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Good morning. The British Museum opened itsdoors on this day in 1759, the first national publicmuseum in the world. Sir Hans Sloane hadgathered 71,00 0 artefacts from many parts of theworld and these formed the core of the col lection.
5,000 visitors a year to begin with hasgrown to six million annually now. As s uccess stories go, the British Museum is hard to beat.
I must have been eleven when I first went there. I recall being surprised that noteverything in the British Museum came from Britain. My juvenile and lite ral mind neededbroadening. Fortunately my education provided windows ont o different cultures andhistories. At places like the British Museum many of u s realise how much we have to learnfrom countries we’ve never visited, peopl e we’ve never met and things which happenedlong before we were born. Recent events in France have prompted people everywhere to defend freedo m ofexpression and assert their right to say what they think. Understandably . But we rarelyhave much that’s informed or challenging to say about diffe rent cultures, religions andideologies if we know little about them. Those who want to destroy western culture willhave done so very effectively if they sto p us being curious about what makes othersdifferent. Diminished sympathie s curb our curiosity.
The current exhibition at the British Museum Germany: memories of a nati on finishes inten days’time. Together with its associated radio series, it’s tau ght us a great deal aboutthe triumphs and tragedies of German history and c ulture. I was born a few years after theend of the Second World War. My par ents’war time experience meant that as a child Ifeared Germany though I’d never met any Germans. My attitude changed after a visit toGermany when I was 19.
Perhaps a good response to what’s happened recently would be to learn mor e aboutIslamic art, religion and culture, some of which can be explored at the Victoria and AlbertMuseum, for example. We should try to experience other f aiths and cultures at theirstrongest if we are to understand them well. During the time of the Crusades, Francis of Assisi went on a missionary journ ey to Egypt.He was sickened by the fighting but met the Sultan, probably ho ping either to convert himor die a martyr. Instead, Francis came away chan
ged not in his Christian faith but in hisattitude, instructing his followers to live with Muslims in peace. It’s one of the reasons whywherever you go in the Ho ly Land today, you’ll often find Franciscans manning the shrinesand holy plac es. Encounter often enlarges sympathies. And can lead to unexpected outco mes.
1.artefact n.文物;手工艺品
They also repair broken religious artefacts.
2.curb n. 抑制;路边;勒马绳vt. 控制;勒住
He curbed his temper.
3.Crusades n. 十字军东征;十字军
During the Crusades, Western Europe tried to contain the spread of Islam.
4.martyr vt. 牺牲;折磨;杀害n. 烈士;殉道者
St. Pancras was martyred in 304 A.D.
1.He was sickened by the fighting but met theSultan, probably hopin
g either to convert himor die a martyr.
be sickened by对...感到恶心、不舒服
They were sickened by the scenes of misery anddegradation they found.
The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.
第4 页:参考译文