English Handwriting Competition英语书写比赛

English Handwriting Competition英语书写比赛

English Handwriting Competition


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听力 NO.2 1. C. a grain of sand got into this 2. C. the boy’s mother and … 3. B. at a party. 4. B. Because he wants to invite.. 5. B. because he ….cheated. NO.4 1.A. She doesn’t find the food to her 2.B. She also thinks that their math 3.C. They are neighbors. 4.A.She thinks that her son is a bit to 5.B. Personally, he thinks highly NO.6 1. C.In NEW York 2. A. 2 3. B. Because he doesn’t want 4. C. Answer the question 5. A. because tom was eating NO.1 1. How much did the bicycle cost? c. 54.99 2. What attracted Tom to the shop? c. The advertisement 3. What made Tom so angry? a. There wasn’t a lamp… 4. How did the shopkeeper reply? b. calmly 5. Why did the shopkeeper mention.? c. To tell…. NO.3 1.Little Susie said she got a 100 in school because C. She had a mistaken… 2. L S wanted her dad to give her A. a reward 3. If LS really got a 100….. C. would do as promised 4 Why did LS run to … B Because she was used 5.As a result, her dad would… C. explain what…. NO.5 1.All the mice had a meeting one day because B, their lives were threatened 2.What conclusion can you make according to the story? C, None of the mice … 3.Mouse C was C. A lady mouse 4. offered the idea of tying … A.. Mouse D 5. An adolescent mouse expressed his doubt about the idea because C he was sure that none of them NO.7 1.What does “a father of five” probably mean? B. A father who has five children 2.Why did the father buy a toy? C.He wanted to reward… 3.How did he know who the best A .He asked his children 4.What did he mean by …? C.He meant…obedient 5.Why was there silence…? A.Because none of them.. NO.8 Dong Dong is a clever boy, but he doesn’t study hard enough at school. Every time he takes an exam, he feels worried .When school finishes, he feels happy again because he can playbasketball …..Next year he will finish his middle school studies. If he wants to go to university, he has to study very hard this year. However, if he does poorly in the final exam,…become a good sportsman. He runs fast . He plays ball games beautifully .Anyway…..love him very much and he will always live happily with them. NO.9 Yao Ling and Lu Xiang are both athletes. They are also good friend. Yao Ling is from Shanghai, a city much large than Lu Xiang’s hometown, but Lu Xiang can enjoy cleaner air in his hometown. Yao is stronger than Lu, but he isn’t as handsome as LU. Lu cannot play basketball as well as Yao ,but he runs much faster. Yao earns more money each year, but Lu spends less money on his cloths, for he is shorter and thinner than his friend . Lu has visited as manyforeign countries as Yao, but Yao speaks English better because he has more chances to chat with his American teammates. They both work hard for our country and we are proud of them. 读写 1.He was crippled with polio when he was only 5 years old. 2.With his head bare, he ran out of the room into the freezing wind. 3.With three year’s schooling, he could only find a part-time job as a porter at a railway station. 4.Very interested (很感兴趣)in the game, he was ready to give it a try. 5.She was very happy(她很高 兴),she dashed out of the house. 6.After reading Hemingway, Join was fired with ambition to become a writer. 7.My wife doesn’t really care for tea; she likes coffee better. 8.Don’t mix up those papers, or we’ll never find the ones we need. 9.Reluctantly Alice shared the chocolate with her younger brother. 10.The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind. 11.He took in the situation at a glance and apologized for his son’s behavior. 12. A motorcyclist was injured when a car pulled into his lane. 13.Simon beats me in chess, but I’m better in tennis. 14.My daughter sat down beside me on the carpet to play with her new Barbie doll. 15.I try to pay her off. But every time I agree to her terms, she comes back with higher demands. 16.Will you domea favor and turn off the TV? 17.The police are making enquiries and try to get the truth of the whole thing. 18.What sort of qualifications do I need for the job? 19.He was a household name in the 1950s, but now no one knows him. 20.It is impossible to define exactly what makes him so attractive. 21.Villagers feared her because they thought she was possessed by devil. 22.Is he aware of the latest style in pop music? 23.You must get rid of that annoying habit of cleaning you throat every time you speak. 24.Success, don’t come by accident. Only those who try hard enough will be rewarded. 25.She requested that I see her off(要我给她送行) at the airport. 26.The general ordered that the troops set out immediately部 队应立刻出发) to the front. 27.The doctor insisted thathe not eat meat(他不吃肉) 28.They advised that she not go to Hong Kong until next week(下 星期再去香港) 29.The headmaster maintained thatall the textbooks be distributed to the pupils immediately(所有的教科书必 须马上发给学生) 30.But you’re picking up the threads again now.


