

作文模板万能 英语

作文模板万能 英语

作文模板万能英语英文回答:Essay Template for Any Topic。


Begin with a hook to grab the reader's attention (e.g., a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote).State the thesis statement clearly and concisely. This should be the main argument or point that you will explorein your essay.Body Paragraphs。

Organize each body paragraph around a specific topicor sub-argument that supports the thesis statement.Each paragraph should follow a logical progression:Topic sentence (a concise statement that introduces the main idea of the paragraph).Evidence (specific examples, data, or quotes that support the topic sentence).Analysis (an explanation of how the evidence supports the topic sentence and contributes to the overall argument).Use transitions between paragraphs to connect the flow of ideas smoothly.Conclusion。



英文作文好段落摘抄英文:When it comes to writing good paragraphs in English, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to have a clear topic sentencethat sets the tone for the rest of the paragraph. This sentence should be concise and to the point, while also giving the reader a sense of what the paragraph is going to be about.Another important aspect of writing good paragraphs is to use supporting evidence to back up your claims. This can come in the form of statistics, quotes from experts, or personal anecdotes that help illustrate your point. It's also important to use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and make the paragraph flow smoothly.Finally, a good paragraph should have a strong conclusion that ties everything together and leaves thereader with a clear understanding of what you were tryingto say. This can be done by restating your main points or offering a final thought or recommendation.中文:要写好英文段落,有几个关键点需要注意。







以下是一个常见的段落结构:1.主题句(Topic Sentence):主题句是段落的第一句话,概括了段落的要点。


2.主体部分(Supporting Details):主体部分是对主题句做进一步解释和支持的内容。


3.结论句(Concluding Sentence):结论句总结了段落的内容,并承接到下一个段落。




例如:"In addition..."(此外...)、"Furthermore..."(而且...)、"Moreover..."(此外...)等。


例如:"However..."(然而...)、"On the other hand..."(另一方面...)、"In contrast..."(相比之下...)等。

3.因果关系(Cause and Effect):表示原因和结果之间的关系。

例如:"As a result..."(结果是...)、"Therefore..."(因此...)、"Due to..."(由于...)等。



英语作文万能模板英语## 英文回答:Introduction。

Writing effective essays is a crucial skill in academic and professional settings. Employing a versatile essay template can streamline the writing process, ensure coherence, and enhance the overall quality of your writing. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed English essay template that can be adapted to various topics and writing styles.Body Paragraph Structure。

1. Topic Sentence: Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point or argument you will discuss in that paragraph.2. Supporting Evidence: Provide specific examples,quotes, or data that support the topic sentence and develop your argument. Ensure the evidence is relevant, credible, and sufficient.3. Explanation and Analysis: Elaborate on the supporting evidence by explaining its significance, analyzing its implications, or drawing connections to your thesis statement.4. Transition Sentence: Conclude the body paragraph with a transition sentence that smoothly connects to the next paragraph or wraps up the discussion.Conclusion。



