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Website Advertising Contract




Party A: _____

Address: _____

Contact Info: (Mail)




Party B: _____

Address: _____

Contact Info: (Mail)



I. Cooperation Content

1.1 、甲乙双方本着互惠互利的原则达成以下协议:甲方在乙方__(简称“该网站”)__网站的位置(详见附件一,附件一作为本合同不可分割的一部分)上放置乙方广告条。甲方在乙方的该网站投放以下两种广告位:

1.1 Party A and B under the principal of mutual benefit reached the following agreement: Party A at Party B’s __kissanime.ru__ website’s placement (for detail please see Attachment 1, Attachment 1 is an integral part of this Contract) position Party B’s ads. Party A place the following two types of ads in Party B’s website:


1.1.1 At, the Banne r’s dimension is 160 pixel ×600 pixel. Each month’s impressions are not lower than 0.45 billion times, Party A will pay USD $35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand dollars), and out of the total impressions, 55% must come from Desktop. If Party B’s impressions do not reach 0.45 billion times, then Party A’s payment amount will correspondingly decrease.

1.1.2、乙方上述Banner的展示量低于甲方要求的20%(即3.6亿展示量),或者展示量来自于Desktop 低于55%,则甲方有权要求解除本协议。

1.1.2 If the above Banner’s impression in Party B’s website is lower than Party A’s request by 20% (0.36 billion impressions), or less than 55% of the impressions are from Desktop, then Party A has the right to terminate this contract.

1.1.3、Skin 每个月的展示量不低于2亿,甲方即支付15,000.00(壹万伍千)美金,以上所有的展示量需要有55%来自于Desktop。若乙方的展示量达不到2亿,则甲方的支付金额进行相应的递减。

1.1.3 Skin’s monthly impressions shall not be lower than 0.2 billion, Part A will pay USD$15,000.00 (fifteen-thousand dollars), and out of the total impressions, 55% must come from Desktop. If Party B’s impressions do not reach 0.2 billio n times, then Party A’s payment amount will correspondingly decrease.


1.1.4 If the above Skin’s impression in Party B’s website is lower than Party A’s request by 20% (0.12 billion impressions), or less than 55% of the impressions are from Desktop, then Party A has the right to terminate this contract.


1.2 Party A will need to make adjustment to the ad s’ function, Party B shall cooperate.


1.3 The advertising period is 12 months, advertising link to Party As designated link or code, advertising period starts on March 10, 2017 until March 9, 2018. Both sides will start in April of 2017, before the 10th of every natural month to verify impression s’ data. After confirming data, Party B will sent out invoice within 10 working days. After Party A receives the invoice, will pay the payment within 10 working days.


1.4 The ads content in this C ontract means the ads relating to Party A’s business that Party A plans to advertise on Party B’s website within all ads. The ads mode is static/animated GIF or video, video cannot be longer than 20 seconds.


II. Contract’s Validity and Implementation
