

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about TELEVISION in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph and required to develop the idea

in completing the paragraph. Write about 35 words for each paragraph, not including the words

given. Therefore, your part of the composition should be about 100 words. Remember to write

neatly. You should write this composition on the Answer Sheet.


1. Television presents a vivid world in front of us. ___________________________________

2. Television can also play an educational role in our daily life. _________________________

3. However, television can also be harmful.

段首句作文是一种控制性作文(Guided Writing),旨在控制考生的写作范围,要求考生按所给的段首句续写,完成各段落。这类作文的写作要领如下:

1. 构思:仔细斟酌各段首句(通常也就是各段落的主题句)的内在含义,从语篇结构上弄清楚各段首句之间的相互关系。


第二段的段首句是“电视在我们日常生活中还起着教育作用”。能在日常生活中起教育作用的节目主要是指那些一般性的或科普教育节目(而不是那些专业性很强的教育节目),如孩子们看的“Children’s Show”;老人们看的“Programme for the Elderly”;青年人看的“Science Report” 或“Around the Globe” 等。




2. 仔细推敲各段首句,找出各段首句中的关键词所体现的主导思想,以确定段落的发展方向。本题各段首句的关键词分别是vivid, educational 和harmful。各段均可用事实举例法来扩展。此外,要注意段落内部和段落之间的连贯性。


Television presents a vivid world in front of us. With a TV set, we can learn the current events happening in the world without going outside our houses. On television we can also watch exciting football matches or Olympic marathons. In addition, we can enjoy wonderful films instead of going to the cinema.

Television can also play an important role in our daily life. Besides regular courses to TV university students, television also offers various educational programs for different viewers. Children like “Children’s Show”; young people like “Science Report ” and elderly people like “Programme for the Elderly ”. As for me, “ Around the

Globe ” is my favorite.

However, television can also be harmful. It hurts your eyes and causes nearsightedness. Watching TV too much influences our sleep and work and cuts down ch ildren’s study time. Moreover, some TV programs are not sound in contents, so we should watch TV selectively. In short, we should regard television as our slave, not our master.

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in People’s Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to:

(1) state the changes in people’s diet (饮食) in the past five years;

(2) give possible reasons for the changes;

(3) draw your own conclusions.


从本图表可以看出,1986 1990年期间,人们饮食变化的趋势是:粮食的消费量逐年减少,而高能量的食品,如牛奶、肉类的消费量逐年增多。这便是第一段所要写的内容。根据提纲要求,第二段应写引起这些变化的原因;最后一段则写作者从这些变化中所得出的结论。根据上述构思,参考范文如下:

Changes in People’s Diet in China

As can be seen from the table, great changes have taken place in people’s diet over the period from 1986 to 1990. The consumption of grain is decreasing year by year, while that of some high-energy food, such as milk and meat, is increasing steadily.

There are two main reasons for the changes in people’s diet. First, economy has developed very fast recently. Today people are well paid and have earned more money, thus they can afford to buy more expensive food with better nutrition. Second, nowadays more and more people realize that diet is very important to their health. So they try to improve the structure of their food.

From the above, we are very glad to see that the living standards of our people are being improved. But on the other hand, if people eat too much rich food, some problems will arise. In my opinion, they should keep balance in their diet. They should not only consume a lot of meat and milk but also enough grain, fruit and vegetables.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minuets to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

① 1.大学生了解社会的必要性




审题时要把题目和提纲联系起来考虑。本题标题可直译为“设法了解校外世界”,转译为“设法了解社会”,联系提纲中的三个内容要点可知,本文的主题是阐明大学生了解社会的必要性及其途径。显然,命题者要求写一篇议论文。提纲中的三个内容要点可按先后顺序分别安排在三个段落中阐明。第一段可用“因果法”扩展段落,即先写原因,如“社会发展很快,大学生应主动向社会学习以适应社会需要”等,再得出结论:“大学生必须了解社会” ;第二段可用“分类法”扩展段落,即分别说明了解社会的两种途径——大众媒介和社会服务;最后一段写自己了解社会的具体做法,如打工、当家庭教师、参加社会调查等。后两段都涉及参加社会实践,前一段可写得笼统一些,后一段则具体一些。根据上述构思,参考范文如下:

Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus

Our country is developing very quickly. New issues are emerging one after another. It is impossible for university students to learn everything on campus, which has been called “ivory tower”. In order to adapt themselves to society more effectively, students must be in touch with the outside world, and the earlier, the better.

