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Step 2、运用规律(将以下句子改为省略 if的倒装条件句)
If I were at school again, I would study harder. ——_W_e_r_e__I _a_t_s_c_h_o_o_l _a_g_a_in_,_I__w_o_u_l_d_s_t_u_d_y__h_a_r_d_e_r.
Step 1、观察思考。 1.If you had taken my advice ,you wouldn’t have failed in
the exam.
——Had you taken my advice, you wouldn’t have failed in the exam.
2.If he were in the room now, he wouldn’t feel so cold.
3.与将来事实相反 从句谓语: 1)were/did
2)should + 动词原形 3) were to + 动词原形 主句谓语: would, should, could, might +do
1)If it were Sunday tomorrow, I should go to see a film.
• If he should have time next Sunday, he would go to visit the Great Wall.
1) If I were to be twenty next year, I could take the course.
If he got up early, he would be on time.
1.This printer is of good quality. If it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.
A. would B. should C. could D. might
——Were he in the room now, he wouldn’t feel so cold.
3.If I should have time ,I would go with you.
—— Should I have time, I would go with you
. 当条件句中有_w_e_r_e__,h_a_d_(_助__动__词__)_或s_h_o_u_l_d_时, 可省略__if___,把这三个词提到句首。
If you had come earlier, Hale Waihona Puke Baiduou would catch the bus. ——_H_a_d__y_o_u_c_o_m__e_e_a_r_l_ie_r_, _y_o_u_w__o_u_l_d_c_a_t_c_h_t_h_e_b_u_s.
If I were not to have a test, I would go to the concert tonight. ——Were I not to have a test, I would go to the concert
If I were you, I would go there. 注意:在虚拟语气中,只能用were,
不能用was. 无论主语是第几人称。
If I had a lot of money I would buy a villa.
2. 与过去事实相反 从句谓语: had + 动词的过去分词 主句谓语:would, should, could, might + have + done
虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设、 猜测或建议,而不表示客观存在的 事实。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特 殊形式来表示。
与现在事实 相反
一 “表”
did (be 用were)
与过去事实 had +done 相反
与将来事实 did(were)
should + do were to + do
would / could / might / should + do
would / could / might / should have + done
would / could / might / should + do
1.与现在事实相反 从句谓语: 过去时(were/did) 主句谓语:would, should, could, might +动词原形
2.If the parents ______at the hospital earlier after the accident, the child would have been saved.
A. arrives C. had arrived
B. arrive D. has arrived
★If he had come earlier, he would have seen her. ★ She would have gone to the party if she had been invited.
If heh_a_d_d_r_iv_e_n___ more carefully, he w_o_u_l_d_n_o_t_h_a_v_e__h_ad___ the car accident
Eg: If I were not so busy, I would go with you. Were I not so busy, I would go with you.
注意:若条件从句为否定句,否定词应 位于主语之后。
高 考 英 语 语 法一轮 复习— —虚拟 语气课 件 (共 47张PPT)
_t_o_n_i_g_h_t._________________________________________ _
高 考 英 语 语 法一轮 复习— —虚拟 语气课 件 (共 47张PPT)
高 考 英 语 语 法一轮 复习— —虚拟 语气课 件 (共 47张PPT)
含蓄条件句: But for your help, we couldn’t have succeeded.