
《写作教程》第二版(小教)教案-图文教课程名称:任课教师:教学单位:师教案《写作教程》 1课程教学基本信息课程名称任课教师授课对象授课时间写作教程总学时数职称初1304-初1307班 34 理论学时 28 实践学时 6 2021年上学期本学期使用的教材《写作教程》第2版,尹相如主编。

高等教育出版社·教师教育出版事业部图书资料书名:写作教程(第2版)(小教版)国家精品课程教材全国高等院校小学教育专业规划教材作者:尹相如出版商:高等教育出版社有限公司出版时间:2016年08月印次:1版1次书号:978-7-04-045007-1物料号:45007-00定价:35.00元开本:16开(成品尺寸:185*260)内文色数:四色印张:18.5中图法分类:H15内容简介:本书系教育部师范司组织专家审定的小教专业教材、国家精品课程教材, 出版10余年来,深受读者欢迎,曾被教育部评为全国教师教育优秀课程资源,现已成为具有一定知名度的写作品牌教材。

(优选)写作教程第二册答案 课件
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
3 . Then while resting 3. When the show was
and drinking Cokes, we over, we decided to
decided to visit Main spend the rest of our
short visit touring the
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas
Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful

• Summarize the pattern of the sample paragraph.
• You may have noticed the difference in organization between Sample 1 and Sample 2. Sample 2 follows a point-by-point pattern where the writer compares and contrasts both subjects – Americans and Koreans—item after item.
• Examples:
• (1) a proposal for an American businessman
• (2) “long term” capital gain for the Internal Revenue Service
• (3) accident report by a motorist
years or even forever
• Summarize the pattern of contrast in the paragraph.
• You may have noticed that the sample paragraph deals with what Americans think “a long time” is before it moves on to discuss the views held by other cultures. This pattern of organization is subject-by-subject or groupby-group.
• Now read Sample 2, and identify the different writing pattern of comparison & contrast:
写作教程 第二册 答案PPT课件

Personality One's personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. Weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.
l) Repetition of key words: junk food, students (as are underlined)
2) Use of transitional signals: For one reason, Also, As a result, however (as are italicized)
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
Paragraph 3 Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.
5. Paragraph 1
The world has enjoyed many benefits from the invention of telephone. Paragraph 2 I had a terrible morning today.
写作教程第2版 ppt课件

• Complete the table according to the steps in Sample 1:
• Step 1 Get ready flour, water, sugar, salt, eggs, and chocolate.
• The purpose of process description is usually to inform, teach, or give ideas to the reader about how something new (or interesting or conventional) happens or in what way it can be completed.
• Step 2 Mix flour and baking soda together with water.
• Step 3 Add salt and put butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.
• Step 4 Add two eggs to this mixture.
• Summarize the pattern of process description in the paragraph.
• We have observed that the sample paragraph explains or describes the successive steps of making some cookies for afternoon tea in Britain. This pattern of organization is called process writing. In this pattern, you may illustrate the process of doing something in detail from beginning to end. And the description of these details has to follow the order of the actual steps.
新时代核心英语教程写作2教学课件U9 Process analysis

Activity 2
Many people use eye drops to treat a range of eye problems or to relieve dry eyes or red eyes. Make a detailed list of the steps to instruct your readers to correctly apply eye drops.
Activity 2
Many people use eye drops to treat a range of eye problems or to relieve dry eyes or red eyes. Make a detailed list of the steps to instruct your readers to correctly apply eye drops.
Main Contents
Strategies for using process
Strategies for organizing a process analysis
Sample appreciation
Difficult Points
1. Explaining each step fully when writing a process analysis essay
Prepare readers in advance for problems that might occur when they follow the process.
Activity 2
Many people use eye drops to treat a range of eye problems or to relieve dry eyes or red eyes. Make a detailed list of the steps to instruct your readers to correctly apply eye drops.
写作教程第版u ppt课件

• 2. What are the organizational characteristics of the paragraph?
• The paragraph is organized on a pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is devoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed, from the obvious fact of the abandoned cars taking up parking spaces to the underlying financial headaches. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution.
• In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the most superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solution to the problem, so that the whole writing has some significance.