1.什么是主题句主题句topic sentence是表达段落主题的句子..它用以概括段落大意;要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开..请看下例:My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don't argue with parents; they will think you don't love them. Don't argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Don't argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don't argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mother's rules; in fact; can be summed up in two words: Don't argue.Our life today depends very much on energy. In towns and in villages; on farms and in factories; machines have made life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy; and energy is needed for heating; lighting; communications; carrying goods -- everything. Factories and industrial plants use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.2 如何写好主题句1写好主题句中的关键词关键词要尽量写得具体些..对“具体”的要求包括两个方面:一是要具体到能控制和限制段落的发展;二是要具体到能说明段落发展的方向..原句1: He can fix a bicycle himself.斜体部分应为主题句中的关键词..但它只是限制了段落发展的部分内容;并没有告诉读者该用哪种方法展开;是用因果关系法还是用分类法修正:He can fix a bicycle himself in several simple steps.修正:There are several reasons why he can fix a bicycle himself.原句2: She tries to improve her looks.斜体部分应为主题句中的关键词..她试着改变她面容的理由是什么或者她采取什么方法来改善呢我们无法从关键词中清楚得知.. 修正:She tries many ways to improve her looks.修正:There are some reasons why she tries to improve her looks..2写好主题句的中心思想Exercise is beneficial to your heart. A 22-year study was conducted by doctors in California. They found that people who work at physical jobs experience fewer heart attacks than other people. These active people work all the time at moderate speeds; their daily routine gives them an adequate amount of exercise and helps them stay in shape."Exercise is beneficial"这是毫无疑义的..但主题句中如不加上"to your heart"来加以control 和limit;那就流于空泛..因此;紧紧把握主题句中controlling idea的导向和制约作用;是短文写作成功关键之一..3要注意主题的可写性所定的主题不能太笼统;也不能太具体..In Hemingway's story “Soldier’s Home”;Krebs tells his mother that he wants no part of God's Kingdom.这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写;无法展开段落..In Hemingway's sto ry “Soldier’s Home”; Kreb is a lonely;cynical veteran.这个句子可作为主题句;因为可以围绕“lonely;cynical”展开段落..Let me tell you something about overpopulation.这个句子太笼统;作为一个段落的主题太大;难于驾驭..Why has the world population been increasing so rapidly in the last decades这个句子是个较好的主题句;作者用“the reasons for overpopulation in the last decades”;从“原因”cause和“时间”time两方面限制了主题;能在一个段落内论述..2.推展句2.1 主要推展句主要推展句major supporting statement的主要特点是:围绕段落主题句展开的每一个推展句本身都不要求作进一步的说明或证明;句与句之间的关系是相互独立又是互相连接的..例1:主题句There are several factors affecting climate. 推展句1One factor is the mount of sunlight received. 推展句2Altitude; or the height above sea level; also determines climate. 推展句3The oceans have an effect on the climate of adjacent land. 推展句4In addition; climate is influenced by the general circulation of the atmosphere.主题句指出影响气候的几个因素..然后用四个扩展句说明四种因素..第一种是太阳光的接收量;第二种是海拔高度;第三句和第四句分别是海洋和大气环流因素..2.2 次要推展句次要推展句minor supporting statement是指对主要推展句作进一步的事实分析和举例说明..它从属于某一个或某几个推展句..例2:主题句I don't teach because teaching is not easy for me. 主要推展句1Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic; carpenter; writer. 主要推展句2For me; teaching is a red-eye; sweaty-palm; sinking-stomach profession. 次要推展句1Red-eye; because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. 次要推展句2Sweaty-palm; because I'm always nervous before I enter theclassroom; sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. 次要推展句3Sinking-stomach; because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual.从属于主要推展句2的三个次要推展句起着解释说明作用;分别解释red-eye; sweaty-palm; sinking-stomach的含义;这就更加形象生动地证明了"teaching is not easy" 这个主题..Directions: For this part; you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Credit Cards on Campus. You should write at least 150 words; and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1近年来越来越多的大学生开始使用信用卡2分析产生该现象的原因3针对大学生使用信用卡提出你的建议Credit Cards on CampusIn recent years; credit cards have gained more popularityamong college students. With banks’more focus on college market; an increasing number of college students have applied for credit cards and begun to consume by them.The following three factors can account for the popularity of credit cards on campus. Firstly; a credit card provides overdrawing service; which is a big attraction for those students who have not much money for their domination. Secondly; a credit card can help release financial burdens on those poor students; and hence reduce the risk of their dropping school for lacking money. Besides; many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards; like sending a gift; lowering year cost. Drawn by these policies; many college students have applied for credit cards.As far as I am concerned; it is not a bad thing for college students to own credit cards. However; there is misuse of credit cards among college students. Many students use credit cards to buy luxurious things they don’t need really; and even some of them owe a big credit card debt. Therefore; schools and banks have responsibility to let college students learn how to use credit cards properly. Only in this way can college students enjoy really the advantages of credit cards.段落基本要素好的文章有一些主要的构成要素;段落就是其中之一..段落是用来在散文、故事或其他文章中组织信息的..在写段落时;我们通常包括以下内容:1、主题句每个段落都应有一个要点;该要点通常由主题句表达..主题句应清楚地陈述本段落的信息..整个段落都围绕主题句展开..例如:书19页44行Young adults give many different reasons for moving to cities.不过也并不是所有的段落都有主题句的..比如有时一个段落延续了前一个段落的主题;而前一个段落有主题句的情况下;这个段落就不一定有主题句了..主题句通常是段落的第一句..不过在散文、故事或其他一些文体的第一段中;主题句可以置于一段引子之后..