
月考初一语文试卷一、基础知识(30分)1. 下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()(3分)A. 确凿(záo)脑髓(suǐ)气氛(fèn)倜傥(tì tǎng)B. 殷红(yīn)骊歌(lí)讪笑(shàn)炽痛(zhì)C. 澎湃(pài)屏障(zhàng)诧异(chà)祈祷(qí)D. 崎岖(qū)污秽(suì)深邃(suì)荒谬(miù)2. 下列词语书写无误的一项是()(3分)A. 锋芒必露妇孺皆知心会神凝。
B. 一反既往慷慨淋漓群蚁排衙。
C. 望闻问切杂乱无章大廷广众。
D. 独裁者奥悔字贴。
3. 下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是()(3分)A. 他说话总给人一股咄咄逼人之感,令人很不舒服。
B. 我小心翼翼地伸出左脚去探那块岩石,而且踩到了它。
C. 元宵节到了,街头人声鼎沸,大家都急着看花灯呢!D. 他平时学习刻苦认真,这次期中考试取得好成绩是可歌可泣的。
4. 下列句子没有语病的一项是()(3分)A. 通过这次活动,使我明白了团结的重要性。
B. 他那崇高的革命品质,经常浮现在我的脑海中。
C. 他的家乡是黑龙江省青冈县人。
D. 语言是否通顺是衡量一篇作文好坏的重要标准之一。
5. 默写填空。
(10分)6. 名著阅读。

一、选择题(每题5分,共50分)1. 已知函数$f(x) = x^3 - 3x^2 + 4$,则$f(x)$的对称中心为()。
A. $(0, 4)$B. $(1, 2)$C. $(2, 0)$D. $(3, 1)$2. 在等差数列$\{a_n\}$中,$a_1 + a_5 = 10$,$a_3 + a_4 = 12$,则$a_1$的值为()。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 43. 已知圆$x^2 + y^2 - 4x - 6y + 9 = 0$的半径为()。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 44. 函数$y = \log_2(x - 1)$的图象与直线$y = 3x - 1$的交点个数为()。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 45. 若复数$z = a + bi$($a, b \in \mathbb{R}$)满足$|z - 3i| = |z + 2|$,则$z$在复平面内的轨迹是()。
B. 圆C. 直线D. 双曲线6. 在三角形ABC中,$AB = 4$,$AC = 6$,$BC = 8$,则$\cos A$的值为()。
A. $\frac{1}{4}$B. $\frac{1}{2}$C. $\frac{3}{4}$D. $\frac{5}{8}$7. 已知函数$f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c$($a \neq 0$),若$f(-1) = 0$,$f(1) = 0$,则$f(0)$的值为()。
A. $-a$B. $-b$C. $-c$D. $a$8. 若$|x - 1| + |x + 2| = 3$,则$x$的取值范围是()。
A. $-2 \leq x \leq 1$B. $-2 < x < 1$C. $x \leq -2$ 或 $x \geq 1$D. $x > -2$ 且 $x < 1$9. 已知数列$\{a_n\}$的前$n$项和为$S_n$,若$S_n = 3n^2 - 2n$,则$a_5$的值为()。

2024-2025学年辽宁省高一上学期12月月考数学检测试卷注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合,,则(){}2A x y x ==-{}21B y y x ==+A. B. C. D.A B =∅ A B A = A B A= R B A⊆ð2. 下列函数中是奇函数,且在定义域内单调递减的是()A.B.C.D.2()f x x=||()2x f x =2()log f x x=()e e 2x xf x --=3. 已知某种污染物的浓度(单位:摩尔/升)与时间(单位:天)的关系满足指数裺型C ,其中是初始浓度(即时该污染物的浓度),是常数,第天(即(1)0e k t C C -=0C 1t =k 2)测得该污染物的浓度为摩尔/升,第天测得该污染物的浓度为摩尔/升,若第2t =5415天测得该污染物的浓度变为,则()n 09C n =A. B. C. D. 45674. 函数的图象大致为()()2e e ()ln1x xf x x x -+=+-A. B.C. D.已知函数()(f x x a =-,,R a ∈3b =0a ≠3b =,,R a ∈3b =-0a =3b =C.D.()4,0-74,2⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9. 下列命题中,假命题为()A. 命题“,”的否定是“,”(0,)x ∃∈+∞ln 1x x =-(0,)x ∀∉+∞ln 1x x =-B. 与是同一个函数21log 1xy x +=-22log (1)log (1)y x x =+--C. 函数的增区间为()22()log 2f x x x=-(,1)-∞D. 函数的最小值是22232x y x +=+10. 若,,且,则下列不等式中正确的是()0a >0b >221111log log a bb a ->-A.B. 11a b >1133a b⎛⎫⎛⎫> ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭C. D.11a ab b +>+log log a b b a>11. 某数学兴趣小组对函数进行研究,得出如下结论,其中正确的有()()21x f x x =-+A. ()()4f x f x -+=B. ,都有12x x ∀≠()()()12120x x f x f x --<⎡⎤⎣⎦C.的值域为()f x ()0,4D. ,,都有1x ∀()20,x ∈+∞()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12已知,,则130.25042782(2023)64P -⎛⎫=⨯+-- ⎪⎝⎭333322log 2log log 89Q =-+___________.P Q +=13. 甲说:已知是上的减函数,乙说:存在,使得关于的不242,1,()4,1x a x f x x ax x -+≥⎧=⎨-+<⎩R x x 等式在时成立,若甲、乙两人说的话都不对,则的取值范围是2210x ax -+>1,22x ⎡∈⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦a ___________.14. 已知函数(且)只有一个零点,()()2log 2log 21a a f x mx m x ⎛⎫=+-++ ⎪⎝⎭0a >1a ≠则实数的取值范围为______.m 四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. 已知,全集,集合,函数的定R a ∈R U =1|284x a A x -⎧⎫=<≤⎨⎬⎩⎭()12log 32y x =-义域为.B (1)当时,求;2a =()UA B ð(2)若是成立的充分不必要条件,求a 的取值范围.x B ∈x A ∈16. 已知函数,其中且.()log a f x x=0a >1a ≠(1)若函数的图象过点,求不等式的解集;()y f x =()4,2()()22f x f x -<(2)若存在实数,使得,求的取值范围;x ()()()122f x f x f ax +++=a 17. 已知函数.()33()x xf x a a -=⋅-∈R (1)当时,求函数的零点;1a =()f x (2)若函数为偶函数,求的值;()f x a (3)当时,若关于的不等式在时恒成立,求1a =x ()99140x xf x ----≤λ(0,)x ∈+∞的取值范围.λ18. 已知定义在上的函数满足:对任意的实数,均有,且R ()f x ,x y ()()()f xy f x f y =,当时,.(1)1f -=-01x <<()(0,1)f x ∈(1)判断的奇偶性;()f x(2)判断在上的单调性,并证明;()f x (0,)+∞(3)若对任意,,,总有恒成立,1x 2[1,1]x ∈-[1,5]a ∈-()()21222f x f x m am -≤--求的取值范围.m 19. 我们知道,函数的图像关于坐标原点成中心对称图形的充要条件是函数()y f x =为奇函数,有同学发现可以将其推广为:函数的图像关于点成中()y f x =()y f x =(,)P a b 心对称图形的充要条件是函数为奇函数.()y f x a b =+-(1)判断函数的奇偶性,求函数的图像的对称中心,并说21()21x xf x -=+12()21xg x -=-+明理由;(2)已知函数,问是否有对称中心?若有,求出123()1234x x x x f x x x x x +++=+++++++()f x 对称中心;若没有,请说明理由;(3)对于不同的函数与,若的图像都是有且仅有一个对称中心,分()f x ()g x (),()f x g x 别记为和.(,)m p (,)n q (i )求证:当时,的图像仍有对称中心;m n =()()f x g x +(ii )问:当时,的图像是否仍一定有对称中心?若一定有,请说明理由;m n ≠()()f x g x +若不一定有,请举出具体的反例.答案:一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合,,则(){}2A x y x ==-{}21B y y x ==+A. B. C. D.A B =∅ A B A = A B A= R B A⊆ð【正确答案】B【分析】分别求出集合,结合补集以及集合的交集、并集运算,一一判断各选项,即得,A B 答案.由题意可得,,{}2[2,)A x y x ∞==-=+{}21[1,)B y y x ∞==+=+故,A 错误;[2,)A B ⋂=+∞由于,故,,所以B 正确,C 错误;A B ⊆A B A = A B B = ,则不是A 的子集,D 错误,R (,1)B =-∞ðR B ð故选:B2. 下列函数中是奇函数,且在定义域内单调递减的是()A.B.C.D.2()f x x=||()2x f x =2()log f x x=()e e 2x xf x --=【正确答案】D【分析】根据函数的性质逐一判断即可.对于A 项,的定义域为,2()f x x =(,0)(0,)-∞+∞ 在,上单调递减,但不能说在定义域内单调递减,故A 项错误;2()f x x =(,0)-∞(0,)+∞对于B 项,的定义域为,且,()f x ||2x =R ||||()22()x x f x f x --==≠-所以不是奇函数,故B 项错误;||()2x f x =对于C 项,的定义域为,故函数为非奇非偶函数,故C 项错误;2()log f x x =(0,)+∞对于D 项,的定义域为,且,()1()e e 2x x f x -=-R ()1()e e ()2x x f x f x --=-=-所以为奇函数,又在上单调递减,故D 项正确.()1()e e 2x x f x -=-()1()e e 2x x f x -=-R 故选:D .3. 已知某种污染物的浓度(单位:摩尔/升)与时间(单位:天)的关系满足指数裺型C ,其中是初始浓度(即时该污染物的浓度),是常数,第天(即(1)0e k t C C -=0C 1t =k 2)测得该污染物的浓度为摩尔/升,第天测得该污染物的浓度为摩尔/升,若第2t =5415天测得该污染物的浓度变为,则()n 09C n =A. B. C. D. 4567【正确答案】B【分析】根据条件进行赋值,联立方程组求得解析式,再结合函数值直接求解即可.由题意可得则,解得.030e 5,e 15,k k C C ⎧=⎨=⎩2e 3k =ln 32k =函数A. B.C.D.【正确答案】C【分析】利用定义判断函数奇偶性,并判断在上函数值符号,即可得确定图象由解析式,知的定义域为()f x故选:C5. 已知函数为偶函数,则()()()1ln31bx f x x a x +=--A. , B. ,R a ∈3b =0a ≠3b =C. , D. ,R a ∈3b =-0a =3b =【正确答案】D【分析】利用定义法结合性质法判断函数奇偶性,解方程.若函数有意义,则,()()1ln31bx f x x a x +=--1031bx x +>-当时,不等式解集为,即函数定义域为,0b >11,,3b ∞∞⎛⎫⎛⎫--⋃+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭11,,3b ∞∞⎛⎫⎛⎫--⋃+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭又函数为偶函数,则,解得;()f x 1103b -+=3b =当时,不等式的解集为,即函数定义域为,0b =1,3∞⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭1,3∞⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭此时函数不是偶函数,舍;()f x 当时,不等式的解集为,即函数的定义域为,30b -<<11,3b ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭11,3b ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭又函数为偶函数,则,解得,不满足,舍;()f x 1103b -+=3b =30b -<<当时,不等式的解集为,舍;3b =-∅当时,不等式的解集为,即函数的定义域为,3b <-11,3b ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭11,3b ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭又函数为偶函数,则,解得,不满足,舍;()f x 1103b -+=3b =0b <综上所述,3b =此时函数,()()31ln31x f x x a x +=--设,则,()31ln31x g x x +=-()()3131ln ln 3131x x g x g x x x -++-==-=----即函数为奇函数,()31ln31x g x x +=-所以若使为偶函数,()()()()31ln31x f x x a x a g x x +=-=-⋅-则需函数为奇函数,()h x x a=-即,即,解得,()()h x x a h x -=--=-x a x a --=-+0a =综上所述,()31ln31x f x x x +=-满足,即为偶函数,()()31ln31x f x x f x x -+-=-=--()f x 综上所述,,0a =3b =故选:D.6. 已知,且函数在上有最小值,则a 的取值范围为(0,1)(1,)a ∈+∞ 2,2(),2x a x f x x x ⎧≤=⎨>⎩R ()A.B.C.D.()0,1()()0,11,2⋃(]1,2[)2,+∞【正确答案】A【分析】对分类讨论,求出分段函数两段的值域,结合题意即可作出判断.a 当时,;2x >2()4f x x =>当时,,2x ≤()xf x a =若时,,且,(0,1)a ∈2()x f x a a ≥=24a <∴函数在上有最小值,2,2(),2x a x f x x x ⎧≤=⎨>⎩R 2a 当时,,(1,)∈+∞a (20(),x f x a a ⎤∈=⎦此时,显然函数在上没有有最小值,最小值无限趋近于零;2,2(),2x a x f x x x ⎧≤=⎨>⎩R 综上:a 的取值范围为()0,1故选:A本题考查分段函数的最值问题,考查指数与二次函数的图象与性质,考查分类讨论思想,属于中档题.7. 已知为偶函数,若对任意,,总有()1y f x =+,1,)[a b ∈+∞()a b ≠成立,则不等式的解集为()()()()()af b bf a af a bf b +<+()()24f x f <A.B.()1,2-()2,2-C. D. 12,33⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭12,33⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦【正确答案】A【分析】根据题意确定函数的单调性和对称轴即可求解.由可得,()()()()af b bf a af a bf b +<+()()()()af b bf b af a bf a -+<-即,也即,()()()()a b f b a b f a -<-()()()0a b f b f a ⎡⎤--<⎣⎦当时,,当时,,1a b >≥()()f a f b >1b a >≥()()f b f a >所以函数在单调递增,()f x [)1,+∞又因为为偶函数,所以的图象关于对称,()1y f x =+()f x 1x =所以在单调递减,且,()f x (],1-∞(4)(2)f f =-所以由得解得,()()24f x f <224x -<<12x -<<故选:A.关于的方程 x ()(2f x a -+方程在区间∴()280t a t a -+-=令,则.()()28g t t a t a =-+-()()10,30,Δ0,81 3.2g g a ⎧>⎪>⎪⎪⎨>⎪+⎪<<⎪⎩,1544t ∴-<<-故选:A.二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9. 下列命题中,假命题为()A. 命题“,”的否定是“,”(0,)x ∃∈+∞ln 1x x =-(0,)x ∀∉+∞ln 1x x =-B. 与是同一个函数21log 1xy x +=-22log (1)log (1)y x x =+--C. 函数的增区间为()22()log 2f x x x=-(,1)-∞D. 函数的最小值是22232x y x +=+【正确答案】ACD【分析】求得存在量词的否定可判断A ;求出两函数的定义域,结合对应法则可判断B ;先求出定义域,再根据复合函数同增异减求出单调区间可判断C ;利用基本不等式计算可判断D.对于A 选项,命题“,”的否定是“,”,故(0,)x ∃∈+∞ln 1x x =-()0,x ∞∀∈+ln 1x x ≠-A 错误;对于B 选项,由,解得,故的定义域为,101x x +>-11x -<<21log 1xy x +=-(1,1)-由,解得,故的定义域为,1010x x +>⎧⎨->⎩11x -<<22log (1)log (1)y x x =+--(1,1)-又,故B 正确;222log (1)log (1)1log 1x xx y x ++-=-=-对于C 选项,由,解得或,220x x ->0x <2x >其中在上单调递增,在上单调递减,222(1)1=-=--t x x x (2,)+∞(,0)-∞又在上单调递增,2log y t =(0,)+∞由复合函数单调性可知,的增区间为,故C 错误;()22()log 2f x x x=-(2,)+∞对于D 选项,因为,所以220x +>,22222221112222222x y x x x x x ++==++≥+⨯=+++当且仅当时等号成立,无实数解,所以,故22122x x +=+22122x x +=+2y >D 错误.故选:ACD.10. 若,,且,则下列不等式中正确的是()0a >0b >221111log log a bb a ->-A.B. 11a b >1133a b⎛⎫⎛⎫> ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭C. D.11a ab b +>+log log a b b a>【正确答案】AB【分析】根据已知条件构造函数,注意的范围,利用函数单调性的性质2()log f x x x =+x 及不等式的性质,结合特殊值法即可求解.】令,则()2()log ,0f x x x x =+>由一次函数知,在上单调递增,x ()0,∞+由对数函数知,在上单调递增,2log x ()0,∞+所以在上单调递增,2()log f x x x =+()0,∞+由,得,即,221111log log a bb a ->-221111log log a a b b +>+11f f a b ⎛⎫⎛⎫> ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭所以,故A 正确;11a b >由A 知,,又,,,所以,11a b >0a >0b >11a b >0a b <<因为在上单调递减,13xy ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭()0,∞+所以,故B 正确,1133ab⎛⎫⎛⎫> ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭由B 知,,令,,,此时,故C 错0a b <<1,2a b ==112,213a a b b +==+1223<11a a b b +<+误;由B 知,,令,,0a b <<1,22a b ==122log log 21,l 1log og 1,2a b b a ==-==-,此时,故D 错误;11-=-log log a b b a =故选:AB.11. 某数学兴趣小组对函数进行研究,得出如下结论,其中正确的有()()21xf x x =-+A. ()()4f x f x -+=B. ,都有12x x ∀≠()()()12120x x f x f x --<⎡⎤⎣⎦C.的值域为()f x ()0,4D. ,,都有1x ∀()20,x ∈+∞()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭【正确答案】ABD【分析】利用可判断A ;分、求单调性值域可判断()()4f x f x +-=0x ≥0x <()f x B ;分、讨论可得的值域可判断C ;作差利0x ≥0x <()f x ()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭用基本不等式可判断D .