





2. 如涉及到更深一步的合作,需要添加双方的业绩许诺,时间进度和佣金支付等。

3. 中文备注方面都是由我方公司填写;英文备注由外方填写。




______ COMPANY (我方公司)


(“company name ”(外方公司))

This MOU isentered by and between:本MOU由以下各方签署:(1)______________________(填写我方公司名称), herein after

‘___’(abbreviation name),a company incorporated under the company laws of People's Republic of China, whose Principal Place of Business is

________________________China (填写地址);



(“company name ”) a company incorporated under the com pany laws of ; herein after ‘___’(abbreviation name),w hose Principal Place of Business is。

_____________________公司(以下简称____),为_____(填写外国国名)成立的公司,注册地址为_______________________。(_________ and are herein after jointly referred to as the “Parties” and “Party” shall refer to any one of them as the context may require.)


WHEREAS,_____(填写我方公司), is interested in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the________(填写合作领域)and its relevant fields in the_____(填写合作地区).



WHEREAS, (“company name ”)have expressed their interest in partnering with____(填写我方公司)in projects related tothe technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the power chain and its relevant fields in the scope of cooperation.


NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree to jointly work together in the construction of the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the ________ (填写合作领域)and other infrastructure development projects in thescope of cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the “Projects”).


Article I

Purpose 目的

1.The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of

cooperation and facilitate collaboration among the

Parties, on anonexclusive (or exclusive)basis in the Projects.


Article II

Areas of Cooperation合作领域

2.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas

of activity:各方同意在以下领域进行合作:

a.The Parties that will undertake toexplore and

develop the market and construction of the Projects in thescope of cooperation with terms to be agreed (including but not limited to any forms of procurement contract for equipment, service or turnkey projects).


b.Create partnership with state owned and/or

private –the scope of cooperation companies in other strategic sector/s with potential for job creation, poverty reduction and other developmental objectives;


c. Establishing business contacts with interested and

potential Chinese and other international companieswho are committed tocontribute to sustainable development in the scope of cooperation.


2.2 The Parties agree that this present cooperation is

built on mutual trust among the Parties and that none of the Parties shall do any acts that undermine the interests of the other Party at all times. Honest and frank disclosures of information of the Projects are required throughout the term of cooperation which is formed of and in relation to this MOU among the Parties.

各方同意目前的合作是基于各方之间的相互信任,各方任何时候都不得做出有损其它方利益的行为.各方在本MOU 相关的合作过程中都要诚笃坦诚交换信息。

Article III

Consultation and Exchange of Information


3.1 The Parties shall, on a regular basis, keep each other

informed of and consult during the progress and share information of and relating to the Projects truly and accurately.


3.2 Consultation and exchange of information and

documents under this Article III shall be without prejudice to arrangements according to which certain information and documents may be required to be maintained confidential and being of restricted character.


3.3 Each of the Parties shall at any timethat deemed

appropriate to request and convene meetings for reporting and/or reviewing the progress of activities being carried out under this present MOU and for

planning and implementing future activities.


3.4 The Parties may invite technical teams to attend

meetings withthe scope of cooperation government officials for negotiations of the Projects and implementation. Invitations shall be made in reasonable time (with one month prior notice) and take into account of the work schedules of the Parties.


Article IV

Implementation of the MOU


4.1 In order to implement the specific activities

envisioned hereunder, the Parties shall conclude transaction agreements, costsharing agreements etc.

which shall specify the scope of work and costs or

expenses, sales revenue or profitrelating to the activity and how they will to be shared and/or borne by the Parties. The costsharing agreements shall specify in detail the expenses need to be invested during the whole process of the Projects, including but not limited to the preparation, operation and finalization of the Projects.


4.2 The costs of public relations activities relating to

this MOU, that are not otherwise addressed by a specific costsharing agreement concluded hereunder, will be the responsibility of each party independently.


4.3The Parties have no intention to form any partnership,

agency or authorized representative relationship among them and no such relationships are to be formed by virtue of this MOU. None of the Parties shall enter into any contract or commitment on behalf of the other Party(ies)The Parties shall be solely responsible for making all payments to and on behalf of its own account, as provided under this MOU and/or costsharing agreements concluded hereunder.


4.4 Each Party shall be responsible for its own acts and

omissions in connection with this MOU and its implementation.


Article V

Use of Name and Logo etc.


5.1 None of the Partiesshall use the name, logo, trade

names or trademarks of the other Parties or its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates, or any abbreviation of the aforesaid, for whatever purposes and in whatever manners, whether or not it is in connection with its business or otherwise, unless express prior written approval of the other Partiesare obtained in each case of use with terms to be agreed.