为了吸引读者的注意力;我们可以使用一段引子..这个引子常常是一个有趣的事实、一个问题或一段引语..例如:书18页4行Older Americans are on the move.2、支撑句主题句后应跟有对其加以解释或证明的支撑句..例如:书18页8行For decades; Florida has been attracting older residents. In fact; according to the national population survey conducted in 2000; Florida was home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older.段落中的支撑句的排列顺序是有逻辑的..我们可以使用过渡的词语将每句句子与其前后的句子连接..可使用的过渡词语包括for example; for instance; furthermore; first;second; third; on the other hand; however; but和also..书18页23行Florida is a popular choice for these people because of the climate and the state’s relatively flat landscape. However; as the number of older Americans moving there increases; more changes are made to cater to them. For example; ambulance response time has been decreased; and many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners; with things like walk-in bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls.3、结论句段落应以一句用新的方式重复主题句内容的句子结尾..当然了;结论句不是主题句的简单重复;而是对它的扩展与总结..有时也可以用结论句来表达关于这个主题的最后想法;或用它来帮助引入下一段的主题..书19页42行Across the USA; people are noticing the same thing: young people want to live in cities.4、注意与中文不同;英文段落中的“主题句-支撑句-结论句”的结构一般情况下是很明确的..而中文段落的主题句可能出现在段首、段中或段末..这是中西文的不同之处..相关练习一、选出下列各段落的主题句1.One of the reasons for visiting the lighthouses is that the lighthouses have a profound historyand provide a good view of nature.2.Visiting lighthouses will help us to understand the lives of lighthouse keepers.3.Another reason for considering a visit is that the lighthouses themselves can be very attractivebuildings.4.The most important reason for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors battled nature withthe basic tools they had.Everyone should visit a lighthouse at least once.(1)__________ They had only basic ways of creating light; and yet they found a way of usingthis simple technology in isolated 孤零零的places to save ships from hitting rocks.(2)__________ By their very nature; lighthouses were built on some rocks or cliffs. Thus thelighthouse keepers often lived lonely lives. To walk around their small home; and imagine the angry storm outside beating against the walls; is to take a step towards understanding the lives they had.The reason for a visit to a lighthouse is not all so backward-looking in time. It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day; this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience. Therefore; with the gentle waves touching all round the lighthouse; the visitor is likely to think it is a world preferable to the busy and noisy modern life.(3)__________ Mankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure; but felt theneed; even in such an isolated place; to build with an artistic touch. The result is a view for tired eyes to enjoy. Finally; lighthouses have a romantic attraction; summed up by the image of the oil-skin-coated keeper climbing his winding stairs to take care of the light to warn ships and save lives.二、将下列句子按逻辑顺序组合成段落a.First; don’t let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other whendifferences are brought out in the open.b.Second; apologize when you are wrong- even if you’ve been wronged. Over the courseof a friendship; even the best people make mistakes.c.And finally; accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyle change. Makingfriends can sometimes seem easy.d.My suggestion: Consider friendship an honor and a gift; and worth the effort to treasureand nurture培养.e.The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended.f.Third; see things from your friend’s point of view.g.Sometimes; it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizes. Whenyou apologize; give you friend a chance to admit that he has been wrong.h.The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs thathave an effect on all relationships.正确的段落顺序是:___—___—___—___—___—___—___—___Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness; happiness; goodness and self-respect The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” helps you create this life of good feelings.Here’s an example to show how honorable actions create happiness. Say a store clerk fails tocharge us for an item. If we keep silent; and profit from the clerk’s mistake; we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. 1 _________ we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. 2 __________; if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item; the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.3 __________; what is it to do with our sense of happiness4 __________; where we don’t tell the clerk; a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process; we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot lie trusted;5 ___________ we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others.6 ___________; bringing the error to the clerk’s attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store; we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased.7 ___________ we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. 8 ____________ it’s easy to think and act honorably again when we’re happy. 9 ____________ the positive cycle can be difficult to start; 10 ____________ it’s started; it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind; which is important for our happiness.参考答案一、选出下列各段落的主题句1D 2B 3A 4C二、将下列句子按逻辑顺序组合成段落e-a-b-g-f-c-h-d三、选词填空1、Later2、On the other hand3、Then4、In the first case5、since6、On the contrary7、Whenever8、And9、While 10、once。