对于A :,A 正确;()()22411x xf x f x x x +-=-++=++对于B :当时,,因为单调递减,0x ≥()111f x x =++11y x =+所以单调递减,且,,()111f x x =++()12f x <≤()101201=+=+f 当时,,因为单调递减,0x <()131=+-f x x 11y x =-所以单调递减,且,()131=+-f x x ()23f x <<所以,则在R 上单调递减,故B 正确;()11,0113,01x x f x x x ⎧+≥⎪⎪+=⎨⎪+<⎪-⎩()f x 对于C :当时,,0x ≥()12f x <≤当时,,综上的值域为,故C 不正确;0x <()23f x <<()f x ()1,3对于D :当,时,1x ()20,x ∈+∞()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭()()()()()()12121211211211+++=-+++++x x x x x x ,仅当等号成立,()()()()()()1221212112111124+++≤-=++++++⎡⎤⎣⎦⋅x x x x x x 12x x =故,,都有,故D 正确.1x ∀()20,x ∈+∞()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭关键点点睛:解题的关键点是根据给定的函数解析式的特征判断函数单调性及值域.三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12. 已知,,则130.25042782(2023)64P -⎛⎫=⨯+-- ⎪⎝⎭333322log 2log log 89Q =-+___________.P Q +=【正确答案】133【分析】利用指数与对数的运算性质即可求解.,1131330.25442734782(2023)(82)12164433P --⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯+--=⨯+-=+-=⎢⎥⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦,所以.3333332322log 2log log 8log 48log 9299Q ⎛⎫=-+=÷⨯== ⎪⎝⎭133P Q +=故13313. 甲说:已知是上的减函数,乙说:存在,使得关于的不242,1,()4,1x a x f x x ax x -+≥⎧=⎨-+<⎩R x x 等式在时成立,若甲、乙两人说的话都不对,则的取值范围是2210x ax -+>1,22x ⎡∈⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦a ___________.【正确答案】或524a ≤<3a >【分析】结合分段函数的单调性和不等式能成立问题,分别分析甲、乙说的话对,能够得到的取值范围,即可求出结果.a 若甲对,则,解得.121442aa a⎧≥⎪⎨⎪-+≥-+⎩23a ≤≤若乙对,由存在,使得关于的不等式在时成立.x x 2210x ax -+>1,22x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦可得,,1,22x ⎡⎤∃∈⎢⎥⎣⎦12x ax +>因为在内单调递减,在内单调递增,1()g x x x =+1,12⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭(]1,2且,可知在内的最大值为,15(2)22g g ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭()g x 1,22⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦52可得,解得.522a >54a <若甲说的话不对,则或,2a <3a >若乙说的话不对,则,54a ≥若甲、乙说的话都不对,则或,524a ≤<3a >故的取值范围是或.a 524a ≤<3a >故或524a ≤<3a >14. 已知函数(且)只有一个零点,()()2log 2log 21a a f x mx m x ⎛⎫=+-++ ⎪⎝⎭0a >1a ≠则实数的取值范围为______.m 【正确答案】或或1m ≤-12m =-m =∵函数(且)只有一个零点,()()2log 2log 21a a f x mx m x ⎛⎫=+-++ ⎪⎝⎭a >01a ≠∴22210mx m x+=++>∴()()2mx 10x -+=当时,方程有唯一根2,适合题意m 0=当时,或m 0≠x =21x m=-显然符合题意的零点1x m =-∴当时,12m -=1m 2=-当时,,即12m -≠220m +≤1m ≤-综上:实数的取值范围为或或m 1m ≤-12m =-m =故答案为或或1m ≤-12m =-m =点睛:已知函数有零点求参数取值范围常用的方法和思路(1)直接法:直接根据题设条件构建关于参数的不等式,再通过解不等式确定参数范围;(2)分离参数法:先将参数分离,转化成求函数值域问题加以解决;(3)数形结合法:先对解析式变形,在同一平面直角坐标系中,画出函数的图象,然后数形结合求解.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. 已知,全集,集合,函数的定R a ∈R U =1|284x a A x -⎧⎫=<≤⎨⎬⎩⎭()12log 32y x =-义域为.B (1)当时,求;2a =()UA B ð(2)若是成立的充分不必要条件,求a 的取值范围.x B ∈x A ∈【正确答案】(1)(]20,1,53⎛⎤⋃ ⎥⎝⎦(2)82,3⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦【分析】(1)求得集合A 和集合B ,根据补集和交集的定义即可求解;(2)由是的充分不必要条件,可知集合是集合的真子集.根据真包含关系建立x B ∈x A ∈B A 不等式求解即可.【小问1】,{}{}231|28|222|234---⎧⎫=<≤=<≤=-<≤+⎨⎬⎩⎭x a x a A x x x a x a 即.](2,3=-+A a a 由,得,解得,即. 12log (32)0,-≥x 0321x <-≤213x <≤]2(,13=B 当时,.2a =(]()20,5,,1,3U A B ∞∞⎛⎤==-⋃+ ⎥⎝⎦ð∴.()(]20,1,53UB A ⎛⎤⋂=⋃⎥⎝⎦ð【小问2】由是的充分不必要条件,可知集合是集合的真子集.x B ∈x A ∈B A 所以解得,22,331a a ⎧-≤⎪⎨⎪+≥⎩823a -≤≤经检验符合集合是集合的真子集,所以a 的取值范围是.B A 82,3⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦16. 已知函数,其中且.()log a f x x=0a >1a ≠(1)若函数的图象过点,求不等式的解集;()y f x =()4,2()()22f x f x -<(2)若存在实数,使得,求的取值范围;x ()()()122f x f x f ax +++=a 【正确答案】(1)()1,2(2)()1,+∞【分析】(1)代入点坐标计算求出,根据定义域和单调性即可求出()2log f x x=的解集;()()22f x f x -<(2)根据的定义域将问题转化为时,()log a f x x=0x >有解,再结合分离常数法和换元,最后借助一元二次函数的()()()122f x f x f ax +++=性质进行求解即可.【小问1】,则,()42f = log 42a =,24a ∴=,0a > ,2a ∴=,定义域为,()2log f x x∴=(0,+∞)要解不等式,则,()()22f x f x -<(),220,x x ∞-∈+.()1,x ∞∴∈+又在定义域内是严格增函数,()2log f x x=由,则,解得.()()22f x f x -<22x x -<2x <综上所述,不等式的解集为.()()22f x f x -<()1,2【小问2】的定义域为,则在方程中,应满足()f x (0,+∞)()()()212f ax f x f x =+++,10200x x ax +>⎧⎪+>⎨⎪>⎩由,解得,问题转化为时,方程有实数0a >0x >0x >()()()122f x f x f ax +++=解.又,则,()log a f x x=()()log 1log 22log a a a x x ax+++=即.()()222log log 32a a a x x x =++为严格单调函数,()f x ,22232a x x x ∴=++,两边同除以得.0x >2x 22231a x x =++令,由,则,1t x =0x >()0,t ∞∈+在有解.22231a t t ∴=++0t >又在上严格增函数,2231231248y t t t ⎛⎫=++=+-⎪⎝⎭(0,+∞),即,()22311,y t t ∞∴=++∈+()21,a ∞∈+又,则.0a >()1,a ∞∈+17. 已知函数.()33()x xf x a a -=⋅-∈R (1)当时,求函数的零点;1a =()f x (2)若函数为偶函数,求的值;()f x a (3)当时,若关于的不等式在时恒成立,求1a =x ()99140x xf x ----≤λ(0,)x ∈+∞的取值范围.λ【正确答案】(1)零点为0(2)1-(3)(,8]-∞【分析】(1)利用函数零点定义即可得解;(2)由函数奇偶性的定义即可得解;(3)由题意将条件转化为在时恒成立,再利用基本不等式即991433x x x x λ--++≤-(0,)x ∈+∞可得解.【小问1】当时,1a =()33xxf x -=-令,解得,()330x xf x -=-=0x =所以当时,函数的零点为0.1a =()f x 【小问2】因为函数为偶函数,所以,()f x ()()f x f x -=即,所以,3333xx x xa a --⋅-=⋅-()(1)330x x a -+-=又不恒为0,所以,即.33xx --10a +=1a =-【小问3】当时,,0x >()330x xf x -=->因为关于的不等式在时恒成立,x ()99140x xf x ----≤λ(0,)x ∈+∞所以,()2331699141633333333x xxxx xx x x x x x -------+++≤==-+---λ又因为,()16163323383333x x x x x xx x-----+≥-⋅=--当且仅当,即时等号成立,163333x x x x ---=-3log (52)x =+所以,即的取值范围是.8λ≤λ(,8]-∞18. 已知定义在上的函数满足:对任意的实数,均有,且R ()f x ,x y ()()()f xy f x f y =,当时,.(1)1f -=-01x <<()(0,1)f x ∈(1)判断的奇偶性;()f x (2)判断在上的单调性,并证明;()f x (0,)+∞(3)若对任意,,,总有恒成立,1x 2[1,1]x ∈-[1,5]a ∈-()()21222f x f x m am -≤--求的取值范围.m 【正确答案】(1)奇函数(2)在上单调递增,证明见解析()f x (0,)+∞(3).(,3][6,)-∞-⋃+∞【分析】(1)令,结合得,利用奇函数定义即可证明;1y =-()11f -=-f (−x )=−f (x )(2)先利用条件证时,,然后利用函数单调性的定义以及已知条件,判断0x >()0f x >函数单调性即可;(3)先判断在R 上的单调递增,求出函数的最值,然后将问题转化为()f x ()f x 恒成立,即对恒成立,()()2max 2min 2f x f x m am ⎡⎤-≤--⎣⎦260m am --≥[]1,5a ∈-列不等式组求解即可.【小问1】函数为R 上的奇函数.证明如下:()f x 易知函数的定义域为,令,则,()f x R 1y =-()()()1f x f x f -=-又,所以,所以函数为奇函数.()11f -=-f (−x )=−f (x )()f x 【小问2】在上的单调递增,证明如下:()f x (0,+∞)由(1)知,,()()111f f =--=当时,,所以,0x >()()11110f f x fx f x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅==≠ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭()0f x ≠从而,()()()20f x fx x f x =⋅=>,则210x x ∀>>()()()()()1121222222x x f x f x f x f x f x f x fx x ⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-⋅=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,()1221x f x f x ⎡⎤⎛⎫=-⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎣⎦因为,所以,又当时,,210x x >>()1220,01x f x x ><<01x <<()()0,1f x ∈所以,所以,所以,1201x f x ⎛⎫<< ⎪⎝⎭()()210f x f x ->()()21f x f x >故在上的单调递增.()f x (0,+∞)【小问3】由(1)知,函数为R 上的奇函数,所以,()f x ()00f =由(2)知,当时,,且在上的单调递增,0x >()0f x >()f x (0,+∞)所以在上的单调递增,()f x R所以当时,函数的最大值为,最小值为,[]1,1x ∈-()f x ()11f =()11f -=-又任意,总有恒成立,[]12,1,1x x ∈-()()21222f x f x m am -≤--所以,即,()()2max 2min 2f x f x m am ⎡⎤-≤--⎣⎦260m am --≥由题意,对恒成立,令,则,260m am --≥[]1,5a ∈-()26g a ma m =-+-()min 0g a ≥所以,解得或,2260560m m m m ⎧+-≥⎨--≥⎩3m ≤-6m ≥故实数的取值范围是.m (][),36,∞∞--⋃+19. 我们知道,函数的图像关于坐标原点成中心对称图形的充要条件是函数()y f x =为奇函数,有同学发现可以将其推广为:函数的图像关于点成中()y f x =()y f x =(,)P a b 心对称图形的充要条件是函数为奇函数.()y f x a b =+-(1)判断函数的奇偶性,求函数的图像的对称中心,并说21()21x xf x -=+12()21xg x -=-+明理由;(2)已知函数,问是否有对称中心?若有,求出123()1234x x x x f x x x x x +++=+++++++()f x 对称中心;若没有,请说明理由;(3)对于不同的函数与,若的图像都是有且仅有一个对称中心,分()f x ()g x (),()f x g x 别记为和.(,)m p (,)n q (i )求证:当时,的图像仍有对称中心;m n =()()f x g x +(ii )问:当时,的图像是否仍一定有对称中心?若一定有,请说明理由;m n ≠()()f x g x +若不一定有,请举出具体的反例.【正确答案】(1)为奇函数,对称中心是,理由见解析21()21x xf x -=+(1,1)-(2)有对称中心,对称中心为5,42⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭(3)(i )证明见解析;(ii )答案见解析【分析】(1)根据奇偶性的定义即可判断的奇偶性;易证明,经过()f x 1()(1)g x f x +=-变形即可得到的对称中心;()g x (2)假设具有对称中心,则,代入的解析式求解()f x (,)a b ()(2)2f x f a x b +-=()f x 即可;(3)(i )只需证明等于一个常数即可;(ii )给出一个()(2)()(2)f x f n x g x g n x +-++-具体的反例说明即可.【小问1】为奇函数,证明如下:21()21x xf x -=+首先的定义域为,关于原点对称,()f x R 又,故为奇函数,211221()()211221x x x x xx f x f x ------===-=-+++()f x ,111112212211()1(1)212121x x x x x g x f x -----+--+=-===-+++所以,于是是奇函数,()(1)1g x f x =--(1)1()g x f x ++=由题意知图像的对称中心是.()g x (1,1)-【小问2】根据题意()()12322122232123421222324x x x x a x a x a x a x f x f a x x x x x a x a x a x a x +++--+-+-++-=+++++++++++-+-+-+-+,12311412342122x x x x x x x x x a x a +++=++++++++++----112324x a x a ++----取,上式计算得,此时,52a =-()(5)8f x f x +--=4b =所以有对称中心,对称中心为5,42⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭【小问3】根据题意,,.()(2)2f x f m x p +-=()(2)2g x g n x q +-=(i )证明:当时,,m n =()(2)()(2)222()f x f n x g x g n x p q p q +-++-=+=+所以此时的图像仍有对称中心,对称中心为.()()f x g x +(,)n p q +(ii )当时,不一定有对称重心.m n ≠()()f x g x +设,易知函数的图像关于对称,得,,1()f x x =()f x (0,0)0m =0p =设,易知函数的图像关于对称.得,,()1xg x x =+()g x (1,1)-1n =-1q =此时,,其图像不关于某一点对称,即没有对称中心.1()()1x f x g x x x +=++关键点点睛:本题的关键点是理解:函数的图像关于点成中心对称图形的()y f x =(,)P a b 充要条件是函数为奇函数.()y f x a b =+-。

材料一:积极情绪(Positive Emotion)可以定义为正面的情绪或者具有正面向上价值的情绪。

2024-2025学年第一学期第16中学九上10月月考一、语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)When something goes wrong, what would you say? It can be very ____1____to say, “I know I am late, but it is not my fault. The car broke down.” It is probably not your fault, ___2_____ once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. You have no power and could do ____3____that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop ____4____ on whom to blame. Focus on how to make the situation____5____ than before. This is the winner’s key ____6____ success.Winners are great at solving problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe your car should _____7___more often. Or you may start to take along with you the useful phone numbers, so you ____8____ call for help when you’re in need. For ___9_____ example, if your workmate is lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his fault rather than _____10___blame the person. You should accept the fact and find creative ways ____11____successfully, paying no attention to ____12____ your workmate failed to do his job well.Being concentrated is a winner’s second key. For example, when I feel___13_____, it_____14___ a lot to repeat words such as “calm” “peace” or “focus”, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increase my confidence. This habit can become second nature quite easily and is ____15____ powerful psychological tool.1. A. sastifying B. satisfied C. satisfy D. satisfaction2. A. and B. but C. so D. though3. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing4. A. focus B. focusing C. focused D. to focus5. A. good B. well C. better D. best6. A. to B. of C. by D. with7. A. check B. checked C. to check D. be checked8. A. should B. might C. can D. must9. A. other B. the other C. others D. another10. A. simple B. simply C. simplify D. sample11. A. to work B. working C. of work D. work12. A. how B. what C. which D. if13. A. nerve B. nervous C. nervously D. nervousness14. A. help B. will help C. helped D. would help15. A. / B. an C. the D. a二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Late that night, we started our final part of the climb. Nervously we carried on after a short rest. Everyone looked ___16___. Outside of the tent it was totally black. It was just after __17____. Snow was falling. It was freezing.The group climbed silently through deep snow. I could not think. The height of the mountain was playing tricks on my __18____. I tried to keep concentrated(集中思想) by watching my feet and counting to ten ___19___.People around me were just standing still as they tried to get their breath. I tried to encourage them to keep walking. My friend looked at me ___20___. He was really tired. He kept trying to lie down and go to sleep. If he did, he would freeze to death. I told him to keep moving. He climbed on. When I checked my __21____, I saw, with surprise, that I'd been walking for three hours already. I felt as if I was fighting every step of the way. All I wanted to do was turn round and go down—but I must reach the top!I began to wonder if I was not strong enough. I was losing my mind. My breathing was very rapid. Each ___22_____ I took made me more and more dizzy(晕眩的). Someone told me we had another hour and a half to go.I forced myself to __23____. I had to concentrate really hard, because one careless step could make me ___24___.Then I saw Gilman's Peak up ahead of me. Someone at the top was telling me to make one last effort. The sun was beginning to __25____ above the clouds. I climbed up the last few meters and suddenly I realized I'd done it! I was there! I was at the top of Africa!16. A. bored B. surprised C. angry D. scared17. A. noon B. dinner C. midnight D. lunchtime18. A. legs B. ears C. mind D. nose19. A. all the time B. ever since C. so far D. day and night20. A. meaninglessly B. helplessly C. uselessly D. carelessly21. A. backpack B. shoes C. tent D. watch22. A. chance B. rest C. step D. trip23. A. walk on B. work on C. put on D. turn on24. A. succeed B. sleep C. die D. lose25. A. lose B. rise C. set D. hide三、阅读第一节阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AI took up baking when I was twelve. At that time I was working on my school bakery project with my classmates. I tried a few times, but I wasn’t very successful. My parents advised I learn from my grandmother, who later gave me her recipe and instruction as well. After two years’ practice, I was able to make delicious bread. I have come to realize making bread means a lot to me although it takes a long time.To make bread, others usually use quick-rise yeast (酵母), but I don’t. Every Saturday morning, after mixing proper amount of water with flour, sugar etc, I take time to wait for the dough to rise. This is my way to slow down and smell the roses.Baking does require great patience. In my hands, the dough is slowly growing. It’s becoming softer. I can feel the change, which connects me to something quite different from the modern way of living. To me, making bread is a push against our culture of convenience. It certainly takes more time than buying bread from a store, but I enjoy it.I’ve stuck with my grandmother’s recipe without making any change. Now this tradition has continued for years. Sometimes, in order to fit it in, I have to change my schedule. But I have never considered giving it up.By the time my children get home from school, the bread has been baked and cooled. They step into the house and the first thing they do is to take a deep breath of the warm, honeyed air. My bread-baking has also helped them to slow down and understand the value of taking their time and leading an unhurried life.26. How is the writer’s bread-making different from others’?A. She uses less water.B. She uses more sugar.C. She doesn’t bake it a long time.D. She doesn’t add quick-rise yeast.27.Which word best describes life in modern times according to the writer?A. Relaxing.B. Exciting.C. Fast.D. Happy.28.What does the underlined “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?A. The recipe.B. The plan.C. The change.D. The tradition.29. What does the writer want to teach her children to do?A. Do things in a slow way.B. Bake bread at an early age.C. Be thankful for parents’ work.D. Get home from school in time.B①Driving coaches might soon be joining the list of jobs that are replaced by robots in the near future. A company in China has developed an Al-powered driving coach called Robo Coach, andit's already been used in driving schools.②Robo Coach is not a human-like robot that sits next to you and talks about your driving skills. This robot, developed by Beijing Yi Jia Jia Technology, is actually a teaching and safety control system.③Another difference between Robo Coach and human ones is even more amusing. Robo Coach will call you "mommy" or "daddy” .④Besides voice, the system uses a dashboard(仪表板)screen and a smart rear-view mirror (后视镜)to communicate with the learner. Robo Coach uses sensors(传感器)to stop if the car runs into something or increase speed suddenly for no reason, similar to how self-driving cars work.⑤Robo Coach has more than 40 sensors on the car to notice people, other cars and roads. ___▲___ And to make faster decision making, the car is also provided with radar systems.⑥The system doesn't just keep new drivers from meeting accidents. It also collects information on the learner's driving behavior and even body position. It carefully studies their driving habits in real time to see if the learner is too traditional or easy to be angry during practice and then changes its teaching style. By recording all the problems a learner runs into during lessons, the system can help the new driver correct past mistakes and prevent new ones.⑦Robo Coach is now being used in five driver training centers owned by Yi Jia Jia’s parent company as well as other diving schools across China.30. Which sentence can be put in ▲in Paragraph 5?A. It can correct your mistakes any time.B. It studies learners’ driving habits and records them.C. It can stop immediately if learners meet any danger.D. It communicates with learners and helps make decision.31. What can we learn about Robo Coach according to the passage?A. It will sit next to you to correct your driving skills.B. It will replace human driving coaches very soon.C. It can help learners improve their driving skills safely.D. It is one of the self-driving cars with more than 40 sensors.32. What’s the purpose of the passage?A. To warn us that AI coaches will replace human’s place in the future.B. To show us that AI coaches are used in some driving schools in China.C. To tell us that many people are worried about the safety of AI coaches.D. To advise us that everyone can trust AI coaches to improve our driving skills.33. Which shows the best structure of the passage?A. ①/②③④/⑤⑥⑦B. ①/②③/④⑤⑥/⑦C. ①/②/③④⑤/⑥⑦D. ①/②③④/⑤⑥/⑦CNowadays many people go camping for fun. Camping can be enjoyed in thebackyard or deep in the wilderness. Whether camping for one night or severalweeks, being prepared is the key.Endless funOnce the tent, your base, is put up and the fire area is prepared, there is lots to do. Fishing and hiking are just some of the fun activities. At night, campers often sit by the fire, talking and telling stories. If the weather turns rainy, campers usually wait it out in their tents, reading, drawing or playing games.R equired equipmentShelter, bedclothes, food and water are necessary. Deciding what else you will need depends on the kind of camping trip you are planning and the length of your trip. Pack light if you are going to carry equipment any distance. Clothing should be prepared enough to protect against weather and insects. A hat, whistle, bug repellent(驱虫剂) and rope may come in handy. Don’t forget a flashlight, a compass, cookers and a first-aid box.V arious tentsThere are many types and styles of tents. You should choose your tent based on your needs. If you are camping alone in the backyard, a simple lean-to or small tent may do. If you are camping with your family, a larger cabin tent or camping trailer may be best.Proper locationsWhere you decide to set up your campsite is very important. Look for a high and dry location if it rains. The ground should be level because hills and rocks are uncomfortable to sleep on. A sunny exposure(接触) in the morning with shade in the afternoon is ideal.Green campingWherever you camp, it is important to respect the environment around you. If you are in a park, make sure to follow its rules. Put your garbage and waste in rubbish bins. If you are in the wilderness, keep noise to a minimum and do not disturb the plants or animals.34. Before campers take up some fun activities, they should .A. go fishing and hikingB. chat around the fireC. set up their baseD. wait for the rain35. According to the passage, which item is essential for camping?A. A skirt.B. A blanket.C. A hat.D. A rope.36. If the camper faces a strong wind, which kind of tent might be the best choice?A. Lean-to tents.B. Pup tents.C. Alpine tents.D. Dome tents.37. The underlined word “level” probably means “ ”.A. roughB. steepC. highD. flatDAlong the history of human society, it seems that there isn't a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown.They probably came about just to give children something to do.In ancient times, just like today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another.In societies where social roles are strictly divided,boys copy the behavior of their fathers and girls copy the behavior of their mothers.This is true because boys and girls are preparing to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world even in the