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Brief Introduction to the Chinese medicine Specimen Museum of Jiangxi University of TCM
Hello everyone/good morning /afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the Chinese medicine Specimen Museum of JiangxiUniversity of TCM. It’s my honour to be here to tell you something about it. My name is Gao Na, the introducer of today .
The Chinese Medicine Specimen Museum of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded in 1951 as the successor of Chinese Medicine Specimen Room of Jiangxi Pharmaceutial School. This museum is one of the earlier set up in domestic TCM colleges and universities. Through sixty years of efforts , it has become an comprehensive Chinese Medicine Specimen Museum with various kinds of functions, such as teaching, researches of science, academic exchanges with foreigns, and collection, identification, and the preservation of the Chinese Medicine, and so on.
The museum covers a floor area of 1,120 square meters and consists of two parts. Which are the comprehensive exhibition hall of Chinses Medicine that we are now in and specimen room of medicinal plants that nearby here.
The comprehensive exhibition hall of Chinese Medicine is
comprised of maceracine(浸渍)medicine, raw medicinal material exhibition section, decocting pieces (prepared medicinal herb 饮片) exhibition section and Chinese patent medicine (中成药) exhibition section. There are over 5000 bottles and 2000 kinds of Chinese medicine specimen kept in the raw medicinal material exhibition section. All these have been authenticated by experts and include some rare classic rude drugs, precious medicinal material, special medicinal material native to Jiangxi and specimen used as the TCM research objects in the state level eighth five-year, ninth five-year, tenth five-year and eleventh five-year scientific research projects. Stored in the decocting pieces exhibition section are over 310 kinds of Chinese decocting pieces prepared with special processing technique which are well-known as Zhangshu School and Jianchang School, Sichuan School. In the Chinese patent medicine exhibition section, there are over 200 kinds of Chinese patent medicine.
The medicinal plants specimen room store over 50000 medicinal plants samples, which belong to 240 families, 1077genus and 2600 species. This number is one of the frontiors among the demostic TCM colleges and universities, stored in red algae(藻类植物), which has almost one hundred year’s history, is the earliest specimen of this medicinal plants specimen room,
from which we can know the long history of this medicinal plants specimen room.
Now , let’s begin to learn the comprehensive exhibition hall in detail.
一、鳖甲:Carapax Trionycis
The source is from the shell of Trionyx sinensis . The medicinal material is mainly produced in the areas of Hebei, Hunan, and Anhui, etc.. The animal can be caught all year round. After it is caught and its head is removed, it is boiled in boiling water for one to two hours and then the shell is fetched out, the remaining meat in the shell being got rid of, and dried in the sun. The crude one or the one prepared with vinegar after stir-baked with sand can be used for medication.
Medicinal Properties :
Salty in flavor, cold in nature and attributive to the liver and kidney meridians.
Actions :
Nourish yin and suppress the hyperactive yang, soften and disperse the lumps.
Application :(临床运用)
1 、It is used for febrile disease with consumption of yin, hyperactivity of liver-yang and deficiency-wind stir-ring inside.
1、For yin-deficiency with fever, hectic fever and night
2、For abdominal mass and amenorrhea due to blood
Usage and Dosage : (用法用量)
10~30g is used in decoction for oral use, broken and decocted first. The raw is suitable for nourishing yin and suppressing the hyperactive yang and the one roasted with vinegar for softening and dispersing the lumps.
A Chinese drug, the dried body of Hippocampus. It is
sweet in taste and warm in nature, acts on the Liver and the Kidney Meridians,
and has the effects of warming the kidney and strengthening yang, reducing stagnation, inducing subsidence of swelling.
Indications : impotence, enuresis, dyspnea due to deficiency of the kidney, mass in the abdomen, traumatic injuries;
external use for carbuncles and boils.
Dosage and administration :3~9g, decocted in water for a daily oral dose; appropriation amount for external use by grinding it to powder and putting it on the diseased area.
三、羚羊角:Cornu Saigae Tataricae
A Chinese drug, the horn of Saiga tatarica Linnaeus. It is salty in taste and cold in nature, acts on the Liver and Heart Meridians
and has the effects of calming the liver to check endogenous wind, clearing away heat from the liver to improve acuity of vision and removing blood stasis and clearing away toxins.