• Both are faulty generalizations. • Sentence 1. The sentence moves from some
Americans to a conclusion drawn on all Americans. This is a problem of overgeneralization.
• 2.On TV, I saw George Bush signing documents with his left hand. I saw Ronald Reagan signing documents with his left hand. I saw Bill Clinton signing documents with his left hand during his recent trip to China. Clearly, all American presidents are left-handed.
• The importance of a sentence in a paragraph corresponds closely to its level of generality: the more important a statement is in a paragraph, the higher its level of generality.
• Questions
• 1. Underline the generalization in each group.
• Group 1: The mass media are often badly used.
• Group 2: Television has bad effects on people.

主题的特点 正确、集中、鲜明
二 、 应用文的材料
材料必须真实、 准确
材料必须典型 材料要新颖
先列材料,后亮 观点 先亮观点,后列 材料 边列材料,边亮 观点
三、 应用文结构
结构的含义 应用文的结构,指对应用文的内容进行的组织安排, 是作者在确立了主 题、选定了材料之后谋篇布局的结果,是作者思路的 体现。
1. 应用文的性质及特点,其与文学作品的 区别
2. 应用文的作用及学习
一、应用文的性质 文章可分两类:
文学文体,以审美为标准 应用文体,以实用为目的 所谓应用文,是指国家机关、社会团体、企事业单 位及人民群众在处理各种事务时,经常使用的、 具有直接实用价值和惯用格式的文体。
结构的要求 1.完整 2.严谨 3、清晰
叙述是一种把人物的经历或事件发生、发展、变化的过程表述出 来的一种表达方式。叙述的基本要求是:一要交待清楚,线索分 明;二要抓住本质,突出重点;三要详略得当,富于变化。
议论是一种通过事实材料和逻辑推理来表明自己的立场、观点 和态度的表达方式。议论的基本要求是:观点正确鲜明,论据 充分,论证符合逻辑。
1、标题 要求贴切、简洁、醒目 2、称谓 3、正文 包括开头、主体和结尾三部分
要力求抓住听众,有较强的吸引 力,有多种的写法。如提问式、故 事式、直入式、幽默式等。
要条理清楚、逻辑性强,还要 波澜起伏、扣人心弦,纵横自如。
(一)了解听众,有的放矢 (二)中心明确,主题新颖 (三)情理交融,语言生动 (四)行文变化,富有波澜
《基础写作教程》(第二版) 教学课件 第八章 1

古代散文 现代散文(美文、小 品文、小品散文) 当代散文
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
二、散文的类型 (一)叙事散文
俞平伯(1900— 1990)的《桨声灯影 里的秦淮河》,虽有 渲染、烘托,可不失 其“本真”。
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
汪曾祺(1920— 1997)的《沈从文的 寂寞——浅谈他的散 文》用较长的篇幅, 刻画沈从文的“抒情 气质”(诗人气质)。
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
李霁野(1904— 1997)的《试谈人生》 是明理散文的力作。文 中分析了人生应该避免 的早熟、早衰、早亡三 种现象,对怎样生活提 出了自己的看法,文末 宕开一笔,颇具“理 趣” 。
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
❖小结 总之,叙事散文宜寓情于事,写出情趣;言情散
文宜融情于景,写出情调;明理散文宜 散文的内涵和类型
何其芳(1912— 1977)的《黄昏》是融 情于景的范例。作者没 有直接抒情,而是通过 对周围景物带有主观色 彩的描述,把自己的感 受委曲、含蓄地透露出 来。
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
(三)明理散文 许地山(1893—
1941)的明理散文《面 具》从“人面”和“面具” 的对比切入,形象说明了 二者的区别,表明人面的 虚伪和面具的纯真。
第八章 散 文
❖ 第一节 散文的内涵和类型 ❖ 第二节 散文的特征 ❖ 第三节 散文的写作(上) ❖ 第四节 散文的写作(下)
万 奇 撰写、制作
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
一、散文的内涵 散文是我国成熟最
早的文体之一。不过, “散文”名称却出现较 晚,南宋罗大经的《鹤 林玉露》始有论及。
第一节 散文的内涵和类型
第一节 散文的内涵和类型