game.Surprisingly, from the history of toys, small changes have taken place over the centuries.The changes have been mostly about workmanship, mechanics and technology.It is amazing that toys are similar in the development of all parts of the world.What's more, toys used to be similar to what they are now.Among people in Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and the Arctic, generally the same kinds of toys appeared.Changes depended on local customs and ways of life because toys show the real world around the people.Nearly every civilization had dolls,little weapons,toy soldiers,tiny animals and vehicles.Since toys can often be regarded as an art form, they have not been influenced by technological progress.The development from wheels to carriage to automobiles is a straight line.If we compare a rattle(拨浪鼓)used by a baby today to the one used in 3000 BC, we will find it does not appear to be more creative. Every rattle is a product of the artistic taste of the time and is limited by materials.38. Why are the toys for boys and girls different?A.Their fathers and mothers are different.B.Most of the boys are more active than girls.C.Their mothers are more powerful than their fathers.D. The future adult society requires men and women differently.39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the author's opinion?A.Not every civilization has toys in human history.B.Similar kinds of toys appears in almost all civilization.C.Toys have changed a lot during the long history.D. People from different countries have totally different kinds of toys.40. In the next part of the article, the writer may .A.talk about some popular toys in ChinaB.tell us what kinds of toys the boys likeC.show more about the history of the toys' developmentD. give another example to show toys are works of art第二节阅读填空(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)When you’re dealing with a stressful situation or experiencing a hard time, people in your life can help you. When someone who cares knows what you’re going through, it helps you feel understood and not so alone.___41___.Problems seem smaller when you talk about them with the right person. You can do better and find out solutions more easily when you share your problems.There are lots of different ways to get and give help.___42___. Sometimes you just need advice on things. Help can be very easy, like a homework project, or it can go on for a while, like teaching to bring up a failing grade or advising to get through a difficult personal situation.It’s likely that you remember times someone helped you.___43___. Friends helped you get through sadness or deal with disappointment. Teachers might have guided you through the college application process.___44___. You might give a hand to your classmate who met difficulty.Friends, parents, teachers and other adults can be great resources when you need help. There are also times when you need the extra help that a professional can provide best. Doctors can offer specialized help for a health problem.___45___.A. Parents taught you to stop a bad habit.B. Sometimes you just want to hear an encouraging word.C. Turn to the professional people for help when you need.D. And you can also remember times when you helped othersE. Having a right person means a lot.笔试部分(满分30分)四、写作(满分30分)第一节语篇填词(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Around 500 years ago, there were many wise men around the world. They worked all their lives to find out the secrets of nature. At that time Galileo Galilei was one of the most f___46_____ astronomers and he discovered many things.In 1609, Galileo heard about a new invention called the telescope, and he decided to build one to look at the universe. When he looked at the Moon, he found mountains and craters(坑). People at that time s____47____the Moon was a round ball, and they had no idea there are mountains on it.Galileo also discovered that everything falls at the same speed. This was another a____48____of his. He dropped two round metal balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa in front of a large audience. One ball was very h__49______, and the other was light. Both balls hit the ground at e__50______the same time.第二节完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)51. 他因为盗窃被送进了监狱。


1.一元二次方程4x2+x−3=0中一次项系数、常数项分别是( )A. 2,−3B. 0,−3C. 1,−3D. 1,02.解方程(x+1)2=3(1+x)的最佳方法是( )A. 直接开平方法B. 配方法C. 公式法D. 因式分解法3.抛物线y=−3x2+2x−1与y轴的交点为( )A. (0,1)B. (0,−1)C. (−1,0)D. (1,0)4.若关于x的一元二次方程(k−1)x2+x+1=0有实数根,则k的取值范围是( )A. k≥54B. k>54C. k>54且k≠1 D. k≤54且k≠15.若关于x的方程x2−kx−3=0的一个根是x=3,则k的值是( )A. −2B. 2C. −12D. 126.关于x的方程|x2−2x−3|=a有且仅有两个实数根,则实数a的取值范围是( )A. a=0B. a=0或a=4C. a>4D. a=0或a>47.在手拉手学校联谊活动中,参加活动的每个同学都要给其他同学发一条励志短信,总共发了110条,设参加活动的同学有x个,根据题意,下面列出的方程正确的是( )A. 12x(x+1)=110 B. 12x(x−1)=110 C. x(x+1)=110 D. x(x−1)=1108.已知函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图,那么关于x的方程ax2+bx+c+2=0的根的情况是( )A. 无实数根B. 有两个相等实数根C. 有两个同号不等实数根D. 有两个异号实数根9.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c,若ab<0,a−b2>0,点A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)在该二次函数的图象上,其中x1<x2,x1+x2=0,则( )A. y1=−y2B. y1>y2C. y1<y2D. y1、y2的大小无法确定10.已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,有下列4个结论:①abc<0;②b>a+c;③2a−b=0;④b2−4ac<0.其中正确的结论个数是( )A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个二、填空题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。

2024学年向明中学9月学科检测高三年级英语试卷I. Listening Comprehension (25分)Section A (10分,每题1分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At 10:00. B. At 10:20. C. At 10:30. D. At 11:30.2. A. $5. B. $10. C. $15. D. $20.3. A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and assistant.C. Manager and customer.D. Nurse and patient.4. A. It was too emotional. B. It was not compelling enough.C. It was accurate and detailed.D. It was a perfect representation.5. A. Frustrating. B. Indifferent. C. Thrilled. D. Distressing.6. A. Work overtime. B. Ask her team for help.C. Start a new project.D. Delay the submission.7. A. Try to get a ride with Pete. B. Take an airplane to Yellowstone.C. Ask Pete about his geology class.D. Drive her car to Yellowstone.8. A. Invest all your money in one place. B. Diversify your investments.C. Avoid startups entirely.D. Keep all your assets in cash.9. A. Annie should try to avoid getting sick.B. He has known Annie’s neighbor for many years.C. He has heard of many composers of classical musicD. Annie might spend a lot of money on classical music.10. A. Because he favors goods in physical stores.B. Because he enjoys the offline shopping experience.C. Because he doesn’t have much money.D. Because he doesn’t like the shopping festival.Section B (15分,每题1.5分)Directions:In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. More than 23,000. B. More than 230,000.C. More than 33,000.D. More than 18.6 million.12. A. It has affected multiple countries including Vietnam, China, and the Philippines.B. It has caused extensive flooding in Myanmar alone.C. It has led to warmer ocean waters.D. It has resulted in high wind speeds and intense rainfall due to climate change.13. A. Typhoon Yagi has caused significant damage in multiple regions.B. The floods in Myanmar have resulted in numerous casualties and displacements.C. Many families in Myanmar are struggling to access clean drinking water.D. Emergency relief efforts in Myanmar have been slow to respond to the flooding crisis.Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. Because they have in-depth knowledge of conflicts.B. Because of their high visibility and appeal.C. Because they always provide accurate information.D. Because they work closely with experts.15.A. It makes you more likely to seek out diverse perspectives.B. It helps you to remain objective and analytical.C. It can overshadow logical reasoning and critical analysis.D. It has no impact on your perception of conflicts.16.A. Highly supportive. B. Neutral and unbiased.C. Mildly critical.D. Indifferent.Question 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. A new light show along the Bund and international food stalls.B. A new music concert and art exhibition.C. A new sports competition and dance performance.D. A new film screening and literature fair.18. A. The food stalls. B. The parade.C. The light show.D. The art and craft fair.19.A. Free shuttle buses.B. Additional public transport services and road closures.C. Discounted taxi fares.D. Bicycle rental stations.20.A. To convince their parents.B. To fund-raise activities.C. To research destinations and planning the route.D. To document the journey through blogs.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A (10分,每题1分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Digital twins are fast becoming part of everyday lifeWhen visiting a doctor a few years from now, you can expect to be accompanied by a virtual version of yourself. This so-called digital twin will be a __21__ (work) model of your body that can be summoned(传唤)onto a physician’s computer screen. __22__ (update) with your latest vital signs, it will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. It also opens the door for medicines and procedures designed specifically for you, greatly increasing recovery rates.This might seem like fantasy, but the foundations are being laid. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London already use computer simulations of the hearts of individual patients __23__ (evaluate) different treatments for atrial fibrillation(心房颤动), a common disorder. __24__ would be far too risky to experiment this way on someone’s real heart. __25__ other organs also being twinned by scientists, it seems likely they will eventually link up to form a virtual body.As our Science & technology section reports, digital twins are starting to pop up everywhere. They began as basic computer models of physical objects and systems. __26__ computers have become more powerful, twins have become more sophisticated. Complex design and modelling software means many physical objects initially take shape in the virtual world. Small sensors, capable of measuring all sorts of things, __27__ (feed) twins with real-time data, ensuring that they mirror their physical counterparts. A Formula 1 racing car, for instance, may have more than 250 sensors updating its digital twin during a grand prix.The use of AI takes all this much __28__ (far), allowing virtual models to become more sophisticated, and to both simulate and optimize activities in the real world. You __29_worry that this signals a dystopian (反乌托邦的)future; Morpheus, a character in a science-fiction film from 1999 __30____30__ a perceptive machine conquered humanity through pervasive virtual reality, had a name for it. He said: “The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.”Section B(20分,每题2分)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each wordat the federal level was the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act in 1998, long before the arrival of __35__ smartphones and social media. That means parents havebeen without effective recourse and tech companies have had little legal accountability when it comes to children, __36__ to external temptation.That is the context in which we must __37__ last week’s Senate vote to pass the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) by a vote of 91-3. The bill is a critical and urgently needed step forward to protect America’s kids online.Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), one of the bill’s sponsors, criticized tech executives in a January hearing. Big Tech’s approach to young users is even worse than that. Tech companies not only exploit children, luring them into offering themselves to the digital world for consumption in order to make the companies money, but ensure that children become addicts. Smartphones and social media are not designed to be used __38__.KOSA aims to reorder tech companies’ priorities, requiring them to design their products with children’s health and safety in mind. The bill creates a duty of care, which would make online platforms responsible for preventing and __39__ a list of specific harms. They include promotion of suicide, eating disorders, substance abuse, and advertisements for unlawful products for __40__ . Tech companies would be legally liable and could face litigation from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for failing to enact these protections.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A(15分,每题1分)Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Too Much of Our Seafood Has a Dark SecretNot that long ago, if you saw a piece of fish on your plate, you wouldn’t have thought to ask where it came from or whether it was sustainable.That began to change in the 1990s as __41__ groups fought to protect all kinds of life in the ocean from overfishing. After persuading Congress to create and enforce strict plans to __42__ species, they set in motion a virtuous cycle that made seafood, from the mighty swordfish to the humble sea scallop, __43__ again. New rules for other species have had similarly __44__effects. Sea turtles that once drowned in shrimp nets can now escape. Fewer diving seabirds are getting caught on fishing lines. And limits on fishing smaller species such as menhaden mean that whales off our coasts have more to eat and today can be seen cavorting (欢腾)within sight of the Statue of Liberty. __45__, American commercial and recreational fisheries generated 35 percent more sales in 2022 than in 2018.But walk into your local supermarket, and you may still be buying snapper blasted from their reefs by Indonesian fishermen using dynamite or __46__ caught yellowfin tuna and squid. U.S. fisheries may be much improved, but up to 80 percent of the fish and shellfish on American plates is imported. Much of it comes via obscure international seafood conglomerates(企业集团)that purchase fish from companies that have been __47__ fishing against the law and profiting from forced labor, as the nonprofit Outlaw Ocean Project has documented.We in wealthy nations unwittingly support these abuses by using the world’s supply of fish __48__ it is a limitless line of credit. But this credit is running out. The global catch of fish and other wildlife in the ocean peaked in the 1990s and has since __49__ steadily downward. Soon, not even forced labor may be able to __50__ profit out of the remaining wild fish.Expanding fish farming, or aquaculture(水产业), was once thought to be a potential __51__ to this problem, but it has also not, as hoped, given wild fish the break they need. Salmon and shrimp, Americans’ favorite farmed seafoods, are still fed to wild fish caught in poorly regulated foreign waters. Highly nutritious fish, such as anchovies and sardines, that make up 20 percent to 30 percent of the global catch are fed to salmon and shrimp - a striking __52__ of protein.Clearly, both wild and farmed seafood have a long way to go before they are actually __53__. So what do we need to put truly safe, resilient and ethically procured fish and shellfish on everybody’s __54__? Consumers can make better choices, but to move past depletion and abuse, governments need to institute new fishery management laws, __55__ by rigorous enforcement.41. A. association B. administration C. conservation D. reservation42. A. bring forward B. bring back C. bring off D. bring down43. A. humble B. measurable C. appealing D. considerable44. A. one-sided B. positive C. skin-deep D. negative45. A. What’s more B. However C. After all D. Rather46. A. illegally B. effortlessly C. consciously D. regularly47. A. held unaccountable for B. accused ofC. credited withD. flooded with48. A. as if B. so that C. because D. for fear that49. A. lay B. drifted C. blew D. wound50. A. deprive B. squeeze C. generate D. boast51. A. approach B. shortcut C. obstacle D. contribution52. A. supply B. stock C. resources D. waste53. A. recoverable B. supportive C. developmental D. sustainable54. A. table B. menu C. shelf D. plate55. A. accompanied B. reflected C. excluded D. launched Section B (22分,每题2分)Directions:Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)“Anita Bhagwandas is really ugly.” This was a comment that had been left on an online forum 10 years ago in reaction to a picture of me alongside my colleagues. “Trolls will be trolls," friends comforted me when I told them about it. They told me that I should forget all about those words. But I couldn't let “ugly” go.I've had a complex relationship with that word my whole life. Growing up in Walesduring the 1990s and 2000s as a plus-sized, dark-skinned Indian girl, I wanted to look like anyone other than myself.This discomfort followed me from my teens all the way up to my university and adult life---an imaginary friend was always there to remind me of my lowly place in the world. Overtime, it developed into an obsession with thinness and all that it promised: prettiness, acceptance, success. I, like many others, have been on and off some type of diet throughout my life. It feels like a never-ending game of chess, using protein bars and fried chicken as pieces.To say that trying to navigate this internal concept of “ugly” shaped my life would be an understatement. It affected everything, including my career: I became a beauty editor. I was driven by the knowledge that the industry needed to be more inclusive.Working on the inside of the beauty industry, I started to notice some changes. Around 2010, social media gave people a voice and more control over what magazines and brands were creating for them. Now, consumers were increasingly being told to “love the skin you're in” or to feel like you're “worth it.”I finally found some comfort---but it wasn't because of the popular slogan “love yourself as you are.” That never worked for me because it didn’t go deep enough. But when I started to read about how beauty standards were created, who created them and who was holding the puppet strings that are making so many of us feel ugly, things started to gradually change.I developed some self-protective methods to counter the wrongness of the beauty standards I’d been sold my entire life. Today, I still buy beauty products, but I do so because I love their smells, their designs and their textures, so purchasing beauty products has become much of a pleasurable experience for me. It makes a big difference to your mindset when you are using beauty products for joy, rather than to look prettier, thinner and younger.Am I fixed? Do I walk around giving myself high fives in wing mirrors and windows? No. But I do feel so much more at peace with my appearance.I've come to learn how important it is for me to root my self-worth in the qualities that really define me---my character and positive traits. Once I had done so, I started to realize that ugly is an ever-changing concept---and the biggest lesson I've learned is never to trust those binary(二元对立的)categories. “Pretty” and “ugly” don'tactually exist.56. When the author was called ugly by strangers online, she__________.A. just laughed it offB. was really astonished about itC. tried to pay no attention to itD. felt as uncomfortable as she had as a child57. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 imply?A. The author’s diet is unhealthy and unbalanced.B. The author has been following a very strict diet plan.C. The author finds it beyond her intelligence to make herself a diet plan.D. The author has long battled between eating fattening foods and struggling to lose weight.58. We can learn from the article that the author became a beauty editorbecause__________.A. she wanted to fulfill her childhood dreamB. she aspired to broaden the public perceptionC. she wished to explore the true standards of beauty herselfD. she hoped to prove herself to those who looked down upon her59. The author’s perception of herself improved significantly_________.A. after having worked in the beauty industryB. when she learnt about the secrets behind beauty standardsC. when she defined her self-worth based on her good qualitiesD. after having been inspired by the slogan “love yourself as you are.”