英语作文模板万能套用金句英文回答:Introduction:"The pen is mightier than the sword." Edward Bulwer-Lytton.Body Paragraph 1:"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu.Body Paragraph 2:"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Nelson Mandela.Body Paragraph 3:"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt.Conclusion:"Never give up on your dreams." Les Brown.中文回答:引言:“笔者之剑,锋利胜于刀锋。


段落 1:“千里之行,始于足下。


段落 2:“生命中最大的荣耀,不在于永不失败,而在于每次跌倒后都能够爬起来。


段落 3:“未来属于那些相信自己梦想美好的人。







以下是英语作文的基本结构:1. Introduction(引言)- Hook(吸引读者注意的开头): 开始时用一个引人入胜的故事、一个有趣的事实、一个引人思考的问题或者一个大胆的声明来吸引读者的注意力。

- Background Information(背景信息): 提供一些背景信息,让读者了解作文的主题和背景。

- Thesis Statement(论点): 明确地表达你的主题和论点,这是你作文的中心思想。

2. Body Paragraphs(主体段落)- Topic Sentence(主题句): 每个段落的第一句话应该是主题句,它概述了该段落的主要内容。

- Supporting Details(支持细节): 提供具体的例子、事实、统计数据或引用来支持你的主题句。

- Explanation(解释): 解释这些细节如何支持你的论点。

- Transitions(过渡): 使用过渡词或短语来连接你的思想,并帮助读者跟随你的论点。

3. Counterarguments(反驳论点)- 如果适用,可以包括一段来讨论并反驳可能的反对意见,这有助于加强你的论点。

4. Conclusion(结论)- Restate Thesis(重述论点): 重述你的论点,但不要直接复制引言中的句子。

- Summarize Main Points(总结要点): 简要回顾你的主要论点和支持细节。

- Closing Thought(结束语): 以一个强有力的结论来结束你的作文,这可以是一个引用、一个呼吁行动或一个令人难忘的声明。

5. Proofreading and Editing(校对和编辑)- 在完成初稿后,仔细校对和编辑你的作文,检查语法错误、拼写错误、标点符号以及逻辑上的不连贯之处。































英语作文篇章结构技巧英文回答:Paragraph Structure Techniques for English Essays.1. Topic Sentence:The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph.It comes at the beginning of the paragraph.It tells the reader what the paragraph is about.2. Supporting Sentences:Supporting sentences provide evidence, examples, or details to support the topic sentence.They come after the topic sentence.They can be arranged in any order.3. Transitional Words:Transitional words connect the sentences in a paragraph and make the writing flow smoothly.They can be used to introduce examples, support claims, or show relationships between ideas.4. Concluding Sentence:The concluding sentence summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.It can also restate the topic sentence in a new way or provide a final thought.5. Paragraph Length:Paragraphs should be approximately 5-7 sentences long.Shorter paragraphs can be used for emphasis or to introduce a new idea.Longer paragraphs may be necessary to provide more in-depth information or analysis.6. Visual Appeal:Use white space and line breaks to create visual appeal and make the writing more readable.Use headings and subheadings to organize the text and make it easier to follow.7. Coherence and Cohesion:Coherence refers to the logical flow of ideas within a paragraph.Cohesion refers to the use of language and grammar to connect the sentences within a paragraph.中文回答:段落结构技巧。




























英语作文格式(精选多篇)一、英语作文的基本结构1. 引言(Introduction)引言是作文的第一部分,通常包括背景介绍、主题陈述和目的说明。


2. 主体(Body)主体部分是作文的核心,通常包括若干段落,每个段落围绕一个中心思想展开。


3. 结论(Conclusion)二、英语作文的段落结构1. 主题句(Topic Sentence)2. 支持句(Supporting Sentences)支持句用于解释、举例或阐述主题句。