Indications : epilepsy due to high fever, coma, spasm, syncope, eclampsia gravidarum and convulsion, epileptic madness, headache and dizziness, blood-shot eyes and conjunctivities, skin eruptions due to toxic heat, and carbuncles, sores and other pyogenic skin infections.
Dosage and administration : 1~3g , for a daily oral dose, decocted alone for over two hours; or 0.3~0.6g each time, ground fine with water to get a liquid, or ground into powder for oral
四、人参:Radix Ginseng
The source is from the root of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.. The medicinal material is mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces, etc.. Among them, the product from Fusong county of Jilin province is the best in quality. The wild ginseng is called “Mountainous Ginseng”while the cultivated one is called “Garden Ginseng” which is usually harvested in the autumn and processed in different ways : dried in the sunlight, steamed, or stir-baked with sugar. According to different processing methods, they are named as : sunlight-dried ginseng, red ginseng and sugar ginseng respectively. The wild ginseng is dried plainly in the sunlight without any processing, called “dried wild ginseng”. Its head is usually removed and it is sliced for use.
It is sweet and slightly bitter in taste and neutral in nature, acts on the Spleen, Lung and Heart Meridians
and has the effects of replenishing the vital qi, restoring pulse and relieving collapse syndrome, reinforcing the spleen and lung, promoting the production of body fluid and tranquilizing the mind.
Indications : prostration due to general deficiency, cold extremities and faint pulse, poor appetite due to deficiency of the spleen, asthma due to deficiency of the lung, thirst due to impairment of body fluid, diabetes due to interior heat, general weakness due to prolonged illness, palpitation, insomnia, impotence, uterine coldness, heart failure and cardiogenic shock. 用于体虚欲脱,肢冷脉微,脾虚食少,肺虚咳喘,津伤口渴,内热消渴,大病虚赢,惊悸失眠,阳痿宫冷;心力衰竭,心源性休克。
Dosage and administration : 3~9g , decocted in water for a daily oral dose. It should not be used together with Lilu(Rhizoma et Radix Veratri). Tea and turnip should be avoided in the course of treatment in case they affect its tonic effect.
五、阿胶: Colla Corii Asini
The source is from donkey hide stewed and concentrated as gelatinous mass of Equus asinus L.. The medicinal material is mainly produced in the areas of Shandong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu,etc.. The one produced in Dong’e County of Shandong Province is the most famous.
It is sweet in taste and neutral in nature, acts on the Lung, Liver and Kidney Meridians
and has the effects of nourishing yin, invigorating the blood, and preventing abortion.
Indications :syndrome of deficiency of the blood, cough due to comsumption, hematemesis, epistaxis, hemafecia, irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia and abortion.
Dosage and administration :7.5~15g ,melted by heating in boiling water, or yellow rice or millet wine, or decocted in water, or used in pill and powder for a daily oral dose.
六、鹿茸:Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
A Chinese drug , the hairy, non-ossific young horn of a stag of Cervus nippon Temminck or Cervus elaphus Linnaeus. The former is habitually called “flower pilose antler”;the latter , “horse pilose antler”.
It is sweet and salty in taste, warm in nature, acts on the Kidney and Liver meridians
and has the effects of reinforcing the kidney-yang, invigorating the vital essence and blood, strengthening the bones and muscles, regulating the Chong and Ren meridians,and promoting pus drainage.
Indications : impotence and spermatorrhea, sterility due to uterine coldness, weakness and emaciation, listlessness, aversion to cold, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, cold pain in the loins and knees, lassitude in the bones and muscles, metrorrhea and metrostaxis, leucorrhea, and carbuncles of yin nature resistant to healing.
Dosage and administation:1~2g,ground into powder for oral administration.
鹿角胶:a solid glue prepared by decocting deerhorn in water , then concentrating the liquid.鹿角用水煎熬,浓缩制成的固体胶。
七、冬虫夏草:Cordyceps :
A Chinese drug, the stroma of the fungus, Cordyceps sinensis . as a composita parasite on the larve of some species finsects and the dead caterpillar.
It is sweet in taste and neutral in nature, acts on the Lung and Kidney meridians,
and has the effects of reinforcing the lung and the kidney, arresting bleeding and dispelling phlegm.
Indications: chronic cough and asthma, hemoptysis in phthsis, impotence and emissions, aching of loins and knees.