写作教程第二版(邹申)写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Unit 7Social ProblemsBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Unit ObjectivesDefinition of cause effect Function of cause effectFeatures of cause effectOrganization of cause effectHow to choose right examplesTransitional phrasesBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Warm-up Activities--- college students’ taking part-time jobs1. short of pocket money 2. relieve financial burdens Reasons3. offer help to some fellow students who are in financial difficulties4. prepare for jobs in the future1. have to spend precious study time in finding or doing part-time jobs 2. lose interesting in learning 3. may do good to academic studies 4. gain experience or knowledge that cannot be obtained from booksBy Pizza. CResults写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Definition of cause effectSound reasoning or logic is naturally the most important quality of any analysis. In presenting cause and effect, we should try to be objective. Overstating or understating our position would only make the analysis unconvincing. It seems convenient to state the effect first and then explain the causes. The reverse order, however, is to be preferred when one cause leads to various effects. 1. To state an effect and devote the rest of the paragraph to examining the causes. 2. To state a cause and then mention or predict the effect.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Function of cause effect1. Cause and effect serves as a useful means to describe or analyze phenomena, problems, influences, etc. 2. We often find ourselves in situations where we need to discuss causes or effects in order to better understand what is being discussed: places, people, features, advantages or disadvantages. 3. How to express cause-and-effect relationships effectively is crucial to meaningful communication.By Pizza. C 写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Features of cause effectCause 1 Effect Cause 2 CauseEffect 1Effect 2 Effect 3By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Fill out the forms with the appropriate and relevant informationLike English in high schoolbe easy to find a job after graduationhave an uncle who once majored in English be good at language learningless income employers do not like it save energymore free timeBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Study the following words and phrases and divide them into the following 2 groups.now that, the reason for, thanks to, becausesince, as, due to, because of, owing toconsequently, therefore, so, as a result, thusit follows that, accordingly, hence, so thatBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Sample 1- P67 Questions 1. This paragraph is developedaround the problem of “the lack of parking” complained about by US city residents. 2. Single effect and multiple causes. In this way, thewriting shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, whichmight consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution. 3. The 3 causes are presented from the most direct to the most indirect.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Causes 1. ______________________________ 2. More cars are constantly produced. 3.Both city governments or governmental ______________________________agencies have financial headachesEffectLack of parking in citiesOver a million cars are abandoned on the streets.Superficial / direct Deepest / indirectBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Sample 2 P68 Questions 1. The problem addresses refers to the issue of terrorist attacks. This issue has brought about at least three major aspects of consequence or effect. 2. The paragraph addresses the cause rather than effects right at the beginning. 3.No. It follows a pattern of single cause and multiple effects. Unlike Sample 1 in which effect is addressed first and causes are traced backwards, Sample 2 states briefly at the beginning the issue of terrorist attacks as a direct cause, and then dwells upon three major effects, some factual and some predicted.By Pizza. C 写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7CauseEffects1.The Americans feel very anxious and panicky.The terrorist strikes2. The government trends to make political errors.3. The public would wind up ignoring the one warning that really matters.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7CauseLack of regulationEffect-causeEffectsTiger’s power / beauty / mysteryTigers privately kept as pets in TexasLots of undertrained tiger ownersDisasters happening to childrenNeglect of commitment abandonmentBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Cause / ReasonEffect / Impact…may be among other reasons … is the net result Transitional phrases Thanks to… It leaves some serious Account / find some reason for consequences. Linking phrases for causerise to a host of It may give / effect Attribute A to B problems. Be due to several factors The effect Be partly caused by… Just as… is… is evident. immediate result it produces Be precisely why… The resultThethat… is is… Why…? For one thing… … is precisely influence has not been The why… To stem from the fact that… confined to … …may be among other reasons To view…as a response to… The result is that… … factors weigh heavily for… There are a number of effects. Another im portant reason is… bring about… cause a sweeping change exert a profound influence That’s the reason why… Result in …By Pizza. C。