3. 过渡句(Transition Sentence)过渡句用于连接前后段落,使文章逻辑连贯。


三、英语作文的写作技巧1. 使用丰富的词汇和句型在写作过程中,应尽量使用丰富的词汇和句型,避免重复。


2. 注意语法和标点符号语法和标点符号是英语作文的基础,正确的使用可以提升文章的质量。


3. 适当运用修辞手法修辞手法可以使文章更具表现力,如比喻、拟人、排比等。


4. 多次修改和润色完成初稿后,应多次修改和润色,检查文章的逻辑、语法、词汇等方面的问题。


四、英语作文的格式要求1. 字体和字号通常情况下,英语作文应使用标准的字体,如Times New Roman或Arial,字号为12号。


2. 行距和段落间距为了提高文章的可读性,建议使用 1.5倍行距,段落之间空一行。


3. 页边距页边距应设置为上下左右各2.54厘米,这样可以使文章在打印或提交时保持美观。

4. 页眉和页脚在页眉或页脚处,可以注明文章的题目、作者姓名、日期等信息。



英文作文主题摘抄格式英文:When it comes to choosing a topic for an English essay, there are a few things that I consider. Firstly, I think about my own interests and passions. Writing about something that I am genuinely interested in makes the process much more enjoyable and often leads to a better end result. Secondly, I consider the target audience. Who will be reading my essay? Is it for a teacher, a peer, or a wider audience? This can impact the tone and style of my writing. Finally, I think about the availability of resources and information on the topic. If there is little information available, it may be difficult to write a comprehensive essay.中文:当我选择英语作文的主题时,我会考虑几个方面。










以下是一些常见的英语主题句的例子:1. In my opinion, exercise is the key to a healthy life.(在我看来,锻炼是健康生活的关键。

)2. Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work.(技术已经彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式。

)3. The importance of education cannot be overstated.(教育的重要性不可高估。

)4. Pollution is a great threat to the environment.(污染对环境构成了巨大威胁。

)5. Learning a second language is essential in today's globalized world.(在当今全球化的世界中,学习第二语言是必要的。

)6. The Internet has made it possible for people to connect regardless of distance.(互联网使人们无论距离远近都能相互连接。

)7. Travel broadens the mind and enriches our life experience.(旅行开阔眼界,丰富我们的生活经历。

)8. Being kind to others is one of the most important values we can possess.(善待他人是我们可以拥有的最重要的价值之一。

)9. The impact of climate change is an urgent global challenge that requires immediate action.(气候变化的影响是一个紧迫的全球性挑战,需要立即采取行动。



