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—姚明 Before entering the NBA ,I know only two shooting guards ,one is Michael Jordan,the other is Kobe Bryant —Yao Ming
• After join the NBA team,Los Angeles Lakers,Kobe's won five NBA finals and has got many MVPs.He's also become one of the greatest basketball players-as he told his classmates. • But that's not why I like him.I like him because he has a dream and always works hard for it.Isn't that worth adoring?
科比•布莱恩特:美国NBA职业球 运动员,现效力于洛杉矶湖人队, 司职得分后卫,被认为是目前美国 篮坛最有实力的球员。
Kobe Bryant: American NBA basketball
player, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the shooting guard, thought to be the most powerful American basketball player.
The guys, even though some of them have retired already, cannot play basketball because of his injures , or can not play basketball in NBA anymore, Yet their spirit still exists, NEVER GIVE UP !!!
比赛终结者The Closer
国王科比king Kobra 遥不可及先生The Untouchable
• • • • • • THE BEST 21世纪头10年最佳NBA球员 Olympic Champion 奥运会冠军:1次 NBA championship NBA总冠军:5次 NBA scoring champion NBA得分王:2次 The NBA finals MVP NBA总决赛MVP:2次 NBA regular season MVP NBA常规赛MVP:1 次 • The NBA all-star game MVP NBA全明星赛 MVP:3次 • Dunk champion NBA扣篮大赛冠军:1次
His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.
他的父母在他出生前为他取名Kobe 一种日本牛排的名字,是在一家餐馆 的菜单上看到的
NBA Where amazing happens
制作人:郑济稳 Mr. zheng
NBA is the abbreviation of :National Basketball Association
• Founded in New York ,United States on June 6,1946 . • ~ ~At first, there were only 11 teams, In the after years ,some teams joined NBA one after another, Now, the team sum is reached 30. • The game is divided into three stages: regular season (常规赛),play-offs(季后赛) ,finals(总 决赛)
• Birthday: August 23,1978 • Height:1.98meters • Weight:99kg
Magic, this is the only evaluation about him of me —— The magician 神奇,这是我对他唯一的评价 ——魔术师
This elder brothers now not human, he was to害了. ——范甘迪
• Flying Warrior (小飞 侠):Kobe Bryant • Point guard • The leader of Lakers dynasty • Innumerable honors • Got 81 points in singlegame VS Toronto Raptors (多伦多猛龙)
• • • •
Michael Jordan Flyer(空中飞人) Point guard (得分后卫) the founder of Bulls dynasty (公牛王朝的缔造 者) • Now, he is a legend
• Tracy McGrady T-MAC • Swing man (锋卫摇摆人) • Myth:13 points in 35 seconds(35秒得到13分并 完成绝杀) vs Spurs(马刺) • injure-ridden(伤病缠身) and now played in china • waiting for his return (等 待他王者归来) • I believe
A story about bryant
• There is a man who pursues his dream strongly,who pays everything for his dream.His name is Kobe Bryant. • Kobe was born is the USA,but he spent most of his childhood is Italy.When he was young,he told his classmates:Someday,I will be one of the greatest basketball players in basketball history.Nobody believed him,but he still works hard playing basketball.In high school,he's been a great High-school basketball player.
在职业生涯的同时,科比 投身于慈善事业,从各种 途径帮助贫困儿童。
科比还与中国宋庆龄基 金会签署合作协议,成 立了科比中国基金会。
Bryant also signed an agreement on cooperation with China Song Qing Ling Foundation , established Bryant
NBA的2002-2003赛季、2006-2007 赛季、 2008-2009赛季、 2009-2010 赛季,科比的球衣销量在NBA联中盟 都排在首位
Kobe Bryant's jerseys sales in rows in the first place in the NBA
Besides his career, Kobe Bryant devoted himself to the charity,helping the poor children in all kinds of ways.
Larry O‘Brien NBA Championship Trophy and Championship ring