5.2 Both parties acknowledge that they are familiar with

dynamic political environment in the scope of cooperation and that none of the Parties shall be associated, whether directly or indirectly and in whatever manner, with any political or sectarian causes in the scope of cooperation.If any Party did have any such association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, that Party shall inform the other Parties immediately without delay. The Parties hereby

agree that when one Party has any political association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, this shall be a legitimate reason for early termination, without compensation, by the other Parties of this MOU and of all other transaction agreements, costsharing agreements etc.


Article VI

Duration, Termination, Modification


6.1The proposed cooperation under this MOU is exclusive

and shall have duration of an initial period of one

(1) year, commencing_____(dates) unless early

terminationaccording to clause 5.2 above or by either

Party upon at least two (2) months’ prior notice in writing to the other Parties. The Parties may agree to extend the term of this MOU for a subsequent period(s) up to three (3) years, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing.

本MOU项下预期的合作应是排他的,最早期限应为1年,自_____起,除非根据第5.2条提前终止或任何一方提前至少两个月书面通知终止本MOU。各方可以同意本MOU到期后继续顺延,最多顺延3年,除非各方另行书面约定。6.2 In the event of termination of this MOU, the

costsharing agreements and project documents concluded pursuant to this MOU shall also be terminated in accordance with the termination provision contained in such agreements. In such case, the Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the activities carried out under the MOU, the costsharing agreements and project documents will be promptly and orderly terminated.



6.3 This MOU shall be amended by mutual agreement in

writing and duly executed by the Parties.


Article VII

Notices and Addresses


7.1 All notices or other communications required or

permitted to be given pursuant to or in reference to this MOU shall be in writing and shall be valid and sufficient if delivered or dispatched by registered mail, courier, personal delivery or fax (email NOT accepted) as the case may be, to the Party at the address set forth below in this MOU or as from time to time updated by each Party. Notice given as herein provided shall be deemed to have been served (i) in the case of personal delivery at the time when the notice is left at the addressee’s address as stated

herein below or its last known address; or (ii) in the case of delivery by registered mail or courier on the seventh (7th) day after posting; or (iii) upon confirmation (as generated by the fax machine) of correct transmission to the recipient’s fax machine.



For ____(填写我方公司通讯地址): ____________


For (“company name ”):


Article VIII

Governing Laws and Jurisdiction and Settlement of


8.1 This MOU is legally binding to the Parties.


8.2 This MOU shall be governed and construed in accordance

to the laws of People’s Republic of China.


8.3 The Parties shall use their best efforts to enter into

friendly negotiation and settlement amicably of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of this MOU (the “Dispute”) within [ Sixty (60) days ] from the date that one Party sending requests for such a negotiation. If the Parties amicably settled the Dispute by themselves, they shall enter into a settlement agreement in writing and to be duly executed by the Parties. If the Parties genuinely attempted negotiation but failed to reach any settlement terms, either Party may submit the Dispute for arbitration as stated herein below.



8.4 Any dispute, controversy or claim among the Parties

arising out of this MOU which is not settled amicably in accordance with the foregoing paragraph shall be referred to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. The arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award punitive damages. The Parties shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such controversy, claim or dispute. The Parties further agree the followings:各方之间未能依照前述方法友好解决的任何纠纷、异议或索赔,应当根据彼时有效的联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁庭无权判处处罚性赔偿。各方应受经上述仲裁所作出的任何仲裁判决的约束,视其为任何纠纷、异议或索赔的终局判决。各方进一步同意:

(a) T he place of arbitration shall be at Beijing.

(b) T he language to be used in the arbitral proceedings

shall be in English language.


8.5 This MOU is prepared in English and Chinese. In case

of any discrepancies contained between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.


Article IX



9. This MOU and any related cofinancing agreements (if

any) and project documents (if any) comprise the complete understanding of the Parties in respect of the subject matter in this MOU and supersede all prior agreements (whether written or oral) relating to the same subject matter. Failure by either Party to enforce a provision of this MOU shall not constitute

a waiver of that or any other provision of this MOU.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision

of this MOU shall not affect the validity or

enforceability of any other provision of the MOU.







Article X

Entry into Force生效

10. This MOU may be signed in counterparts, each of which

shall be deemed an original and both of which duly

executed shall constitute one entire document, and

shall enter into force and effect on the date

(“Effective Date”) when it is duly signed by all the




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Parties affix their signature below.



For and on behalf___________(我方公司)For and on behalf of (外方公司)



Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Name: __________________________ Name:


Title: _________________________ Title: ____________________________

Date: _________________________ Date: ____________________________