1.I want to write a letter into your dream, but I never know the address. 我想写一封 信,寄到你的梦里,但却不知道地址。 2.The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. – Thomas H. Huxley 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。 3.Don‘t let the past steal your present. 别让过去悄悄偷走了你的当下 4.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.——你知道思 念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 5.If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。 6.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 不管结 局是否完美,我的世界不允许你消失。 7.Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger.~~~ 与其祈求生活平淡点,还不如祈 求自己强大点。 8.Because of loving you so much that I stood aside. Although my figure left you away, my heart didn‘t. Today I have made up my mind to say ―I love you‖~~~ 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你说出"我爱你" 9.Help me out whenever I want you .别人欺负我时,你要在第一时间出来帮我。 10.Don‘t lie to me,ok?真心待我,好吗? 11.Sometimes you must let it go , to see if there was anything worth holding on to. 有 时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。 12.How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?让我如何相信,这世界上 还有一尘不染的爱情。 13.It'd be better we don't meet again because of the skillful acting.即使再见面,成熟地 表演,不如不见。 14.Maybe for those that have been missed, they are fated to be this way.也许那些错过 的,是因为注定就要错过。 15.Everybody needs love, especially for those who don't deserve it.人人需要爱,特别是 不值得爱的人



书面表达一: 内容分别是你去北京分别参观了故宫、天安门、北京胡同和长城,要求按参观顺序写。(要用一般过去时来写) 开头已经给出: Thursday, August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum. It was cool. Then I... 范文: Thursday, August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum. It was cool. Then I visited the Tian An Men Square. There were so many people. After that, I walked in some famous Beijing alleys and enjoyed the some delicious food there. At last, I came to the Great Wall. My teacher taught us "He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man." At that time, I felt I was so proud. What a nice day it was ! 书面表达二: Henry今天和父母去动物园,他们看了很多动物,Henry最喜欢的是大象。假如你是Henry,请你根据下面的提示词写一篇50词左右的短文,描述一下今天的经历。提示词:zoo, see, best, smart, friendly, eat, other, happy


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1.The World's Best Cities for Students 全球十佳求学城市 2.Life Success Zone 追逐幸福 3.Animals Riding on Other Animals 动物骑动物 1.Get More Done In Less Time | Life Success Zone 如何让你事半功倍 2.Forced Friends: Want a Job? Give Up Y our Facebook Password 强迫交友:要工作吗?把你的Facebook 密码交出来 3.Should 3-Y ear-Olds Learn Computer Programming? 3岁大的孩子应该学电脑编程吗 Where there is a will there is way. 有志者事竟成。 1.Path’s Business Model: Selling The Means Of Self-Expression Path 的商业模式:给条路让你瞎得瑟 2.When to Wear Sunglasses | ReaderDigest 何时该戴太阳镜 3.What The Hell Is Project Management, Anyway? 项目管理,这货到底是什么东西? 4.Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere 学习是宝藏并会随时给你带来更多 The only way to suceed at something is to first give it a try.在成功的唯一方法就是先给它一试。 If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger. Slow and steady wins the race如果不杀了你这只会让你更坚强。缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛 like to have fun and enjoy the class as much as the student while finding the right method or tool to satisfy my student, because I believe nobody wants to learn from a person that is giving out any negative vibe. By keeping the lessons entertaining I usually would prepare lesson plans ahead of time which will help the student learn more effectively.喜欢玩得开心,享受班学生在尽可能多的方法或找到合适的工具来满足我的学生,因为我相信没有人愿意学习的人,送出任何负面的感觉。通过保持课有趣我通常会提前准备课程计划将帮助学生学习更有效率。喜欢有乐趣和享受尽学生在找到正确的方法或工具来满足我的学生,因为我相信没有人愿意学习的人,是给任何消极的氛围。通过保持课有趣我通常会准备教案提早将帮助学生更有效地学习。 5.I try to find out what type of learner my student is, so that I can present material in an appropriate manner for them to learn most efficiently. 我尝试着找出我的学生是什么类型的学习者,以致于我可以用适当方式呈现教材,这对他们来说是最有效的 假设你要到美国一所中学参观,你被邀请到一个班级去演讲,请写一篇简短的自我介绍,内容可以包括自己的学校,爱好,以及家乡等等。100字以内。 提示。家乡,广东省茂名市,沿海地区。学校,实验中学,高二12班。爱好 My hometown is Guangdong Maoming which lies in the south coast of China. I study in Shiyan High school and I'm in grade 2.Our campus is very beautiful and there are much charming view.I study hard every day and I wish to go abroad for further education.I have som e hobbies such as basketball,tennis,swimming and so on.I like making friends with others. Dear fellow students, May i have you attention,please?Now I'd like to a speech here. As we know, waste have become common scenes on campus.Som e pour the remauns of a meal when there is still much leave;others simply walk away after washing hands,leaving the water running;students leave and go to classroom everyday, regardless of whther fans are switched off.Has proxidence, the natonal tradition that descendes from long history gone?if so,then find it back! We don't have to attain a great cause of controlling waste, but actions and a grateful heart are more enough:be grateful for the water that runs through fingers ,and save it for poor Arabian or African coutries struggling in water shortage; be grateful for the lightness we have access to because in slums children share a faint lamp to read;be grateful for all the paper and sheets we are able to use, for trees were cut down to satisfy ouyr needs;be gratyeful for everything naturehas to offer and everything we can own. Live and act, the tradition of providence will never fade.



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