(B)Road Bike Vs Hybrid Bike – Choosing the Right Bike Road bikes are all about speed and performance, aiming to be the quickest bike possible. Hybrid bikes take characteristics from both road and mountain bikes. Is one better than the other? We’ll unpack everything there is to know about them and how they differ.PerformanceRoad bikes are more performance-driven. The weight of frame plays a big part in a bike’s speed. The industry standard for building the lightest bikes is to construct carbon fiber frames. While aluminum bike frames are only a half-pound to a pound heavier, that difference can go a long way. A majority of road bikes are built with carbon and a majority of hybrids are built with aluminum or steel.ComfortThe hybrid wins the comfort battle. One of the quickest ways to distinguish a hybrid bike from a road bike is by looking at the handlebars. Hybrids typically come with flat bars making the stability and turning easy and comfortable. Whereas the drop bars commonly found on a road bike can be challenging to stabilize for inexperienced cyclists.ComponentsA bike’s components include brakes, shifters, chain, etc. Although there can behigh-end components on hybrids and low-end components on road bikes it doesn’t typically shake out to be that way. Expect hybrids to be equipped with lower-end components and road bikes to be equipped with the higher end ones.TouringBoth bikes can be used for touring. But hybrid bike frames are typically more durable for long multi-day adventures because they can sustain the extra weight of luggage, say, pannier(货篮) bags for camping vacations.Before purchasing, be sure to locate a local bike rental shop to get familiar with a bike. Testing out a bike in the parking lot of a bike shop won’t do your purchase justice. Instead, be sure to take the road bike vs hybrid battle to the streets. No matter which bike you choose you are guaranteed to enjoy your rides knowing that you’ve picked the best bike for you.60. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Compared with carbon fiber frames, aluminum bike frames are a half-pound to a pound heavier and don’t result in much difference in speed.B. It’s not common to see low-end components on hybrids and high-end components on road bikes.C. Before purchasing a bike, taking it to the parking lot of a bike shop to test out is not recommended by the author.D. Hybrids have an edge over road bikes only from the perspective of comfort.61. Jack, an inexperienced cyclist, chooses to buy a hybrid bike instead of a road bike for his five-day adventurous trip possibly because____________________.A. a hybrid bike has an additional drop bar to keep balanceB. a road bike is not suitable for touringC. a road bike challenges a rider’s flexibilityD. a hybrid bike can sustain more weight62. What’s the purpose of the passage?A. An advertisement for a bike rental shop.B. A paper analyzing the differences between two kinds of bikes.C. A guide on how to choose between two kinds of bikes.D. News on road bikes and hybrid bikes.(C)An Internet privacy bill introduced by Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto would prohibit discriminatory data practices. That is a good goal. But which practices qualify as discriminatory is a complicated question.Privacy activists have long stressed that data over-collection and misuse cause disproportionate harm to minority groups. Often, that harm is prohibited by existing civil rights rules. But those rules were put into place before anyone could have imagined an age of digital discrimination, and companies are avoiding them.Take targeted advertising. Leaders in the industry make money by allowing advertisers to select the very specific group of the population they think are most likelyto want their products. Sometimes, those categories are the same classes of people that civil rights law exists to protect, such as minorities and women.That can lead to forms of marketing that are not hidden at all: say, promoting women’s shoes exclusively to potential customers who have displayed an online interest in women’s fashion. It can also lead to obvious abuses, such as companies displaying housing ads only to mainstream individuals, whether by explicitly excluding minorities or engaging in digital redlining via Zip code restrictions. An expanse of gray lies in between. Regulators will have to decide whether to limit anti-discrimination rules to areas where there are traditionally heightened protections or whether — and how — to push beyond those frameworks. And they will have to address how platforms’ traditional immunity from obligation for users’ actions runs up against any new rules.Lawmakers will also have to look at data-based discrimination that is not designed to have a negative impact on protected groups but does anyway. An algorithm(算法) that adjusts an ad’s audience to maximize engagement could end up showing a job posting only to men if men click on it most frequently — which could occur for a profession historically unfriendly to women. The same unintentional discrimination can occur in hiring, loan approval and elsewhere: Tools trained with information from years of totally different treatment often keep up those unfair outcomes.There’s an added wrinkle. Sometimes, targeting sensitive advertisements based on protected characteristics can actually promote equality. Directing education opportunities to an underserved community is a kind of advertising affirmative action that regulators should take care not to prohibit.Whatever Congress decides — Ms. Cortez Masto’s bill would leave the particulars to the Federal Trade Commission— any law should require that companies of a certain size study how their algorithms do, or don’t, hurt the vulnerable. In the data privacy debate, generalized philosophical complaints can sometimes overshadow concrete harms. Putting the discriminatory use of data front and center focuses discussion of a federal framework on what it actually ought to do: protect Americans, especially those who need it most.63. What is the purpose of the privacy act?A. To prevent data discrimination.B. To put into place civil rights rules.C. To stress the harm of data over-collection.D. To work out the complicated discrimination question.64. What problem will regulators have to face?A. Whose action run up against any new rules.B. How to address customers’ immunity from obligation.C. Which areas are changed from traditionally heightened protection.D. Whether to restrict or expand the application of anti-discrimination.65. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?A. Some data-based discrimination hurts more men than women.B. Advertisements targeted on underserved groups can bring positive effects.C. Concrete harms can be solved if there’s less philosophical complaints.D. There are distinct line between targeted marketing and obvious abuse.66. Which is the best title?A. Protecting Digital Privacy.B. Overstating Digital Protection.C. Defining Digital Discrimination.D. Adding Wrinkles to Advertisement. Section C(8分,每题2分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Giving Robots a Fleshy Face and a SmileIf humanoid robots look a bit cold-would it help if they had fleshy faces that can smile at you?A research team in Japan has created a face mask from human skin cells and attached it to robots with a novel technique. _____67_____. This outward layer, the researchers say, is both elastic and durable enough to protect robots while making them appear more human.“Human-like faces and expressions improve communication and empathy in human-robot interactions,” said Shoji Takeuchi, the study's lead researcher. “This further makes robots more effective in health care, service and companionship roles.”Beyond expressiveness, the “skin” can self-repair and heal._____68_____.The novel skin attachment method advances the newborn “biohybrid” robotics field, said Kevin Lynch, an expert on robotics and biosystems. This field integrates mechanical engineering with genetic and tissue engineering. “This study is an innovative contribution to the problem of anchoring artificial skin to the underlying material,” said Lynch. Takeuchi's team has been working with labmade human skin for years. In 2022, they developed a robotic finger covered in living skin._____69_____.The team had tried anchoring the skin with mini-hooks, but those caused tears asthe robot moved. The researchers then decided to mimic ligaments(韧带), the tiny ropes of loose tissue that connect bones. They drilled small, V-shaped holes into the robot and applied a gel,which plugged the holes and made the artificial skin attach to the robot. “This approach integrates traditional rigid robots with soft, biological skins, making them more ‘human-like,’” said Yifan Wang, a mechanical engineer._____70_____. “This could create opportunities for the robots to sense and safely interact with humans," Wang said.The faces of the robots with artificial skin in Takeuchi's lab are unable to sense touch or temperature change. Takeuchi said that is his next research target.