3COCH3 0.791 20 1.3593 甲 CH3OH 0.794 20 1.3290乙 C2H5OH 0.800 20 1.3618苯 C6H6 1.880 20 1.5012 二硫化碳 CS2 1.263 20 1.6276 四氯化碳 CCl4 1.591 20 1.4607 三氯甲烷 CHCl3 1.489 20 1.4467 乙醚C2H5?0?C2H5 0.715 20 1.3538 甘油 C3H8O3 1.260 20 1.4730 松节油 0.87 20.7 1.4721橄榄油 0.92 0 1.4763水 H2O 1.00 20 1.3330晶体的折射率no和ne表物质名称分子式 no ne冰 H20 1.313 1.309氟化镁 MgF2 1.378 1.390石英 Si02 1.544 1.553氯化镁 MgO?H2O 1.559 1.580锆石 ZrO2?SiO2 1.923 1.968硫化锌 ZnS 2.356 2.378方解石 CaO?CO2 1.658 1.486钙黄长石 2Ca0?Al203?SiO2 1.669 1.658菱镁矿 ZnO?CO2 1.700 1.509刚石 Al2O3 1.768 1.760淡红银矿 3Ag2S?AS2S3 2.979 2.711注:no、ne分别是晶体双折射现象中的“寻常光”的折射率和“非常光”的折射率。
1.717 - 1.735 1.717 - 1.735 1.642 - 1.654
α 1.718 - β1.724
Calcium Sulphate 硫酸钙
(Nat. Anhydrite) CaSO4.2H2O 硬石膏
1.569 - 1.613
(Nat. Gypsum) CaSO4.2H2O 石膏
Cadmium Iodide CdI2 碘化镉 Calcium Metaborate Ca(BO2)2 偏硼酸钙 Cadmium Oxide CdO 氧化镉 Cadmium Red CdS(Se) 镉红(颜料) Cadmium Red Lithopone CdS(Se) + BaSO4 镉红锌白 Cadmium Sulfide (Greenockite) CaS 硫化镉(硫镉矿) Cadmium Yellow CdS 镉黄 Cadmium Yellow Lithopone CdS + BaSO4 Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) CaCO3 方解石 Calcium Carbide CaC2 碳化钙(电石)
Carbon (Lamp Black, Graphite) C 碳 (炭黑,石墨)
Carbon Tetrachloride / Tetrachloromethane CCl4 四氯化碳
Cardamom Oil 小豆蔻油
Calcium Magnesium Carbonate CaCO3, MgCO3 (Dolomite) 白云石 Calcium Metasilicate (a) CaSiO3 偏硅酸钙 Calcium Metasilicate (b) CaSiO3 (Nat. Wollastonite) 钙硅石 Calcium Molybdate (Pawellite) CaMoO4 钼酸钙 (钼钙矿) Calcium Oxide (lime) (Calcia) CaO 氧化钙(生石灰 Calcium Peroxide CaO2 过氧化钙 Calcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 磷酸钙 (tri) Calcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 磷酸钙 Calcium Meta Silicate (a) CaSiO3 亚硅酸钙 (Nat. Pseudowollastonite) 钙硅石 Calcium Meta Silicate (b) CaSiO3 (Wollastonite) 钙硅石 Calcium Di-ortho Silicate I Ca2SiO4
材料折射率表(MS. 2009 版) 材料名称(分子式 ) 折射率Acanthite (Silver Sulphide) Ag2S 硫化银 2.2Acetal 乙缩醛 1.48Acetone 丙酮 1.36Adipic Acid (CH2.CH2.COOH)2 脂肪酸 1.433Agate SiO2 玛瑙 1.544 - 1.553Albite Na2O.AI2O3.6SiO2 钠长石 1.529Albite (Feldspar) NaAlSi3O8 钠长石 1.527 - 1.538 Almandine (Garnet) 石榴石 1.830 Alumina AI2O3 三氧化二铝 1.760 Alumina trihydrate AI2O33H20 氢氧化铝 1.577-1.595 Aluminium Hydroxide Al(OH)2 氢氧化铝 1.56 - 1.75 (Nat. Boehmite) AlO(OH) 勃姆石 1.64 - 1.67 Aluminium Oxide Al2O3 三氧化二铝 1.76 - 1.768 (Corundum) 金刚砂 1.765 Aluminium Silicate Al2O3.SiO2 氧化硅、氧化铝混合物 1.65 Aluminium Stearate Al(C18H35O2)3 硬脂酸铝 1.49 Aluminum Sulphate AI2(SO4)3 硫酸铝 1.47 Ammonium Chloride NH4CI 氯化铵 1.642 Ammonium Sulphate NH4SO4 硫酸铵 1.523 Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (NH4)H2P2O6 磷酸二氢铵 1.52Anatase (Titanium Dioxide) TiO2 二氧化钛(锐钛) 2.49 - 2.56Andesine (Feldspar) ([NaSi]0.7-0.5 [CaAl]0.3-0.5)AlSi2O8 中长石 1.544 - 1.563 Anglesitte (Lead Sulphate) PbSO4 铅矾(硫酸铅) 1.8771 - 1.8937 Anhydrite (Calcium Sulphate) CaSO4 无水石膏(硫酸钙) 1.5698 - 1.6136 Anhydrite (Gypsum) CaSO4.2H2O 石膏 1.57 - 1.61 Anhydrous Borax Na2O.2B2O3 硼砂 1.501 Anorthite (Feldspar) CaAl2Si2O8 钙长石 1.577 -1.590 Anorthoclase (Feldspar) (Na,K)AlSi3O8 钠微斜长石(长石) 1.523 - 1.529 Antimony Trioxide Sb2O3 三氧化二锑(Nat. Semarnontite) 2.087(Nat. Valentine) 2.18 - 2.35 Antimony Vermilion Sb2S3 三硫化二锑 2.65 Aragonite (Calcium Carbonate) CaCO3 文石(碳酸钙) 1.530 - 1.686 Arsenic Sulphur Glass 砷玻璃 2.61 Arsenous Oxide As2O3 三氧化二砷 1.76 (V)1.92 (I) Asphaltum (Bitumen) 沥青 1.64 - 1.66Azurite 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 蓝铜矿 1.73 - 1.83 Baddeyelite (Zirconium Oxide) ZrO2 斜锆石(氧化锆) 2.13 - 2.20 Barite (Barytes) BaSO4 硫酸钡 1.6362 - 1.6482 Barium Carbonate (Witherite) BaCO3 碳酸钡 1.529 - 1.677 Barium Chloride BaCI2.2H2O 氯化钡 1.642Barium Crown Glass 钡冕玻璃(Light) (低密度) 1.54065 (Medium) (适中) 1.576 (Dense) (高密度) 1.613Barium Fluoride BaF2 氟化钡 1.47Barium Oxide BaO 氧化钡 1.98Barium Sulphate (Barite, Barytes) BaSO4 硫酸钡 1.637 - 1.649 Barium Mono-sulphide BaS 硫化钡 2.155Barium Titanate BaTiO3 钛酸钡 2.40BaCrO4 铬酸钡 1.94 - 1.98 Barytes (Barite, Blanc Fixe) BaSO4 硫酸钡 1.636 - 1.649 Benzene C6H6 苯 1.50Benzyl Alcohol C6H5CH2OH 苯甲醇 1.538-1.541 Benzyl Benzoate 苯酸苄酯 1.568-1.570 Beryllium Oxide BeO 氧化铍 1.719Biotite (Mica) K(Mg,Fe)3 AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 黑云母 1.565 - 1.696 Bitumen 沥青 1.6500Black Pigments 黑颜料 1.675 (average) Blanc Fixe (Artificial Barytes) BaSO4 硫酸钡 1.638 - 1.649 Blue Pigments 蓝颜料 1.63 (average) Boehmite AlO(OH) 勃姆石 1.64 - 1.67 Bone Black C + Ca3(PO4)2 磷酸三钙 1.65 - 1.70 Boracic Acid B2O3.3H2O 硼酸 1.456Borax Na2B4O7 四硼酸钠(硼砂) 1.4466 - 1.4687 Borax Na2O.2B2O3.10H2O 含水硼砂 1.469Boric Oxide B2O3 氧化硼 1.459Boro-silicate Crown Glass 鹏硅酸盐冕玻璃 1.50970 (Soda lime glass) 钠钙玻璃 1.513Boron Oxide B2O3 氧化硼 1.61-1.64 Boron Oxide Glass B2O3 氧化硼玻璃 1.485Brick Dust 砖灰 1.44Brookite (Titanium Dioxide) TiO2 二氧化钛 2.5831 - 2.7004 Brown Pigments 棕色颜料 1.653 (average) N-butanol CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 正丁醇 1.3993 Butanone CH3CH2COCH3 丁酮 1.38Butter Fat 乳脂 1.4548Cadmium Iodide CdI2 碘化镉Calcium Metaborate Ca(BO2)2 偏硼酸钙Cadmium Oxide CdO 氧化镉Cadmium Red CdS(Se) 镉红(颜料)Cadmium Red Lithopone CdS(Se) + BaSO4 镉红锌白Cadmium Sulfide (Greenockite) CaS 硫化镉 (硫镉矿 ) Cadmium Yellow CdS 镉黄Cadmium Yellow Lithopone CdS + BaSO4Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) CaCO3 方解石Calcium Carbide CaC2 碳化钙(电石)Calcium Carbonate CaCO3Calcium Carbonate CaCO3(Aragonite) 霰石 ,文石(Nat. Calcite) 方解石(Nat. Vaterite) 球文石Calcium Carbonate Hexahydrate CaCO3.6H2O 六水碳酸钙Calcium Chloride CaCl2 氯化钙Calcium ChloriteCa(ClO)2.2Ca(OH)2 碱式亚氯酸钙Calcium Fluoride (Fluorite) CaF2 氟化钙(萤石)Calcium Hydroxide (Hydrated Lime) Ca(OH)2 氢氧化钙(熟石灰)Calcium Hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 次氯酸钙Calcium Hypochlorite Tri-hydrate Ca(ClO)2.3H2O 三水次氯酸钙Calcium Magnesium Carbonate CaCO3, MgCO3(Dolomite)白云石Calcium Metasilicate (a) CaSiO3偏硅酸钙Calcium Metasilicate (b) CaSiO3(Nat. Wollastonite)钙硅石Calcium Molybdate (Pawellite) CaMoO4钼酸钙(钼钙矿)Calcium Oxide (lime) (Calcia) CaO氧化钙(生石灰Calcium Peroxide CaO2过氧化钙Calcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2磷酸钙(tri) Calcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2磷酸钙Calcium Meta Silicate (a) CaSiO3亚硅酸钙(Nat. Pseudowollastonite)钙硅石Calcium Meta Silicate (b) CaSiO3(Wollastonite)钙硅石Calcium Di-ortho Silicate I Ca2SiO4Calcium Di-ortho Silicate Ii Ca2SiO4Calcium Di-ortho Silicate Iii Ca2SiO4硅酸钙Calcium Tri-silicate (Nat. Alite) Ca3SiO5 or3Ca.SiO2硅酸三钙(硅酸三钙石,水泥石)2.71.6601.492.64 - 2.772.50 - 2.762.506 - 2.529 2.35 - 2.482.39 - 2.401.486 - 1.740 1.7501.681 (IV)1.53 - 1.6851.4864 - 1.74 1.55 - 1.651.460 - 1.545 1.521.51 - 1.5851.43 - 1.441.545 - 1.574 1.545 - 1.691.535 - 1.631.5026-1.68171.63501.61451.971.8381.8951.6291.6271.610 - 1.664 1.616 - 1.6131.717 - 1.735 1.717 - 1.735 1.642 - 1.654α 1.718- β 1.724Calcium Sulphate 硫酸钙(Nat. Anhydrite) CaSO4.2H2O 硬石膏 1.569 - 1.613 (Nat. Gypsum) CaSO4.2H2O 石膏 1.521 - 1.53 Calcium Sulphide (Nat. Oldhamite) CaS 硫化钙(陨硫钙石,褐硫钙石) 2.137 Calcium Titanate CaTiO3 钛酸钙 1.57 Calcium Tungstate CaWO4 钨酸钙 1.9185 Caraway Oil 香菜油 1.485-1.492 Carbon (Lamp Black, Graphite) C 碳(炭黑,石墨) 2.42Carbon Tetrachloride / Tetrachloromethane CCl4 四氯化碳 1.46 Cardamom Oil 小豆蔻油 1.461-1.467 Castor Oil 蓖麻油 1.4770 Castrol 齿轮油防锈油 1.1000 Cellulose Acetate 醋酸纤维素 1.46-1.5 Cellulose Acetate Butpate 乙酸丁酸纤维素 1.46-1.49 Cement 水泥 1.68 (average) Cerium Compounds 铈化合物 1.8282 Cerium (iii) Orthophosphate (nat. CePO4 正磷酸铈(独居石) 1.774-1.851 Monazite)Cerulean Blue CoO. ηSnO2 钴天蓝 1.84 Cerussite PbCO3 白铅矿(碳酸铅) 1.804 - 2.079 Chalk (Whiting) CaCO粉笔(白粉) 1.53 - 1.68 See Calcium Carbonate 碳酸钙Chalcedony (Fiberous, Impure SiO2玉髓(光纤,不纯氧化硅,石英) 1.544- 1.553 Quartz)Chazabite 1.482China Clay (Kaolinite) Al4Si4O10(OH)8 陶土瓷土(高岭土) 1.533 - 1.577 Chloroform CHCI3 三氯甲烷 1.446 Chocolate 巧克力 1.5900 Chrome Alum Cr2(SO4)3.K2SO4.24H2O 铬(明)矾 1.481 Chrome Orange PbCrO4.Pb(OH)2 铬橙碱式铬酸铅 2.42 - 2.7 Chrome Green (med.) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + PbCrO4 铅铬绿 2.4Chrome Yellow (med.) PbCrO4 铬酸铅(铬黄) 2.31 - 2.49 Chromic Oxide Cr2O3 氧化铬 2.551 Chromium Cr 铬 3.51 Chromium Oxide Green Cr2O3 氧化铬绿 2.5 Cigarette Ash 烟灰 1.53 Cinnamon Oil 肉桂油 1.573-1.600 Clofibrate 氯苯丁酯 1.500-1.505 Clove Oil 丁香油 1.528-1.537 Coconut Oil 椰子油 1.448-1.450 Cobalt Blue CoO.Al2O3 钴蓝 1.74Cobalt Carbonate CoCO3 碳酸钴 1.60 - 1.855 (Nat. Spherocobaltite) 球泡酸钴矿Cobalt Ii Per-chlorate Co(ClO4)2.6H2O 六水合高氯酸钴 1.55Cobalt Ii Per-chlorate (Needles) Co(ClO4)2 高氯酸钴 1.490 - 1.51 Cobalt Ll Chloride Di-hydrate CoCl2.2H2O 二水合氯化钴 1.625 - 1.67 Cobalt Fluosilicate CoSiF6.6H2O 六水合氟矽酸鈷 1.382 - 1.387Cobalt Green CoO. π ZnO钴绿 1.94 - 2.0Cobalt Yellow CoK3(NO2)6.H2O 钴黄1.72 - 1.76 一水合亚硝酸钾钴Cobalt II Oxide CoO 氧化钴 1.74Cobalt Violet Co3(PO4)2 磷酸钴(钴紫) 1.65 - 1.81 Cocoa Butter 可可油 1.4568 Cobaltous Nitrate Co(NO3)2.6H2O 六水合硝酸钴 1.4 Cobaltus Sulphate CoSO4.7H2O 七水合硫酸钴(赤矾) 1.483 Coconut Oil 椰子油 1.4493Cod-liver Oil 鱼肝油 1.481 Coffee Dust 咖啡粉 1.53 Copper Cu 铜0.25 Copper II Carbonate 碳酸铜(Nat. Malachite) CaCO3.Cu(OH)2 孔雀石 1.655 - 1.909 (Nat. Azurite, Chessylite) 2CaCO3.Cu(OH)2 蓝铜矿 1.730 - 1.838 Copper L Chloride (Nantokite) CuCl 氯化亚铜 1.93 Copper II Chloride Di-hydrate CuCl2.2H2O 二水合氯化铜 1.644 - 1.731 Copper I Oxide (Cuprite) Cu2O 氧化亚铜(赤铜矿) 2.705 Copper II Oxide (Tenorite) CuO 氧化铜(黑铜矿) 2.63 Copper III Oxide 1.93 Copper I Sulphate (powder) Cu2SO4 硫酸亚铜(粉末) 1.724 - 1.739 