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Depression in Men
• Depression is a mental illness or can say mental disorder which affects both men and women. The number of depressed men is less than depressed women but still depression is there in men. • Men usually do not ask for help or do not show their emotions. They ignore it or try to handle themselves but this could increase and could become a severe.
• Frequently go outside. • Depression does not just go away, we have to try for it. • In depression, people require emotional support. So find a close one who can share your feeling. • Keep positive thinking.
• 1 Keep the peace of mind. • 2 Try to sleep well. • 3 Try to get outdoors more
• 4To arrange some entertainment activities in daily life
Some Useful Tips for Depressed People
Post-Impressionist painter
• He was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. today many of his pieces—including his numerous self portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers—are among the world's most recognizable and expensive works of art. His depression gradually deepened. On 27 July 1890, aged 37, he walked into a field and shot himself in the chest with a revolver.
Signs and Symptoms of Depression
• • • • • • • • • • Feeling tired Indecisiveness (犹豫不决) Weight loss or gain Change in appetite (嗜好) Looks sad and dull (迟钝) Increase or decrease in sleep Loss interest in activities Impatient (焦躁) Feeling worthless(卑微) and guilty (内疚) Thoughts of suicide(自杀)or death
Causes of Depression
• • • • • • • • • • • Dangerous or unsafe environment in family Being neglected(忽视) from closed one in early life Traumatic(惨痛的) experiences late in life One important cause is the loss of job Death of loved one Because of financial problem extreme stress Poor self-confidence Side effects (副作用)of some other medicine that lead to depression Frequently(频繁地) feeling physical illness Feeling homesickness(乡愁) Hormonal(激素) changes always affect on mood that lead to depression Frequently taking drug or alcohol
You Can Manage Depression With Yourself
• Share your feeling with your friends who are close to you. • Food effects on mood. So avoid diet that you do not want. • Exercise always work better. It is a good way to reduce depression. • Do some creative thing that you will enjoy like painting, drawing other than reading and writing.
Types of Depression
• Major Depression(重性抑郁症) Major depression is the combination(组合) of all symptoms that disturb(妨碍) the person's daily routine work, study, sleep, eating and enjoying habits. This depression appears only once but mostly occurs several times in a lifetime. • Dysthymia Depression(心境抑郁) It is less severe type of depression. From this depression, people don't disable because it does not involve all symptoms. This type of depression keeps people from functioning well or from feeling good. Many people who are in dysthymia depression feel like major depression after some time. • Bipolar Disorder(躁郁症) It is also called as manic-depressive illness(燥狂抑郁病). Bipolar disorder is characterized(特征) by cycling(循环) mood change, high and low depression. In this person‘s mood change dramatically (戏剧性地)and rapidly. The people in bipolar disorder feel like elated(兴高采烈的).
Thank you !
梁林医学英语28班 第九组 组员:许强 周晓芸 李玉婷 徐琪 刘玉宵
Depression in Women
• Women feel different types of depression and they are more prone (易于…的)to depression than men. However the pattern(模式), symptoms and signs are often different. Most of the time women do not recognize their depression and ignore it which consequently increases. • Most of the women will definitely go for treatment if they could recognize the signs and symptoms of depression. The duration of these symptoms depend on individuals.
梁林医学英语28班 第九组 组员:许强 周晓芸 李玉婷 徐琪 刘玉宵
What is depression?
• Depression is the act of depressing and the condition of being depressed. Depression is charah, and dejection( n. 沮丧), sad feelings of gloom( n. 忧 郁;阴暗) and inadequacy( n. 不适 当,不充分). • When people are in depression then their view of life becomes negative. They often face hopelessness, passivity( n. 被动性), indecisiveness( n. 犹豫不定), suicidal intentions(自杀的意图), loss of appetite( n. 食欲), weight loss, and sleep disturbances(睡眠失 调).