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Task 2: Fill in the blanks
After getting out of the pool, Alice and the animals did the Caucus race.
The Dodo announced that _e_v_e__ry_b__o_d_y_ had won, and asked Alice to _g_i_v_e_ the prizes. The animals got __s_w_e_e_t_s___ as prizes, while Alice got a __b_o_x___ as her prize. Alice was glad to talk about her cat——Dinah. Unfortunately, all the animals and birds had ___g_o_n_e____— they didn’t like Dinah, which was good at __c_a_tc_h__in_g____ mice and birds.
冠今中学高一英语 课外阅读(五)
Chapter 3
A Causus Race
Task 1: Answer the questions
1.Who gave the prizes after the Caucus race was over? Alice.
2. What was the prize for Alice? The small box.
some and became __s_m__a_l_l__ enough to run out of the house.
Appreciating sentences:
1.The sweets were too small for the big birds: they did not last.
3. She ran round even the smallest plants and flowers.
即便遇到最小的植物和花Leabharlann Baidu,她也得绕开它们跑过 去。
4. The mushroom was as big as she was, but she could just see over the top.
down. Some time later, the animals began to throw little stones into the house, which _h__it____
Alice before falling on the floor. The stones on
the floor became little cakes at once. Alice ate
2. Alice ran towards a little house without trying to tell the White Rabbit that she was not the girl who worked for him.
爱丽丝没顾上告诉白兔她不是那个给它干活的姑娘, 就朝着一座小房子跑去。
Chapter 4
The White Rabbit’s House
Task 1: Answer the questions
1.What was the White Rabbit looking for? The fan and gloves.
2. What happened after Alice ate the cake? She became small.
Task 2: Fill in the blanks When Alice was asked to fetch(去取) the missing _f_a_n__ and __g_lo__v_e_s_ for the white rabbit, she found a little _b_o_t_t_le__ in its house. Alice tried it and _g__re_w__/_b_e_c_a_m__e__ big again—too big to _m__o_v_e__. The animals outside the house were frightened and considered _b__u_r_n_in__g__ the house
那蘑菇跟她一般大小,而她刚好能看到它的伞盖上 面。