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院系名称:粮油食品学院专业班级:食工F0808班学生姓名:郭倩倩学号: 200848060917 指导教师:杨国龙教师职称:副教授

2012年 05 月 4 日





Title Preparation of high purity linoleic acid and design

Abstract :

Linoleic acid has a unique physiology function and health care function, is one of the essential fatty acids. Content of linoleic acid in safflower oil can reach 75%~83%, is the ideal raw material preparation of linoleic acid. Safflower oil as raw material in this article the saponification, acid solution are of mixed fatty acid and urea inclusion of high purity linoleic acid. This describes has urea package legitimate purification safflower seed oil Central linoleic acid of preparation, on Asia oil acid of preparation and the urea package legitimate process in the of technology for has research, Focus on the urea / fatty acid amount (3:3,4:3,5:3, g / g), urea / ethanol ratio (4:5,4:20,4:25, g / mL), crystallization temperature (-5 ° C, 0 ° C, 5 ° C, 10 ° C), crystallization time (12h, 24h, 36h) of these factors impact on the effect of urea inclusion purified linoleic acid. Results show that, when the urea:fatty acid rato is 4:3, the ratio of urea:ethanol is 4:15, the crystallization temperature is 0 ° C, the crystallization time 24 h, the system of linoleic acid purity can reach 96.25%, yield 44%. the purity of linoleic acid in urea crystals can reach 63.09%, 42.57% of the yield.


Title ............................................................................................................................... II 1 引言.. (1)

1.1本课题研究的意义 (1)

1.1.1 亚油酸的物理化学性质 (1)

1.1.2亚油酸的主要用途及对人体健康的益处 (1)

1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)

1.2.1 利用分子量不同对脂肪酸进行分离 (2)

1.2.2 利用脂肪酸溶解度不同分离纯化脂肪酸 (3)

1.2.3 利用吸附剂选择性吸附脂肪酸分离纯化 (4)

1.2.4 利用脂肪酶催化法分离纯化脂肪酸 (4)

1.2.5 利用脂肪酸的不饱和双键分离纯化脂肪酸 (4)

1.3 本课题研究的目的 (5)

1.4 本课题研究的主要内容 (6)

2. 材料与方法 (6)

2.1 研究材料 (6)

2.1.1 原料 (6)

2.1.2 主要试剂 (7)

2.1.3 主要实验仪器装置 (7)

2.2 主要实验方法 (8)

2.2.1 混合脂肪酸的制备 (8)

2.2.2薄层色谱法(TLC)观察皂化程度 (8)

2.2.3 多不饱和脂肪酸亚油酸的富集 (8)

3 结果与讨论 (9)

3.1 原料红花籽油脂肪酸成分的分析 (9)

3.2 影响尿素包合亚油酸的主要因素 (10)

3.2.1 结晶时间对尿素包合亚油酸纯度及得率的影响 (10)

3.2.2 尿素与脂肪酸比例对亚油酸的影响 (11)

3.2.3 尿素与乙醇的比例对亚油酸的影响 (13)

3.2.4 结晶温度对尿素包合亚油酸的纯度和得率的影响 (14)

3.3 正交试验设计及分析 (15)

3.3.1亚油酸纯度及得率试验结果分析 (17)

3.3.2尿素晶体内亚油酸的纯度及得率实验结果分析 (18)

结论 (20)

参考文献 (22)
