



英语翻译(English Translation)我们通常可以从字面去理解,就是两种语言的沟通。但是笔者对英语翻译进行了全面解译和研究后,得出如下结论:





简单的说,翻译包括口译(Interpretation)和笔译(Translation)。按其处理方式来分,又有全译、摘译和编译。关于翻译的分类,讨论的论述很多,但其始终处于一种既很重要,但又似乎没有必要的矛盾中。在我国自汉代佛经翻译开始就有了“直译”“意译”之争,一直延续至今。所谓直译(Literal Translation)就是根据原文词语的本义及顺序进行翻译而不做改变,译文形式与内容都与原文一致。意译(fre Mantic Translation)就是根据本族语表达习惯,译文在形式上以原文为标准,不必囿于原文的用词、结构、比喻或形象,而在表达形式上随译者的理解用恰当的译文、读者容易理解的本族语言忠实




1.翻译理论目的论:中西译论因其不同的哲学思想、价值观念和语言文化习惯,所以形成了彼此相异的译论体系。翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)最早是从德国兴起,是德功能派翻译理论的奠基理论和核心理论,在当时德国的翻译界产生了很大的影响,并且在世界的翻译理论中占有重要地位。正如德国功能学派的主要代表人物费米尔认为的那样:翻译中的最高法则应该是“目的法则”。也就是说,翻译的目的不同,翻译时所采取的策略、方法也不同。







实原文的意思,也就是遵循“信”字原则。例如:我在翻译邓嗣禹一篇论文时,80%采取了直译的方法。如题目Wang Fuzhi’s Historical View and His History Works,我就译为《王夫之的历史观和历史著述》。这篇论文发表在2013年8月的《社会科学论坛》杂志上。但是必须注意的是直译的误区。比如:It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.这句话我们不译为:聪明的人从不犯错误,而是应译为:无论多么聪明人也难免犯错误。这就需要译者多翻译作品,多积累经验。

2.意译法――是根据文字的大意来翻译。它只是保留原文的内容,不保留原文的形式。例如:Some New Light On The Nine Movement And Its Effect On the Fall Of the Manchu Dynasty 这是文章题目,那么我根据文章的内容,把它译成:《关于〈捻军及其游击战〉一书的新亮点》。这篇文章发表在北京语言大学主办的《汉学研究》2017年秋冬卷上。应值得注意的是,有些中国词语不能直译。例如“七上八下”在中文的意思是表示心情不稳定,则译成up and down.

3.省略法――汉语中有一种情况,就是习语中有的是对偶词不达意组,前后含意重复。遇到这种情况时可用省略法来处理,以免产生画蛇添足之感。应注意的是省略不是删掉,而是用简明的语句,表达出其含义。例如:We took this opportunity to you that we are now stoping to make your goods at once.如果我们直译起来比较繁琐。我们可以采取省略法译成:兹公告,即

日停运货品。 4.增添法――为了要更清楚地表达原意,有时要结合上下文的需要,在译文中增添一些说明。例如:What about calling him right away?译成:马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?增添了谓语,以保证整句意思的完整。



1.正确的认知。翻译是一项十分复杂的活动。因认知制约和认知方式的差异,译文便有了不同的翻译结果。这是翻译的第一个阶段,万事开头难,这一阶段非常重要。所谓的认识就是对一句或者一段话有一个正确理解。例如The new father wore a proud smile。有人理解错了,将The new father译成了继父。正确的译法应为:刚做了父亲的那个人。不同的理解,形成了不同译法。这就体现了人的认知差异。




可以从两方面入手。一是选词。尽量灵活多样,读起来比较顺。在英语翻译中忌讳一词重复使用,并且重复翻译。二是句子,汉语的句子比较松散,连词用得不多,但意思是连贯的,这就是王力先生所说的“意合”。英语句子比较紧凑,句子内部连接之处,一般都要用具体的词语来体现,也就是王力先生所说的“形合”。这句子中间的连接往往就是需要译者发挥创造性的地方。比如十九大习总书记的报告中很多的翻译金句,便能体现一个译者的翻译水平,比如我很喜欢的一句译文便是:不忘初心,方得始终,便译成:Never forgot why you started,and you can accomplish your mission.