Copper II Sulphate CuSO4 硫酸铜 1.733 (Nat. Hydrocianite)Copper II Sulphate Basic CuSO4.3Cu(OH)2 碱式硫酸铜 1.728 - 1.800 (Nat. Brochantite) 水胆矾Copper II Sulphate Pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) 五水合硫酸铜 1.514 - 1.543 (Nat. Chalcanthacite) 胆矾蓝矾Copper II Sulphide (Nat. Covellite) CuS 硫化铜(铜蓝,靛铜矿) 1.45 Coriander Oil 香菜油 1.462-1.472 Cork Dust 软木屑 1.49 - 1.65 Corn Oil (Zea Mays) 玉米油 1.4734 Corundum (Ruby, Saphire) Al2O3 刚玉,金刚砂(红宝石,蓝宝石) 1.759 - 1.772 Cotton 棉 1.459 - 1.58 Cotton Seed Oil 棉籽油 1.4735 Covellite (Copper II Sulphide) CuS 铜蓝,靛铜矿 1.45Cristobalite (Quartz) SiO2 方石英(石英) 1.484 - 1.487 Crotamiton 克罗米通(一种药物)C13H17NO 1.540-1.542 Crown Glass 冕牌玻璃(Soft) 轻质 1.51516 (Hard) 硬质 1.51899 Cryolite 3NaF.AIF3 冰晶石 1.339Cupric Oxide CuO 氧化铜 2.63Cuprite (Copper I Oxide) Cu2O 赤铜矿(氧化亚铜) 2.705 Cuprous Oxide Cu2O 氧化亚铜 2.705Cyclic Ketone Resin 环酮树脂 1.60 Cyclohexane 环己烷 1.4266 Cyclohexanone 环己酮 1.45 Dandruff & Epithelial Cells 头皮屑上皮细胞 1.53N - Decane CH3, (CH2) 8CH3 正癸烷 1.4102 Dementholised 薄荷油 1.456-1.466 Diglyme (Dimethyldigol or (CH3, O,CH2, CH2)20二甘醇二甲醚 1.4070-1.4085 Diethylene Glycol Dimethylether)Diamond C 金刚钻钻石 2.4175 Diatomaceous Earth SiO2 硅藻土 1.435 (Silicon Dioxide) 二氧化硅Dichloromethane 二氯甲烷 1.42Diethyl Phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯 1.500-1.505 Dimethyl Sulphoxide 二甲基亚砜 1.478-1.479 Dill Oil 小茴香油 1.481-1.492 Dimer Caprol 二巯基丙醇 1.568-1.574 Dimethylformamide 二甲基甲酰胺 1.4305 Dolomite CaCO3.MgCO3 白云石 1.5026-1.6817 Dover 1.4300 Eddingtonite 1.55 Egyptian Blue CaO.CuO.4SiO2 埃及蓝,硅酸铜钙 1.605 - 1.635 E.K.2 1.74338 Emerald Green (Paris green) Cu(C2H3O2)2.2Cu (OH)21.71 - 1.78沙宝绿石(巴黎绿,乙酰亚砷酸铜)Epithelial Cells (Dandruff) 上皮细胞(头皮屑) 1.53Epoxy 环氧树脂 1.58Epsom Salt (Epsomite) MgSO4.7H2O 泻利盐 1.433 - 1.461 Ethanol CH3CH20H 乙醇 1.36 Ethanediol HOCH2CH2OH 乙烷 1.43 Ethanolamine H2NCH2CH2OH 乙醇胺,氨基乙醇 1.453-1.459 Ethyl Cinnamate 肉桂酸乙酯 1.558-1.560 Ethylene Glycol HOCH2CH2OH 乙二醇 1.432Feldspar 长石(Albite) NaAlSi3O8 钠长石 1.527 - 1.538 (Andesine) AlSi2O8 中长石 1.544 - 1.563 (Anorthite) CaAl2Si 2O8 钙长石 1.577 - 1.590 (Anorthoclase) (Na,K)AlSi3O8 正长石 1.523 - 1.529 (Microcline) KAlSi3 O8 微斜长石 1.514 - 1.539 (Oligoclase) 奥长石 (Orthoclase) 正长石 ([Na,Si]0.9-0.7 [CaAl]0.1-0.3) 1.533 - 1.552 1.518 - AlSi2 O8 KAlSi3 O8 1.539Ferric Oxide Fe2O3 氧化铁 3.01Ferric Sulphate Fe2(SO4) 3 1.814Ferroso - Ferric Oxide Fe3O4 2.42Ferrous Carbonate FeCO3 碳酸亚铁 1.875Ferrous Oxide FeO 氧化亚铁 2.32Ferrous Sulphate (Copperas) FeSO4.7H2O 绿矾 1.471Flint 火石 SiO2(Impure Quartz) 不纯石英 1.553 (Telescope) (望远镜) 1.53042(Barium) (钡) 1.60483(Barium light ) (轻钡火石) 1.56713(Borate) (钡酸盐) 1.61326(Special barium) 1.74416(Extra light) (超轻) 1.54769Flint Glass (Light) (Dense) (Extra dense) (Double extra dense) 无色玻 1.53 - 1.96 1.57838 璃,含铅玻璃(轻质)(重质)(超重)(双超重) 1.62258 1.651081.80120Flour Crown 面粉 1.49429Fluorite (Fluorspar) CaF2 萤石 1.433 - 1.435 Fluorspar (Avorite) CaF2 氟石 1.433 - 1.435 Fractionated Coconut Oil 分馏椰子油 1.445-1.451 Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil 分馏棕榈橄榄油 1.445-1.447Furhairs 1.54 - 1.55Fused Quartz 熔凝石英 1.45887Gallium Antimonide GaSb 锑化钙 3.8 (approximately) Gallium Arsenide 3.33 (approximately) Gallium Phosphide Garnet (Almandine) (Andradite) 3.39 1.779 (average) (Grossularite) (Hydrogrossularite) (Pyro pe) (Spessartite) 1.830 1.887 1.734 (Uvarovite) GaAs GaP 1.675 - 1.734 1.714 砷化镓 1.80 1.86磷化镓石榴石(铁铝榴石)(钙铁榴石)(钙铝榴石)(水绿榴石)(焦榈酚,联苯三酚)(锰铝榴石)(钙铬榴石)Glass 玻璃(Hardcrown) 硬冕玻璃 1.518 (Borosilicate crown) 硼硅(酸盐)冕玻璃 1.509 (Medium barium crown) 含钡中冕玻璃 1.576 (Dense barium crown) 重钡冕玻璃 1.613(Light flint) 轻火石玻璃 1.583 (Dense flint) 重火石玻璃 1.621(Extra dense flint) 特重火石玻璃 1.652 (Double extra dense flint) 双超重火石玻璃 1.802Glass (crown) 玻璃(冕牌玻璃) 1.48 - 1.61 Glass (flint) 玻璃(火石玻璃) 1.53 - 1.96 Glasses & Mineral Wools 玻璃,矿棉(渣绒) 1.47 - 1.62 Glycerol 甘油,丙三醇 1.47D-Glucose Pentaamethylether C1,H22O6 葡萄糖 1.4466 Glycine Soja (Soybean Oil) 糖胶,氨基乙酸 1.4729 Gmelinite 钠菱沸石 1.481 Goethite Fe2O2.H2O 针铁矿(Ochre, Yellow) (赭色,黄色) 2.0 - 2.4 (Sienna, Raw) (富铁黄土,天然的) 1.87 - 2.17 Gold Au 金0.28 - 0.31 Green Earth 绿土颜料 1.62 Greenockite CaS 硫镉矿(绿色或橙色) 2.506 - 2.529 Green Pigments 绿颜料 1.811 (average) Grossularite (Garnet) 钙铝榴石(石榴石) 1.734D-gulcitol (D-Sorbitol) 山梨醇 1.333Gum 胶水 1.54Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O 石膏 1.519 - 1.531 (Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate) 二水合硫酸钙Hafnium Hf 铪 3.64Hair (human) 毛发(人类) 1.54 - 1.56 Halite (Rock Salt) NaCl 岩盐(石盐) 1.544 Hardcrown Glass 硬冕玻璃 1.518 Harmotome 重十字石 1.5078 Hausmannite (Manganese Oxide) Mn3O4 黑锰矿四氧化三锰 2.15 - 2.46 Helianthus ( ) 向日葵 1.4694 Hematite 赤铁矿(Iron III Oxide) Fe2O3 氧化铁 2.94 - 3.22 Heptane C7H16 庚烷 1.39Herring Oil 鲱鱼油 1.4610 Heulandite 片沸石 1.500Hexane C6H14 正己烷 1.38 Hydroglossularite (Garnet) (石榴石) 1.675 - 1.734Ibuprofen 布洛芬,异丁苯丙酸 1.4364 Iceland Spar (Calcite) CaCO3 冰洲石(方解石)碳酸钙 1.658 - 1.486 Insect Parts 1.54 - 1.55 Illite (Clay Minerals) K(1-1.5) Al4SiAl(1-1.5)O20(OH)41.54 - 1.61 伊利石(粘土矿物,胶体矿物)Indian Yellow C19H18O11Mg.5H2O 印度黄 1.67 Indium Antimonide InSb 锑化铟 4.3Indium Phosphide InP 磷化铟 3.42Ink 油墨 1.5Ink-orange 油墨 1.36 Intralipid 油脂 1.46 Iriduim Ir 铱 2.53Iron Fe 铁 2.86Iron Oxide (Nat. Magnetite) Fe3O4 四氧化三铁(磁铁矿) 2.42Iron Ii Oxide (Nat. Wuestite) FeO 氧化亚铁(黑铁矿) 2.32Iron III Oxide (Nat. Hematite) Fe2 O3 氧化铁(赤铁矿) 2.94 - 3.22 Iron II Sulphate 硫酸亚铁(Heptahydrate, Nat. Melanterite) FeSO4.7H2O (七水合硫酸亚铁,水 1.471 - 1.486 绿矾)(Pentahydrate, Nat. Siderotil) FeSO4.5H2O (五水合硫酸亚铁,纤铁 1.526 - 1.542 矾)(Tetrahydrate) FeSO4.4H2O 四水合硫酸亚铁 1.533 - 1.535 Iron III Sulphate Fe2(SO4)3 硫酸铁 1.814 (Enneahydrate, Nat. Coquimbite) Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O (九水合硫酸铁, 1.552 - 1.558 针绿矾)Iron Sulphide FeS2 黄铁矿 1.56 (Nat. Marcasite, Pyrite, Pyrrhotite) (白铁矿,黄铁矿,磁黄铁矿)Iso - Octane (CH3)3C,CH2,CH(CH3)2 异辛烷 1.3914 Isopar G 异构烷烃溶剂 1.42Isopar M 异构烷烃溶剂 1.436 Isoparaffin 异链烷烃 1.429 Isopropyl Alcohol (CH3)2CHOH异丙醇 1.377-1.378 Isopropyl Myristate 十四烷酸异丙酯 1.434-1.437 Jojoba 可可巴油 1.465 Kalinite (Potassium Aluminium KAl(SO4)2.12H2O 1.429 - 1.456 Sulphate) 纤维钾明矾(硫酸铝钾)Kaolinite (China Clay) Al4 Si4 O10 (OH)8 高岭石(瓷器陶土) 1.533 - 1.570 Kieserite (Magnesium Sulphate) MgSO4.H2O 硫酸镁石(硫酸镁) 1.52 - 1.58 Lactose C12H22O11.1H2O 乳糖 1.54 Lanthunum Fluoride LaF 氟化镧 1.60Latex Rubber 胶乳橡胶 1.51 Laumontite 浊沸石 1.5148Lead Pb 铅 2.01Lead Carbonate (Cerussite) PbCO3 碳酸铅 1.8036 - 2.0786 Lead Chloride PbCl2 氯化铅 2.217Lead Chromate (Crocoite) PbCrO4 铬酸铅 2.29 - 2.66Lead Dioxide PbO2 二氧化铅 2.3Lead Fluoride PbF2 氟化铅 1.75Lead Glass (20% lead content) 铅玻璃(含铅 20%) 1.54Lead Molybdate (Nat. Wulfenite) PbMoO4 钼酸铅(钼铅矿) 2.283 - 2.403 Lead Oxide (Litharge) PbO 氧化铅(铅黄) 2.665 - 2.535 Lead Oxide (mono) PbO 氧化铅 2.51-2.71 Lead Oxide (minim) Pb3O4 氧化铅(微小物) 2.51-2.71 Lead (red) 铅(红色) PbO 2.420(Lead Oxide Pigment) (氧化铅颜料)Lead Sulphate 硫酸铅(Anglesite) (硫酸铅矿) PbSO4 1.82 - 1.894 (Nat. Lanarkite) (黄铅矿) PbSO4PbO 1.93 - 2.02 Lead Sulphide (Galena) PbS 硫化铅(方铅矿) 3.921Lead (white)(Basic Carbonate) 碱式碳酸铅 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 1.94 - 2.09 (Hydro-cerussite, Cerussite) (水白铅矿,白铅矿) PbCO3 1.804 - 2.078 Lead (white) PbSO4.PbO 1.930 - 2.02 (Basic Sulphate, Lanarkite) (碱式硫酸铅,黄铅矾)Leather Dust 皮革粉 1.54Lemon Oil 柠檬油 1.474-1.476 Lepidolite (Mica) Kl2(Li,Al)5-6 Si6-7Al2-2O20(OH,F)4 锂云母(云- 1.587 母) 1.525Levyn 1.498 Limonene (Opticlear) 柠檬油精 1.470 Linseed Oil 亚麻籽油 1.4782Liquid Paraffin (Light) 液体石蜡(轻) 1.4680 Lithium Carbonate Li2CO3 碳酸锂 1.567Lithium Fluoride LiF 氟化锂 1.3915 Lithium Mica (Lepidolite) K2(Li,Al)5-6 Si6-7Al2 -1O20 (OH,F)4 锂云- 1.587 母 1.525Lithium Mica 锂云母 1.554 - 1.587 Lithium Oxide Li2O 氧化锂 1.644 Lithopone ZnS 锌钡白硫化锌(Zinc Sulphide a Nat. Wurtzite) 纤维锌矿 2.356 - 2.378 (Zinc Sulphide b Nat. Sphalerite) 闪锌矿 2.368 Lodestone (Magnetite) Fe3O4 天然磁铁(磁铁矿)四氧化三铁 2.420 Macrogol 300 (Polyethylene Glycol 聚乙二醇 300 1.462-1.466Magnesium Carbonate (Magnesite) MgCO3 碳酸镁(菱镁矿) 1.563 - 1.7 Magnesium Chloride MgCI2.6H2O 6 水氯化镁 1.59-1.675 Magnesium Fluoride (Sellaite) MgF2 氟化镁(氟镁石) 1.378 - 1.390 Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 氢氧化镁 1.559-1.58 Magnesium Oxide (Periclase) MgO 氧化镁(方镁石) 1.7350 Magnesium Sulphate Colourless, V MgSO4.H2O 无色硫酸镁 1 水 1.535 Magnesium Sulphate Colourless, IV, MgSO4.7H2O无色硫酸镁71.455水VMagnesium Sulphate MgSO4 硫酸镁 1.56 (Epsomite, Epsom Salt) MgSO4.7H2O (泻盐矿,泄盐)7 水硫 1.433 - 1.461 酸镁Magnetite (Iron Oxide, Hematite) Fe3O4 磁铁矿(四氧化三铁,赤铁2.42矿)Malachite Cu2 (OH)2(CO3) 孔雀蓝(碱式碳酸铜) 1.655 - 1.909 Manganese Mn 锰 2.52 Manganese Blue BaMnO4 + BaSO4 锰蓝 1.65 Manganese Carbonate MnCO3 碳酸锰 1.817 Manganese Dioxide 二氧化锰 MnO2 2.4 Manganese Oxide (Manganosite) 氧化锰(方锰矿) MnO 2.16 Manganese Oxide (OUS) 氧化锰 MnO 2.16 Manganese Oxide 四氧化三锰 Mn3O4 2.46 Manganese Sulphate 硫酸锰 MnSO4.4H2O 1.508 Manganese Violet 锰紫 (NH4)2Mn2(P2O7)2 1.67 - 1.75 Marcasite (Iron Di-sulphide) 白铁矿(二硫化铁)FeS2 1.87 Methanol 甲醇 CH3OH 1.33 Methylmethycrylate 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 1.48-1.501 - Methyl Naphthalene 1-甲基萘 CH3C10H7 1.62Methyl Salicylate 水杨酸甲酯(邻羟基苯甲酸甲酯) 1.535-1.538 Mesolite 中沸石 1.506Mica 云母See individual compounds(Muscovite) 白云母 1.552 - 1.616 (Paragonite) 钠云母 1.564 - 1.609 (Phlogopite) 金云母 1.530 - 1.637 (Biotite) 黑云母 1.565 - 1.696 (Lepidolite) 