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壁画 mural
国画 Chinese traditional painting
水墨画 ink and wash painting
绢画 silk painting
木刻画 wood engraving
版画 engraving
贝雕画 shell carving painting
年画 new year picture
陶器 pottery ware
玉器 jade article
瓷器 china ware
青瓷 celadon
青铜器 bronze ware
景泰蓝 cloisonné enamel
漆器 lacquer ware
彩陶 painted pottery
唐三彩 trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
冰雕 ice carving
玉雕 jade carving
石雕 stone carving
骨雕 bones carving
贝雕 shell carving
木雕 wood carving
根雕 tree root carving
瓷器雕 porcelain carving
象牙雕 ivory carving
彩塑painted sculpture
画塑 dough figurine
泥人儿 clay figure
绢扇 silk fan
檀香扇 sandal wood fan
折扇 folding fan
珍珠 pearl
玛瑙 agate
珊瑚 coral
翡翠 green jade
玉 jade
刺绣 embroidery
双面秀 two-sided embroidery
挂毯 tapestry
蜡染 batik
藤条制品 wickerwork
真丝 pure silk
烟嘴 cigarette holder
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
图章 seal
盆景 potted landscape
屏风 screen


风车 pinwheel
杂技 acrobatics
魔术 magic
拨浪鼓 shaking drum
竹苗 bamboo flute
皮影 shadow puppet
糖人 sugar-molded
四合院 courtyard homes
踩高跷 stilt walk
武术 martial arts
人力车 rickshaw
宫灯 palace lantern
猜拳 finger-guessing game
说书 monologue story-telling
老字号 time-honored
相声 cross talk


拜年 pay a new year call
爆竹 firecracker
鞭炮 a string of small fire crackers
大扫除 year-end household
灯谜 lantern riddles
庙会 temple fair
年画 new year’ s picture
挂年画 to hang out new year’s picture
年夜饭 family reunion dinner on lunar new year
守岁 to stay awake all night
年糕 glutinous cake for new year
大年初一 the first day of the first lunar month
八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding
对联 poetic couplets
贴春联 to put up antithetical couplets
糊窗花 to put up window paper-cuts
压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar new year gift


地方戏:local opera
戏剧脸谱theatrical mask
生 male characters
旦 female characters
净 painted face characters
末 middle-aged male characters
丑 clown


火药 gunpowder
指南针 compass
造纸术 paper-making techniques
印刷术 paper-printing techniques


武术 martial arts
气功 Qigong
打擂台 to fight a challenge fight in an arena
听评书 to listen to historical or traditional stories
下象棋 to play Chinese chess
练习书法 to make special studies of calligraphy
画国画 to do traditional Chinese painting
题诗 to inscribe a poem
求对 to match an antithetical couplet
元宵节 the Lantern Fes

端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival
中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day
荔枝节 the Litchi Festival
西瓜节 the Water Melon Festival
风筝节 the Kate Festival
国庆节 the National Day
劳动节 the Labor
妇女节 the Women’s Day
儿童节 the Children’s Day
教师节 the Teachers’ Day
建军节 the Army Day
解放 the Liberation in 1949
建国 the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949
改革开放 to carry out reforms and adopt open policies
基层 at grass-root level
干部 cadre
文革 the Cultural Revolution
上山下乡 to settle down in the mountainous areas and in the countryside
国民党 the Kuomintang
四世同堂的大家庭 an extended family with four generations living under the same roof
独生子女家庭 family with only one child
大龄未婚青年 elder unmarried youth
离退休人员 retired people
贫困地区 poverty-stricken area
贫困户 poverty-stricken family
承包 to adopt the responsibility system
致富 to become well-off
铁饭碗 iron rice bowl/a secure job
吃大锅饭 to eat from the same large caldron