谈严复翻译 翻译,作为一种实践活动,在人类文化的交流中一直在广泛进行着。丰富的翻译活动,有利于我们科学系统地对翻译进行研究,也有利于我们形成独特的中西文化观。严复就是中国近代第一个学贯中西的人,他的翻译对中国近代思想有着深远的影响。 严复曾在福州马尾船厂船政学堂学习了五年,他学习了英文,几何,代数,电磁学,光学等新科学知识,到过新加坡,日本等地考察,后又到英国学习考察政治,经济,法律和社会制度,“了解中西政教,风俗之差异,关心世界大事。”回国后,他翻译了向国人敲起危亡警钟的《天演论》。揭示了自然界和人类社会“物竞天择,适者生存”的客观规律,宣传了进化思想。 下面研究一下严复的翻译思想和特点。在词法和句法结构中,他模仿先秦文体的词法句法结构,桐城派古文的优点,其他文体的积极因素,在此基础上进行创造性转化,创造了独具个人特色的新型文体。在《天演论》的手稿初稿中,他直接引用先秦散文中的句子并标明出处,虽然后来他觉得译作中放入中国古书的名字,中国古人的名字明显不妥,使读者感到彷徨,于是在改稿过程中将正文中出现的中国特色的专有名词尽皆删去,但导言仍保留部分如《导言十三》中的“以其所爱,及其所弗爱”一句系取自《孟子》;《导言十二》中的“诱然

皆生,而不知其所以生;同然皆生,而不知其所以得”系庄子所云,“自营为私”是韩非所言,“人之性恶”出自《荀子》。译文中多用单音节词,双音节词很少。而且他的翻译话语中有很多词类活用的范例。 1. 辨物穷微,明揭天道必不可知说。(《天演论·论六》) 2.不见夫业真者乎?(《原富》) 微是形容词,在句1中活用为动词。句2的业本来为名词,但在句中担任动词职务。同时,严复话语中疑问代词宾语前置,否定句中代词宾语前置的例子也不少。如: 何以明之?(《天演论·人群》) 人弗之觉也,觉亦弗之异也。(《天演论·能实》) 其少见的被动句主要采用先秦的“见”字句结构,如: 特在人者,每为气禀所拘。(《天演论·论八》) 而为是幻且虚者之所主。(《天演论·论九》) 若是物特为天下只所厚而择焉以存也者,夫是之谓天择。(《天演论·导言一》) 为了追求群内达旨,他用了很多排偶句: 小之极于跂行倒生,大之放乎日星天地;隐之则神思智识之所以圣狂,显之则政俗文章之所以沿革。(《天演论·导言二·广义》) 人,动物之灵者也,与不灵之禽兽鱼鳖昆虫对;动物者,生类之有知觉运动者也,与无知觉之指植物对;生类者,有质之物而具支体官理者也,与无支体官理之金石对。(《天演论·导言三·趋异》) 严复的翻译使用最多的策略当推意译,为了启发民智,在翻译过程中


第二讲 原句:I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. 译文:我抓起那支最大的画笔,势不可挡扑向那全无招架之力的画布。 原文:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. 译文:吸烟肯定与肺癌有关,但这并不能使你感到太不舒服,因为吸烟的人不止你一个。 原文:Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. 译文:德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。 He is the last man to come. He is the last man to do it. He is the last person for such a job. He should be the last (man) to blame. 原文:John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 译文:约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 死译:one-to-one translation: each SL word has a corresponding TL word. 硬译:word-for-word translation: Transfers SL grammar and word order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words, into translation. It is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences. Literal translation goes beyond one-to-one translation, ranges from one word to one word, through group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, to sentence to sentence. Literal translation is the basic translation procedure both in communicative and semantic translation, in that translation starts from there. ---by Newmark Liberal Translation mainly conveys the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence pattern or figures of speech. 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 错译:Our friends are all over the world. 译文: We have friends all over the world. 单词