可供参考的常用主题句Time and place and number:1. Nowadays, supermarket (fast food / PDP TV / Internet surfing / imported goods / green food/ traveling / football / private cars / sports and games / scientists and inventors / cell phones/ cotton clothes / count ry music /…) is (are) gaining popularity in China.2.Nowadays, college students are facing three major challenges.3.In China, water shortages (population explosion / environmental pollution / traffic jam/high rate of crimes / high unemployment rate /…) are (is) a serious problem, especially inbig cities.4.Nowadays college graduates have many job options. (Computer / Internet / Private cars / Environmental pollution / Plastic electronics /Accession to WTO /…) affects our life in at least three ways.6. My automobile is one of the best vehicles in my neighborhood.7. There are quite a few unusual superstitions in China about marriage.Cause: 1. Alcoholic beverages should be banned from college campuses for two reasons.2. We do not trust hospitals as we did before for obvious reasons.3. There are many reasons in favor of owning a private car. (However, there are more reasonsagainst it.)4.Part-time job (Internet / Going abroad to study / Joint ventures and private companies /Government jobs / The reconstruc tion of the West in China /…) attract (s) college studentsfor two reasons.5.Several factors explain (account for / are responsible for / affect / have major impact on/…) water shortages (environmental pollution / population explosion / desertification /widespread corruption / the great economic success / the increasing popularity of mobilephones / the destruction of virgin forests / high rate of employment / the rapid growth ofscience and technology /…) in China.6.Part-time jobs attract college students for three main reasons.7.People oppose firecrackers (drug abuse / imported goods / corruption / private car / fakeproduct / tobacco industry / nuclear power station/ personal cult /…) for three majorreasons.Effect: Excessive drinking (Smoking / Drug abuse / Living in polluted areas / Exposure to radioactive irradiation / …) causes health problems.Similarity and Difference:1. There are a great deal similarities and differences between (English and Chinese / the cityand country lives / man and anim als / men and women/…).6.People have different attitudes towards private cars (China access to WTO / thebrain-drain problem in China ? trade protection / e-business / popularization of MandarinChinese /…)Others:1.Money is a good servant but a bad master.2.Good conversation opens the door to friendship.3.Without Internet it is difficult to imagine modern life.4.United we stand, divided we fall.5.The disaster (scandal / robbery / kidnap / smuggling case /…) exposed only the tip of anugly iceberg of organized crime.6.Fake product (Drug abuse / Terrorism / Corruption / Violence /…) is dangerous to oursociety.7.Man is guilty of wildlife extinction (environmental pollution / depletion of naturalresources / green-house effect / destruction of virgin forests / world-wide desertification/…).8.One can never exaggerate the deceptive nature of superstition (the importance ofinnovation / the significance of genetics advances / disastrous nature of corruption /…)9.To lend or not to lend money to a friend depends on specific situations.10.Science and technology (The wise policy of opening up and reform / Internet / Computers/ the innovation program ? Private enterprises / Information industry / High-techindustries /…)energize(s) our economy.11.A successful interview depends on three factors: job requirements, the qualification andmanners of the applicant.12.When it comes to recycling in China, there is still much room for improvement.13.There are at least three ways to fight crime (to save water / to stop desertification / to getpopulation under control / to reduce energy consumption / to eliminate fake products /…).14.Corruption is invading every pore of our society.15.There are many things we can do to save water (to fight against crimes / to live inharmony with wildlife / to wipe out corruption / to help the handicapped /…)/16.Honesty (Thrift / Self-dependence / Saving food / Industry / Modesty / Loving and caringfor the young and the old /…) is a good virtue.17.Job hunting by students (Internet / Tuition increase / The market economy / Part-time job/..) is having a big impact on campuses.18.In the race for quality (knowledge / happiness / understanding nature / democracy / betterlife / …), there is no finish line.19.Internet (Microelectronics / Computer / Private car / Electricity /…) revolutionizes ourlife.20.Briefly, here is how a mobile phone (a computer / a printer / tape recorder /…) works.21.It is not in the spirit of reverence for the children that education is conducted.22.Food is the source of energy for the body.23.Salt is the most useful and most amazing minerals on earth.24.Good manner is knowing the right things to do and say at the right times.25.Social skills (Good habits / Good manners / Environmental awareness / Sense ofresponsibility / Friendship / Mastery of English ?…) need(s) constant development.26.Mastery of English vocabulary (Eradication of superstition / Fighting corruption / Wipingout fake products / Wildlife preservation / Giving up smoking /…) is no picnic.27.As we proceed through life, we are faced with a variety of challenges and opportunities.28.Our problematic fire fighting (education / legal telecom / garbage recycling / water control/ disaster prevention/…) system is open to criticism.29.Water (Air / Oxygen / Food / Salt / Vitamin /…) is indispensable to life.30.Learning English affords a person many benefits.31.Causal reasoning may go from cause to effect or from effect to cause.32.Art can reflect a culture’s religious beliefs.33.Wise use of natural resources is an urgent concern of all countries.34.The most serious problem in Chi na’s economy is the growing number of state enterprisesthat suffer operational losses.35.Living in a place where the weather is always warm has its advantages.36.Natural resources are precious and limited.37. The problem of food supply can be solved by technological means.FORM FOR SELF-EV ALUATION:FOUR BASES FOR REVISING PARAGRAPHS / ESSAYS Title of your paper : ________________________________________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________________________________________ Base 1: Unity• Is there a clear opening statement of the point of the paper?• Does all the material in the paper support the opening point?Your comments:Score (up to 1 point): ________ Base 2: Support• Is there specific evidence?• Is there plenty of it?Your comments:Score (up to 1 point): ________ Base 3: Coherence• Is there a clear method of organization? (List of items or time order?)• Are transitions used to connect sentences and ideas?Your comments:Score (up to 1 point): ________ Base 4: Sentence Skills• Are there any rough spots where the sentences do not flow smoothly and clearly?• Have you checked carefully for mistakes in sp elling, grammar, punctuation, or usage? Your comments:Score (up to 1 point): ________TOTAL SCORE (up to 4 points): ________ Less than 2 points = rewrite2 - 2.7 = C2.8 -3.4 = B3.5 - 4 = A。







《英语段落格式》篇1英语段落格式通常包括以下几个部分:1. 段落主题句:段落的第一个句子,用来概括段落的主题,通常是陈述句或疑问句。


2. 段落发展句:紧跟着主题句的一组句子,用来进一步解释和阐述主题句的内容。


3. 段落结论句:段落的最后一个句子,用来总结段落的内容,通常是陈述句或结论性的句子。




还有一些注意事项需要注意:1. 段落开头应该空格,除了主题句之外不应该有其他内容。

2. 段落发展句之间应该使用连词或过渡词连接,使段落内容更加连贯。

3. 段落结论句应该简洁明了,不能使用疑问句或省略句。

4. 每个段落应该有一个主题句,并且主题句应该放在段落的开头或结尾。



《英语段落格式》篇2英语段落格式通常包括以下几个部分:1. 首行缩进:在计算机文字处理程序中,首先将段落的第一行从左向右缩进一定的距离,通常为半英寸(约 1.27 厘米)。