Dosage and administration:3~9g ,decocted in water for a daily dose.
八、天麻:Rhizome Gastrodiae
A Chinese drug, the dried stem tuber of Gastrodia elata Bl.
It is sweet in taste, and neutral in nature, acts on the Liver meridian 味甘,性平。
And has the effects of calming the liver, checking endogenous wind to relieve convulsion, to treat headache and dizziness numbness of the extremities, infantile convulsion, epilepsy, convulsion, and tetanus.
Dosage and administration:3~9g,decocted in water for a daily oral dose.
A Chinese drug, the dried body of Agkistrodon acutus.
It is sweet and salty in taste , warm in nature and toxic , acts on the Liver meridian
And has the effects of dispelling wind, dredging collaterals, arresting spasm.
Indications: protracted rheumatic or rheumatic arthritis with
numbness and contracture of the joins, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leposy, scabies ringworm.
Dosage and administration :3~9g, decocted in water for a daily dose, or 1~1.5g ground into powder and swallowed with water.
十、三七:Radix Notoginseng
A Chinese drug , the dried root of Panax notoginseng F.H.Chen.
It is sweet and slightly bitter in taste and warm in nature, acts on the Liver and Stomach meridians,
and has the effects of stopping bleeding by removing blood stasis and relieving swelling to alleviate pain .
Indications: hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis, hemafecia , metrorrhagia and metrostrostaxis, traumatic bleeding, stabbing pain in the chest and abdomen, and traumatic injuries with swelling and pain.
Dosage and administration: 3~9g decocted in water for a daily oral
dose, or 1~3g, ground into powder for swallowing each time; appropriate amount for external use. It should be used cautiously for pregnant women.
十一、牛黄:Calculus Bovis
A Chinese drug, the dried gallbladder stone of Bos taurus domestious Gmelin.
It is sweet in taste and cool in nature, acts on the Heart and Liver meridians
And has the effects of removing heat from the heart, eliminating phlegm, inducing resuscitation, removing heat from the liver, checking endogenous wind and clearing away toxins.
Indications: coma in a febrile disease, apoplexy and mental confusion due to phlegm, epilepsy induced by terror and convulsion, epileptic madness, sore and swollen throat, canker sores in the mouth and on the tongue, and carbuncles, boils and other pyogenic skin infections.
Dosage and administration: 0.15~0.35g ,usually used in pill and
powder for a daily oral dose; appropriate amount for external use , ground into powder and smeard on the diseased area.
十二、沉香:Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum
A Chinese drug, the lignum containing resin of Aquilaria sinensis Gilg .
It is pungent and bitter in taste and slightly warm in nature, acts on the Spleen, Stomach and Kidney meridians,
And has the effects of promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain, arresting vomiting by warming the stomach, relieving asthma.
Indications: distension and pain in the chest and abdomen, vomiting or hiccup due to cold in the stomach, asthma in deficiency syndrome of the kidney.
Dosage and administration: 1.5~4.5g ,decocted later than other drugs when prepared for a decoction.
A Chinese drug, the dried secretion in the ripe male musk cyst of
Moschus. The dried drug with musk cyst is usually called “mao musk”; the one without the shell of it, “musk kernel”.
It is pungent in taste and warm in nature, acts on the Heart and Spleen meridians
And has the effects of inducing resuscitation and restoring consciousness, promoting blood circulation to clear away obstruction in the channels, subduing swelling and alleviating pain.
Indications : coma caused by febrile disease, apoplexy and phlegm syncope, sudden syncope due to stagnation of qi, coma caused by pestilent factors, amenorrhea, masses in the abdomen, retention of dead fetus due to dystocia, sudden gastric and sore throat, traumatic injuries, arthralgia and numbness.
Dosage and anministration: 0.03~0.1g , usually used in pill or powder; appropriate amount for external use.
The dried immature fruit/fructus of Citrus aurantium L. and its cultivated variety or Citrus sinensis Osbeck.
It is bitter , pungent and sour in taste and slightly cold in nature, acts on the Spleen and Stomach meridians
And has the effects of relieving stagnation of qi to remove food stagnation and resolving phlegm to relieve feeling of fulliness.//regulating the flow of qi , promoting circulation of qi and alleviating distension.
Indications : distension and pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions due to stagnation of qi, indigestion with retention of phlegm and fluid, gastroptosis prolapse of the rectum, prolapse of the uterus.