Unit 1 I. 英汉翻译原理第一讲:什么是翻译? 【例1】The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story. (“×”号表示译文有问题,下同) ×树的历史开始于森林中,直到生产为木板后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的激动人心的故事。 上面这句话的原文实际上主要说了两点内容: 1、树的历史的起迄时间 2、树的历史是怎样一回事 【译文】一棵树,从它在森林中生长起直到被制成木板使用为止,这段历史会构成一个饶有趣味的故事,在很多情况下这个故事十分激动人 心。 【例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone. ×有两个调节系统相互作用。一个定时系统来自于我们的感官和胃的证明,就是当我们生活在一个特定的时区所经历的周期性。 【译文】人体有两个相互作用的时间调节系统。一个时间调节系统依据感官和胃发出的信息,依据我们生活在某个时区所体验的周期性规律。 寻找对等词语和结构然后将其串接成句的翻译方法,常表现如下: 1、简单语句的译文虽然生硬,但基本可读。如: 【例3】I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion. ×我能看到音乐史上有三种不同的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不同的方式创作音乐。 【译文】我发现音乐史上有三类作曲家,他们各自的音乐创作方式有所不同。 2、较复杂语句的译文似通非通,甚至不知所云。如: 【例4】The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established pattern. ×传统主义型作曲家始于某种格调而非某种主题。帕莱斯特里纳的创作行为不太像对固定格调进行个性化处理的主题概念。 【译文】传统型作曲家是从形式出发而不是从主题出发进行创作的。帕莱斯特里纳的创作不是主题的构思,而是对固定形式的个性化处理。 3、典型的英语表达形式在汉语无法找到对等形式,翻译无从着手。如:


英汉互译实践与技巧 学 院:水利与建筑工程学院 专业班级:电气 xxx 班 姓 名: xxx 学 号: 201xxxxxxx

Reasons for the Excellence of US Higher Education By Chuck M.Ves Excellence extends beyond individual scholars and in stitutions it extends to systems. A basic question I have been asked innumerable times, especially when traveling abroad, is, Why is Americas system of higher education so good? It is, as has been said all too often, the envy of the world. I think there are seven primary reasons for the excellence of US higher education relative to that in other countries: We have a broad diversity of institutions ranging from small liberal arts colleges to Ivy League schools, to the great land grant universities, and to somewhat more focused institutions like MIT or Caltech. This diversity provides a wealth of environments and opportunities, from which individual students can select a school that best matches their needs and capabilities. We offer new assistant professors a wide open field of freedom to choose what they teach and the topics of research and scholarship they engage. We reject the hierarchical systems of many other nations in which junior faculty are subservient to, and indeed apprenticed to, senior professors. We therefore enjoy a constant flow of new ideas, passions, and approaches that keep us fresh and robust. In our research universities we meaningfully weave together


浙江广播电视大学 英语专业(开放本科) 《翻译理论与实践》期末复习 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 二、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共30分) 三、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 四、案例分析题(每小题10分,共10分) 注意:本门课程为:“闭卷(只允许考生带一本正规英汉词典参加考试,不得携带除此之外的任何查字工具。) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。B A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物 C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水 2. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?________。C A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。 B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。 C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。 D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。 3. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_____。D A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tiger C.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in sea 4.这个出租汽车司机黑着呢,他经常宰顾客。B A. This taxi driver has a black heart. He often kills his customers. B. This taxi driver is an old screw. He often overcharges. C. This taxi driver is a very greedy man.


Clinton is the first black president . 克林顿是第一个重视黑人权益的总统 Clinton is the first woman president. 克林顿是第一个重视妇女权益的总统 1. We want to buy quality steel. 我们要买高质量的钢材。 2. I am pleased to be here to offer a U.S. business perspective on one of today’s great quality ch allenges: building a high skills/high wage workforce. 我很高兴能来此介绍一下美国商界对当今我们在素质方面所面临的挑战的看法,这项挑战就是如何建立一支高技术,高薪金的劳动队伍。 3. The president now is on a poverty tour. 总统目前正在访问贫困地区。 4. noise abatement procedures. 抑制噪声的措施 5. She is on her listening tour of New York. 她正在纽约巡回访问,听取群众的意见。 6. Professor Smith is leaving the school. That is a stupid loss. 史密斯教授要离开学校了。这个损失实在是不明智才造成的。 7. The kiss represents the symbolic loss of the most famous American child. 那轻轻的一吻是一个象征,代表这个美国著名的孩子已经长大成人了。Criminal law 刑法; Criminal layer专门处理刑事案件的律师; Criminal attack构成犯罪的攻击; criminally insane 形式法庭鉴定为患有精神病 This is a thought-provokingly different explanation . 这个解释完全不同,但却很能给人启发。 Bryant Gumbel is sometimes favorably compared with Ted Koppel. 人们有时把布来恩特甘贝尔和特德考波尔相比,认为甘贝尔更好。The so-called critics are only generically mentioned, but not individually mentioned. 那些所谓的批评者,传媒提到他们时总是泛泛而指,从来不指名道姓。The areas could be profitably rehabilitated. 重建这些地区是有利可图的。 The consensus strategies for managing the world’s forests sustainably. 既能获得各方同意,又能使全球森林得以可持续生长的管理策略。 Men tend to enjoy public, referentially orientated talk, while women enjoy intimate, affectively orientated talk. 男人喜欢公开谈论有具体内容的话题,而女人则喜欢两三个人私下交流感情。 15.The joy of his return 由于他回来而有的喜悦 16. of humble parentage, he began his working life in a shoe factory. 由于出身低微,他的第一个工作是在一家制鞋厂。