2. 段落标题:如果段落较长或包含多个子主题,可以考虑添加段落标题。


3. 正文:段落的主要内容,通常由若干个句子组成。

















【常用句型】1.开头句(1)There is a widespread concern over the issue that。

(2)Recently a problem has been brought into focus.2.过渡句(1)Opinions vary from individual to individual(2)Different people have different points of view.(3)There are different opinions among people as to…(4)The reasons are as follows.(5)First (ly),….,Second (ly),…. Finally/lastly Last but notleast,….(6)On the one hand ,… But on the other hand,….(7)In the first place,…in the second place,…in the third place,…(8)What is more / Besides / In addition…3.总结句(1)From my point of view / In my view / As far as I am concerned,I prefer…(2)In a (one) word / In short / In brief / To conclude/To sum up…【黄金模板】advantages and disadvantages.(3) There are some positive aspects as follows/3.总结句(1) From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…(2) In summary, it is wiser…(以上句型可以与前文提到的借鉴使用)【黄金模板】situation.As for the problem, we must take effective measures.3. 总结句(1)As far as I am concerned, I think it reasonable to …(2) In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of…(3) Only in this way can we…(以上句型可以与前文提到的借鉴使用)【黄金模板】(2) There are various factors that contribute to the phenomenon. 3.总结句(1) As far as I am concerned, it’s necessary that we realized that…(2) If we can not take useful measures, some undesirable results may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is…【黄金模板】(1) What is the cause of….It probably results from…(2) I think three factors attributed to this tragedy. The first factoris….; The second is…; The lastfactor is…3.总结句(1)In my opinion, … can be avoided. The solution is….(2)If we…, I believe one day we can get rid of…【黄金摸板】结尾段描写结果与个人观点。



英语作文万能句型的应用与实践English essay writing often requires a blend of creativity, structure, and the ability to convey ideas clearly. Among the many tools available to writers, a set of universal sentence patterns stands out as a particularly useful asset. These patterns, when used effectively, can enhance the clarity, coherence, and impact of an essay. In this article, we will explore five such universal sentence patterns and how they can be applied to writing a high-quality English essay.The first sentence pattern is the topic sentence, which introduces the main idea of a paragraph. For instance, "The importance of education in modern society cannot be overstated." This sentence clearly states the central theme of the paragraph and sets the tone for the discussion that follows.The second pattern is the example sentence, which illustrates a point with specific evidence. For example, "One of the most significant benefits of education is its ability to expand one's horizons and increase cultural understanding. This is evident in the diverse perspectivesand open-mindedness of well-educated individuals." This sentence backs up the central theme with a specific example, adding depth and credibility to the argument.The third pattern is the cause-and-effect sentence, which explains the relationship between two events or ideas. For instance, "The rise in technology has had a profound impact on the way we live. It has not only made our lives more convenient but also created new challenges and opportunities." This sentence analyzes the consequences ofa particular development, providing a balanced view of its impact.The fourth pattern is the comparison-and-contrast sentence, which highlights the similarities and differences between two or more things. For example, "Although both movies and books are forms of entertainment, they differ significantly in their storytelling techniques. Moviesoften rely on visual effects and sound design, while books rely more on the reader's imagination." This sentence compares two media, outlining their unique strengths and weaknesses.Finally, the conclusion sentence sums up the main points of the essay and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. For instance, "In conclusion, the value of education cannot be overstated. It is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about developing critical thinking skills and becoming a contributing member of society." This sentence ties together the ideas presented throughout the essay and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the writer's position.By mastering these five sentence patterns, writers can craft coherent and engaging essays that effectively communicate their ideas. However, it is important to note that while these patterns provide a solid foundation, they should not be relied upon exclusively. Good writing often involves a blend of creativity and innovation, as well as a tailored approach that suits the specific needs and context of the essay.**英语作文万能句型的应用与实践**英语作文写作往往需要融合创造力、结构和清晰表达思想的能力。




