

Abstract (i)

摘要 (iii)

Chapter 1 Introduction (1)

1.1 Research background (1)

1.2 Research objective (7)

1.3 Organization of the paper (8)

Chapter 2 Literature Review (10)

2.1 Research on reception aesthetics (10)

2.2 Research on reception aesthetics in translation (13)

2.3 Research on Mansfield Park (18)

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework (20)

3.1 An overview of reception aesthetics (20)

3.2 Major concepts of reception aesthetics (22)

3.2.1 Fusion of horizons (24)

3.2.2 Text-appealing structure (27)

Chapter 4 Fusion of Horizons between Translator and Original Author of Mansfield Park (31)

4.1 Translator?s comprehending the original content (31)

4.2 Tra nslator?s reproducing the writing style of the original author (34)

4.2.1 Using narration and dialogue languages (35)

4.2.2 Using rhetorical techniques (37)

4.3 Translator?s understanding writing aims of the original author (39)

4.4 Translator?s dealing with text-appealing structure (40)

4.4.1 Keeping text-appealing structure (41)

4.4.2 Concretizing text-appealing structure (42)

Chapter 5 Fusion of Horizons between Translator and Target Reader of Mansfield Park (44)

5.1 Translator?s realizing the target reader?s language acceptability (44)

5.1.1 Grammatical level (45)

5.1.2 Semantic level (46)

5.2 Translator?s recognizing the target reader?s cognitive competence (47)

5.2.1 Public service (47)

5.2.2 Economic policy (48)

5.3 Translator?s considering the target reader?s cultural orientation (50)

5.3.1 Marriage custom (50)

5.3.2 Social etiquette (51)

5.4 Translator?s satisfying the target r eader?s aesthetic standards (53)

5.4.1 Lexical level (53)

5.4.2 Syntactical level (54)

Chapter 6 Conclusion (57)

Bibliography (59)

攻读硕士学位期间主要科研成果 (64)

Acknowledgements (65)


Chapter 1 Introduction

Translation is a complicated activity, which involves many factors. Among them, translator, source text, two kinds of language cultures involved in translation and target reader may be the most direct factors. (Zhu Jianping, 2008)

1.1 Research background

Traditional translation theories always regard source text and original author as the center, requiring that translation should be faithful to source text and original author and paying little attention to effects which translator and target reader have on translation process. Traditional translation theories frequently discuss translation versions and translation criteria but translators and target readers are rarely discussed. Translator is regarded as a switcher between two different cultures, being subject to source text and original author, and has no independent status; translation version is also treated as the copy of source text. Traditional translation theories are influenced by traditional theories of literary aesthetics, taking the text as the center and pursuing that the target text and the source text are consistent in full range. It is impossible in fact. They only consider the relationship between the source text and the target text but ignore the relationship between the translator and the source text and that between the target reader and the target text, which results in many debates in translation. (Ma Xiao, 2000) Traditional translation theorists think that “the translator?s comprehension to the source text is the original meaning of the source text”. (Xia Zhongyi, 1998)

Luckily, the translation research and literary study have got new research methods and directions from the cultural turn of translation field in the nineteen seventies and the linguistic turn of philosophy field. (Peng Xueli) Prague structuralism, Russian formalism, Ingarden?s phenomenological aesthetics, Gadamer?s her meneutics, the new criticism,