锂云母 1.525 - 1.587 Microcline (Feldspar) 微斜长石(长石) KAlSI3O8 1.514 - 1.539 Miglyol (Coconut Oil) 椰子油 1.4493 Milled Glass 玻璃纤维 1.55Milk Fat 乳脂 1.46Milk Serum 乳清 1.34Millerite (Nickel Sulphide) 针硫镍矿(硫化镍)NiS 1.81Minium (Lead Sulphide) 铅丹,红铅四氧化三铅 Pb3O4 2.40 - 2.44 Molybdate, Orange 钼酸盐 Pb(Mo,S,Cr,P)O4 2.55 Molybdenum 钼 Mo 3.71 Monazite (cerium (III) (CeLaTh)PO4 1.774-1.851 Orthophosphate) 独居石(正磷酸铈)Montmorillonite (Clay Minerals) (0.5Ca,Na)0.7(Al,MhFe)4(Si,Al)8020 1.48 - 1.64蒙脱石高岭石(粘土矿物) (OH)4Mordenite 发光沸石 1.4798 Muscovite (Mica) 白云母(云母) KAl2 Si3 AlO10(OH,F)2 1.552 - 1.616 Mustard Oil 芥子油 1.475 Natrolite 钠沸石 1.483Neat ’ s Foot Oil 牛蹄油牛脚油 1.464Nickel Ni 镍 1.98Nickel Oxide NiO 氧化镍 2.182Nickel Oxide (Bunsenite) NiO 氧化镍(绿镍矿) 2.18Nickel Sulphate NiSO4 硫酸镍 1.48Nickel Sulphate, Hexahydrate NiSO4.6H20 6 水硫酸镍 1.511 Niobium Nb 铌 1.80Nutmeg Oil 肉豆蔻油 1.472-1.488 Nylon 尼龙 1.53Ochre, Yellow (Goethite) Fe2O2.H2O 赭石,黄色(针铁矿) 2.0 - 2.4Olea Europa Sativa (Olive Oil) 橄榄果纤维(橄榄油) 1.4679 Oligoclase (triclinic) ([NaSi]0.9-0.7[CaAl]0.1-0.3)AlSi2O81.533 - 1.552 奥长石(三斜晶系)Olive Oil (Olea europa sativa) 橄榄油 1.4679 Orange Oil 橙油桔油 1.472-1.476 Orange Pigments 橙色颜料 2.593 (average) Orthoclase (Feldspar) KAlSi3O8 正长石硅酸铝钾 1.518 - 1.539 Osmium Os 锇 3.88 Palladium Pd 钯 1.80Palm Oil 棕榈油 1.4578Palm-kernel Oil 棕榈仁油 1.4569 Paragonite (Mica) NaAl2Si3AlO10(OH)2 钠云母 1.564 - 1.609 Paraffin 煤油石蜡 1.43Paraffin Wax 固体石蜡 1.446 Paraldehyde 三聚乙醛 1.403-1.406 Peanut Oil 花生油 1.4691 Peppermint Oil 薄荷油 1.460-1.467 Periclase (Magnesium Oxide) MgO 方镁石氧化镁 1.7350 Perspex 塑胶玻璃,聚(2-甲基丙烯酸甲酯) 1.495Phlogopite (Mica) KMg3AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 金云母 1.530 - 1.637 Phillipsite钙十字沸石 1.498 Phosphorous (yellow) P4磷(黄色) 2.144 Phthalocyanine Blue 酞菁蓝 1.38 (Copper phthalocyanine) (铜酞菁,酞菁蓝)Phthalocyanine Green 酞菁绿 1.40 (Chloro-copper phthalocyanine) (氯 -铜酞菁颜料)Phytomenadine (Vitamin K1) 维生素 K1 1.526-1.528 Pigments 颜料(averages) (Red) (红) 2.522 (Blue) (蓝) 1.63 Platinum Pt 铂 4.50Poly (1,2 - Butadiene) 聚( 1, 2-丁二烯) 1.50Poly (2 - Vinyltetrahydrofuran) 聚( 2-乙烯基四氢呋喃) 1.55Poly (2 - Vinylthiophene) 聚( 2-乙烯基噻吩) 1.6376 Polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯 1.60 Pollens & Spores 花粉孢子 1.5 Polyester Resin 聚脂树脂 1.523 - 1.54 Polyethylene (Low Density) 聚乙烯(低密度) 1.50-1.54 Polyethylene (Med. Density) 聚乙烯(中密度) 1.52-1.54 Polyethylene (High Density) 聚乙烯(高密度) 1.54 Polymethylmethacrylate 聚甲基苯烯酸甲酯,有机玻璃 1.4760 Polypropylene 聚苯烯 1.49 Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯 1.59-1.6 Polystryene Acrylonitrile 聚苯乙烯 -苯烯腈 1.56 - 1.57 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯 1.30 - 1.40 Polytrifluorochloroethylene 聚三氟氯乙烯 1.43 Polyvinyl Acetate (PV A) 聚乙酸乙烯酯(聚乙烯醇) 1.395 Polyurethane 聚亚安酯 1.5 - 1.6 Polyvinylchloride (rigid) (PVC) 聚氯乙烯(刚性,硬的) 1.54 Polyvinylchloride (Non-rigid) (PVC) 聚氯乙烯(非刚性) 1.50 - 1.54 Poppy-seed Oil 罂粟籽油 1.4685 Potash Alum KAl(SO4)2.12H2O 1.429 - 1.456 (Potassium Aluminium Sulphate) 12 水硫酸铝钾(明矾)Potassium Aluminium Sulphate KAl(SO4)2.12H2O 1.429 - 1.456 Nat. Kalinite (Potash Alum) 12 水硫酸铝钾(明矾)Potassium Bromide KBr 溴化钾 1.55 Potassium Carbonate (Pearl ash) K2CO3 碳酸钾(珍珠灰) 1.531 Potassium Chromate K2CrO4 铬酸钾 1.726 Potassium Nitrate KNO3 硝酸钾 1.504 Potassium Phosphate KH2PO4 磷酸二氢钾 1.50 Potassium Silico Fluoride K2SiF6 氟硅酸钾 1.399Potassium Iodide KI 碘化钾 1.677 Potassium Chloride (Sylvite) KCl氯化钾 1.49Propan-2-ol (IPA) (CH3)2CHOH 异丙醇 1.39 Propylene Glycol CH3CH(OH)CH2OH 丙二醇 1.431-1.433 Prussian Blue Fe[Fe(CN6)]3 普鲁士蓝 1.56Pumice (Volcanic Glass) [Na,K,Al] 轻石,浮石(火山玻璃) 1.500PVC 聚氯乙烯 1.53PVT 1.5500 Pyrolusite (Manganese Oxide) MnO2 软锰矿二氧化锰 2.4Pyrope (Garnet) 镁铝石(石榴石) 1.714 Pyrrhotite (Iron Sulphide) Fe(1-0.8)S 磁黄铁矿硫化铁 1.56Quartz 石英矿(Chalcedony, Cristobalite, Flintsilica, SiO2 玉髓,方石英,火石, 1.544 - 1.553 Silicon Dioxide, Tridymite 二氧化硅,磷石英Quinacridone Violet C20H12O2N2 喹吖啶酮紫 2.02 (average) Rapeseed Oil 菜子油 1.4706Red Lead Pb3O4 铅丹红丹四氧化三铅 2.42Red Pigments 红颜料 2.522 (average) Resins - See ‘ epoxy 环’氧树脂Resin (Cyclic Ketone) 树脂(环酮) 1.60 Rhodium Rh 铑 2.14 Rhodochrosite MnCO3 菱锰矿碳酸锰 1.816 - 1.597 (Manganese Carbonate)Rice Bran (Refined) 米糠(精练的,精制的) 1.469 Rocksalt (Halite, Sodium Chloride) NaCl 石盐(岩盐,氯化钠) 1.544Rubber Gum (Soft / Hard) 橡胶(软 / 硬) 1.33 - 1.540 Ruby (Corundum) Al2O3 红宝石(刚玉,金刚砂)氧化铝 1.759 - 1.763 Ruthenium Ru 钌 4.8Rutile (Titanium Dioxide) TiO2 金红石二氧化钛 2.605 - 2.901 Safflower Oil 红花油 1.462Sardine Oil 沙丁鱼油 1.4660 Sapphire (Corundum) 蓝宝石(刚玉,金刚砂)Al2O3 氧化铝 1.767 - 1.772 Saw Dust & Wood Flour 锯末和木屑 1.53 Scolecite 钙沸石 1.5156 Selenium Se 硒 2.8 (approx) Selenium Glass 硒玻璃 2.6 (approx) Sesame Oil 芝麻油 1.4646 Sienna, Burnt Fe2O3 氧化铁,灼烧过的 1.85 Sienna, Raw (Goethite) Fe2O3.H2O 氧化铁,天然的(针铁矿) 1.87 - 2.17 Silica SiO2 硅石,二氧化硅(Crisobalite) 方石英 1.487 (Quartz) 石英矿 1.544(tridymite) 磷石英Silicon Si 硅Silicon Carbide SiC 碳化硅Silicon Dioxide SiO2 二氧化硅(Nat. Cristobalite) 方石英(Nat. Lechatelierite) 焦石英(Nat. Tridymite) 磷石英(Nat. Quartz) 石英Silicon Nitride Si3N4 氮化硅Silicon Oil 硅油Silver Ag 银Silver Bromide (Bromyrite) AgBr 溴化银Silver Chloride (Cerargyrite) AgCl 氯化银Silver Cyanide AgCN 氰化银Silver Iodide (Iodyrite) AgI 碘化银(碘银矿)Silver Nitrate AgNO3 硝酸银Soap (Powdered) 肥皂(粉)Sodium Biborate (Borax) Na2O.2B2O3.10H2O酸式硼酸钠(硼砂)Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3. 碳酸钠(白色,粉状)(White, Powder HYG)Sodium Carbonate (White, V) Na2CO3.10H2O10 水合碳酸钠Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 碳酸氢钠(小苏打)Sodium Chloride NaCl 氯化钠Sodium Chloride (colourless, V) NaCl 氯化钠(无色)Sodium (di) Silicate Na2Si2O5 二硅酸钠Sodium Fluoride (Villaumite) NaF 氟化钠(氟盐)Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate NaHCO3 碳酸氢钠(小苏打)(Sodium Bicarbonate)Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite NaHSO3 亚硫酸氢钠Sodium Metaphosphate NaPO3 偏磷酸钠Sodium Metasilicate Na2SiO2 偏硅酸钠Sodium Metal Na金属钠Sodium Nitrate NaNO3 硝酸钠Sodium Nitrate (colourless,IIIa) NaNO3 硝酸钠(无色)Sodium (ortho) Silicate Na4SiO4 硅酸钠Sodium Silicofluoride Na2SiF6 氟硅酸钠Sodium Sulphate Na2SO4.10H2O 10 水合硫酸钠Sodium Sulphate(colourless, IV , V, Na2SO4.10H2OEFF) 10 水合硫酸钠无色Sodium Sulphite Na2SO3 亚硫酸钠1.4693.5 (approx) 2.64 - 2.651.484 - 1.487 1.45881.469 - 1.4711.544 - 1.5332.021.40300.22.2352.0711.685 - 1.9402.211.729 - 1.788 1.5001.4691.5001.5001.5001.54421.5201.5-1.511.321.501.5261.4781.5204.221.336 - 1.587 1.5871.531.3121.3961.3961.515-1.565Sodium Sulphate (Anhydrous) Na2SO4 无水硫酸钠 1.471-1.484 D-sorbitol (D-Gulcitol) 山梨醇 1.333Soya Oil 豆油 1.465-1.475 Soybean Oil At 40 ° C (glycine soja) 大豆油40°C (野生大豆) 1.4729 Spearmint Oil 荷兰薄荷油 1.484-1.491 Spessartite (Garnet) 锰铝榴石(石榴石) 1.80 Spores & Pollen 孢子&花粉 1.5 Sphalerite (Zinc Sulphide b) ZnS 闪锌矿(硫化锌) 2.368 Spinel (Magnesium Aluminate) MgAl2O4尖晶石(铝酸镁) 1.71 - 1.72 SPS Clay 对位聚苯乙烯黏土? 1.4600 Stannic Oxide SnO2 二氧化锡 1.997 Starch (Amylum) (C6H10O5)n 淀粉 1.53 Stilbite 辉沸石 1.4983 Strontium Carbonate SrCO3 碳酸锶 1.664 Strontium Oxide SrO 氧化锶 1.810 Strontium Sulphate SrSO4 硫酸锶 1.624 Strontium Titanate SrTiO3 钛酸锶 2.39 Strontium Yellow 锶黄 SrCrO4 铬酸锶 2.01 Sulphur S8 硫磺 1.957 Sucrose (saccharose) C12H22O11 蔗糖 1.538 Sugars - See Sucrose蔗糖Sunflower-seed Oil 葵花籽油 1.4694 Sylvine KCl 氯化钾 1.49050 Sylvite (Potassium Chloride) KCl (钾盐)氯化钾 1.49Talc 3MgO,4SiO2,H2O 滑石云母 1.589 Tantalum Ta 钽 1.70 Tartaric Acid 酒石酸 1.49Tea Dust 茶叶末 1.530 Terpeneless Lemon Oil 无萜柠檬油 1.475-1.485 Tetrachloromethane CCl4 四氯化碳 1.46 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) CH2.(CH2)2.CH2O 四氢呋喃 1.41 Thallium Bromide TlBr 溴化铊 2.40 - 2.8 Thallium Bromide-Thallium Chloride TlBr-TlCl3 溴化铊 -氯化铊 2.33 Thallium Bromide-Thallium Iodide TlBr-TlI 溴化铊 -碘化铊 2.57 Thallium Chloride TlCl3 氯化铊 2.33 Theobroma Oil (Cocoa Butter) 可可豆油、可可脂(可可油) 1.456-1.458 Thomasonite 杆沸石 1.5225Tin IV Chloride SnCl4 氯化锡 1.512Tin Iodide SnI2 碘化亚锡(二价锡) 2.106Tin IV iodide SnI4 碘化锡(四价锡) 2.106Tin IV Dioxide (Nat. Cassiterite) SnO2 二氧化锡(锡石) 1.997 - 2.093Titanium Ti 钛 2.15Titanium Barium White 钛钡白 TiO2 25%, BaSO4 75% 1.7-2.5Titanium Calcium White 钛钙白 TiO2 25%, CaSO4 75% 1.8-2.0 Titanium Dioxide TiO2 二氧化钛(Anatase) 锐钛矿 2.493 - 2.554 (Rutile) 金红石 2.616 - 2.903 Titanium Oxide TiO2 二氧化钛(锐钛矿),棕色或者黑性,二价 2.49 - 2.554 (Anatase) Brown or Black, IITitanium Oxide TiO2二氧化钛(板钛矿),棕色(一价?),黑色(四 2.586 (Brookite) Brown, I, Black, IV 价?)Titanium Oxide (Rutile) Colourless (if TiO2 2.56 - 2.90pure), Brown II 二氧化钛(金红石)无色(如果是纯二氧化钛),棕色(二价)Titanium Dioxide + Calcium Sulfate TiO2 +CaSO4 二氧化钛 +硫酸钙 1.98 - 2.605 Tobacco Dust 烟草粉 1.53Toluene C6H5CH3 甲基苯 1.49Toners 调色剂 1.42 - 2.42Tri Aluminate Ca3Al2O6 or 3CaOAl2O2 铝酸钙 1.710Tri Aluminate Hexahydrate 3CoOAl2O3.6H2O 六水合铝酸钴 1.603Tri Calcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 磷酸三钙 1.627 Triethanolamine 三乙醇胺 1.482-1.485 1,1,1- Trichloroethane CH3CCL3 1, 1,1-三氯乙烷 1.49 Trichloroethylene CHCL:CCl2 三氯乙烯 1.48 Tridymite (Silicon Dioxide) SiO2 磷石英二氧化硅 1.471 - 1.483 Tungstic Acid H2WO4 钨酸 2.24 Tungsten acid (ortho) H2WO4 钨酸(正色的、正性的) 2.24 Turpeneless Orange Oil 无萜(烃)橙油 1.461-1.473 Turpentine Oil 松节油 1.467 - 1.477 Ultramarine Blue Na8-10 Al6Si6O24S2-4 群青蓝颜料 1.51 - 1.63 Ultramarine Violet 群青紫颜料 1.56Umber, Burnt Fe2O3 + MnO2 棕土,灼烧后氧化铁 +氧化锰 2.2 - 2.3 Umber, Raw Fe2O3 + MnO2 + H2O 棕土,天然的氧化铁 +氧化锰 +水 1.87 - 2.17 Urea-formaldehyde 脲(甲)醛树脂 1.54 - 1.56 Uvarovite (Garnet) 钙铬榴石(石榴石) 1.86Van Dyke Brown (Bitumous earth) (沥青,柏油土) 1.62 - 1.69 Vanadium V (钒) 2.35 Vanadium Pentoxide V2O5 (五氧化二钒) 1.52 Vermilion HgS (硫化汞,又称银朱、朱砂) 2.8 - 3.14 Violet Pigments (紫色颜料) 1.739 (average) Viridian (Chromium oxide,transpar ent) Cr2O3.2H2O (氧化铬,绿色,1.82 -2.12透明的)Volasil 244 八甲环四硅氧烷 1.394Volasil 245 十甲基环戊硅氧烷 1.394Volasil 344 1.397Volcanic Glass (火山玻璃,松脂石) Na,K,Al silicate ( Na,K,Al 硅酸盐) 1.500Vinyl Chloride Acetate 氯乙烯基乙酸 1.5-1.55Water H2O 1.33Waxes (Average) 蜡类(一般的) 1.458Whale Oil 鲸油 1.460White Lead 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (铅白) 1.94 - 2.09 White Pigments (Transparent) 白色颜料(透明的) 1.566 (average) White Pigments (Opaque) 白色颜料(不透明的) 2.132 (average) White Spirit 石油溶剂 1.43 - 1.44 Whiting (Chalk) CaCO3 (碳酸钙) 1.510 - 1.645 Witherite (Barium Carbonate) BaCO3 (碳酸钡) 1.529 - 1.677 Wood Flour 木粉木屑 1.53Wool, Human Hair 羊毛,头发 1.54 - 1.56 Wurtzite (Zinc Sulphide a) 纤维锌矿( ZnS 硫化锌) 2.356 - 2.378 Xylene (1,2 - Dimethyl benzene) C6H4(CH3)2 (邻二甲基苯) 1.496Yellow Pigments 黄色颜料(粉末) 2.187 (average) Yttrium Molybdate Y2(M0O4)3. 