学术论文写作试卷A (1)

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2)You are required to answer questions about the part of an Introduction: (20’)
(1)Making an outlineat first
(2) Rewriting (Paraphrasing)it
Part of an Introduction:
2) What elements are usually included in an introduction?(5’)
(1) introducing the topic
(2) focusing on the issue
(3) reviewing previous research
(4) proposing a“new/different”way of investigation
When the Maracana soccer stadium(inRio de Janeiro,Brazil) was opened to the public in 1950, andBrazillost the World Cup to the Uruguayian team, the Brazilians were sodisheartenedone had theimpressionthat the countryitselfhad dies. And people diddie of sadness. Merethreatsof defeat in a championship match can cause heart attacks and the despair of the public is so great that manybeat their heads against the cement posts. Such is the Brazilian’spassionfor soccer.
people in diverse circumstances. (3) Therefore, kinesics or the study of gestures becomes significant in order to understand people better. (4)The purpose of this paperis to analyze and compare some cases of kinesics in teaching in order to work out the principles. (5)Samples are analyzed from actual datain everyday life and the findingsreveal that kinesics
(1) asking a question
(2)making a statement
(3) quoting from someone well-known
4) What are theelements of an abstract?(12’)
(1) Topic Specification (TS)
(2) Background Information (BI)
When the Maracana soccer stadium(inRio de Janeiro,Brazil) was opened to the public in 1950, andBrazillost the World Cup to the Uruguayian team, the Brazilians were sodisheartenedone had theimpressionthat the countryitselfhad dies. And people diddie of sadness. Merethreatsof defeat in a championship match can cause heart attacks and the despair of the public is so great that manybeat their heads against the cement posts. Such is the Brazilian’spassionfor soccer.
[3] Winfield, R.D. (1995).Law in Civil Society.Madison:UniversityofWisconsinPress.5
[4] Peters, B. (1995).The biographer as autobiographer: The case of Virginia Wolf. Unpublished master’s thesis,PaceUniversity,Riverdale,NY.
mostlyfocusedon written academic prose (usuallythe technical research article in science
or medicine) or on academic lectures.
4) How manyreference typescan you find in the following list? Andclassify them. (18’)
B. Possible defeat causes strong reaction
(1). Some experience heart attacks
(2). Some beat their heads
C. Brazilians are veryemotional about soccer
(1) Body language or gesture is commonly used in every human society when speaking, thinking and in othersituations. (2) Different gestures may raise various reactions amongst
2) You are required to answer questions about the part of an Introduction: (20’)
A. Brazillostthe World Cup in 1950
(1). Entire country was sad
(2). Some people died
1.Answer the following questions:(40’)
1) What do [A], [M], [P], [D], [MA], these symbols stand for?(5’)
[A] stands forthe paper in edited book
It should includetopic, abstract, key words,introduction,method, results, discussion, conclusionandreferences.
2.Analyze the sections of a research paper: (60’)
5) In your opinion, how manysectionsare included in a research paper?(9’)
2.Analyze the sections of a research paper: (60’)
1) Thefollowing is an Abstract from a research paper, pleasemark the elements of structureand then listthe type of verbsused in the Abstract. . (10’)
is one of the most essential elements in communication, especially in teaching. (6)It helps teachers towin popularity or induce misunderstanding. (7) Kinesics plays an important part especially in modern teaching and it directly affects the validity of students’feedback.
3) Please analyzethe grammatical characteristicsof the following abstract? (12’)
Part of an Abstract:
The dozens ofstudiesonacademic discoursecarried out over the past 20 years have
(3) Purpose Statement (PS)
(4)MethodologyData (MD)
(5) Results/Findings (RF)
(6) Implications/Conclusions (IC)
5) In your opinion, how manysectionsare included in a research paper?(9’)
[M] stands for book
[P] stands forunpublished dissertation or thesis of meetings/conferences
[D] stands for doctor degree paper
[MA] stands for master degree paper
2) Whatelementsare usually included in an introduction? (5’)
3)What are some of the ways tobegin an introduction?(9’)
4) What are some of theelementsof an abstract? (12’)
[1] Winfield, Richard w in Civil Society.Madison:UniversityofWisconsinPress, 1995.
[2] Winfield, Richard w in Civil Society.Madison: U ofWisconsinP, 1995.
1) The following is an Abstract from a research paper, please mark the elements of structure and then list the type of verbs used in the Abstract. . (10’)
(5)the language of an Introduction(it should beintelligently structured with a clear language).
3) What are some of the ways to begin an introduction?(9’)
(1) background information
(2) aim
(3) method and data
(4) results
(5) implication
types of verbs:
Two kinds of tenses are used in it:present tense & past tense.
适用专业班级英语0401-0404考试形式___ ___(开)
1.Answer the following questions:(40’)

1) What do [A], [M], [C], {J}, [P] [D], [MA], these symbols in aresearchstand for?(5’)