如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。










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• A little girl taught me, and a busful of people, an important lesson about the importance of t hinking more of other people than of ourselve s.
• One day I took a very crowded bus to school …
• 一、主题句 • “揭全文之指,或在篇首,或在篇中,或在篇末。在篇首,则后必顾之;在篇末
,则前必注之;在篇中,则前注之,后顾之。”这是刘熙载在《艺概》中讲的话 ,虽然说的是汉语整篇文章的写作,但同样适用于英文段落。在比较正规的英文 写作(formal writing)中,往往就有这样的“揭全段之旨”的句子,它就是主题句(to pic sentence)。简单一点说,主题句就是对全段主题的概括性陈述。段落中其他的 句子都是对它的扩展、支持或证明。 • 主题句起着统摄全段的作用。在写作者一方,下笔可以力顾着眼点,做到内容醒 目突出而且不跑题。而在读者一方,则可以通过主题句迅速地明确作者的主题, 读起文章来比较快捷。 • 需要指出的是,英语文章对全文的主旨句和段落主题句的要求是非汉语文章所及 的。受两种文化的影响,汉语文章在结构方面往往比英语文章更加随意,作者既 可以开门见山立显要旨,也可曲径通幽委婉道来,甚至可以指桑骂槐旁敲侧击。 对于主题的揭示很多情况下都采取“春秋笔法”,隐而不说。英语的文章段落则 要明白得多,往往需要规矩完整的主旨句和主题句。这一点需要每一个英语作文 学习者寄予相当的注意。为加强这方面的意识,我们下面看毛荣贵和Dorine S. Hou ston合编的《中国大学生作文评改》中的两个例子:
• 作为汉语读者来说,首先用抒情的笔法奠定一种氛围,然后引导 读者逐渐进入对于往事的回忆,这样的开头是非常自然而且感人 的。但是美国编者显然不这样认为:
• This is a moving story about friends who have quarreled. It needs a go od topic sentence to bring the reader into the feelings and message th e writer wants to convey.
• In this world, we should think more of other people than of ourselves. By so doing, our world will be full of happiness. This, of course, is my p ersonal view. But it is a lesson I have drawn from one of my own exper ience. So now, I would like to share that experience with you, my dear reader.
• 这位美国编者提供了这样的开头:
• One of the most unforgettable experience of my childhood involves my good friend Tong Ton g. It happened when I was eight years old…..
• 我们从上面两个例子可以看出,尽管有千篇一律的嫌疑,英语的写作追求的审美效果 和汉语写作是大相异趣的。学习英文写作,对这样的差异要时刻既可以是在段落的开始,也可以处于段落的中 间或者末尾。
• 1)主题句在段首
• 主题句放在句首是英语段落写作中最常见的一种方法。《中国大 学生作文评改》的中国作者毛荣贵说:“笔者曾就美版的Reader’s Digest和Time两本期刊的100篇短文做过调查,发现其中仅有两篇 其topic sentence较为模糊,而有68篇的topic sentence均被置于文/ 段首,其余30篇已经将段落的topic sentence升格为小标题。”根 据这种情况,我们建议所有的英语作文初学者将段落的主题句放 置于段首。下面是几个相应的例子:
Topic sentence and paragraphs / p44
• “人之立言,因字而成句,积句而成章,积章而成篇 。”
• ──刘勰 《文心雕龙·章句》 • 一篇文章只有漂亮生动的句子还是不够的,我们还必
须注意把文意所衔领的句子按照一定的规律组织起来 ,成为一个或者数个段落,从而使要表达的各层意思 都清晰分明。只有这样构成的文章,才会给人浑然一 体但又清晰有致的美感。 •
• 这是一名中国大学生的作文Applause on the Bus中的开头。在本书 的中国编者看来,这样的开头自然而且不俗,符合汉语写作的习 惯。然而美国编者认为:This is essentially a solid essay. The writer u ses an anecdote to make a point… Now we just need to give it a good, strong topic sentence using the writer’s own ideas to form it. 她给这 个开头段拟了下面的主题句:
• 在另外一篇作文Part of My Childhood中,作者开头是这样写的:
• In my childhood, there were so many things that were worth calling to mind. Some made me happy, some made me excited, and some made me sad. But among them was an unforgettable thing, when I think of it , my good friend Tong Tong will occur to me.