4H2O ( 4 水合钼酸钇) 2.03Yttrium Sulphate Y2(SO4)3 (硫酸钇) 1.55Yttrium Sulphate (Octahydrate) Y2(SO4)38H2O (8 水合硫酸钇) 1.543-1.576 Zea Mays (Corn Oil) 玉米须粉(玉米油) 1.4734Zeolite 沸石(硅酸盐) 1.5026 (average) Zinc Ammonium Solenate Sn(Se04)(NH4)2.Se42 6H2O 1.52 - 1.53Zinc Bromate Zn(BrO3)2.6H2O (溴酸锌) 1.5452Zinc Carbonate (Smithsonite) ZnCO3 (碳酸锌,菱锌矿) 1.618 - 1.818 Zinc Carbonate (White, IIIa) ZnCO3 (碳酸锌) 1.818Zinc Cesium Sulfate 6H2O ZnCe3(SO4)3 (硫酸铈锌) 1.50 - 1.50Zinc Chloride ZnCl2 (氯化锌) 1.68 - 1.71 Zincite (Zinc Oxide) ZnO (氧化锌) 2.01 - 2.02Zinc (ortho) Phosphate Zn3(PO4)2.4H2O (磷酸锌) 1.572-1.665 Zinc Oxide (Nat. Zincite) ZnO (氧化锌,红锌矿) 2.008Zinc Oxide White, AM, III ZnO (氧化锌,锌白) 2.008Zinc Selenide ZnSe (硒化锌) 2.631Zinc Silicate (Hemimorphite) 2ZnO.SiO2.H2O (硅酸锌) 1.64 - 1.636 Zinc Sulfide ZnS (硫化锌)(Wurzite) 纤维锌矿 2.356 - 2.378 (Sphalerite) 闪锌矿 2.368 (Cleartran ?) 2.368Zinc White ZnO (氧化锌,锌白) 2.00, 2.02。
特点 ·高粘度产品,必须使用橡胶注射成型系统 ·甲基有机硅树脂,具有良好的耐高温性能 ·中硬度树脂,具有一定的柔软性 ·长期高温下透光率衰减极小,长期光学稳定性好 ·对金属、塑料(特别是PPA)有良好的粘结性能 ·耐温满足回流焊制程
技术指标 型号 组分 外观 粘度 25℃ 比重 25℃ A/B混合配比 A/B混合后粘度 25℃ 固化后物性 外观 折射率 486nm光 折射率 589nm光 折射率 656nm光 色散系数(阿贝常数,Abbe Number) 硬度 肖氏D (Shore D) 玻璃化转变温度(TG值) 线膨胀系数 α2 弯曲膜量 25℃ 透光率(400nm光) 透光率(450nm光) 透光率(600nm光) X-32-2897 主剂 无色透明液体 26,000 mPa·s 100∶3 14,000 mPa·s 无色透明 1.421 1.416 1.413 51 D 51 小于-100℃ .5% (非规格值) 固化剂 无色透明液体 60 mPa·s -
HyperShot/KeyShot各种材质IOR物理折射率折射率控制通过物体的多少光线被折射AAcetone (丙酮) 1.36 Acrylic glass (亚克力玻璃) 1.491 Actinolite (阳起石) 1.618 Agalmatoite 1.550 Agate (玛瑙) 1.544 Agate, Moss (苔癣玛瑙) 1.540Air (空气) 1.0002926 Alcohol (酒精) 1.329 Alexandrite (紫翠玉) 1.745 Aluminum (铝) 1.44 Amber (琥珀) 1.546 Amblygonite (锂磷铝石) 1.611 Amethyst (紫水晶) 1.544 Anatase (锐钛矿) 2.490 Andalusite (红柱石) 1.641 Anhydrite (硬石膏) 1.571 Apatite (磷灰石) 1.632 Apophyllite (鱼眼石) 1.536Aquamarine (绿玉/海蓝宝石) 1.577 Aragonite (霰石/文石) 1.530 Argon (氩) 1.000281 Asphalt (沥青) 1.635 Augelite (光彩石) 1.574 Axinite (斧石) 1.675 Azurite (蓝铜矿/阿热赖特) 1.730BBarite (重晶石) 1.636 Barytocalcite (钡文解石/钡解石) 1.684 Benitoite (蓝锥矿/硅钼钛矿) 1.757 Benzene (苯) 1.501 Beryl (绿宝石/贝里尔) 1.577 Beryllonite (磷钠铍石) 1.553 Brazilianite (磷铝钠石/巴西木素)1.603 Bromine (liq) (液态溴) 1.661 Bronze (青铜) 1.18 Brownite (钙铁石\布朗派) 1.567 Bubble (泡沫) 1.100CCalcite (方解石) 1.486 Calspar (卡尔斯帕帕) 1.486 Cancrinite (钙霞石) 1.491 Carbon Dioxide (gas) (气态二氧化碳) 1.000449 Carbon Disulfide (二硫化碳) 1.628 Carbon Tetrachloride (四氯化碳) 1.460 Cassiterite (锡石) 1.997 Celestite (天青石) 1.622 Cerussite (白铅矿) 1.804 Ceylanite (铁尖晶石\黑色尖晶石)1.770 Chalcedony (玉髓) 1.530 Chalk (白垩\乔克) 1.510 Chalybite (球菱铁矿) 1.630 Cristal (克里斯塔尔) 1.870 Clear Plastic (透明塑料) 1.400 Chlorine (gas) (气态氯) 1.000768 Chlorine (liq) (液态氯) 1.385 Chrome Green (铅铬绿\铬绿) 2.4 Chrome Red (铬猩红\铬红) 2.42 Chrome Yellow (铬黄) 2.31 Chromium (铬) 2.97 Crown glass (冠玻璃) 1.510Chrysoberyl (金绿玉\金绿宝石) 1.745 Chrysocolla (硅孔雀石\克里索克拉)1.500 Chrysoprase (绿玉髓) 1.534 Citrine (黄水晶\西特林) 1.550 Clinozoisite (斜黝帘石) 1.724 Cobalt Blue (钴蓝) 1.74 Cobalt Green (钴绿) 1.97 Cobalt Violet (钴紫) 1.71 Colemanite (硬硼钙石) 1.586 Copper (铜) 1.10 Copper Oxide (氧化铜) 2.705 Coral (珊瑚) 1.486 Cordierite (堇青石) 1.540 Corundum (刚玉) 1.766 Crocoite (赤铅矿) 2.310 Crystal (水晶) 2.00 Cuprite (赤铜矿\库普里特) 2.850DDanburite (方沸粗安岩\赛黄晶) 1.633 Diamond (钻石) 2.417 Diopside (透辉石) 1.680Dolomite (白云石) 1.503 Dumortierite (蓝线石) 1.686EEbonite (硬橡胶) 1.66 Ekanite (硅钙铀钍矿) 1.600 Elaeolite (脂光石) 1.532 Emerald (祖母绿\埃默拉尔德) 1.576 Emerald, Synth flux (祖母绿熔剂) 1.561 Emerald, Synth hydro (祖母绿水熔剂) 1.568 Enstatite (顽辉石\顽火辉石) 1.663 Epidote (绿帘石\埃皮多特) 1.733 Ethanol (乙醇\酒精) 1.36 Ethyl Alcohol (普通酒精) 1.36 Euclase (蓝柱石) 1.652FFabulite (锶钛矿) 2.409 Feldspar, Adventurine (长石) 1.532 Feldspar, Albite (钾长石\钠长石) 1.525 Feldspar, Amazonite (绿长石\天河) 1.525 Feldspar, Labradorite (闪光拉长石\拉长石) 1.565Feldspar, Microcline (微斜长石\钾长石) 1.525 Feldspar, Oligoclase (奥长石\更长) 1.539 Feldspar, Orthoclase (正长石) 1.525 Flint glass (火石玻璃) 1.613 Fluoride (氟化物) 1.56 Fluorite (氟石\萤石) 1.434 Formica (福米卡) 1.47GGarnet, Almandine (石榴石\铁铝榴石) 1.760 Garnet, Almandite (铁铝\石榴石) 1.790 Garnet, Andradite (钙铁榴石) 1.820 Garnet, Demantoid (翠榴石) 1.880 Garnet, Grossular (钙铝榴石\翠石榴子石)1.738 Garnet, Hessonite (肉桂石\钙铝榴石) 1.745 Garnet, Rhodolite (红榴石\铁镁铝榴石) 1.760 Garnet, Spessartite (斜煌岩\闪斜煌斑岩) 1.810 Gaylussite (针碳钠钙石\单斜钠钙石)1.517 Glass (玻璃) 1.51714 Glass, Albite (钠长石\玻璃) 1.4890 Glass, Crown (冠\玻璃) 1.520 Glass, Crown, Zinc (皇冠\锌\玻璃) 1.517Glass, Flint, Dense (重\火石\玻璃) 1.66 Glass, Flint, Heaviest (最重\火石\玻璃) 1.89 Glass, Flint, Heavy (特重\火石\玻璃) 1.65548 Glass, Flint, Lanthanum (镧\火石\玻璃) 1.80 Glass, Flint, Light (轻\火石\玻璃) 1.58038 Glass, Flint, Medium (中\火石\玻璃) 1.62725 Glycerine (甘油) 1.473 Gold (黄金)0.47HHambergite (硼铍石) 1.559 Hauynite (蓝方石) 1.502 Helium (氦) 1.000036 Hematite (赤铁矿) 2.940 Hemimorphite (异极矿) 1.614 Hiddenite (希登石\翠绿锂辉石) 1.655 Howlite (硅硼钙石) 1.586 Hydrogen (gas) (气态氢) 1.000140 Hydrogen (liq) (液态氢) 1.0974 Hypersthene (紫苏辉石) 1.670IIce (冰) 1.309 Idocrase (符山石) 1.713 Iodine Crystal (二氧化碘\碘晶体) 3.34 Iolite (堇青石\利泰) 1.548 Iron 1.51\Iron 2.950 (铁)1.51 \(铁)2.950Ivory (象牙) 1.540JJade, Nephrite (玉\绿色软玉) 1.610 Jadeite (硬玉\翡翠) 1.665 Jasper (碧玉) 1.540 Jet (黑玉) 1.660KKornerupine (镁柱晶石\柱晶石) 1.665 Kunzite (紫锂辉石) 1.655 Kyanite (蓝晶石) 1.715LLapis Gem (拉皮斯宝石\宝石) 1.500 Lapis Lazuli (天青石\青金石) 1.61 Lazulite (天蓝石\拉苏利特) 1.615Lead (石墨\铅) 2.01 Leucite (白榴石) 1.509 Lucite (璐彩特) 1.495MMagnesite (菱镁矿) 1.515 Malachite (孔雀石) 1.655 Meerschaum (海泡石) 1.530 Mercury (liq) (液态汞) 1.62 Methanol (甲醇) 1.329 Milk (牛奶) 1.350 Moldavite (绿玻陨石\莫达维特)1.500 Moonstone, Adularia (冰长石\蒙斯通) 1.525 Moonstone, Albite (钠长石\蒙斯通) 1.535NNatrolite (钠沸石) 1.480 Nephrite (软玉) 1.600 Nickel (镍) 1.080 Nitrogen (gas) (气态氮) 1.000297 Nitrogen (liq) (液态氮) 1.2053 Nylon (尼龙) 1.53OObsidian (黑曜石\奥布西迪恩)1.489 Olivine (橄榄石) 1.670 Onyx (缟玛瑙\奥尼克斯) 1.486 Opal (猫眼石\蛋白石) 1.450 Oxygen (gas) (气态氧) 1.000276 Oxygen (liq) (液态氧) 1.221PPainite (铝硼锆钙石) 1.787 Pearl (珍珠) 1.530 Periclase (方镁石) 1.740 Peridot (橄榄石) 1.654 Peristerite (蓝彩钠长石) 1.525 Petalite (透锂长石) 1.502 Phenakite (硅铍石) 1.650 Phosgenite (角铅矿) 2.117 Plastic (塑胶\塑料) 1.460 Plexiglas (树脂玻璃\有机玻璃)1.50 Polystyrene (聚苯乙烯) 1.55 Prase (绿石英) 1.540Prasiolite (绿色水晶) 1.540 Prehnite (葡萄石) 1.610 Proustite (淡红银矿\硫砷银矿)2.790 Purpurite (紫磷铁锰矿) 1.840 Pyrite (黄铁矿\硫铁矿) 1.810 Pyrope (镁铝石\镁铝榴石) 1.740QQuartz (石英) 1.544 Quartz, Fused (无石英质斑岩) 1.45843RRhodizite (硼锂铍矿) 1.690 Rhodochrisite (菱锰矿) 1.600 Rhodonite (蔷薇辉石) 1.735 Rock Salt (岩盐) 1.544 Rubber, Natural (天然橡胶) 1.5191 Ruby (红宝石) 1.760 Rutile (金红石) 2.62SSalt (盐) 1.544Sanidine (透长石) 1.522 Sapphire (兰宝石) 1.760 Scapolite (方柱石) 1.540 Scapolite, Yellow (黄色方柱石) 1.555 Scheelite (白钨矿) 1.920 Selenium, Amorphous (非晶硒) 2.92 Serpentine (硒\蛇纹石) 1.560 Shell (贝壳) 1.530 Silicon (硅) 4.24 Sillimanite (硅线石\矽线石) 1.658 Silver (银)0.18 Sinhalite (硼铝镁石) 1.699 Smaragdite (绿闪石) 1.608 Smithsonite (菱锌矿) 1.621 Sodalite (方钠石\索达尔特)1.483 Sodium Chloride (氯化钠) 1.544 Sphalerite (闪锌矿) 2.368 Sphene (榍石) 1.885 Spinel (尖晶石) 1.712 Spodumene (锂辉石) 1.650 Staurolite (十字石) 1.739 Steatite (滑石) 1.539Steel (钢) 2.50 Stichtite (碳酸镁铬矿\碳镁铬矿)1.520 Strontium Titanate (钛酸锶) 2.410 Styrofoam (聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料) 1.595 Sulphur (硫磺) 1.960 Synthetic Spinel (人造尖晶石) 1.730TTaaffeite (铍镁晶石) 1.720 Tantalite (钽铁矿) 2.240 Tanzanite (坦桑黝帘石) 1.691 Teflon (聚四氟乙烯) 1.35 Thomsonite (杆沸石\镁沸石) 1.530 Tiger eye (虎睛釉) 1.544 Titanium (钛) 2.160 Topaz (黄玉) 1.620 Topaz, Blue (蓝色黄玉) 1.610 Topaz, Pink (粉红黄玉) 1.620 Topaz, White (白色黄玉) 1.630 Topaz, Yellow (黄色黄玉) 1.620 Tourmaline (电气石) 1.624 Tremolite (透闪石) 1.600Tugtupite (紫钠闪石\硅铍铝钠石)1.496 Turpentine (松脂\松节油) 1.472 Turquoise (绿宝石\绿松石) 1.610UUlexite (硼钠钙石) 1.490 Uvarovite (钙铬榴石) 1.870VVariscite (磷铝石) 1.550 Vivianite (蓝铁矿) 1.580V odka (伏特加酒) 1.363WWardite (水磷铝钠石) 1.590 Water (gas) (气态水) 1.000261 Water 100℃(水100℃) 1.31819 Water 20℃(水20℃) 1.33335 Water 35℃(Room temp)(室内水35℃) 1.33157 Willemite (硅锌矿\矽锌矿) 1.690 Witherite (碳酸钡矿\毒重石) 1.532 Wulfenite (钼铅矿) 2.300ZZincite (红锌矿) 2.010 Zircon, High (高锆石) 1.960 Zircon, Low (低锆石) 1.800 Zirconia, Cubic (立方体氧化锆) 2.170。
210-260 180~250 450
60-80 50~70 35~70
80°2-4Hr 80°1-3 Hr 60°2hr
1.09 600~2100 150~190 1000~2800 25~70 25~70 60~70° 3~4hr 綠色底邊,黃色火焰,尖 端綠色.