There are two basic ways for students to learn about the world outside the campus. First, students can keep themselves well-informed through mass media such as television, radio, and newspaper, because we are living in an age of information. Second, they can gain useful and practical experience through takin g part in various kinds of social activities. Besides, there are many other ways to know the society.

As for me, I am committed to availing myself of every chance to be in contact with the world at large. I am very interested in social practice. For example, I like having a part-time job; I have found it meaningful to be a private tutor. I will try every possible means to get to know the world outside the campus.


② Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller. You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below :

1. 现代化的交通工具越来越发达

2. 人与人之间的交往越来越频繁

3. 结论



The World Is Getting Smaller And Smaller

Most of us may have such experiences: When you go to some place far away from the city where you live and think you know nobody there, you are surprised to find that you run into one of your old classmates on the street. Perhaps both of you would cry out, “What a small world!”

Why is the world getting smaller and smaller? For one thing, faster and safer means of transport have greatly reduced distance. In the past it took people eight weeks to cross the Pacific Ocean, but now an air journey from Shanghai to New York only takes eight hours. For another, the quickening pace of modern society creates more opportunities for people to visit each other. For example, business activities and cultural exchange have brought peoples into constant contact with the world.

So we may safely draw the conclusion that the more advanced a society and technology, the smaller the world will be.


Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus .You should write at least 100 words,

and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:



英文书信一般由日期(Date)、称呼(Salutation)、正文(Body of the Letter)、结尾敬辞(Complimentary Closure)和签名(Signature)等五部分组成。该次考试的作文卷面上,已预先确定了日期、称呼和签名的写法和位置。从实考试卷看来,不少学生未写结尾敬辞,因而不符合英语书信规范。由于这封信是学生写给校长的,以“Yours respectfully”或“Yours sincerely ”(相当于“……敬上”)作为结尾敬辞较为妥当。

英文书信的正文通常遵循一个“三段论”的模式,即由opening paragraph, body paragraph(s) 和concluding paragraph构成。根据题目要求,Opening paragraph主要说明写信目的,应当简短明确、一目了然。就本题而言,写信目的是要向校长反映食堂的状况。Body paragraph(s)是全信的中心,要求内容充实、条理清楚。就本题而言,要让校长了解目前食堂各方面的情况,如饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等。由于食堂是学生们普遍关注的一个热点话题,学生们一般不会无话可写,关键是如何进行具体而又有条不紊的表述,而不是简单空洞地将提纲直接翻译成英语。其实,只要把提纲里的每个要点扩展成几个完整的句子,并按照一定的逻辑顺序写出若干个自然段,就可以达到上述写作要求。Concluding paragraph 和opening paragraph相对应,往往也比较简短,就本题而言,可以对全信作一概括,也可以提出建议或表示谢意。

Jan. 12th, 2002 Dear President,

I’m very lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I’m afraid I’m not quite con tent with the canteen service on campus.

First of all, there should be more varieties. Many students are complaining about eating the same food every day.

Secondly, the price of the food is higher than we can afford. We hope that the canteen not only provides us with delicious food, but also at a reasonable price.

In addition, it will be better to lengthen the service hours. It is really crowded at 11:30 every day in the canteen. If the service hours are longer, no one will have to stand on the porch waiting for a seat.

Of course, our canteen is a good one on the whole. The cooks are kind and patient, the foods are always kept warm, the tables and seats are very clean, and the light music broadcast helps us enjoy our meals in a good mood. All I want is to see an even better canteen.

Thank you for the attention you have given to this letter. I hope that the criticisms I have made about the canteen are accepted by you and taken into consideration for possible change.

Yours respectfully,

Li Ming