2 引人入胜
掌握写作技巧,如悬念搭建、对话和描写, 以吸引读者的兴趣。
3 逻辑思维
4 修辞手法
了解修辞手法,如比喻、排比和夸张,为作 品增添生动和表现力。
利用在线文档编辑器,如Google Docs,轻松写作、编辑和共享你 的作品。
4 表达自己
塑造独特的写作声音和风格,让你的作品与 众不同。
探索各种写作应用程序,如 Evernote和Scrivener,以提高组织 和写作效率。
浏览创意灵感网站,如Pinterest 和Dribbble,以获取写作素材和 设计灵感。
写作方法与技巧(课件 PPT)
欢迎来到《写作方法与技巧(课件PPT)》!在本课程中,我们将探索一系列 写作技巧与方法,帮助你提高写作能力、拓展词汇与语言水平,并克服写作 障碍。
学习博客写作技巧,如吸引读者、SEO和长期内容 策略。
1 持之以恒
坚持写作并设定小目标,以提高写作技能和 产量。
2 寻求反馈
寻求他人的意见和建议,以改进和完善你的 作品。
3 不断学习
参加写作工作坊、读书和学习资源,不断提 升写作技能。

新世纪英语专业《写作教程》第二册课件Title: Courseware of New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume TwoIntroduction:The courseware of the New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume Two provides comprehensive guidance and instruction for students in developing and refining their writing skills. This courseware covers a wide range of topics including academic writing, creative writing, business writing, and professional communication. Through a combination of theoretical principles, practical exercises, and real-world examples, students can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in written form.Key Features:1. Structured Learning Materials: The courseware is organized in a systematic and logical manner, allowing students to progress from basic concepts to more advanced writing techniques. Each unit focuses on a specific aspect of writing and includes clear explanations, examples, and exercises to reinforce learning.2. Diverse Writing Styles: The courseware covers a variety of writing styles and genres to cater to the diverse needs and interests of students. Whether students are interested in academic writing, creative writing, or professional communication, they will find relevant and engaging content in this courseware.3. Real-World Applications: The courseware includesreal-world examples and case studies to demonstrate the practical application of writing skills in different contexts. Students can learn how to write effective essays, reports, emails, and other types of documents that are commonly used in academic and professional settings.4. Interactive Exercises: To facilitate active learning and skill development, the courseware includes interactive exercises and writing tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and practice their writing skills. These exercises are designed to challenge students and help them improve their writing proficiency.5. Feedback and Assessment: Throughout the courseware, students will receive feedback and assessment on their writing assignments from instructors or peers. This feedback is essentialfor identifying areas of improvement and enhancing the quality of students' writing.Benefits of Using the Courseware:1. Enhanced Writing Skills: By engaging with the courseware, students can enhance their writing skills and become more proficient in expressing their ideas and thoughts in written form.2. Improved Communication Abilities: Writing is a fundamental communication skill that is essential for academic and professional success. The courseware equips students with the tools and techniques to communicate effectively through writing.3. Career Advancement: Strong writing skills are highly valued in the workplace and can lead to increased career opportunities and advancement. By mastering the content of the courseware, students can enhance their employability and marketability in various industries.Conclusion:The courseware of the New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume Two is a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their writing skills and communication abilities. With its comprehensive coverage of writing styles, practical exercises,and real-world examples, this courseware equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in academic and professional writing. By engaging with the courseware, students can develop their writing proficiency and pave the way for future success in their chosen fields.。
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• Summarize the pattern of the sample paragraph. • You may have noticed the difference in organization between Sample 1 and Sample 2. Sample 2 follows a point-by-point pattern where the writer compares and contrasts both subjects – Americans and Koreans—item after item.
Can you think out expression indicating comparison and contrast?
Linking Devices
