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I find it humorous sometimes that even the mostmundane occurrences can have an im pact on ourawareness.

有时候我觉得很有意思,甚至连最平凡的事情都能够对我们的认识产生影响。My wife, daughter, and I moved into our home nineyears ago and we spent a lot of ti me and energy inthe yard to get it looking like it does today. We liveon a corner, highe r than street level, and the entireside of the yard is encased by a professionally builtroc k wall. The front of the house though is anotherstory because instead of a wall along t he sidewalk, the rocks appear to be just thrown up ontothe dirt as if someone were in a hurry to finish.


We did the best we could with what we had to work with and called this area our …roc k garden‟.Wheneve r we had leftover flowers or plants, Denise or I would stick them o ut front, just tobring some color to the area.


I still do all of my own yard work, even the dreaded weed-pulling. After putting on m y kneepads I assume the position to clear the yard of weeds, even in the rock garden. 我还在做自己的庭院劳作,包括让人生畏的拔杂草工作。我带上护膝后,我便着手清理庭院杂草,即使是在岩石花园里。

Last summer I had reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny little plant that I couldnot immediately identify, I knew I didn‟t plant it and Denise claimed that she d idn‟t either. Wedecided to let it continue growing until we could figure out what it was .


Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mystery plant, it appeared to be a Su nflower.It was spindly looking with a tall skinny stalk and only one head on it. I decid ed to baby italong and weed around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the we eds, I noticedsomething unusual. The Sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk begin. It actually hadbegun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach t he sun.


That‟s when I realized that if a tiny little Sunflower didn‟t let a big rock stand in its w ay ofdeveloping, we too have the capability of doing the same thing. Once our enviro nment beginsto see that we believe in ourselves like that little Sunflower, we can attai n the samenourishment and nurturing as well.


First, we need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in achieving o ur desires.Like the Sunflower, it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle be cause it trustedin the Universal Truth and had faith it would succeed.

首先,我们需要相信自己,认识到我们有能力达到我们的愿望。就像向日葵那样,它知道它有能力去克服障碍,因为它相信普遍真理,并且相信它会成功。Stand tall like the Sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the environm ent willbegin to support you. You will find a way to go under or around your big obsta cle in order toreach your desires.