一、词语翻译选择(1分*15) 练习一: 1. 姜汁皮蛋: Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce 2. 凉拌金针菇: Golden Mushroom with Vegetable 3. 五香牛肉: Spiced Beef 4. 盐焗鸡:Salt Baked Chicken 5. 素鸭: Dried Tofu 6. 电脑盲: computer illiterate 7. 翻两番:quadruple 8. 光谷:optical valley 9. 黑客:hacker 10. 排外主义: exclusivism 练习二: 1. 我打算买辆汽车,可心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买那个牌子的好。 I’m thinking of buying a car, but I’m still of two minds. I can hardly decide as to which brand I should take. 2. 老板这几天沉默寡言,看起来好像是心事重重的。 The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind. 3. 千万别得罪他,他会对你怀恨在心的。 Take care not to offend him, or he’ll bear you a grudge. 4. 当老板问起是谁把消息说出去的时候,他们两个人相互推卸责任。 When the boss was asking who had disclosed the news, the two of them began to pass the buck to each other. 5. 这几天不知是什么事把我搞得心烦意乱的。 I don’t know what has set my nerves on edge these days. 6. 火上浇油。To add fuel to the fire. 7. 混水摸鱼。Fish in troubled waters. 8. 小题大做。Make a mountain out of a molehill. 9. 口是心非。Say yes and mean no. 10. 胸有成竹。To have a well-thought plan before doing something.


《英汉翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲 (英文名称E-C Translation: Theory and Practice) 一、课程说明 课程编码 22110280 课程总学时 32 周学时 2 学分 1.5 课程性质专业必修课适用专业英语专业1、教学内容与学时安排(见下表): 教学内容与学时安排表

2、课程教学目的与要求: 本课程是高等学校英语专业三年级学生开设的一门专业必修课。它是理论与实践相结合的一门课程,其主要目的在于使学生具备笔头英汉翻译的基本能力。通过介绍各类文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握英汉翻译的基本理论,掌握英汉词语、长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英译汉的能力。要求译文比较准确、流畅,翻译速度达到每小时250-300字。 3、本门课程与其它课程关系: 本课程为英语专业本科三年级学生开设。学生在修该课程之前已修完综合阅读,综合英语,语法学,词汇学,英美文化等课程,这些课程都为学生修该课程奠定了扎实的语言基础。该课程又是学生综合英语语言运用能力的体现和反映,它的开设不仅能提高学生的翻译能力,而且它与英美文学,语言学,口译,高级英语等都能帮助学生进一步提高他们的综合英语语言运用能力。 4、推荐教材及参考书: 教材采用孙致礼编著的《新编英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社(2003年4月第1版)教学参考书 Baker, Mona. 2001. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Bassnett S, Lefevere A. 2001. Constructing Cultures: Essays On Literary Translation.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Brown Gillian & Yule George. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000 Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. Hatim B. 2001. Communication Across Cultures:Translation Theory and Contrastive Text


Unit 3 1. 他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the products. 2 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。 The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products. 3社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。 Socialist revolution aims at liberating the productive forces. 4 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。 They do not know a thing about factory work, nor about farm work, nor about military affairs. 5 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts. 6在全国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象。 During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. 7. 现在有一些值得注意的现象,比如以权谋私,化公为私。对这些事情,当然要批评和法办。 At present there are certain phenomena which warrant our attention. For instance, abusing power for personal gains, and appropriating public property for personal use. Of course, this sort of thing should be criticized and be subjected to legal punishment. 8 中国人民百年以来不屈不挠,再接再厉的英勇斗争,使得帝国主义至今不能灭亡中国,也永远不能灭亡中国 Thanks to the Chin ese people’s unrelenting and heroic struggle during the last hundred years, imperialism has not been able to subjugate China, nor will it ever be able to do so. 9 对外国的科学,技术,文化,不加分析地一改排斥,和不加分析地一概照搬,都不是马克思主义的态度,都对我们的的事业不利。 Neither the indiscriminate rejection of everything foreign,whether scientific, technological or cultural, nor the indiscriminate imitation of everything foreign,