• Questions • 1. What topics do the paragraphs mainly deal with? • Both paragraphs deal with the same topic: Egyptian and Greek mythology.
Comparison and contrast
• The purpose of comparing and contrasting is to understand either of the two things more clearly and, at times, to make judgments about them. In this unit, we are going to study how to write paragraphs of comparison and contrast.
• Now read Sample 2, and identify the different writing pattern of comparison & contrast: • Questions: • 1. Which two subjects are compared in this paragraph? And on how many points are the subjects compared? • The two subjects compared in the paragraph are Americans and Koreans. • There are three points under comparison or contrast: family structure, role relations and value orientations.
• Point 2. role relations: • Subject B (Americans): love and friendship as the main family ties • Subject A (Koreans): less emphasis on feelings as permanence is taken for granted • Point 3. value orientations: • Subject A (Koreans): filial duty and respect • Subject B (Americans): goodness and kindness and features of likability and sociability
• Please read Sample 1, and answer some questions: • 1.What is the topic of the paragraph? • This paragraph is developed around the concepts of “a long time” held by Americans and people from other cultures.
In such a pattern, the writer structures his paragraph around points of comparison instead of subjects, moving back and forth between the subjects. The specifics of both subjects are placed close together for direct and immediate comparison and contrast, and transitions are often used so as to avoid abrupt switching between the two subjects.
• Summarize the pattern of contrast in the paragraph. • You may have noticed that the sample paragraph deals with what Americans think “a long time” is before it moves on to discuss the views held by other cultures. This pattern of organization is subject-by-subject or groupby-group.
• B. Other cultures’ concepts of “a long time”: not limited • Examples: • (1) murder report by a Truck Islander • (2) envoy’s waiting in a Latin American City • (3) ritual dance in Pueblo village • (4) South Asian concept: one thousand years or even forever
In this pattern, you discuss the two subjects separately, that is to say, you discuss all of the characteristics of subdivisions of the first subject in the first half and then present all the characteristics of the other in the second half. The aspects examined in the two subjects should be the same and in both parts, you should follow the same logical order for each subject.
• Discuss in groups the organization of the paragraph and then fill in the table below. • Point 1. family structure: • Subject A (Koreans): more emphasis on male relatives and on the older generation; extended families • Subject B (Americans): less emphasis on male relatives and on the older generation; nuclear families
• 2. Does this paragraph stress the similarities or differences between the two subjects? • The paragraph stresses differences rather than similarities between the two subjects. • 3. Does it follow the same pattern as in Sample 1? If not, what are the differences? • No, it has a different pattern. • The writer shifts back and forth between the two subjects throughout the paragraph.
• Work in groups and find out those words or phrases that indicate either cragraph B. • Contrasted with • Whereas • In opposition to • Unlike • In direct contrast to
• 2. Which paragraph is easier to understand? • Paragraph B is easier to understand.
• 3. What makes this particular paragraph easier to understand? • Because it has certain words and phrases that help clarify the ideas in the paragraph.
The point-by-point pattern works best with subjects that contain a lot of points. It can bring into sharp focus the similarities and differences for the reader to see as he reads along.
• 2. Now, complete the outline according to the organization of Sample 1: • A. Americans’ concept of “a long time”: anything from forty years to forty minutes, depending on the circumstances. • Examples: • (1) a proposal for an American businessman • (2) “long term” capital gain for the Internal Revenue Service • (3) accident report by a motorist • (4) for a business appointment or a date • Attitudes to promptness: it is a binding obligation