電器,日用品外殼,玩具,家具,運動用品,燈 飾,汽車配件
about 750 about 750
60~80 60~90
PE 聚乙烯 PE (Polyethlene) PE(High Density PE) 高密 PE(Low Density PE) 低密 PET (GF20) PET (GF40) PET (N)聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 PMMA PMMA (80NNC) PMMA (GF20) PMMA (亞克力, 有機玻璃)聚甲基丙烯酸脂 Polymethyl Methacrylate POM (9044N) POM (BK,Natural) POM (FX-01 BK) 聚甲醛. 賽鋼 Polyformaldehyde Resin POM (HX-01) POM (NW-02 BK) PP (BC60) 聚丙烯 Polypropylene PP (COLOR) PP (GF20) PPO(SE100) PPO(SE90) PPS (CARBON) PPS (GF30) PPS (NRA6-B) PS(BW-4) PS(GF20) PS(HB Bk) PS(HB Color) PS(HB N) 聚苯乙烯 PolyStyrene PS(M15150) PS(PH88H) PS(V2) PVC軟聚氯乙烯 PVC硬. Polyvinyl Chloride
常用物体折射率表常用物体折射率表空气 1.0003 玻璃,锌冠 1.517 氯化钠(盐)2 1.644液体二氧化碳 1.200 玻璃,冠 1.520 重火石玻璃 1.650冰 1.309 氯化钠 1.530 二碘甲烷 1.740水(20度) 1.333 氯化钠(盐)1 1.544 红宝石 1.770丙酮 1.360 聚苯乙烯 1.550 兰宝石 1.770普通酒精 1.360 石英 2 1.553 特重火石玻璃 1.89030% 的糖溶1.380 翡翠 1.570 水晶2.000 液酒精 1.329 轻火石玻璃 1.575 钻石 2.417面粉 1.434 天青石 1.610 氧化铬 2.705溶化的石英 1.460 黄晶 1.610 氧化铜 2.705Calspar2 1.486 二硫化碳 1.630 非晶硒 2.92080% 的糖溶1.490 石英 1 1.644 碘晶体 3.340 液玻璃 1.500常用晶体及光学玻璃折射率表物质名称分子式或符号折射率重冕玻璃ZK6 1.61263熔凝石英SiO2 1.45843 重冕玻璃ZK8 1.61400氯化钠NaCl 1.54427 钡冕玻璃BaK2 1.53988氯化钾KCl 1.49044 火石玻璃F1 1.60328萤石CaF2 1.43381 钡火石玻璃B aF8 1.62590冕牌玻璃K6 1.51110 重火石玻璃 ZF1 1.64752冕牌玻璃K8 1.51590 重火石玻璃 ZF5 1.73977冕牌玻璃K9 1.51630 重火石玻璃 ZF6 1.75496晶体的折射率no和ne表(注:no、ne分别是晶体双折射现象中的“寻常光”的折射率和“非常光”的折射率。
)分子式no ne物质名称冰H20 1.313 1.309氟化镁MgF2 1.378 1.390石英Si02 1.544 1.553氯化镁MgO·H2O 1.559 1.580锆石ZrO2·SiO2 1.923 1.968硫化锌ZnS 2.356 2.378方解石CaO·CO2 1.658 1.486钙黄长石2Ca0·Al203·SiO2 1.669 1.658菱镁矿ZnO·CO2 1.700 1.509刚石Al2O3 1.768 1.760淡红银矿3Ag2S·AS2S3 2.979 2.711液体折射率表物质名称分子式密度温度℃折射率丙醇CH3COCH3 0.791 20 1.3593甲CH3OH 0.794 20 1.3290乙C2H5OH 0.800 20 1.3618苯C6H6 1.880 20 1.5012二硫化碳CS2 1.263 20 1.6276四氯化碳CCl4 1.591 20 1.4607三氯甲烷CHCl3 1.489 20 1.4467乙醚C2H5·0·C2H5 0.715 20 1.3538甘油C3H8O3 1.260 20 1.4730松节油暂无0.87 20.7 1.4721橄榄油暂无0.92 0 1.4763水H2O 1.00 20 1.3330所有常见物体折射率表中文English IOR Values 中文English IOR Values丙酮Acetone 1.36 紫苏辉石Hypersthene 1.670 阳起石Actinolite 1.618 冰Ice 1.309 玛瑙Agate 1.544 符山石Idocrase 1.713 玛瑙, 苔藓Agate, Moss 1.540 碘水晶Iodine Crystal 3.34 空气Air 1.0002926 堇青石Iolite 1.548 酒精Alcohol 1.329 铁Iron 1.51 紫翠玉Alexandrite 1.745 象牙Ivory 1.540 铝Aluminum 1.44 玉, 软玉Jade, Nephrite 1.610 琥珀Amber 1.546 翡翠石Jadeite 1.665 锂磷铝石Amblygonite 1.611 碧玉Jasper 1.540 紫水晶Amethyst 1.544 黑玉Jet 1.660 锐钛Anatase 2.490 柱晶石Kornerupine 1.665 红柱石Andalusite 1.641 紫锂辉石Kunzite 1.655 硬石膏Anhydrite 1.571 蓝晶石Kyanite 1.715磷灰石Apatite 1.632 德国青金石Lapis Gem 1.500鱼眼石Apophyllite 1.536 蓝宝石Lapis Lazuli 1.61 绿玉Aquamarine 1.577 天蓝石Lazulite 1.615 文石Aragonite 1.530 铅Lead 2.01 氩Argon 1.000281 白榴石Leucite 1.509 沥青Asphalt 1.635 菱镁Magnesite 1.515 光彩石Augelite 1.574 孔雀石Malachite 1.655 斧石Axinite 1.675 海泡石Meerschaum 1.530 蓝铜Azurite 1.730 水银 (液态)Mercury (liq) 1.62重晶石Barite 1.636 甲醇Methanol 1.329 斜钡钙石Barytocalcite 1.684 绿玻陨石Moldavite 1.500蓝锥Benitoite 1.757 月长石,冰长石Moonstone,Adularia1.525苯Benzene 1.501 月长石,钠长石Moonstone,Albite1.535绿玉石Beryl 1.577 钠沸石Natrolite 1.480磷(酸)钠铍石Beryllonite 1.553 软玉Nephrite 1.600磷铝钠石,银星石Brazilianite 1.603 氮 (气体) Nitrogen (gas) 1.000297溴 (液态)Bromine (liq) 1.661 氮 (液态) Nitrogen (liq) 1.2053 青铜Bronze 1.18 尼龙Nylon 1.53方解石Calcite 1.486 黑曜石Obsidian 1.489钙霞石Cancrinite 1.491 橄榄石Olivine 1.670二氧化碳 (气体) Carbon Dioxide(gas)1.000449 镐玛脑Onyx 1.486二硫化碳CarbonDisulfide1.628 蛋白石Opal 1.450四氯化碳CarbonTetrachloride1.460 氧 (气体) Oxygen (gas) 1.000276锡石Cassiterite 1.997 氧 (液态) Oxygen (liq) 1.221天青石Celestite 1.622 红硅硼铝钙石Painite 1.787白铅Cerussite 1.804 珍珠Pearl 1.530 铁镁尖晶石Ceylanite 1.770 方镁石Periclase 1.740 玉髓Chalcedony 1.530 橄榄石Peridot 1.654白垩Chalk 1.510 蓝彩钠长石Peristerite 1.525球菱铁Chalybite 1.630 透锂长石Petalite 1.502 氯 (气体)Chlorine (gas) 1.000768 硅铍石Phenakite 1.650 氯 (液态)Chlorine (liq) 1.385 角铅矿Phosgenite 2.117 铬,绿色Chrome Green 2.4 塑料Plastic 1.460铬,红色Chrome Red 2.42 普列克斯玻璃Plexiglas 1.50铬,黄色Chrome Yellow 2.31 聚苯乙烯Polystyrene 1.55 铬Chromium 2.97 绿石英Prase 1.540金绿玉Chrysoberyl 1.745 堇块绿泥石Prasiolite 1.540蓝铜Chrysocolla 1.500 葡萄石Prehnite 1.610 绿玉髓Chrysoprase 1.534 淡红银矿 2.790黄水晶Citrine 1.550 紫磷铁锰矿Purpurite 1.840斜帘石Clinozoisite 1.724 黄铁矿Proustite 1.810 钴,蓝色Cobalt Blue 1.74 镁铝石Pyrope 1.740 钴,绿色Cobalt Green 1.97 石英Quartz 1.544钴,紫色Cobalt Violet 1.71 石英, 融化Quartz, Fused 1.45843硬硼钙石Colemanite 1.586 硼锂铍矿Rhodizite 1.690 铜Copper 1.10 蔷薇辉石Rhodonite 1.735 铜氧化物Copper Oxide 2.705 岩石盐Rock Salt 1.544珊瑚Coral 1.486 橡皮, 肉色Rubber,Natural1.5191堇青石Cordierite 1.540 红宝石Ruby 1.760 刚玉Corundum 1.766 金红石Rutile 2.62 赤铅Crocoite 2.310 透长石Sanidin 1.522 水晶Crystal 2.00 蓝宝石Sapphire 1.760 赤铜Cuprite 2.850 方柱石Scapolite 1.540寞黄晶Danburite 1.633 方柱石,黄色的Scapolite,Yellow1.555钻石Diamond 2.417 重石Scheelite 1.920透辉石Diopside 1.680 硒, 无定形的Selenium,Amorphous2.92白云石Dolomite 1.503 蛇纹玉Serpentine 1.560 蓝线石Dumortierite 1.686 贝壳Shell 1.530 硬化橡皮Ebonite 1.66 矽Silicon 4.24 硅钙铀钍Ekanite 1.600 矽线石Sillimanite 1.658 脂光石Elaeolite 1.532 银Silver 0.18 翡翠Emerald 1.576 硼铝镁石Sinhalite 1.699 翡翠, 合成熔化Emerald, Synthflux1.561 绿闪石Smaragdite 1.608翡翠, 合成水疗Emerald, Synthhydro1.568 菱锌Smithsonite 1.621顽辉石Enstatite 1.663 方钠石Sodalite 1.483绿帘石Epidote 1.733 氯化钠SodiumChloride1.544乙醇Ethanol 1.36 闪锌Sphalerite 2.368 普通酒精Ethyl Alcohol 1.36 榍石Sphene 1.885 蓝柱石Euclase 1.652 尖晶石Spinel 1.712长石, 砂金石Feldspar,Adventurine1.532 锂辉石Spodumene 1.650长石, 钠长石Feldspar, Albite 1.525 十字石Staurolite 1.739长石, 天河石Feldspar,Amazonite1.525 冻石Steatite 1.539长石, 闪光拉长石Feldspar, Labradorite1.565 钢Steel2.50长石, 微斜长石Feldspar,Microcline1.525 碳酸镁铬Stichtite 1.520长石, 奥长石Feldspar,Oligoclase1.539 钛酸锶StrontiumTitanate2.410长石, 正长石Feldspar,orthoclase1.525 聚苯乙Styrofoam 1.595氟化物Fluoride 1.56 硫磺Sulphur 1.960 萤石Fluorite 1.434 人造尖晶石SyntheticSpinel1.730福米卡家具塑料贴面Formica 1.47 铍镁晶石Taaffeite 1.720 石榴石, 铁铝榴石Garnet,Almandine1.760 钽铁Tantalite2.240石榴石, 铁铝榴石Garnet, Almandite1.790坦尚黝帘石Tanzanite 1.691石榴石, 钙铁榴石Garnet, Andradite1.820 特氟隆Teflon 1.35石榴石, 翠榴石Garnet, Demantoid1.880 杆沸石Thomsonite 1.530 石榴石, 钙铝榴石Garnet, Grossular1.738 虎睛釉Tiger eye 1.544 石榴石, 肉桂石Garnet, Hessonite1.745 黄晶Topaz 1.620石榴石, 红榴石Garnet, Rhodolite1.760黄晶, 蓝色的Topaz, Blue 1.610石榴石, 锰铝榴石Garnet, Spessartite1.810黄晶, 粉红的Topaz, Pink 1.620单斜钠钙石Gaylussite 1.517黄晶, 白色的Topaz, White 1.630玻璃Glass 1.51714 黄晶, 黄色的Topaz, Yellow 1.620玻璃, 钠长石Glass, Albite 1.4890 电气石T ourmaline 1.624 玻璃, 冠Glass, Crown 1.520 透闪石Tremolite 1.600玻璃、冠, 锌Glass, Crown,Zinc1.517硅铍铝钠石Tugtupite 1.496玻璃,打火石, 密集Glass, Flint,Dense1.66 松节油Turpentine 1.472玻璃,打火石, 重Glass, Flint,Heaviest1.89 土耳其玉Turquoise 1.610玻璃,打火石, 重Glass, Flint,Heavy1.65548 硼钠钙石Ulexite 1.490玻璃、打火石, 镧Glass, Flint,Lanthanum1.80 钙铬榴石Uvarovite 1.870玻璃,打火石, 轻Glass, Flint,Light1.58038 磷铝石Variscite 1.550玻璃、打火石, 介质Glass, Flint,Medium1.62725 蓝铁矿Vivianite 1.580玻璃、打火石, 介质Glass, Flint,Medium1.62725水磷铝钠石Wardite 1.590甘油Glycerine 1.473 水 (气体) Water (gas) 1.000261黄金Gold 0.47 浇水100'CWater 100'C 1.31819硼铍石Hambergite 1.559 浇水 20'C Water 20'C 1.33335蓝方石Hauynite 1.502 浇水35'C(室Water 35'C(Room temp)1.33157温)氦Helium 1.000036 矽酸锌Willemite 1.690 赤铁Hematite 2.940 毒重石Witherite 1.532 异极Hemimorphite 1.614 钼铅矿Wulfenite 2.300 希登石Hiddenite 1.655 红锌Zincite 2.010 硅硼钙石Howlite 1.586 锆石, 高Zircon, High 1.960 氢 (气体)Hydrogen (gas) 1.000140 锆石, 低Zircon, Low 1.800 氢 (液态) Hydrogen (liq) 1.0974氧化锆,立方体Zirconia, Cubic 2.170。
TOPAS®品级系列COCTOPAS®5013S-04的一般物性表1-1 一般物性(ISO)项目单位测试方法标准品级5013S-04颜色-ISO(JIS)材质表示ISO11469(JIS K6999)>COC<密度Kg/m3ISO 11831020吸水率 (23℃, 饱和)%ISO 620.01水蒸气透过性 (23℃, 85%RH)g・mm/(m²・day)DIN 53122-MVR (260℃, 2.16kg)cm3/10min ISO 113348 MVR (230℃, 2.16kg)cm3/10min ISO 1133-MVR (190℃, 2.16kg)cm3/10min ISO 1133-MVR (175℃, 2.16kg)cm3/10min ISO 1133-MVR (115℃, 2.16kg)cm3/10min ISO 1133-拉伸弹性模量 (1mm/min)MPa ISO 527-2/1A3200拉伸破坏强度 (5mm/min)MPa ISO 527-2/1A46拉伸破坏伸率 (5mm/min)%ISO 527-2/1A 1.7弯曲强度MPa ISO 178-弯曲模量MPa ISO 178-简支梁冲击强度 (有缺口)kJ/m2ISO 179/1eA 1.6简支梁冲击强度 (无缺口)kJ/m2ISO 179/1eU13玻璃化转变温度 (10℃/min)℃ISO11357-1,-2,-3134负荷变形温度 (0.45MPa)℃ISO 75-1,2127维卡软化点 (50℃/h 50N)℃ISO 306135相对的介电常数 (1-10 kHz)-IEC 60250 2.35相对的介电常数 (1GHz)-IEC 60250-体积电阻率Ω・cm IEC 60093 1 × 1014<介电损耗角正切 (1GHz)-IEC 60250-耐导电径迹V IEC 60112600<光线透过率 (2mmt)%ISO 13468-191项目单位测试方法标准品级5013S-04折射率ISO 489 1.533阿贝数-模糊不清 (2mmt)%--拉伸弹性模量 (Film) (machine direction)MPa ISO 527-3-拉伸弹性模量 (Film) (transverse direction)MPa ISO 527-3-拉伸破坏强度 (Film) (machine direction)MPa ISO 527-3-拉伸破坏强度 (Film) (transverse direction)MPa ISO 527-3-拉伸破坏伸率 (Film) (machine direction)%ISO 527-3-引張破断伸度 (Film) (transverse direction)%ISO 527-3-Elmendorf tear strength (machinedirection)g ISO 6383-2-Elmendorf tear strength (transversedirection)g ISO 6383-2-Dart Drop Impact Strength, F50g ISO 7765-1-Gloss, 60° (Film)%ISO 2813-模糊不清 (Film)%ISO 14782-水蒸气透过性 (Film) (38℃, 90%RH)g・100μm/(m²・day)ISO 15106-3-氧透过性 (Film) (23℃, 50%RH)cm³・100μm/(m²・day・bar)ASTM D3985-阻燃性UL94HBUL发行的黄卡E177491「出口贸易管理法令」的该当项目番号-以上数值为材料的代表性测试值、并非该规格材料的最低值。
常用物体折射率表空气 1.0003 玻璃,锌冠 1.517 氯化钠(盐)2 1.644 液体二氧化碳 1.200 玻璃,冠 1.520 重火石玻璃 1.650 冰 1.309 氯化钠 1.530 二碘甲烷 1.740 水(20度) 1.333 氯化钠(盐)1 1.544 红宝石 1.770 丙酮 1.360 聚苯乙烯 1.550 兰宝石 1.770 普通酒精 1.360 石英 2 1.553 特重火石玻璃 1.890 30% 的糖溶液 1.380 翡翠 1.570 水晶 2.000 酒精 1.329 轻火石玻璃 1.575 钻石 2.417 面粉 1.434 天青石 1.610 氧化铬 2.705 溶化的石英 1.460 黄晶 1.610 氧化铜 2.705 Calspar2 1.486 二硫化碳 1.630 非晶硒 2.920 80% 的糖溶液 1.490 石英 1 1.644 碘晶体 3.340玻璃 1.500常用晶体及光学玻璃折射率表物质名称分子式或符号折射率重冕玻璃ZK6 1.61263熔凝石英SiO2 1.45843重冕玻璃ZK8 1.61400氯化钠NaCl 1.54427钡冕玻璃BaK2 1.53988氯化钾KCl 1.49044火石玻璃F1 1.60328萤石CaF2 1.43381钡火石玻璃BaF8 1.62590冕牌玻璃K6 1.51110重火石玻璃ZF1 1.64752冕牌玻璃K8 1.51590重火石玻璃ZF5 1.73977冕牌玻璃K9 1.51630重火石玻璃ZF6 1.75496 晶体的折射率no和ne表(注:no、ne分别是晶体双折射现象中的“寻常光”的折射率和“非常光”的折射率。