翻译理论与实践试题 一、选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案):20% 1.中国古代佛经翻译家------提出了“既须求真,又须喻俗”的翻译思想。 A. 鸠摩罗什 B. 玄奘 C.安世高D。释道安 2.严复说的“一名之立,旬月踟躇”是指---------------------。 A.翻译一部书要化一个月时间作准备 B 翻译一个术语往往要考虑很久 C. 只有化苦功才能翻译成一部名著 D. 书名的翻译颇费思量 3..下列四句,----句的表述是不正确的。 A.鲁迅提出过“宁信而不顺”的翻译观点。 B. 马建忠主张“善译”的翻译标准。 C. 钱钟书认为文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。 D. 傅雷认为文学翻译的最高境界是“形似”。 4.下列四位翻译家中,英译《红楼梦》的是------。 A.林语堂 B. 杨宪益 C. 杨必 D. 鲁迅 5.英国语言学家M.A.K.Halliday提出的构成语境三要素中,fields of discourse指---------------------------。 A.交际内容 B. 交际方式 C. 交际风格 D. 交际地点 6.多用被动语态是----------的一个比较明显的语法特点。 A.广告英语 B. 科技英语 C. 新闻英语 D. 法律英语 7.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于------的形式。 A.词句 B. 词句和比喻 C. 各种修辞手段 D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段 8.. ------翻译了莎士比亚的全部戏剧作品。 A.朱生豪 B. 卞之琳 C. 梁实秋 D. 林语堂 9.fast, firm, secure三个同义词中,firm的正规程度介于前后两者之间,由此可以判定,它最有可能源自------。 A.法语 B. 拉丁语 C. 盎格鲁-撒克逊语 D. 德语 10.下列四种“语体”中,--------的语言最为正规。 A.广告英语 B. 法律英语 C. 新闻英语 D. 科技英语 二、问答题:30% 1.为什么严复要在他的翻译标准中加上一个“雅”字?你认为现在我们应该怎样理解这个“雅”字?


Unit 1 【例1】The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story. 【译文】一棵树,从它在森林中生长起直到被制成木板使用为止,这段历史会构成一个饶有趣味的故事,在很多情况下这个故事十分激动人 心。 【例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone. 【译文】人体有两个相互作用的时间调节系统。一个时间调节系统依据感官和胃发出的信息,依据我们生活在某个时区所体验的周期性规律。 【例3】I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion. 【译文】我发现音乐史上有三类作曲家,他们各自的音乐创作方式有所不同。 2、较复杂语句的译文似通非通,甚至不知所云。如: 【例4】The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established pattern. 【译文】传统型作曲家是从形式出发而不是从主题出发进行创作的。帕莱斯特里纳的创作不是主题的构思,而是对固定形式的个性化处理。 【例5】Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come -- with the people who respect you for who you are. 【译文】发现自我,如实地表现自我,你自然会为人们所喜欢--为那些尊重你的真正个性的人们所喜欢。 【例6】Where do you expect Shanghai to be in five years? 【译文】你预计今后五年上海的发展目标如何? II. 课堂练习(分别用词语和形式对应译法和语义表达译法试译下列句子,并比较翻译中的感觉和译文的效果): 1.It's more a poem than a picture. 2.He drank himself out of the best lines. 3.He pretends to be as modest as anything. 4.Fire goes wherever it can, but it prefers to follow a draft. 5.The room was easily traced by the noise that was coming from it. 6.Taking care to pitch my voice to politeness, I asked about the next bus to Hattiesburg. 7.If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret. 8.The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age.