Dosage and administration: 3~9g, decocted in water for a daily oral dose. It should be cautious to use it for pregnant women.
十五、栀子:Fructus Gardenial
A Chinese drug, the dried ripe fruit of Gardenia jasminoldes Ellis.
It is bitter in taste and cold in nature, acts on the Heart, Lung and Three-jiao meridians
And has the effects of purging fire, relieving dysphoria, clearing away heat, inducing diuresis, removing heat from the blood and detoxicating.
Indications : vexation due to febrile disease, jaundice, dark urine, painful and dribbling urination with bloody urine, hematemesis and epistaxis due to blood-heat, conjunctivitis with swelling and pain, and sores and ulcers due to fire-toxins. It is used for external treatment of traumatic injuries. Stir-baked capejasmine fruit has the effects of removing heat from the blood and stopping bleeding for treatment of hematemesis and epistaxis due to blood-heat, hematuria, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.
Dosage and administration: 6~9g, decocted in water for a daily oral dose; appropriate amount of the unprepared drug ground into
powder for external use.
十六、香薷Herba Elsholtziae
A Chinese drug, the dried aerial parts of Elsholtzia splendens Nakai ex F.Maekawa.
It is pungent in taste and slightly warm in nature, acts on the Lung and Stomach meridians,
And has the effects of inducing diaphoresis to expel exogenous pathogens from the body surface, rugulating the function of the spleen and the stomach, and removing dampness.
Indications : attack of summer heat and dampness manifested as chills and fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, oliguria and no sweating.
Dosage and administration: 3~9g, decocted in water for a daily oral dose.
十七、车前子:Semen Plantaginis
The dried ripe seed of Plantago asiatica L. or plantago depressa willd.
It is sweet in taste and slightly cold in nature, acts on the Liver, Kidney, Lung and Small Intestine meridians
And has the effects of eliminating heat and innducing diuresis, excreting dampness to relieve stranguria, improving the acuity of vision and eliminating phlegm.
Indications : edema and abdominal distension and fullness, heat-type urodynid diarrhea due to summer-heat and dampness, conjunctivitis, swollen and painful eyes, and cough due to accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung.
Dosage and administration : 9~15g,wrapped with cloth and decocted in water for a daily oral dose.
The dried lining membrane of the gizzard of Gallus domesticus Brisson.
It is sweet in taste and neutral in nature, acts on the Spleen, Stomach, Small Intestine and Urinary Bladder meridians
And has the effects of reinforcing the stomach to improve digestion and relieving emission.
Indications : indigestion and retention of food, vomiting and diarrhea, infantile malnutrition, enuresis and emission.
Dosage and administration: 3~9g , decocted in water for a daily oral dose.
There are three schools in processing which are well-known as zhaangshu school , jianchang school, and sichuan school.
Now we are in the jianchuan school, the birthplace nanchenxian, originated in eastern period, song and yuan dynasties period reached its peak, anti-japanese war to weak, but some workers let it spread in overseas, so now is well-known in the international circulation. And experts are still make the further reseaches and develop. So it may be said that “outside the wall blossomming, inside the wall sweet”.
The international processing of jianchang style is : the tool accessories, exquisite form unique color smell, low toxicity, high curative effect. To take the longitudinal cutting knife, mainly built long face big eat, hard, energy, so thin and the form of smooth,
especially in bright color , processing can reduce the toxicity and keep efficacy.
After learning the jianchang school, let us know about zhangshu school.
Begins in the eastern han dynasty period , southern song dynasty to ming dynasty laid a foundation, gradually formed complete processing system.
The characteristics of processing is “thin as paper, blown up, cross section together , modelling beauty”, zhangshu knife light, with sharp, select material exquisite, mainly crosscut slice system. According to the drug performance and the unique style, do it for medical, medicine with a disease, and has an effect on domestic. Jiangxi institute of traditional Chinese medicine attached great importance to the zhangshu school, such as teaching, scientific research, production, etc..
If you want to known more about it, you can make a communication with the international institute teachers, I believe that you won’t miss it .
Ok ,the introduction of today is over , thank you for your attention, and welcome to here again, and if you want to know more about the specimen , you can talk with the professors of our school. Then please visit freely. Hope you enjoy yourself, thank you!。