)物质名称分子式no ne冰H20 1.313 1.309 氟化镁MgF2 1.378 1.390石英Si02 1.544 1.553 氯化镁MgO·H2O 1.559 1.580 锆石ZrO2·SiO2 1.923 1.968 硫化锌ZnS 2.356 2.378 方解石CaO·CO2 1.658 1.486 钙黄长石2Ca0·Al203·SiO2 1.669 1.658 菱镁矿ZnO·CO2 1.700 1.509 刚石Al2O3 1.768 1.760 淡红银矿3Ag2S·AS2S3 2.979 2.711 液体折射率表物质名称分子式密度温度℃折射率丙醇CH3COCH3 0.791 20 1.3593甲CH3OH 0.794 20 1.3290乙C2H5OH 0.800 20 1.3618苯C6H6 1.880 20 1.5012二硫化碳CS2 1.263 20 1.6276四氯化碳CCl4 1.591 20 1.4607三氯甲烷CHCl3 1.489 20 1.4467乙醚C2H5·0·C2H5 0.715 20 1.3538甘油C3H8O3 1.260 20 1.4730松节油暂无0.87 20.7 1.4721橄榄油暂无0.92 0 1.4763水H2O 1.00 20 1.3330 所有常见物体折射率表中文English IOR V alues中文English IOR V alues 丙酮Acetone 1.36紫苏辉石Hypersthene 1.670阳起石Actinolite 1.618冰Ice 1.309玛瑙Agate 1.544符山石Idocrase 1.713玛瑙, 苔藓Agate, Moss 1.540碘水晶Iodine Crystal 3.34空气Air 1.0002926堇青石Iolite 1.548酒精Alcohol 1.329 铁Iron 1.51紫翠玉Alexandrite 1.745象牙Ivory 1.540铝Aluminum 1.44玉, 软玉Jade, Nephrite 1.610琥珀Amber 1.546 翡翠石Jadeite 1.665锂磷铝石Amblygonite 1.611碧玉Jasper 1.540紫水晶Amethyst 1.544黑玉Jet 1.660锐钛Anatase 2.490柱晶石Kornerupine 1.665红柱石Andalusite 1.641紫锂辉石Kunzite 1.655硬石膏Anhydrite 1.571蓝晶石Kyanite 1.715磷灰石Apatite 1.632 德国青金石Lapis Gem 1.500鱼眼石Apophyllite 1.536蓝宝石Lapis Lazuli 1.61绿玉Aquamarine 1.577天蓝石Lazulite 1.615文石Aragonite 1.530铅Lead 2.01氩Argon 1.000281白榴石Leucite 1.509沥青Asphalt 1.635菱镁Magnesite 1.515光彩石Augelite 1.574孔雀石Malachite 1.655斧石Axinite 1.675海泡石Meerschaum 1.530蓝铜Azurite 1.730水银(液态)Mercury (liq) 1.62重晶石Barite 1.636甲醇Methanol 1.329斜钡钙石Barytocalcite 1.684绿玻陨石Moldavite 1.500蓝锥Benitoite 1.757月长石, 冰长石Moonstone, Adularia 1.525苯Benzene 1.501月长石, 钠长石Moonstone, Albite 1.535绿玉石Beryl 1.577钠沸石Natrolite 1.480磷(酸)钠铍石Beryllonite 1.553 软玉Nephrite 1.600磷铝钠石,银星石Brazilianite 1.603氮(气体)Nitrogen (gas) 1.000297溴(液态)Bromine (liq) 1.661氮(液态)Nitrogen (liq) 1.2053青铜Bronze 1.18尼龙Nylon 1.53方解石Calc ite 1.486黑曜石Obsidian 1.489钙霞石Cancrinite 1.491橄榄石Olivine 1.670二氧化碳(气体)Carbon Dioxide (gas) 1.000449镐玛脑Onyx 1.486二硫化碳Carbon Disulfide 1.628蛋白石Opal 1.450四氯化碳Carbon Tetrachloride 1.460氧(气体)Oxygen (gas) 1.000276锡石Cassiterite 1.997氧(液态)Oxygen (liq) 1.221天青石Celestite 1.622红硅硼铝钙石Painite 1.787白铅Cerussite 1.804珍珠Pearl 1.530铁镁尖晶石Ceylanite 1.770方镁石Periclase 1.740玉髓Chalcedony 1.530橄榄石Peridot 1.654白垩Chalk 1.510蓝彩钠长石Peristerite 1.525球菱铁Chalybite 1.630透锂长石Petalite 1.502氯(气体)Chlorine (gas) 1.000768硅铍石Phenakite 1.650氯(液态)Chlorine (liq) 1.385角铅矿Phosgenite 2.117铬,绿色Chrome Green 2.4 塑料Plastic 1.460铬,红色Chrome Red 2.42普列克斯玻璃Plexiglas 1.50铬,黄色Chrome Y ellow 2.31 聚苯乙烯Polystyrene 1.55铬Chromium 2.97绿石英Prase 1.540金绿玉Chrysoberyl 1.745 堇块绿泥石Prasiolite 1.540蓝铜Chrysocolla 1.500葡萄石Prehnite 1.610绿玉髓Chrysoprase 1.534淡红银矿 2.790黄水晶Citrine 1.550紫磷铁锰矿Purpurite 1.840斜帘石Clinozoisite 1.724黄铁矿Proustite 1.810钴,蓝色Cobalt Blue 1.74镁铝石Pyrope 1.740钴,绿色Cobalt Green 1.97 石英Quartz 1.544钴,紫色Cobalt Violet 1.71石英, 融化Quartz, Fused 1.45843硬硼钙石Colemanite 1.586硼锂铍矿Rhodizite 1.690铜Copper 1.10蔷薇辉石Rhodonite 1.735铜氧化物Copper Oxide 2.705岩石盐Rock Salt 1.544珊瑚Coral 1.486橡皮, 肉色Rubber, Natural 1.5191堇青石Cordierite 1.540红宝石Ruby 1.760刚玉Corundum 1.766金红石Rutile 2.62赤铅Crocoite 2.310透长石Sanidin 1.522水晶Crystal 2.00蓝宝石Sapphire 1.760赤铜Cuprite 2.850 方柱石Scapolite 1.540寞黄晶Danburite 1.633方柱石, 黄色的Scapolite, Yellow 1.555钻石Diamond 2.417重石Scheelite 1.920透辉石Diopside 1.680硒, 无定形的Selenium, Amorphous 2.92白云石Dolomite 1.503蛇纹玉Serpentine 1.560蓝线石Dumortierite 1.686 贝壳Shell 1.530硬化橡皮Ebonite 1.66矽Silicon 4.24硅钙铀钍Ekanite 1.600矽线石Sillimanite 1.658脂光石Elaeolite 1.532银Silver0.18翡翠Emerald 1.576硼铝镁石Sinhalite 1.699翡翠, 合成熔化Emerald, Synth flux 1.561 绿闪石Smaragdite 1.608翡翠, 合成水疗Emerald, Synth hydro 1.568菱锌Smithsonite 1.621顽辉石Enstatite 1.663方钠石Sodalite 1.483绿帘石Epidote 1.733氯化钠Sodium Chloride 1.544乙醇Ethanol 1.36闪锌Sphalerite 2.368普通酒精Ethyl Alcohol 1.36榍石Sphene 1.885蓝柱石Euclase 1.652尖晶石Spinel 1.712长石, 砂金石Feldspar, Adventurine 1.532锂辉石Spodumene 1.650长石, 钠长石Feldspar, Albite 1.525十字石Staurolite 1.739长石, 天河石Feldspar, Amazonite 1.525冻石Steatite 1.539长石, 闪光拉长石Feldspar, Labradorite 1.565钢Steel 2.50长石, 微斜长石Feldspar, Microcline 1.525碳酸镁铬Stichtite 1.520长石, 奥长石Feldspar, Oligoclase 1.539钛酸锶Strontium Titanate 2.410长石, 正长石Feldspar, orthoclase 1.525聚苯乙Styrofoam 1.595氟化物Fluoride 1.56硫磺Sulphur 1.960萤石Fluorite 1.434人造尖晶石Synthetic Spinel 1.730福米卡家具塑料贴面Formica 1.47铍镁晶石Taaffeite 1.720石榴石, 铁铝榴石Garnet, Almandine 1.760钽铁Tantalite 2.240石榴石, 铁铝榴石Garnet, Almandite 1.790坦尚黝帘石Tanzanite 1.691石榴石, 钙铁榴石Garnet, Andradite 1.820特氟隆Teflon 1.35石榴石, 翠榴石Garnet, Demantoid 1.880杆沸石Thomsonite 1.530石榴石, 钙铝榴石Garnet, Grossular 1.738虎睛釉Tiger eye 1.544石榴石, 肉桂石Garnet, Hessonite 1.745 黄晶Topaz 1.620石榴石, 红榴石Garnet, Rhodolite 1.760 黄晶, 蓝色的Topaz, Blue 1.610石榴石, 锰铝榴石Garnet, Spessartite 1.810黄晶, 粉红的Topaz, Pink 1.620单斜钠钙石Gaylussite 1.517 黄晶, 白色的Topaz, White 1.630玻璃Glass 1.51714黄晶, 黄色的Topaz, Y ellow 1.620玻璃, 钠长石Glass, Albite 1.4890电气石Tourmaline 1.624玻璃, 冠Glass, Crown 1.520透闪石Tremolite 1.600玻璃、冠, 锌Glass, Crown, Zinc 1.517硅铍铝钠石Tugtupite 1.496玻璃,打火石, 密集Glass, Flint, Dense 1.66 松节油Turpentine 1.472玻璃,打火石, 重Glass, Flint, Heaviest 1.89土耳其玉Turquoise 1.610玻璃,打火石, 重Glass, Flint, Heavy 1.65548 硼钠钙石Ulexite 1.490玻璃、打火石, 镧Glass, Flint, Lanthanum 1.80钙铬榴石Uvarovite 1.870玻璃,打火石, 轻Glass, Flint, Light 1.58038磷铝石V ariscite 1.550玻璃、打火石, 介质Glass, Flint, Medium 1.62725蓝铁矿Vivianite 1.580玻璃、打火石, 介质Glass, Flint, Medium 1.62725水磷铝钠石Wardite 1.590甘油Glycerine 1.473水(气体)Water (gas) 1.000261黄金Gold 0.47浇水100'C Water 100'C 1.31819硼铍石Hambergite 1.559浇水20'C Water 20'C 1.33335蓝方石Hauynite 1.502 浇水35'C(室温)Water 35'C (Room temp) 1.33157氦Helium 1.000036矽酸锌Willemite 1.690赤铁Hematite 2.940毒重石Witherite 1.532异极Hemimorphite 1.614 钼铅矿Wulfenite 2.300希登石Hiddenite 1.655 红锌Zinc ite 2.010硅硼钙石Howlite 1.586锆石, 高Zircon, High 1.960氢(气体)Hydrogen (gas) 1.000140锆石, 低Zircon, Low 1.800氢(液态)Hydrogen (liq) 1.0974 氧化锆, 立方体Zirconia, Cubic 2.170。
Abbr. Polymer Refractive Index PHFPOPoly(hexafluoropropylene oxide)1.3010 Alginic acid, sodium salt 1.3343 Hydroxypropyl cellulose1.3370 Poly(tetrafl uoroethylene-co-hexafluoro propylene)1.3380 FEP Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene1.3380 Poly(pentadecafluor ooctylacrylate)1.3390 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(heptafluoropropoxy )propyl acrylate) 1.3460 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(p entafluoroethoxy)propyl acrylate)1.3480 PTFEPoly(tetrafluoroethylene) 1.3500 THV Tetrafluoroethylene hexafluoropropylene vinylidene fluoride 1.3500 Poly(undecafluorohe xyl acrylate)1.3560 PFA Perfluoroalkoxy1.3400 ETFE EthyleneTetrafluoroethylene1.4000 Poly(nonafluoropent yl acrylate) 1.3600 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(tr ifluoromethoxy)propyl acrylate)1.3600 Poly(pentafl uorovinyl propionate) 1.3640 Poly(heptafluorobut ylacrylate)1.3670 Poly(trifluor ovinyl acetate) 1.3750 Poly(octafluoropenty lacrylate)1.3800 Poly(methyl3,3,3-trifluoropropyl siloxane)1.3830Poly(pentafluoroprop ylacrylate)1.3850 Poly(2-hept afluorobutoxy)ethyl acrylate) 1.3900 PCTFEPoly(chlorotr ifluoroethylene)1.3900 Poly(2,2,3,4,4-hexafl uorobutyl acrylate) 1.3920 Poly(methyl hydro siloxane)1.3970 Poly(methacrylic acid), sodium salt1.4010 Poly(dimethyl siloxane)1.4035 Poly(trifluoroethyl acrylate) 1.4070 Poly (2-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy )ethylacrylate)1.4120 Poly(trifluor oisopropyl methacrylate) 1.4177 Poly(2,2,2-trifluoro-1-methylethyl methacrylate) 1.4185 Poly(2-trifluoroetho xyethyl acrylate) 1.4190 PVDFPoly(vinylidene fluoride)1.4200 ECTFE Ethylene Chlorotrifluorotheylene1.4470 Poly(trifluoroethyl methacrylate)1.4370 Poly(methyl octadecylsiloxane)1.4430 Poly(methy l hexyl siloxane) 1.4430 Poly(methyl octyl siloxane)1.4450 Poly(isobutyl methacrylate)1.4470 Poly(vinyl isobutyl ether) 1.4507 Poly(methylhexadecyl siloxane) 1.4510 PEO Poly(ethylene oxide) 1.4539 Poly(vinyl ethyl ether) 1.4540 Poly(methyl tetradecyl siloxane 1.4550 Poly(ethylene glycol mono-methyl ether) 1.4555 Poly(vinyl n-butyl ether) 1.4563 PPOX Poly(propylene oxide) 1.4570 Poly(3-butoxypropyl ene oxide) 1.4580 Poly(3-hexoxypropylene oxide) 1.4590 Poly(ethylene glycol) 1.4590 Poly(vinyl n-pentyl ether) 1.4590 Poly(vinyl n-hexyl ether) 1.4591 Poly(4-fluoro-2-trifl uoromethylstyrene)1.4600 Poly(vinyl octyl ether) 1.4613 Poly(vinyl n-octyl acrylate) 1.4613 Poly(vinyl2-ethylhexyl ether) 1.4626 Poly(vinyl n-decyl ether)1.4628 Poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)1.4630 Poly(acryloxypropyl methyl siloxane) 1.4630 PMPPoly(4-methyl-1-pentene) 1.4630 Poly(3-methoxyprop ylene oxide 1.4630 PtBuMA Poly(t-butyl methacrylate) 1.4638 Poly(vinyl n-dodecyl ether)1.4640 Poly(3-ethoxypropyl acrylate) 1.4650 Poly(vinyl propionate) 1.4664 PV ACPoly(vinyl acetate) 1.4665 Poly(vinyl propionate)1.4665 Poly(vinyl methyl ether) 1.4670 Poly(ethyl acrylate) 1.4685 Poly(vinyl methyl ether)(isotactic) 1.4700 Poly(3-methoxyprop yl acrylate) 1.4710 Poly(1-octadecene) 1.4710 Poly(2-ethoxyethyl acrylate) 1.4710 PIPA Poly (isopropyl acrylate) 1.4728 Poly(1-decene)1.4730 Poly(propylene)(atac tic) 1.4735 Poly(lauryl methacrylate)1.4740 Poly(vinyl sec-butyl ether)(isotactic)1.4740 P-nBuA Poly(n-butyl acrylate)1.4740 Poly(dodecyl methacrylate)1.4740 Poly(ethylene succinate)1.4744 Poly(tetradecyl methacrylate)1.4746 Poly(hexadecylmethacrylate) 1.4750 CAB Cellulose acetate butyrate1.4750 CA Cellulose acetate 1.4750 Poly(vinyl formate) 1.4757 EV A-40% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-40% vinyl acetate 1.4760 Poly(2-fluoroethyl methacrylate)1.4768 Poly(octyl methyl silane) 1.4780 EC Ethyl cellulose 1.4790 PMAPoly(methyl acrylate) 1.4793 Poly(dicyanopropyl siloxane) 1.4800 POM Poly(oxymethylene) or Polyformaidehyde1.4800 Poly(sec-butyl methacrylate)1.4800 Poly(dimethylsiloxa ne-co-alpha-methylstyrene) 1.4800 Poly(n-hexyl methacrylate)1.4813 EV A-33% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-33%vinyl acetate 1.4820 PnBuMAPoly(n-butyl methacrylate) 1.4830 Poly(ethylidene dimethacrylate)1.4831 Poly(2-ethoxyethyl methacrylate)1.4833 Poly(n-propyl methacrylate)1.4840 Poly(ethylene maleate) 1.4840 EV A-28% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-28% vinylacetate1.4845 Poly(ethyl methacrylate) 1.4850 PVB Poly(vinyl butyral) 1.4850 PVB-11%hydroxl Poly(vinyl butyral)-11% hydroxl1.4850 Poly(3,3,5-trimethyl cyclohexyl methacrylate) 1.4850 Poly(2-nitro-2-meth ylpropyl methacrylate) 1.4868 Poly(dimethylsiloxa ne-co-diphenylsiloxane) 1.4880 Poly(1,1-diethylprop yl methacrylate)1.4889 Poly(triethylcarbinyl methacrylate)1.4889 PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)1.4893 Poly(2-decyl-1,4-but adiene) 1.4899 PP-isotactic Poly(propylene), isotactic 1.4900 PVB-19%hydroxyl Poly(vinyl butyral)-19% hydroxyl 1.4900 Poly(merc aptopropyl methyl siloxane) 1.4900 Poly(ethyl glycolate methacrylate)1.4903 Poly(3-methylcyclohexyl methacrylate) 1.4947 Poly(cyclohexyl alpha-ethoxyacrylate)1.4969 MC Methyl cellulose 1.4970 Poly(4-methylcycloh exyl methacrylate) 1.4975 Poly(decamethylene glycol dimethacrylate) 1.4990 PV AL Poly(vinyl alcohol) 1.5000 PVFM Poly(vinyl formal) 1.5000 Poly(2-bromo-4-trifl