“We aim to create skin that closely resembles real skin by gradually constructing essential components such as blood vessels, nerves and sweat glands,” he said.In place of the neural systems that convey sensation in a human body, a robot's electronics would need to power a sensor signal. This development, Wang said, would require much more time and research.IV. Summary Writing (10分)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Buy Experiences, not PossessionsOver the past several years, researchers have conducted scientific studies suggesting experiential purchases (such as travel, and outdoor activities) tend to bring people more happiness than material ones (for instance, clothing, and electronic goods). Recently, they have investigated another downstream consequence.They conducted a series of 13 experiments, asking people to think about either experiential or material purchases and then rate feelings on nine-point scales. In some studies, people reported feeling more ties with someone who had made the same experiential purchase than someone with the same material purchase. Owning the same T-shirt or sneakers as someone else is an interesting coincidence, but hiking the same trail or seeing the same performance makes people feel more connected. This reflects the fact that experiential purchases are more central to an individual’s identity because this kind of consumption tends to represent more of one’s true, essential sense of self.These findings apply even when people think about how their experiences differ. Researchers asked participants to consider a situation in which they met someone who had made a similar experiential or material purchase, but the other person’s purchase was “upgraded”. Even in these cases, experiences were more likely to foster connection between people than material items were.Knowing that another person has a better version of what you have can create a sense of social distance. What researchers observe, however, is that this distance feels less wide when it comes to experiential purchases. Although unpleasant social。

1.已知集合A ={−1,2,3,4},B ={x ∈Z|y =ln (9−x 2)},则A ∩B =( )A. {1,2,3}B. {−1,2}C. {2,3}D. {0,1,2,3,4}2.已知复数z 1=a 2−3a +3i ,z 2=2+(a 2−4a)i ,a ∈R ,若z 1+z 2为纯虚数,则a =( )A. 1或2B. 1C. 2D. 33.已知向量a ,b 满足|a |=2,b =(2,0),且|a +b |=2,则a 在b 上的投影向量的坐标为( )A. (−1,0)B. (1,0)C. (−2,0)D. (2,0)4.已知cos (α+π2)=2cos(α+3π),则sin 2α+12sin2αcos 2α=( )A. −14 B. 34 C. 2D. 65.某中学开展劳动实习,学习制作模具,有一个模具的毛坏直观图如图所示,它是由一个圆柱体与一个半球对接而成的组合体,已知该几何体的下半部分圆柱的轴截面(过圆柱上、下底面圆的圆心连线的平面)ABCD 是面积为16的正方形,则该几何体的体积为( )A. 16π3B. 16πC. 64π3D. 72π6.设S n 为正项等比数列{a n }的前n 项和,3S 2=a 1+2a 3,a 3=8,则数列{a n +2n−1}的前5项和为( )A. 55B. 57C. 87D. 897.已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx +φ)(A >0,ω>0,|φ|<π2)的部分图象如图所示,将函数f(x)的图象先向右平移π4个单位长度,再将所有点的横坐标缩短为原来的12(纵坐标不变),得到函数g(x)的图象,若关于x 的方程g(x)−m =0在x ∈[−π12,π6]上有两个不等实根,则实数m 的取值范围为( )A. (−2,2]B. (−2,− 3]C. [ 3,2]D. (− 3, 3]8.已知定义域为R的函数f(x)不是常函数,且满足f(x+y)+f(x−y)=f(x)f(y),f(1)=0,则∑2026i=1f (i)=( )A. −2B. 2C. −2026D. 2026二、多选题:本题共3小题,共18分。

2024—2025学年高二上学期第一次月考联考高二数学试卷本试卷共5页 满分150分,考试用时120分钟注意事项:1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码贴在答题卡上的指定位置.2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效.3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内.写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效.4. 考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交.一、单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题所给的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.已知()()2,1,3,1,1,1a b =−=− ,若()a a b λ⊥− ,则实数λ的值为( )A .2−B .143−C .73D .22.P 是被长为1的正方体1111ABCD A B C D −的底面1111D C B A 上一点,则1PA PC ⋅ 的取值范围是( )A .11,4 −−B .1,02 −C .1,04 −D .11,42 −−3.已知向量()4,3,2a =− ,()2,1,1b = ,则a 在向量b 上的投影向量为( ) A .333,,22 B .333,,244 C .333,,422 D .()4,2,24.在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D −中,E ,F 分别为棱1AA ,1BB 的中点,G 为棱11A B 上的一点,且()102A G λλ=<<,则点G 到平面1D EF 的距离为( )AB C D 5.已知四棱锥P ABCD −,底面ABCD 为平行四边形,,M N 分别为棱,BC PD 上的点,13CM CB =,PN ND =,设AB a =,AD b =,AP c = ,则向量MN 用{},,a b c 为基底表示为( )A .1132a b c ++B .1162a b c −++ C .1132a b c −+ D .1162a b c −−+ 6.在四面体OABC 中,空间的一点M 满足1146OM OA OB OC λ=++ .若,,MA MB MC 共面,则λ=( ) A .12 B .13 C .512 D .7127.已知向量()()1,21,0,2,,a t t b t t =−−= ,则b a − 的最小值为( ) AB C D 8.“长太息掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰”,端阳初夏,粽叶飘香,端午是一大中华传统节日.小玮同学在当天包了一个具有艺术感的肉粽作纪念,将粽子整体视为一个三棱锥,肉馅可近似看作它的内切球(与其四个面均相切的球,图中作为球O ).如图:已知粽子三棱锥P ABC −中,PAPB AB AC BC ====,H 、I 、J 分别为所在棱中点,D 、E 分别为所在棱靠近P 端的三等分点,小玮同学切开后发现,沿平面CDE 或平面HIJ 切开后,截面中均恰好看不见肉馅.则肉馅与整个粽子体积的比为( ).A B C D 二、多项选择题(本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分)9.如图,在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D −中,E 为1BB 的中点,F 为11A D 的中点,如图所示建立空间直角坐标系,则下列说法正确的是( )A .13DB =B .向量AE 与1AC C .平面AEF 的一个法向量是()4,1,2−D .点D 到平面AEF 10.在正三棱柱111ABC A B C −中,1AB AA =,点P 满足][1([0,1,0,])1BP BC BB λµλµ=+∈∈ ,则下列说法正确的是( )A .当1λ=时,点P 在棱1BB 上B .当1µ=时,点P 到平面ABC 的距离为定值C .当12λ=时,点P 在以11,BC B C 的中点为端点的线段上 D .当11,2λµ==时,1A B ⊥平面1AB P 11.布达佩斯的伊帕姆维泽蒂博物馆收藏的达・芬奇方砖在正六边形上画了具有视觉效果的正方体图案,如图1,把三片这样的达・芬奇方砖拼成图2的组合,这个组合再转换成图3所示的几何体.若图3中每个正方体的棱长为1,则( )A .122CG AB AA =+B .直线CQ 与平面1111DC B A 所成角的正弦值为23C .点1C 到直线CQD .异面直线CQ 与BD 三、填空题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)12.正三棱柱111ABC A B C −的侧棱长为2,底面边长为1,M 是BC 的中点.在直线1CC 上求一点N ,当CN 的长为 时,使1⊥MN AB .13.四棱锥P ABCD −中,PD ⊥底面ABCD ,底面ABCD 是正方形,且1PD =,3AB =,G 是ABC 的重心,则PG 与平面PAD 所成角θ的正弦值为 .14.坡屋顶是我国传统建筑造型之一,蕴含着丰富的数学元素.安装灯带可以勾勒出建筑轮那,展现造型之美.如图,某坡屋顶可视为一个五面体,其中两个面是全等的等腰梯形,两个面是全等的等腰三角形.若25m AB =,10m BC =,且等腰梯形所在平面、等腰三角形所在平面与平面ABCD 的夹角的正切值均为,则该五面体的所有棱长之和为 .四、解答题(本大题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)15.(本小题13分)如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D −中,11,2AD AA AB ===,点E 在棱AB 上移动.(1)当点E 在棱AB 的中点时,求平面1D EC 与平面1DCD 所成的夹角的余弦值;(2)当AE 为何值时,直线1A D 与平面1D EC 所成角的正弦值最小,并求出最小值.16.(本小题15分)如图所示,直三棱柱11ABC A B C −中,11,92,0,,CA CB BCA AA M N °==∠==分别是111,A B A A 的中点.(1)求BN 的长;(2)求11cos ,BA CB 的值.(3)求证:BN ⊥平面1C MN .17.(本小题15分)如图,在四棱维P ABCD −中,平面PAD ⊥平面ABCD ,PA PD ⊥,PA PD =,AB AD ⊥,1AB =,2AD =,AC CD ==(1)求直线PB 与平面PCD 所成角的正切值;(2)在PA 上是否存在点M ,使得//BM 平面PCD ?若存在,求AM AP的值;若不存在,说明理由. 18.(本小题17分) 如图1,在边长为4的菱形ABCD 中,60DAB ∠=°,点M ,N 分别是边BC ,CD 的中点,1AC BD O ∩=,AC MN G ∩=.沿MN 将CMN 翻折到PMN 的位置,连接PA ,PB ,PD ,得到如图2 所示的五棱锥P ABMND −.(1)在翻折过程中是否总有平面PBD ⊥平面PAG ?证明你的结论;(2)若平面PMN ⊥平面MNDB ,线段PA 上是否存在一点Q ,使得平面QDN 与平面PMN 所成角的余弦值为Q 的位置;若不存在,请说明理由. 19.(本小题17分)如图,四棱锥P ABCD −中,四边形ABCD 是菱形,PA ⊥平面,60ABCD ABC ∠= ,11,,2PA AB E F ==分别是线段BD 和PC 上的动点,且()01BE PF BD PC λλ==<≤.(1)求证://EF 平面PAB ;(2)求直线DF 与平面PBC 所成角的正弦值的最大值;(3)若直线AE 与线段BC 交于M 点,AH PM ⊥于点H ,求线段CH 长的最小值.。

高新一中2024~2025学年度第一学期综合素养评价(三)九年级英语第一卷 (45 分)I. 单项选择 (共20小题, 计20分)本题共有 20个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
1.— Who is girl we met yesterday?—— She's Ashley. And she is Australian girl.A. a; anB. a;aC. the; anD. the;a2. I prefer some shopping to camping since the weather isn't lovely.A. do; goingB. doing; goC. do; goD. doing; going3. — Look! That is the woman I met yesterday.— Oh, she is my aunt speaks three foreign languages.A. what; whoB. that; whomC. who; whomD./; who4 This old photo makes me the people and things we met at college.A. think about; thatB. think of; whichC. think of; thatD. think about; which5. The worker didn't the machine before he left. Don't be as as he is!A. shut off; carefulB. shut off; carelessC. put off; carefulD. clean off: careless6. There's a red ear in our neighborhood. Do you know it is?A. park; whoseB. parking; whoseC. park; whomD. parking; whom7. I like music that I can dance . But he likes music that he can sing along .A. with; withB. to; withC. with; toD. to; to8. He the math test and looks sad these days. Let's .A. passed; cheer him upB. passed; pick him upC. failed; cheer him upD. failed; pick him up9. Jane is a(n) girl. She could Beijing Opera when she was five years old.A. intelligence; speakB. intelligence; performC. intelligent; speakD. intelligent; perform10 I arrived home late this evening. I could a strong feeling of anger from my mom, becauseshe was silent.A. sense; strangeB. sense; strangelyC. touch; strangelyD. touch; strange11. As for the problem,I don't agree you. My idea is different yours.A. with; asB. with; fromC. to; asD. to; from12. Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep she down on the bed.A. unless, layB. as soon as; layC. unless; laidD. as soon as; laid13. — How do you like the famous novel My Childhood?—I think it is worth , and it Gorky's miserable life.A. seeing; reflectedB. seeing; reflectsC. reading; reflectingD. reading; reflects14. We all hope you can still your dream though you' re so now.A. stick to; downB. give up; downC. stick to; happyD. give up; happy15. We often our friends' homes without them first.A. drop by; callB. drop by; callingC. pass by; callD. pass by; calling16. — I've put on ten pounds.— You should to take more exercise and learn a balanced diet.A. make an effort: what to keepB. try not; how to helpC. try not; what to helpD. make an effort; how to keep17. Teens care about themselves their parents.A. expected to; neither… norB. are expected to; neither... norC expected to; not only… but also D. are expected to; not only… but also18 — I wonder when I meet someone for the first time in China.— You are supposed to here.A. how am I supposed to do; kissB. what am I supposed to do; shake handsC. how I am supposed to do; kissD. what I am supposed to do; shake hands19. The restaurant owner his way that all his guests are well satisfied.A. goes out of; making sureB. goes out of; to make sureC. gets out of; making sureD. gets out of; to make sure20. — ! I failed to pass the driving test again.— Never mind. , you've done what you can.A. What a pity; After allB. What a pity; After a whileC. How lucky; After a whileD. How lucky; After allII. 完形填空 (共10小题, 计10分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。

2025年人教A版八年级历史下册月考试卷含答案考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四五六总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(共6题,共12分)1、中国古典诗词浩如烟海;词人灿若星河。
与右图的作者生活于同一时代的是( )A. 杜甫李清照B. 白居易辛弃疾C. 辛弃疾李清照D. 白居易杜甫2、在中国近代史上,最先占领中国领土和割占中国领土最多的分别是英国和俄国。
( )A. 正确B. 错误3、自古以来,状元最受人羡慕和尊敬,而工商业是被人看不起的“末业”,在清末偏偏有一个状元“舍本逐末”办起了实业,此人是A. 张謇B. 曾国藩C. 张之洞D. 李鸿章4、纪念孙中山先生的南京中山陵,其平面是呈“警钟形”,意在“警钟长鸣、唤起民众”。
孙中山先生为“唤起民众”而制定的革命纲领中,其核心内容是()A. 三民主义B. 民族主义C. 民权主义D. 民生主义5、“大包干,大包干,直来直去不拐弯。
