海波尔猪场配种管理 Heat stimulation-Insemination Management

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Insemination Management 配种管理
• Gilts to be bred. 后备母猪的配种
• Morning:上午工作
Half an hour after feeding heat check/insemination using a green color marker.饲喂1小时后做发情鉴定和输精配种 用绿色笔 标记 Gilts standing for boar get a green dot on shoulder. 发情的母猪在背肩胛 部点绿点 Gilts inseminated the day before in the morning heat check again => in heat insemination again => green stripe. 对前一天上午已经配种 的查情 => 发情的再次配种,标记绿线 Not in heat anymore => green cross 不再发情的划绿叉
Insemination Management 配种管理
• Gilts to be bred.
These are gilts with a “normal” heat period.以上是讲的正常发情后备 母猪 If there is one insemination only in a cycle, it means: short heat!!! Record this remark in the sow card/ Sow management system 如 果只有一次输精配种, 表明该头母猪发情持续期短, 记录在母猪 卡上 If 3 inseminations have to be done in a cycle, it means long heat!! Record this remark in the sow card/ Sow management system 如 果母猪有 3次输精, 表明发情持续期长,记录在母猪卡上。
• Gilts to be bred.
Summary: 总结 During heat/insemination period, every heat check /insemination there have to be a colored mark.参与 发情鉴定配种的 母猪身体上必须标记每次发情鉴定 和配种情况 The heat period ends only when there is a cross on the back of the sow.发情结束的标志是在母猪的后 备上划叉
Gilts to be bred.
Dots:绿点 In heat in the morning上午发情的标记
Stripes:红线 Insemination in the afternoon 下午配种标
Cross绿叉 ot in heat anymore in morning 发情结束标记
Insemination Management 配种管理

Flushing with lactation/gilt developer feed, almost ad-lib,
5 days prior to expected breeding date. 预期配种前5 天催情哺饲, 近于自由采食 饲 喂哺乳母猪料或后备猪专用料

Twice a day a strict 5 to 7 minutes boar-contact from day 5 before expected breeding date. 预期发情配种日前5天, 每天与公猪接触5-7 分钟,诱导发情。

Gilts to be bred
Half an hour after feeding heat check/insemination using a red color marker 饲喂结束1小时后,做发情鉴定和配种,带红色笔标记 猪只 Gilts in heat get a red dot on shoulder => next morning insemination新发情 的母猪在背上点红点=> 下一个上午配种。 Gilts standing for boar that morning (green dot) and still in heat have to be inseminated and get a red stripe 对于当天上午发现的发情母猪(身上戴绿 点的)仍然发情的输精配种, 划红线标记 Gilts inseminated the day before in the afternoon again heat check => in heat insemination again => red stripe.前一天下午配过的母猪,仍然发情的 再次配种,之后划红线 Not in heat anymore => red cross 发情结束的划叉 Gilts inseminated that morning and still in heat => red dot 当天上午配种的仍 然发情母猪点红点 Not in heat anymore => red cross 发情结束的划红叉
• Gilts to be bred.
Summary:总结 Found in heat in the morning, standing for boar. green dot.上午发情 对公猪静立反射 点绿点 First insemination same day afternoon. red stripe. 下午对这头母猪第 一次配种 划红线 Still in heat next day morning. green dot. 第二天上午仍然发情良好, 点绿点 Second insemination second day afternoon. red stripe. 第二天下午机 第二次配种 End of heat/not standing for boar third day morning. Green cross. 第 三天上午发情结束 划绿叉
Insemination Management 配种管理
• Gilts to be bred. 后备母猪的配种

It is from crucial importance to know the exact start of the heat. 确切知道母猪的 发情起始 时间非常重要 For that reason a twice a day heat check is inevitable 基于此因,需要每天两次 查情 To have an understandable system every moment of the day/heat insemination cycle for all staff Hypor introduced the colored DOT and STRIPE system!!!制定 一个便于理解和执行的发情鉴定记录系统 非常重要。 海波尔 用颜色和点、线记 录标记发情的猪只 Green color for morning breeding works 上午使用绿色标记猪只配种工作 Red color for afternoon breeding works 下午使用红色标记猪只配种工作
Insemination Management 配种管理
• Gilts to be bred.
When first standing for boar is in afternoon, we get a different color combination. 对于第一发情出现在下午的后备母猪会出现下 列标记
Insemination Management 配种管理

Gilts to be bred.后备母猪的配种
Gilt has to be at least in second or third heat-cycle.后备母猪至少在第 2-3 个情期 配 种 Gilt has to be older then 230 days. 初配日龄大于230天
Gilts inseminated the day before afternoon and still in heat =>green dot 对于前一天下午配种的母猪查情,仍然发情的,点绿点
Not in heat anymore => green cross 不再发情的划绿叉
Insemination Management 配种管理
Red dot green stripe red dot green stripe red cross. Or红点绿线 红点绿线红叉 Red dot green stripe red dot green stripe red dot green cross 红 点绿线红点绿线红点绿叉
Insemination Management 配种管理
Time weaning
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ09.00
Time morning inseminations
Time afternoon inseminations Stand for boar Morning G Insemination Morning I End stand reflex Morning x X
Insemination Management 配种管理
Gilts to be bred. 后备母猪的配种
Growing period 25-140 kg special feed => gilt developer/lactation feed选留 的后备母猪25-140 千克阶段的饲喂,要用专用后备猪料/ 哺乳母猪料 Optimum daily gain => 680-700 gr. 最好的日增重=> 680克-700克 Heat stimulation/recording from 180 days on 从180日龄起进行发情鉴定和记 录 Required vaccinations minimum 2 weeks before expected breeding date 至 少在预期配种日前2 周完成所有的防疫工作 Optimum weight 130- 140 kg 配种时的 适宜体重为130-140 千克 Required back fat thickness 14-16 mm at P2 适宜的背膘厚度为14-16MM, 在P2 点位
> 12.0 TOTAL BORN/LITTER >12头的 活产仔数 < 7 DAYS INTERVAL WEANING - MATING 断奶到配种的时间间隔<7天

Insemination Management is the start of the production performances that can’t be changed in the same cycle anymore!!!!!! 配种管理是猪场生产的开始和关键。这里的一切无 法从头再来!!!!!
Insemination Management 配种管理
• Gilts to be bred.
When we have a look at next picture, everybody can tell what happened to this gilt?! 接下来看一张照片, 大家来讲一下这头猪的情况?!
Insemination Management 配种管理
Insemination Management 配种管理
Targets Insemination Management 配种管理目标:
< 8 % REMATINGS < 8 % 的复配率

> 88 % FARROWING < 88 % 的分娩率