uoromethyl styrene) 1.5000 Poly(1,2-butadiene)1.5000 Poly(sec-butyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5000 Poly(2-heptyl-1,4-bu tadiene) 1.5000 Poly(vinyl methyl ketone) 1.5000 Poly(ethylalpha-chloroacrylate)1.5020 PVFM Poly(vinyl formal)1.5020 Poly(2-isopropyl-1,4 -butadiene1.5020 Poly(2-methylcycloh exyl methacrylate)1.5028 Poly(bornylmethacrylate)1.5059 Poly(2-t-butyl-1,4-b utadiene)1.5060 Poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate)1.5063 PCHMAPoly(cyclohexyl methacrylate)1.5065 Poly(cyclohexanedio l-1,4-dimethacrylate)1.5067 IIR or PIBI Butyl rubber(unvulcanized)1.5080 Gutta percha b 1.5090 Poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate) 1.5096 PIB Poly(isobutylene) 1.5100 LDPE Polyethylene, low density 1.5100 EMA Ethylene/methacrylic acid ionomer, sodium ion 1.5100 PE Polyethylene 1.5100 CN Cellulose nitrate 1.5100 Polyethylene lonomer 1.5100 Polyacetal 1.5100 Poly(1-methylcycloh exyl methacrylate) 1.5111 Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)1.5119 Poly(1-butene)(isota ctic) 1.5125 Poly(vinyl methacrylate)1.5129 Poly(vinyl chloroacetate)1.5130 Poly(N-butyl methacrylamide)1.5135 Gutta perchaa 1.5140 Poly(2-chloroethyl methacrylate) 1.5170 PMCA Poly(methylalpha-chloroacrylate)1.5170 Poly(2-diethylamino ethyl methacrylate)1.5174 Poly(2-chlorocycloh exyl methacrylate) 1.5179 Poly(1,4-butadiene)( 35% cis; 56% trans; 7% 1,2-content) 1.5180 PAN Poly(acrylonitrile)1.5187 Poly(isoprene),cis 1.5191 Poly(allyl methacrylate)1.5196 Poly(methacrylonitri le) 1.5200 Poly(methyl isopropenyl ketone) 1.5200 Poly(butadiene-co-a crylonitrile)1.5200 Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxaz oline)1.5200 Poly(1,4-butadiene)( high cis-type) 1.5200 Poly(N-2-methoxyet hyl)methacrylamide1.5246 Poly(2,3-dimethylbu tadiene){methyl rubber} 1.5250 Poly(2-chloro-1-(chl oromethyl)ethyl methacrylate)1.5270 Poly(1,3-dichloropro pyl methacrylate) 1.5270 PAA Poly(acrylicacid) 1.5270 Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)1.5300 NYLON-6 Nylon 6{Poly(caprolactam)}1.5300 Poly(butadiene-co-st yrene)(30%) styrene)block copolymer1.5300 Poly(cyclohexyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5320 Poly(methyl phenyl siloxane)1.5330 Poly(2-chloroethyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5330 Poly(butadiene-co-styrene)(75/25)1.5350 Poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate)1.5370 Poly(furfuryl metacrylate) 1.5381 PVC Poly(vinyl chloride) 1.5390 Poly(butylmercaptyl methacrylate)1.5390 Poly(1-phenyl-n-am yl methacrylate) 1.5396 Poly(N-methyl methacrylamide)1.5398 HDPE Polyethylene, high density1.5400 Cellulose1.5400 Poly(cyclohexyl alpha-bromoacrylate)1.5420 Poly(sec-butyl alpha-bromoacrylate)1.5420 Poly(2-bromoethyl methacrylate)1.5426 Poly(dihydroabietic acid) 1.5440 Poly(abietic acid)1.5460 Poly(ethylmercaptyl methacrylate)1.5470 Poly(N-allyl methacrylamide)1.5476 Poly(1-phenylethyl methacrylate)1.5487 Poly(2-vinyltetrahyd rofuran)1.5500 Poly(vinylfuran)1.5500 Poly(methyl m-chlo rophenylethyl siloxane) 1.5500 Poly(p-methoxybenz yl methacrylate) 1.5520 Poly(isopropyl methacrylate)1.5520 Poly(p-isopropyl styrene)1.5540 Poly(isoprene),chlorinated1.5540 Poly(p,p'-xylylenyl dimethacrylate)1.5559 Poly(cyclohexyl methyl silane) 1.5570 Poly(1-phenylallyl methacrylate)1.5573 Poly(p-cyclohexylph enyl methacrylate) 1.5575 CR Poly(chloroprene) 1.5580 Poly(2-phenylethyl methacrylate)1.5592 Poly(methylm-chlorophenyl siloxane)1.5600 Poly{4,4-heptane bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5602 Poly{1-(o-chlorophe nyl)ethyl methacrylate)} 1.5624 S/MAStyrene/maleic anhydride copolymer1.5640 Poly(1-phenylcycloh exyl methacrylate) 1.5645 NYLON 6,10 Nylon 6,10{Poly(hexamethylene sebacamide)}1.5650 NYLON 6,6 Nylon 6,6{Poly(hexamethyleneadipamide)}1.5650 NYLON 6(3) Nylon 6(3)T {Poly(trimethyl hexamethylene terephthalamide)}1.5660 Poly(2,2,2'-trimethyl hexamethylene terephthalamide)1.5660 Poly(methylalpha-bromoacrylate)1.5672 Poly(benzyl methacrylate)1.5680 Poly{2-(phenylsulfo nyl)ethyl methacrylate}1.5682 Poly(m-cresyl meth acrylate) 1.5683 SAN Styrene/acrylonitrile copolymer1.5700 Poly(o-methoxyphen ol methacrylate) 1.5705 PPhMA Poly(phenyl methacrylate)1.5706 Poly(o-cresyl methacrylate) 1.5707 PDAP Poly(diallyl phthalate) 1.5720 Poly(2,3-dibromopro pyl methacrylate) 1.5739 Poly(2,6-dimethyl-p-phenylene oxide) 1.5750 PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 1.5750 PVB Poly(vinyl benozoate) 1.5775 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2-methylphenyl)]carb onate}1.5783 Poly{1,1-butanebis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5792 Poly(1,2-diphenyleth yl methacrylate) 1.5816 Poly(o-chlorobenzyl methacrylate)1.5823 Poly(m-nitrobenzyl1.5845 Poly(oxycarbonylox y-1,4-phenyleneisopropylide ne-1,4-phenylene)1.5850 Poly{N-(2-phenyleth yl)methacrylamide}1.5857 Poly{1,1-cyclohexan ebis[4-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)]c arbonate} 1.5858 PC Polycarbonate resin 1.5860 BPA Bisphenol-A polycarbonate1.5860 Poly(4-methoxy-2-m1.5868 Poly(o-methyl styrene) 1.5874 PS Polystyrene1.5894 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2-chlorophenyl)]carb onate}1.5900 Poly{1,1-cyclohexane bis(4-phenyl)carbonate}1.5900 Poly(o-methoxy styrene)1.5932 Poly(diphenylmethyl methacrylate)1.5933 Poly{1,1-ethanebis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5937 Poly(propylene sulfide)1.5960 Poly(p-bromophenyl methacrylate)1.5964 Poly(N-benzyl methacrylamide)1.5965 Poly(p-methoxy styrene) 1.5967 MeOS Poly(4-methoxystyrene) 1.5967 Poly{1,1-cyclopenta ne bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5993 PVDCPoly(vinylidene chloride)1.6000 Poly(o-chlorodiphen ylmethyl methacrylate) 1.6040 Poly{2,2-propanebis[4-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)]c arbonate}1.6056 Poly(pentachlorophe nyl methacrylate) 1.6080 Poly(2-chlorostyrene) 1.6098 PaMesPoly(alpha-methylstyrene) 1.6100 Poly(phenylalpha-bromoacrylate)1.6120 Poly{2,2-propanebis[4-(2,6-dibromophenyl)cabonate]}1.6147 Poly(p-divinylbenze ne) 1.6150 Poly(N-vinyl phthalimide)1.6200 Poly(2,6-dichlorosty rene)1.6248 Poly(chloro-p-xylene)1.6290 Poly(beta-naphthyl methacrylate)1.6298 Poly(alpha-naphthyl carbinyl methacrylate) 1.6300 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (880 nmwavelength)1.630 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (643.8 nm wavelength)1.651 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (587.6 nm wavelength)1.660 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (546.1 nm wavelength)1.668 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (480 nm wavelength)1.687 Poly(phenyl methylsilane) 1.6300 Poly(sulfone) {Poly[4,4'-isopropylidene diphenoxy di(4- phenylene)sulfone]}1.6330 PSU Polysulfone resin1.6330 Poly(2-vinylthiophe ne) 1.6376 Mylar Film olyethylene terephthalate (boPET) 1.64-1.67 Poly(2,6-diphenyl -1,4-phenylene oxide) 1.6400 Poly(alpha-naphthyl methacrylate)1.6410 Poly(p-phenylene ether-sulphone)1.6500 Poly{diphenylmetha ne bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.6539 Poly(vinyl phenyl sulfide) 1.6568 Poly(styrene sulfide) 1.6568 Butylphenol formaldehyde resin 1.6600 Poly(p-xylylene) 1.6690 PVNPoly(2-vinylnapthalene) 1.6818 PVK Poly(N-vinyl carbazole)1.6830 Naphthalene-formaldehyde rubber 1.6960 PF Phenol-formaldehyde resin 1.7000 Poly(pentabromophe nyl methacrylate) 1.7100 MFA Polytetrafluoroethylene-Perf luoromethylvinylether unknown PEEK1 (amorphous) Polyetheretherketone1.65-1.71 PEEK2 (crystalline) Polyetheretherketone1.68-1.77。
Abbr. Polymer Refractive Index PHFPOPoly(hexafluoropropylene oxide)1.3010 Alginic acid, sodium salt 1.3343 Hydroxypropyl cellulose1.3370 Poly(tetra fluoroethylene-co-hexaflu oropropylene)1.3380 FEP Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene1.3380 Poly(pentadecaflu orooctylacrylate)1.3390 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(heptafluoroprop oxy)propyl acrylate) 1.3460 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(pentafluoroethoxy)propyl acrylate)1.3480 PTFE Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) 1.3500 THV Tetrafluoroethylene hexafluoropropylene vinylidene fluoride 1.3500 Poly(undecafluoro hexylacrylate)1.3560 PFA Perfluoroalkoxy1.3400 ETFE Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene1.4000 Poly(nonafluorope ntyl acrylate) 1.3600 Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(trifluoromethoxy)propyl acrylate)1.3600 Poly(pent afluorovinyl propionate) 1.3640 Poly(heptafluorob utylacrylate)1.3670 Poly(triflu orovinyl acetate) 1.3750 Poly(octafluorope ntylacrylate)1.3800 Poly(met hyl 3,3,3-trifluoropropyl siloxane)1.3830Poly(pentafluoropr opylacrylate)1.3850 Poly(2-he ptafluorobutoxy)ethyl acrylate)1.3900 PCTFEPoly(chlor otrifluoroethylene)1.3900 Poly(2,2,3,4,4-hex afluorobutyl acrylate) 1.3920 Poly(methyl hydro siloxane)1.3970 Poly(methacrylic acid), sodium salt 1.4010 Poly(dimethyl siloxane)1.4035 Poly(trifluoroethyl acrylate) 1.4070 Poly (2-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroetho xy)ethylacrylate)1.4120 Poly(triflu oroisopropyl methacrylate) 1.4177 Poly(2,2,2-trifluoro -1-methylethyl methacrylate)1.4185 Poly(2-trifluoroethoxyethyl acrylate) 1.4190 PVDFPoly(vinylidene fluoride) 1.4200 ECTFE Ethylene Chlorotrifluorotheylene 1.4470 Poly(trifluoroethyl methacrylate)1.4370 Poly(methyl octadecylsiloxane)1.4430 Poly(met hyl hexyl siloxane) 1.4430 Poly(methyl octyl siloxane)1.4450 Poly(isobutylmethacrylate)1.4470 Poly(vinyl isobutyl ether) 1.4507 Poly(methyl hexadecyl siloxane) 1.4510 PEOPoly(ethylene oxide) 1.4539 Poly(vinyl ethyl ether) 1.4540 Poly(methyl tetradecyl siloxane 1.4550 Poly(ethylene glycol mono-methyl ether) 1.4555 Poly(vinyl n-butyl ether) 1.4563 PPOX Poly(propylene oxide)1.4570 Poly(3-butoxyprop ylene oxide) 1.4580 Poly(3-hexoxypro pylene oxide) 1.4590 Poly(ethylene glycol) 1.4590 Poly(vinyl n-pentyl ether) 1.4590 Poly(vinyl n-hexyl ether)1.4591 Poly(4-fluoro-2-trif luoromethylstyrene)1.4600 Poly(vinyl octyl ether) 1.4613 Poly(vinyl n-octyl acrylate)2-ethylhexyl ether) 1.4626 Poly(vinyl n-decyl ether)1.4628 Poly(2-methoxyet