无机化学术语 I

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angular momentum quantum number 角量子数 magnetic quantum number磁量子数 pin down使…约束 electron configuration电子组态 Pauli exclusion principle 不相容原理 Hund's principle 洪特规则 subshell 亚层
paramagnetism 顺磁性 diamagnetism 反磁性 magnetic field 磁场 unpaired electron 未成对电子 group 族 period 周期 noble gas 惰性气体
representative element主族元素 transition element 过渡元素 alkali metal 碱金属 alkaline earth metal 碱土金属 transuranium超铀的 metal 金属 nonmetal 非金属 semiconducting element半导体元素
established and important in the past. )
2. wavelength, frequency, wave number, diffraction (波长、频率、波数和衍射 )
Wavelength (, Greek lambda) is the distance between any two similar points on adjacent waves. The frequency (, Greek nu) of light is the number of complete waves, also known as the number of cycles, passing a given point in a unit of time. (Notice that the speed of light is equal to the product and , i.e., c = . )
第六章 无机化学、有机化学、物理化 学、分析化学和生物化学化学术语
掌握:常用的无机化学的化学术语和 概念;化学专业文献的阅读和 理解。
熟悉:无机化学(中文) 了解:不常用的元素的英文名称 。
二、 词汇(New Words and Expressions)
periodic table 元素周期表 electronic structure 电子结构 periodicity 周期性 classical 经典的 wavelength 波长 frequency 频率 wave number 波数 diffraction 衍射
1、魏高原, 化学专业基础英语知识(I)(Introductory Chemistry Speciality English), 北京大学出版社,2004。 2、 Reading Materials (自编讲义) 。 3、 陈英,科技信息检索(第二版),科学出版社,2005。 4、 万锡仁, Information Retrieval and Related Reading Materials,(待出版)。 5、 [美] Philip Ball 著,魏高原等注释, 化学专业基础英 语(II), 北京大学出版社,2001。
The wave number is the number of wavelengths per unit of length covered, i.e.
=1/ . Diffraction is the spreading of waves as they pass obstacles or openings, 小 孔 comparable in size to their wavelength.
Quantum theory is a general term for the idea that energy is quantized and the consequences of that idea.
By assuming that light is quantized, Einstein was able to explain the photoelectric effect, in which electrons are released by certain metals (particularly Cs and the other alkali metals, Li, Na, K, and Rb(Rubidium)) when light shines照耀on 照到...上 them. (The photoelectric effect is used in practical devices such as automatic door openers( 开 门 器 ). ) A quantum of radiant energy is called a photon.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 海森堡测不准原理 momentum 动量
simultaneously 同时地 directional 方向的 maintain 保持 angular momentum角动量 ground state基态 excited state 激发态 quantum number 量子数 radius (radii)半径
析化学一章 松香酸度的标准测试方法 第二章 Ⅲ-Ⅴ族半导体制备的新方法:InP纳米晶
的超声化学合成 第三章 分子离子材料的计算机模拟 第四章 透射Laue法的X射线衍射 第五章 销售合同 第六章 专利说明书
第三部分 信息检索(16学时)
第一章 信息检索基础 第二章 超星图书馆 第三章 中国期刊网 第四章 维普 第五章 工程索引(Ei) 第六章 美国化学文摘(CA) 第七章 专利
A full appreciation 正 确 评 价 of
electronic structure --
how the
electrons are arranged in atoms -- is
essential必要的for understanding the
similarities and periodicities of the
lowest energy orbital 最低能量轨道 multiplier 乘数 atomic orbital原子轨道 the four quantum number四个量子数 specific energy 特定能量 Schrödinger equation薛定谔方程 spin quantum number 自旋量子数 principal quantum number主量子数
obstacle 障碍物 quantum 量子 quantized量子化 quantum theory量子理论 photoelectric effect 光电效应 photon光子 whole-number multiple 整数倍 Einstein 爱因斯坦
shine on 照到...上 device器件 automatic door opener 自动开门器 radiant energy 辐射能量 quantum mechanics 量子力学
第一节课 教学要求说明 词汇预习 课文阅读理解
第二节课 课文阅读理解(续) 答疑 布置课后作业 课堂书面练习
Chapter 6
Inorganic chemical, organic chemical, physical chemical, analytical chemical, and biochemical terms
3. quantum, quantized, quantum theory, photoelectric effect, photon( 量子、量 子化、量子理论、光电效应和光子)
Light can be regarded as made up of particles each of which carries a definite amount of energy, referred to as a quantum. Something(物理量) that is quantized使量子化 is restricted to amounts that are whole-number multiples of the basic unit, or quantum, for the particular system.
学生阅读课文5~10分钟,教 师指定学生逐段朗读课文,并翻 译成中文,教师及时评讲。
1. periodic table, electronic structure
(元素周期表,电子结构 )
The periodic table groups the elements in order of increasing atomic number in such a way that elements with similar properties fall near each other. As the atomic number increases, the number of electrons in each atom also increases.
What is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle may be stated as follows: It is impossible to know simultaneously both the exact momentum and the exact position of an electron.
elements. Understanding electronic
structure, in turn, requires a brief
excursion into classical and modern
physics. (The word "classical" is
generally used for anything that was
信息检索与文献阅读 (化学0701-0702)
第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读 (20学时)
第二部分 英文阅读材料 (12学时)
第三部分 信息检索 (16学时)
第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读 (20学时)
第一章 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学 第二章 原子、分子和离子 第三章 气态 第四章 热化学 第五章 有机化合物和基团的命名 第六章 无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分
4.quantum mechanics, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, momentum
"Mechanics" is the study of motion, and quantum mechanics(is) that refers to the study of the motion of entities实体 that are small enough and move fast enough to have both observable wavelike and particlelike properties.
(Momentum is mass times velocity. It expresses not only the tendency of a moving body to keep moving, but also, since velocity is a directional quantity, to maintain the direction of its motion. )