”这首歌赞颂的是( )A. 土地改革B. 进行国有企业改革C. 乡镇企业“异军突起”D. 推行家庭联产承包责任制6、建立了历史上第一个伊斯兰教国家,完成了创立宗教和建立统一国家的双重历史使命的是A. 释迦牟尼B. 耶稣C. 穆罕默德D. 丕平评卷人得分二、多选题(共5题,共10分)7、以下事件发生在1950年的有:( )A. 开国大典B. 西藏和平解放C. 抗美援朝战争D. 土地改革运动的开始8、我国首都北京曾经举办的大型体育盛会包括()标志着我国走向世界体育强国A. 1990年亚运会B. 2008年奥运会C. 1995年亚运会D. 2010年奥运会9、中共十九大的主题是()A. 勿忘初心,牢记使命B. 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,决胜全面建成小康社会C. 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利D. 为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不懈奋斗10、下列说法与三大改造的基本完成相关的是()A. 实现了把生产资料私有制转变为社会主义公有制的任务B. 我国初步建立起社会主义基本制度C. 我国进入社会主义初级阶段D. 中国历史进入社会主义现代化建设的新时期11、1926年,国民革命军北伐的对象包括()A. 袁世凯B. 吴佩孚C. 孙传芳D. 张作霖三、填空题(共8题,共16分)12、辛亥革命结束了我国两千多年的封建制度. ______ (判断对错)13、“雄赳赳;气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江”这首歌反映的历史事件是北伐战争.错误: ______ .理由: ______ .14、1997年,中共十五大把____确立为党的指导思想;2007年,中共十七大将____写进党章。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2024-2025学年高一上学期10月月考 数学试卷(含答案)

哈九中2024级高一学年10月月考数学试卷(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)一、单选题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.下列表示正确的是()A. B. C.2.若集合,则应满足()A. B. C. D.3.对于集合,若不成立,则下列理解正确的是()A.集合的任何一个元素都属于B.集合的任何一个元素都不属于C.集合中至少有一个元素属于D.集合中至少有一个元素不属于4.设,则“”是“”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.即不充分也不必要条件5.若命题是假命题,则实数的取值范围是()A.B.C. D.6.若函数的定义域是,则函数的定义域是( )A. B. C. D.7.《几何原本》中的几何代数法是以几何方法研究代数问题,这种方法是后西方数学家处理问题的重要依据,通过这一原理,很多的代数公理或定理都能够通过图形实现证明,也称之为无字证明.下图是我国古代数学家赵爽创作的弦图,弦图由四个全等的直角三角形与一个小正方形(边长可以为0)拼成的一个大正方形.若直角三角形的直角边长分别为和,则该图形可以完成的无字证明为( )*0∈N 12∈Z π∈Q R{},A x x =-x 0x >0x <0x =0x ≤,A B B A ⊆B AB AB AB Ax ∈R 05x <<01x <<2:,40p x x x a ∃∈++=R a 04a <<4a >0a <4a ≥()y f x =[]1,2y f=[]1,2⎡⎣[]1,4[]2,4a bA.B.8.若函数的部分图象如图所示,则( )A. B. C. D.二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分.9.下列各组函数表示不同函数的是()A.B.C.D.)0,02a b a b +≥>>()2220,0a b ab a b +≥>>()20,011a b a b ≥>>+()0,02a b a b +≥>>()22f x ax bx c=++()1f =23-112-16-13-()()0,f x g x ==+()()01,f x g x x==()()f x g x x==()()211,1x f x x g x x -=+=-10.已知,则下列命题正确的是( )A.若且,则B.若,则C.若,则D.若且,则11.已知集合,则可能是( )A. B.C.或 D.三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.已知集合,则__________.13.若正数满足,则的最小值是__________.14.表示不大于的最大整数,例,则的的取值范围__________,方程的解集是__________.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(本题13分)已知集合(1)求;(2)若,求实数的取值范围.16.(本题15分)已知函数的解析式(1)求(2)画出的图像,并写出函数的单调区间和值域(直接写出结果即可).,,a b c ∈R 0ab ≠a b <11a b >01a <<2a a<0a b >>11b b a a+>+c b a <<0ac <22bc ac <(){}{}2110,1,0A x ax a x a B x x =-++><=>∣∣A B ⋂10x x a ⎧⎫<<⎨⎬⎩⎭{01}x x <<∣{01x x <<∣1x a ⎫>⎬⎭11x x a ⎧⎫<<⎨⎬⎩⎭{}{}2340,230A xx x B x x =+-<=+≥∣∣A B ⋂=,x y 35x y xy +=34x y +[]x x ][2.32, 5.66⎡⎤=-=-⎣⎦[]2x =x []22x x ={}20,21,2x A xB x a x a a x ⎧⎫-=≤=≤≤+∈⎨⎬+⎩⎭R ∣A B A ⊆a ()f x ()350501281x x f x x x x x +≤⎧⎪=+<<⎨⎪-+>⎩12f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭()f x(3)若,求的值.17.(本题15分)(1)已知关于的不等式的解集为,求的解集;(2)若不等式对于任何实数恒成立,求实数的取值范围.18.(本题17分)已知函数,且(1)求的解析式;(2)已知:当时,不等式恒成立;:当时,是单调函数,若和只有一个是真命题,求实数的取值范围.19.(本题17分)若存在实数使得,则称是区间的一内点.(1)若是区间的一内点,求的值;(2)求证:的充要条件是存在,使得是区间的一内点;(3)给定实数,若对于任意区间是区间的一内点,是区间的一内点,且不等式和不等式对于任意都恒成立,求证:()2f a =a x 220ax x c ++>11,32⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭220cx x a -+->()()()211310m x m x m +--+->x m ()2f x x bx c =++()()()11,02f x f x f +=-=-()f x ,a p ∈R 01x <<()32f x x a +<+q []2,2x ∈-()()g x f x ax =-p q a ()0,1λ∈()1x a b λλ=+-x (),()a b a b <λ2x =()1,3λλ(),x a b ∈()0,1λ∈x (),a b λ()0,1ω∈()1,(),a b a b x <1λ2x 2λ()22211x a b ωω≤+-()22221x a b ωω≤-+a b ∈R 、121λλ+=答案1-8DADB BCBD9.ABD 10.BCD11.BC 12. 13.5 14.;15.(1)由题意得,解得,则.(2)因为,当时,,解得,满足题意,当时,因为,所以,解得,综上所述,实数的取值范围为.16.【详解】(1)解:因为,所以,则.(2)解:如图所示,当时,函数最大值为6,无最小值,所以值域为单调递增区间,单调递减区间最大值无法取到(3)解:当时,,解得;当时,,解得,不符合题意;当时,,解得,综上所述,或3.17.(1)由题意得:是方程的两个根,3,12⎡⎫-⎪⎢⎣⎭[)2,3{}2()()22020x x x ⎧-+≤⎨+≠⎩22x -<≤{22}A xx =-<≤∣B A ⊆B =∅21a a >+1a <-B ≠∅B A ⊆212212a a a a ≤+⎧⎪>-⎨⎪+≤⎩112a -≤≤a 1,2∞⎛⎤- ⎥⎝⎦1012<<111122f ⎛⎫=> ⎪⎝⎭11111283222f f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫==-⨯+=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭1x =(),6∞-(],1∞-[)1,∞+0a ≤()352f a a =+=1a =-01a <≤()52f a a =+=3a =-1a >282a -+=3a =1a =-11,32-220ax x c ++=所以,解得,所以不等式即为,即,解得,所以不等式的解集为.(2)因为不等式对任何实数恒成立,①当即时,不等式为,不满足题意,舍去,②当时,则解得,综上所述,实数的取值范围为.18.(1)因为,则的对称轴是,解得,又因为,所以.(2)若为真,,则对任意的恒成立,可知的图象开口向上,对称轴为,可知在内单调递减,且,则;若为真,,可知的图象开口向上,对称轴为,因为在内是单调函数,则或,解得或;120931104a c a c ⎧-+=⎪⎪⎨⎪++=⎪⎩122a c =-⎧⎨=⎩220cx x a -+->222120x x -++>()()2230x x -+->23x -<<{23}xx -<<∣()()()211310m x m x m +--+->x 10m +=1m =-260x ->1m ≠-()()210Δ(1)12110m m m m +>⎧⎨=--+-<⎩1m >m ()1,∞+()()11f x f x +=-()f x 12b x =-=2b =-()02f c ==-()222f x x x =--p ()32f x x a +<+()22341a f x x x x >-+=-+()0,1x ∈()241h x x x =-+2x =()241h x x x =-+()0,1()01h =1a ≥q ()()()222g x f x ax x a x =-=-+-()g x 22a x +=()g x []2,2-222a +≤-222a +≥6a ≤-2a ≥若与真假性相反,则或,解得或,所以实数的取值范围为或.19.解:(1)(2)①若是区间的一内点,则存在实数使得,,则,②若,取,则,且,则是区间的一内点,故的充要条件是存在,使得是区间的一内点;(3)因为是区间的一内点,则,则恒成立,则恒成立,当时,上式不可能恒成立,因此,所以,即,即同理,故.p q 162a a ≥⎧⎨-<<⎩162a a a <⎧⎨≤-≥⎩或6a ≤-12a ≤<a 6a ≤-12a ≤<12λ=x (),()a b a b <λ()0,1λ∈()1x a b λλ=+-()()()1,x a b a b b a b λλλ=+-=-+∈(),x a b ∈b x b a λ-=-()1x a b λλ=+-01b x b a b a b a--<<=--x (),()a b a b <λ(),x a b ∈()0,1λ∈x (),a b λ1x 1λ()1111x a b λλ=+-()()2221111a b a b λλωω⎡⎤+-≤+-⎣⎦()()()2222211111220a ab b ωλλλλλω---+-+-≥210ωλ-≤210ωλ->()()()222211111Δ4420λλωλλλω=----+-≤()210λω-≤1,λω=21λω=-121λλ+=。

北京市第五十五中学2024-2025学年度第一学期12月阶段调研试卷高一英语本试卷共10 页,共100 分,调研时长90 分钟第一部分(选择题,共45分)一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree in English literature had not really 1 me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that until I 2 about the Lighthouse Project.I knew being a volunteer in the project would be a lot of hard work, and I would be away from my family and friends. 3 . I did not make my decision to apply for it. Neither did my family agree.Eventually, however, I won the 4 of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for application. After 5 interviews, I managed to stand out among the candidates and 6 the test alone. I would be going to a small village in Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find it.After completing my training, I was sent to the small village. Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their food, homes, and even 7 as if I were their own family. I was asked to lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. For the next year or so, I 8 in that same schoolhouse. But sometimes I think I learned more from my students than they did from me.Sometime during that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so 9 to me no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life forever, and I returned to my city a(n)10 man.1. A. prepared B. stopped C. pushed D. forced2. A. talked B. asked C. cared D. learned3. A. However B. Therefore C. Or D. Instead4. A. trust B. praise C. support D. respect5. A. countless B. hopeless C. careless D. aimless6. A. miss B. survive C. choose D. doubt7. A. hearts B. wishes C. dreams D. chances8. A. lived B. studied C. taught D. settled9. A. strange B. familiar C. meaningful D. reasonable10. A. ordinary B. energetic C. ambitious D. different二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,共20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2025年人教五四新版高三化学下册月考试卷含答案考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四五六总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(共9题,共18分)1、下列化合物的分子中,所有原子都处于同一平面的有()A. 乙烷B. 甲苯C. 氨气D. 四氯乙烯2、如图a、b、c、d均为石墨电极,通电进行电解.下列说法不正确的是()A. 甲中a电极反应式为4OH--4e-=O2↑+2H2OB. 当b极有64g Cu析出时,c电极产生2g气体C. 电解后向乙中通入适量HCl气体,溶液组成可以恢复D. 电解时向乙中滴入酚酞试剂,d电极附近变红3、下列物质的化学式与俗称不相符的是A.rm{BaSO_{4}—}重晶石B.rm{FeSO_{4} ⋅7H_{2}O—}绿矾C.rm{Fe_{2}O_{3}—}铁红D.rm{NH_{4}NO_{3}—}肥田粉4、“纳米材料”是粒子直径为1~100nm的材料;纳米碳就是其中的一种,若将纳米碳均匀的分散到蒸馏水中,所形成的分散系()①是溶液②是胶体③能产生丁达尔效应④能透过滤纸⑤不能透过滤纸A. ①④B. ②③④C. ②③⑤D. ①③④5、下列有关化学用语表示正确的是A. 中子数为8的氮原子:NB. H-的结构示意图:C. CO2的电子式:D. NaClO的电子式:Na+[Cl: ]-6、下列说法正确的是()A. 非自发进行的反应一定不能发生B. 自发进行的反应一定能迅速发生C. 在一定条件下,非自发进行的反应也能发生D. 吸热反应一定不能自发进行7、元素周期律产生的根本原因就是随着元素原子序数的递增A. 元素的相对原子质量逐渐增大B. 核外电子排布呈周期性变化C. 原子半径呈周期性变化D. 元素主要化合价呈周期性变化8、简单原子的原子结构可用如图表示方法形象表示:其中●表示质子或电子;○表示中子,则下列有关①②③的叙述错误的是()A. ①②③属同种元素。
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第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共25题,每题2分)
相关原子量:Na:23 Mg:24Al:27 F:18 Fe:56 Cl:35.5
A .单质
B .氧化物
C .氢氧化物
D .正盐
2、Na 与H 2O 反应现象明显,下列现象不能观察到的是: A .Na 四处游动 B .Na 浮在水面上 C .Na 熔成光亮小球 D .Na 沉在水下
3、金属钠长期置于空气中最后会变为 A .Na 2O B .Na 2O 2 C .NaOH D .Na 2CO 3
①金属钠先熔化 ② 在空气燃烧,黄色火花四溅 ③燃烧后得到白色固体 ④燃烧火焰呈黄色 ⑤燃烧后生成淡黄固体
A ①②③
B ①②④
C ①④⑤
D ①②⑤
5.玻璃的主要成分之一是二氧化硅,常温下,能跟二氧化硅反应的物质是( ) A .纯碱溶液 B .浓硫酸 C .氢氟酸 D .浓硝酸 6.下列说法正确的是( )
A .金属氧化物一定是碱性氧化物
B .碱性氧化物一定是金属氧化物
C .非金属氧化物一定是酸性氧化物
D .酸性氧化物一定是非金属氧化物
7.下列变化不可能通过一步实验直接完成的是( )
A .-→2AlO Al
B .332Al(OH)O Al →
C .323O Al Al(OH)→
D .
+→23AlO Al 8.下列实验中有
↓++-+32234Al(OH) O 6H 3AlO Al 发生的是( )
A .向铝盐溶液中不断地加入NaOH 溶液
B .向NaOH 溶液中不断地加入铝盐
C .向铝盐溶液中不断地加入32CO Na 溶液
D .向铝盐溶液中不断地加入小苏打溶液
D. 11. 将下列溶液加入KI 溶液中,再滴入四氯化碳,振荡,四氯化碳层不呈紫红色的是( ) A. 氯水
M 的化学式为( )
B. C. D.
13.医生建议甲状腺肿大的病人多食海带,这是由于海带中含有较丰富的 ( ) A .钾元素 B .铁元素 C .碘元素 D .锌元素
14.下列说法中,正确的是 ( ) A .漂白粉的有效成分是次氯酸钠 B .氯化氢在空气中呈现白烟 C .碘化钾水溶液能使淀粉变蓝 D .氟气(F2)通入水中有氧气(O2)生成
15.若用X 代表F 、Cl 、Br 、I 四种卤族元素,下列属于它们共性反应的是 ( ) A .X 2+H 2 == 2HX B .X 2+H 2O == HX+HXO C .2Fe+3X 2 == 2FeX 3 D .X 2+2NaOH == NaX+NaXO+H 2O
16.下列变化属于物理变化的是 ( ) A .氯水久置后变为无色 B .溴水中加入CCl4,振荡后溴水褪色 C .氯水漂白色素 D . AgCl 见光变黑
17.加入AgNO3 溶液产生淡黄色沉淀,再加稀HNO3 沉淀不消失的是 ( ) A .NaBr 溶液 B .液氯 C .Na2CO3溶液 D .氯水
18.将铁屑溶于过量盐酸后,再加入下列物质,不会有三价铁生成的是( )
20.下列物质的保存方法正确的是()A.氢氟酸保存在塑料盖的玻璃瓶中 B.氯水保存在棕色细口瓶中
C.液溴保存在橡皮塞的玻璃瓶中 D.固态碘保存在棕色细口瓶中
A.H2B.Cl2 C.HCl D.HBr
22.生石灰中往往含有杂质CaCO3和SiO2,要检验是否存在这两种杂质,最好选用( ) A.水 B.盐酸 C.硫酸 D.烧碱
23. 铁屑溶于过量的稀硫酸,过滤后向滤液中加入适量硝酸,再加入过量的氨水,有红褐色沉淀生成。
上述沉淀和残渣分别为()A. Fe(OH)3;Fe2O3 B. Fe(OH)2;FeO
C. Fe(OH)2、Fe(OH)3;Fe3O4D.Fe2O3;Fe(OH)3
24. 常温下能用铁制容器盛放的是()
25. 下列铁的化合物中,铁的质量分数最高的是()
A. FeS2
B. FeO
C. Fe2O3
D. Fe3O4
26.(共18 分)
4.(6分)(1)(3分)存放氢氧化钠溶液的试剂瓶不用玻璃塞的原因是_________________________, 有关反应的方程式为_________________________________.
A:________ B: C:________ Ⅰ:________