《英汉翻译理论与实践》教学大纲 一、课程名称:英汉翻译理论与实践(English-Chinese Translation Theory and Practice) 二、课程编号:11012010 三、学时与学分:68/4 四、考核方式:考试 五、先修课程:基础英语1-4 六、适用学科专业:英语 七、教学目的与要求: 本课程为本科三年级学生开设。学生在一、二学年里打好了较为牢固的英语基础,具备了较强的汉语驾驭能力,并掌握了英汉两种文化的一般性背景知识,进而修读这门课程。本课程理论与实践相结合,根据学生实际探讨基本翻译理论。上学期通过分析英、汉语语言及文化方面的差异,向学生介绍常用翻译技巧,并要求学生做大量的有关练习,提高学生处理词、句层次的水平,使其具备基础的翻译能力。下学期则引入篇章翻译。 通过对不同文体文本的篇章特点及其翻译的讲评和实践练习,培养学生针对不同文体进行翻译的能力及其篇章意识。要求学生修完本课程后,能熟练运用基本翻译技巧对较宽体裁的文本进行较为准确、流畅的翻译,每小时译速为250—300词/字。 八、基本教学内容与学时安排: 教学内容分为两部分。第一部分介绍词、句层次上的相关翻译技巧:词语的增译、减译,词类转换,句子中的语态变换,正说反译与反说正译的运用,词序调整,分译与合译等。第二部分针对各种常见体裁的文本进行篇章翻译的讲授,培养学生文体意识,对新闻、广告、商贸信贷函、法律、科技等不同文体的篇章特点进行分析,评述篇章翻译对忠实传达原文风格的重要性。与此同时,向学生介绍一些基本翻译理论知识,如翻译标准,翻译原则,奈大的功能对等理论,文化差异对翻译等值的影响以及语言差异对翻译的影响。 具体学时分两个学期安排。 第一学期共17周,每周二学时,安排如下: 第1周翻译的基本知识 2—3周英汉语言对比 第4周直译、意译及混合运用 5—14周翻译技巧:选择词义,词类转换,增译减译,重复译法,正说反译,否定转译,语态变换,词序调整,分译合译等 第15周定语及定语从句 第16周英汉主语的表达 第17周长句的翻译 第二学期共17周,每周二学时,安排如下: 1—2周:介绍文体的翻译 3—4周:人物、景象描写的翻译 5—6周:散文的翻译


Chapter Two: Translation: Theory and Practice Part 1.Understanding of Translation 1. Definition of translation: Definitions of proper translating are almost numerous and varied as the persons who have undertaken to discuss the subject. This diversity is in a sense quite understandable; for there are vast differences in the materials translated, in the purposes of the publication, and in the needs of the prospective audience. Moreover, live languages are constantly changing and stylistic preferences undergo continual modification. Thus a translation acceptable in one period is often quite unacceptable at a latter time. (Eugene Nida) ?Translation is the expression in one language (or target language) of what have been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence. (Dubois. J.et al) ?Translation is craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language. (Peter Newmark) ?翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。(培基) ?把已说出或写出的话的意思用另一种语言表达出来的活动。(季羡林、许国璋) ?翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另外一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。(王克非) 2. Translation principles: A. F. Tytler’s three laws of translation: 1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 3) The translation should have all the ease (流畅自然) of the original. 严复:信达雅 Faithfulness/expressiveness/elegance. The “three character guide”is regarded as a plumb-line to measure the professional level of translating. 傅雷:神似 Spiritual conformity. Emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit or the flavor of the original. 钱钟书:化境 Sublimed adaptation. Focus on the translator’s smooth and idioma tic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader. 重德:信、达、切 Faithfulness / expressiveness / closeness. Part 2: Accomplishments of Translators 1. Role of translator: A. Communicator (沟通者) The translator, as the expert communicator, is at the crucial center of a long chain of communication from original initiator to ultimate receiver of a message: a human link


第二部分翻译实践篇详解 一、非文学类文本(社会人文) 1. Van Gogh Although art historians have spent decades demystifying Van Gogh’s legend ①, they have done little to diminish his vast popularity. Auction prices still soar, visitors still overpopulate Van Gogh exhibitions, and The Starry Night remains ubiquitous on dormitory and kitchen walls②. So complete is Van Gogh’s global apotheosis that③Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives’ ashes on his grave. What accounts for the endless appeal of the Van Gogh myth? It has at least two deep and powerful sources④. At the most primitive level, it provides a satisfying and nearly universal revenge fantasy disguised as the story of heroic sacrifice to art⑤. Anyone who has ever felt isolated and unappreciated can identify with Van Gogh and hope not only for a spectacular redemption⑥but also to put critics and doubting relatives to shame. At the same time, the myth offers an alluringly simplistic conception of great art as the product, not of particular historical circumstances and the artist’s painstaking calculations, but of the naive and spontaneous outpourings of a mad, holy fool⑦. The gaping discrepancy between Van Gogh’s long-suffering life and his remarkable posthumous fame remains a great and undeniable historical irony. But the notion that he was an artistic idiot savant⑧is quickly dispelled by even the most glancing examination of the artist’s letters. It also must be dropped after acquainting