hyl acrylate) 1.4630 Poly(acryloxyprop yl methyl siloxane) 1.4630 PMPPoly(4-methyl-1-pentene) 1.4630 Poly(3-methoxypr opylene oxide 1.4630 PtBuMAPoly(t-butyl methacrylate)n-dodecyl ether) 1.4640 Poly(3-ethoxyprop yl acrylate) 1.4650 Poly(vinyl propionate) 1.4664 PVAC Poly(vinyl acetate) 1.4665 Poly(vinyl propionate)1.4665 Poly(vinyl methyl ether) 1.4670 Poly(ethyl acrylate)1.4685 Poly(vinyl methyl ether)(isotactic)1.4700 Poly(3-methoxypr opyl acrylate)1.4710 Poly(1-octadecene)1.4710 Poly(2-ethoxyethy l acrylate) 1.4710 PIPA Poly (isopropyl acrylate) 1.4728 Poly(1-decene) 1.4730 Poly(propylene)(at actic) 1.4735 Poly(lauryl methacrylate)1.4740 Poly(vinylsec-butyl ether)(isotactic) 1.4740 P-nBuAPoly(n-butyl acrylate) 1.4740 Poly(dodecyl methacrylate)1.4740 Poly(ethylene succinate)1.4744 Poly(tetradecyl methacrylate)1.4746 Poly(hexadecyl methacrylate)1.4750 CAB Cellulose acetatebutyrate1.4750 CA Cellulose acetate 1.4750 Poly(vinyl formate)1.4757 EVA-40% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-40% vinyl acetate 1.4760 Poly(2-fluoroethyl methacrylate)1.4768 Poly(octyl methyl silane) 1.4780 EC Ethyl cellulose 1.4790 PMA Poly(methyl acrylate) 1.4793 Poly(dicyanoprop yl siloxane) 1.4800 POM Poly(oxymethylene) or Polyformaidehyde1.4800 Poly(sec-butyl methacrylate)1.4800 Poly(dimethylsilox ane-co-alpha-methylstyre ne) 1.4800 Poly(n-hexyl methacrylate)1.4813 EVA-33% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-33% vinyl acetate 1.4820 PnBuMAPoly(n-butyl methacrylate) 1.4830 Poly(ethylidene dimethacrylate)1.4831 Poly(2-ethoxyethy l methacrylate) 1.4833 Poly(n-propyl methacrylate)1.4840 Poly(ethylene maleate)1.4840 EVA-28% vinyl acetate Ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer-28% vinylacetate1.4845 Poly(ethyl methacrylate)1.4850 PVB Poly(vinyl butyral)1.4850 PVB-11%hydroxl Poly(vinyl butyral)-11% hydroxl1.4850 Poly(3,3,5-trimeth ylcyclohexyl methacrylate) 1.4850 Poly(2-nitro-2-met hylpropyl methacrylate) 1.4868 Poly(dimethylsilox ane-co-diphenylsiloxane) 1.4880 Poly(1,1-diethylpr opyl methacrylate) 1.4889 Poly(triethylcarbin yl methacrylate) 1.4889 PMMAPoly(methyl methacrylate) 1.4893 Poly(2-decyl-1,4-b utadiene)1.4899 PP-isotacticPoly(propylene), isotactic 1.4900 PVB-19%hydroxyl Poly(vinyl butyral)-19% hydroxyl 1.4900 Poly(me rcaptopropyl methyl siloxane)1.4900 Poly(ethyl glycolate methacrylate) 1.4903 Poly(3-methylcycl ohexyl methacrylate)1.4947 Poly(cyclohexyl alpha-ethoxyacrylate)1.4969 MC Methyl cellulose1.4970 Poly(4-methylcycl ohexyl methacrylate) 1.4975 Poly(decamethyle ne glycol dimethacrylate) 1.4990 PVAL Poly(vinyl alcohol) 1.5000 PVFM Poly(vinyl formal) 1.5000 Poly(2-bromo-4-tri fluoromethyl styrene) 1.5000 Poly(1,2-butadiene) 1.5000 Poly(sec-butyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5000 Poly(2-heptyl-1,4-butadiene)1.5000 Poly(vinyl methyl ketone) 1.5000 Poly(ethyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5020 PVFM Poly(vinyl formal)1.5020 Poly(2-isopropyl-1 ,4-butadiene1.5020 Poly(2-methylcycl ohexyl methacrylate)1.5028 Poly(bornylmethacrylate)1.5059 Poly(2-t-butyl-1,4-butadiene)1.5060 Poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) 1.5063 PCHMAPoly(cyclohexyl methacrylate)1.5065 Poly(cyclohexane diol-1,4-dimethacrylate) 1.5067 IIR or PIBI Butyl rubber(unvulcanized)1.5080 Gutta percha b 1.5090 Poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate) 1.5096 PIBPoly(isobutylene)1.5100 LDPE Polyethylene, low density 1.5100 EMAEthylene/methacrylic acid ionomer, sodium ion 1.5100 PE Polyethylene 1.5100 CN Cellulose nitrate1.5100 Polyethylene lonomer1.5100 Polyacetal1.5100 Poly(1-methylcycl ohexyl methacrylate) 1.5111 Poly(2-hydroxyeth yl methacrylate) 1.5119 Poly(1-butene)(iso tactic) 1.5125 Poly(vinyl methacrylate)1.5129 Poly(vinyl chloroacetate)1.5130 Poly(N-butyl methacrylamide)1.5135 Gutta perchaa 1.5140 Poly(2-chloroet hyl methacrylate)1.5170 PMCAPoly(methylalpha-chloroacrylate)1.5170 Poly(2-diethylami noethyl methacrylate) 1.5174 Poly(2-chlorocyclo hexyl methacrylate)1.5179 Poly(1,4-butadiene)(35% cis; 56% trans; 7% 1,2-content) 1.5180 PANPoly(acrylonitrile)1.5187 Poly(isoprene),cis 1.5191 Poly(allylmethacrylate)1.5196 Poly(methacryloni trile) 1.5200 Poly(methyl isopropenyl ketone) 1.5200 Poly(butadiene-co -acrylonitrile)1.5200 Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxa zoline)1.5200 Poly(1,4-butadiene)(high cis-type)1.5200 Poly(N-2-methoxy ethyl)methacrylamide1.5246 Poly(2,3-dimethyl butadiene){methyl rubber}1.5250 Poly(2-chloro-1-(c hloromethyl)ethyl methacrylate)1.5270 Poly(1,3-dichlorop ropyl methacrylate) 1.5270 PAA Poly(acrylic acid) 1.5270 Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)1.5300 NYLON-6 Nylon 6{Poly(caprolactam)}1.5300 Poly(butadiene-co -styrene)(30%) styrene)block copolymer 1.5300 Poly(cyclohexylalpha-chloroacrylate)1.5320 Poly(methyl phenyl siloxane) 1.5330 Poly(2-chloroethyl alpha-chloroacrylate)1.5330 Poly(butadiene-co -styrene)(75/25)1.5350 Poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate)1.5370 Poly(furfuryl metacrylate) 1.5381 PVC Poly(vinyl chloride) 1.5390 Poly(butylmercapt yl methacrylate)1.5390 Poly(1-phenyl-n-a myl methacrylate) 1.5396 Poly(N-methyl methacrylamide)1.5398 HDPE Polyethylene, high density 1.5400 Cellulose1.5400 Poly(cyclohexyl alpha-bromoacrylate)1.5420 Poly(sec-butyl alpha-bromoacrylate)1.5420 Poly(2-bromoethyl methacrylate)1.5426 Poly(dihydroabietic acid)1.5440 Poly(abietic acid) 1.5460 Poly(ethylmercapt yl methacrylate) 1.5470 Poly(N-allyl methacrylamide)1.5476 Poly(1-phenylethy l methacrylate) 1.5487 Poly(2-vinyltetrah ydrofuran)1.5500 Poly(vinylfuran) 1.5500 Poly(methyl m-ch lorophenylethyl siloxane) 1.5500 Poly(p-methoxybe1.5520 Poly(isopropyl methacrylate)1.5520 Poly(p-isopropyl styrene)1.5540 Poly(isoprene), chlorinated1.5540 Poly(p,p'-xylylenyl dimethacrylate)1.5559 Poly(cyclohexyl methyl silane) 1.5570 Poly(1-phenylallyl methacrylate)1.5573 Poly(p-cyclohexyl1.5575 CRPoly(chloroprene)1.5580 Poly(2-phenylethy l methacrylate) 1.5592 Poly(methylm-chlorophenyl siloxane) 1.5600 Poly{4,4-heptane bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5602 Poly{1-(o-chlorop henyl)ethyl methacrylate)} 1.5624 S/MAStyrene/maleic anhydride copolymer1.5640 Poly(1-phenylcycl ohexyl methacrylate) 1.5645 NYLON 6,10 Nylon6,10{Poly(hexamethylene sebacamide)}1.5650 NYLON 6,6 Nylon 6,6{Poly(hexamethylene adipamide)}1.5650 NYLON 6(3) Nylon 6(3)T {Poly(trimethyl hexamethylene terephthalamide)}1.5660 Poly(2,2,2'-trimeth ylhexamethylene terephthalamide)1.5660 Poly(methyl alpha-bromoacrylate)1.5672 Poly(benzyl methacrylate)1.5680 Poly{2-(phenylsulf onyl)ethyl methacrylate} 1.5682 Poly(m-cresyl me thacrylate) 1.5683 SAN Styrene/acrylonitrile copolymer1.5700 Poly(o-methoxyphenol methacrylate) 1.5705 PPhMAPoly(phenyl methacrylate) 1.5706 Poly(o-cresyl methacrylate)1.5707 PDAP Poly(diallyl phthalate)1.5720 Poly(2,3-dibromop ropyl methacrylate) 1.5739 Poly(2,6-dimethyl-p-phenylene oxide) 1.5750 PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate)1.5750 PVB Poly(vinylbenozoate)1.5775 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2-methylphenyl)]ca rbonate}1.5783 Poly{1,1-butane bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5792 Poly(1,2-diphenyl ethyl methacrylate) 1.5816 Poly(o-chlorobenz yl methacrylate) 1.5823 Poly(m-nitrobenzy l methacrylate) 1.5845 Poly(oxycarbonylo xy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene)1.5850 Poly{N-(2-phenyle thyl)methacrylamide}1.5857 Poly{1,1-cyclohex anebis[4-(2,6-dichlorophenyl) ]carbonate} 1.5858 PC Polycarbonate resin 1.5860 BPA Bisphenol-A polycarbonate1.5860 Poly(4-methoxy-2-methylstyrene)1.5868 Poly(o-methyl styrene) 1.5874 PSPolystyrene1.5894 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2-chlorophenyl)]car bonate}1.5900 Poly{1,1-cyclohex anebis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5900 Poly(o-methoxy styrene)1.5932 Poly(diphenylmet hyl methacrylate) 1.5933 Poly{1,1-ethane bis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5937 Poly(propylenesulfide)1.5960 Poly(p-bromophe nyl methacrylate) 1.5964 Poly(N-benzyl methacrylamide)1.5965 Poly(p-methoxy styrene) 1.5967 MeOS Poly(4-methoxystyrene) 1.5967 Poly{1,1-cyclopen tanebis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.5993 PVDCPoly(vinylidene chloride) 1.6000 Poly(o-chlorodiphenylmethyl methacrylate) 1.6040 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2,6-dichlorophenyl) ]carbonate}1.6056 Poly(pentachlorop henyl methacrylate) 1.6080 Poly(2-chlorostyre ne) 1.6098 PaMes Poly(alpha-methylstyrene) 1.6100 Poly(phenylalpha-bromoacrylate)1.6120 Poly{2,2-propane bis[4-(2,6-dibromophenyl) cabonate]}1.6147 Poly(p-divinylbenz ene) 1.6150 Poly(N-vinyl phthalimide)1.6200 Poly(2,6-dichloros tyrene)1.6248 Poly(chloro-p-xyle ne)1.6290 Poly(beta-naphthy l methacrylate) 1.6298 Poly(alpha-naphth yl carbinyl methacrylate) 1.6300 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (880 nm wavelength)1.630 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (643.8 nm wavelength)1.651 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (587.6 nm wavelength)1.660 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (546.1 nm wavelength)1.668 PEI-ULTEM Polyetherimide (480 nm wavelength)1.687 Poly(phenyl methyl silane)1.6300 Poly(sulfone) {Poly[4,4'-isopropylidene diphenoxy di(4- phenylene)sulfone]}1.6330 PSU Polysulfone resin1.6330 Poly(2-vinylthioph ene) 1.6376 Mylar Film olyethylene terephthalate (boPET) 1.64-1.67 Poly(2,6-diphen yl-1,4-phenylene oxide) 1.6400 Poly(alpha-naphth yl methacrylate)1.6410 Poly(p-phenylene ether-sulphone)1.6500 Poly{diphenylmet hanebis(4-phenyl)carbonate} 1.6539 Poly(vinyl phenyl sulfide)1.6568 Poly(styrene sulfide)1.6568 Butylphenol formaldehyde resin 1.6600 Poly(p-xylylene) 1.6690 PVNPoly(2-vinylnapthalene)1.6818 PVK Poly(N-vinyl carbazole)1.6830 Naphthalene-form aldehyde rubber 1.6960 PFPhenol-formaldehyde resin1.7000 Poly(pentabromop henyl methacrylate) 1.7100 MFA Polytetrafluoroethylene-P erfluoromethylvinylether unknown PEEK1 (amorphous)Polyetheretherketone 1.65-1.71 PEEK2 (crystalline) Polyetheretherketone 1.68-1.77。