



政治新闻常用词汇absolute majority 绝对多数ad hoc ['æd'hɔk] 特定的, 专门的, 临时的committee 特别委员会advisory [əd'vaizəri] 顾问的, 咨询的, 劝告的body 咨询机构anti-establishment[is'tæbliʃmənt] 确立, 建立, 家业, 机构, 当局反政府情绪all-embracing agreement包罗万象的协定arbitration [ɑ:bə'treiʃən]调停bipartisan [bai'pɑ:təzən] 两党的, 代表两党的diplomacy两党一致的对外政策carrot ['kærət]好处, 报酬-and-stick 威胁利诱政策deadlock 僵局reacheda deadlock shoe-string majority 微弱多数embargo [ im'bɑ:gəu]禁运summit conference 首脑会议abstain from voting弃权air of tension 紧张气氛administrative[əd'minə.streitiv] 行政的, 管理的authorities行政当局amendment [ə'mendmənt] 修正案apartheid:[ə'pɑ:teit]种族隔离bare majority勉强过半数briefing meeting 简要新闻发布会nonaligned:[nɔnə'laind] country不结盟国家congressional hearing(美国)国会意见听证会diplomatic [.diplə'mætik] immunity 外交豁免权shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交diplomat['dipləmæt] 外交人员diplomacy[di'pləuməsi] 外交经贸新闻常用词汇accumulated deficit ['defisit] 累计赤字active trade balance 贸易顺差business slump 生意萧条dull market 萧条的市场economic takeoff 经济起飞broker ['brəukə] 经纪人reciprocal [ri'siprəkəl] trade agreement 互惠贸易政笼dividend ['dividend]红利wholesale dealer批发商economic recession 经济衰退gold standard金本位devaluation 贬值American Selling Price美国销售价格retailer['ri:teilə]零售商price index 物价指数deficiency[di'fiʃənsi]亏损across-the-board tariff ['tærif] cut talks 全面削减关税会谈demand and supply balance 供求平衡gold reserve 黄金储备price-curbing policy抑制物价政策tycoon 巨头petrodollar石油美元non-confidence motion 不信任案stalled peace talks陷入僵局的和谈adverse trade balance 贸易逆差economic sanction 经济制裁switch trade 转手贸易fiscal ['fiskəl] year 财政年度balance of trade贸易平衡cash transaction 现金交易f luctuating ['flʌktʃueitiŋ] salary 附加工资,浮动工资financial crisis 金融危机Federal Reserve 美联储real estate [is'teit] 财产, 遗产, 房地产房地产share 股票 stock market 股市shareholder 股东macroeconomic ['mækrəu.i:kə'nɔmik]宏观经济go under\bankrupt 破产pension fund 养老基金government bond 政府债券budget 预算deficit 赤字intellectual property 知识产权opportunistic [.ɔpətju:'nistik] practice 投机行为entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐fluctuate 波动merger 并购pickup in price 物价上涨monetary ['mʌnə.teri] 货币的, 金融的policy 货币政策foreign exchange 外汇quote 报价contract 合同floating rate 浮动利率venture capital 风险资本global corporation 跨国公司consolidation [kən.sɔlə'deiʃən] 兼并take over 收购on the hook [huk] 钩, 钩状物被套住军事新闻常用词汇active armed forces 现役武装部队blanket bombing 地毯武轰炸administration party 执政党ambassador-at-large 巡回大使anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀的措施agenda 议程back number过时的人或物bluff [blʌf] diplomacy恫吓外交closed-door meeting秘密会议diplomatic channel外交途径memorandum[memə'rændəm]备忘录showdown 摊牌unanimous [ ju'nænəməs] resolution一致通过的决议belligerent [bi'lidʒərənt] 好战的, 交战的powers 交战国military expansion军备扩张beam [bi:m] weapons激光束武器scud [skʌd] 疾驶missile飞毛腿导弹aircraft carrier['kæriə]航空母舰around-the-clock bombing 日夜不停的轰炸general armistice['ɑ:mistis] 休战, 休战书, 停战条约全面停战adopted by consensus 经过协商一致通过alien ['eiljən] domination[dɔmi'neiʃən]外国统治amicable ['æmikəbl] relations 友好关系apple of discord ['diskɔ:d,dis'kɔ:d]引起不和的争端behind-the-scene maneuvering [mə'nu:vəriŋ]幕后操纵budget committee预算委员会communiqué公报diplomatic maneuvers(pl)[mə'nu:və] n. 演习, 策略外交策略arms build-up 军备集结unconditional surrender无条件投降armament race军备竞赛mushroom cloud蘑菇云scout [skaut] vt. n侦察, 物色plane侦察飞机airlift troop空降部队destroyer[di'strɔiə]驱逐舰sweeper扫雷艇chemical weapon化学武器armored corps装甲兵团['ɑ:mə] n.盔甲, 装甲ABM(anti-ballistic [bə'listik] missile)反弹道导弹marine corps(pl) [kɔ:] 军团, 兵团, 队海军陆战队submarine['sʌbməri:n]潜水艇nuclear weapon核武器AAM(air-to-air missile)空对空导弹事战争(上)military option军事解决途径动用武力escalating tension 逐步升级的局势military coupe ['ku:pei] 军事政变forced from office被赶下台step down / aside下台on the brink [briŋk] 边缘, 边沿, 界限of war 处于战争边缘heavy fighting激战genocide ['dʒenəsaid] 种族灭绝launch a campaign of genocide against 对进行了种族灭绝relief effort 救济工作humanitarian [hju:.mæni'tɛəriən] aid人道主义援助end the bloodshed['blʌdʃed]结束流血事件special envoy ['envɔi外交使节, 特使]特使peace-keeping forces维和部队guerrilla [gə'rilə] 游击队的war 游击战争border dispute边境争端armed conflict 武装冲突reconciliation[rekən.sili'eiʃən]调解civil war 内战科技、教育、文化、卫生新闻常用词汇academia [.ækə'di:miə]学术界academic [.ækə'demik] year学年brain drain 人才外流open classroom讨论式教学atomic [ə'tɔmik] energy原子能comet ['kɔmit]彗星extraterrestrial[.ekstrəti'restriəl]外星的hardware硬件dispensary[di'spensəri]药房laboratory['læbrə'tɔri]实验室injection注射blood type血型dysentery['disən.teri]痢疾chicken pox[pɔks] 痘疮, 梅毒水痘anemia[ə'ni:miə]贫血euthanasia[ju:θə'neiʒiə]安乐死industrial disease职业病cramming system填鸭式教学法astronomer [ə'strɔnəmə]天文学家chip[tʃip]晶体片constellation[kɔnstə'leiʃən]星座galaxy银河系coeducation[kəuedʒə'keiʃən]男女同校ambulance[ 'æmbjələns]救护车surgical['sə:dʒikəl] 外科的, 外科医生的, 手术上的department外科inoculate[in'ɔkjuleit]注射预防针disinfectant[.disin'fektənt]消毒剂malaria[mə'lɛəriə]疟疾plague鼠疫tumor['tju:mə]肿瘤genetic engineering遗传工程学audio-visual ['ɔ:diəu'viʒuəl] aids视听教具AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)爱滋病CAI(computer-assisted instruction)计算机辅助教学文体、娱乐新闻常用词汇athletics[æθ'letiks]运动record-holder记录保持者referee(足球、拳击)裁判员goalkeeper足球守门员a drawn game和局semifinal半决赛hurdle['hə:dl]跳栏elimination[i.limi'neiʃən]海汰赛hamper['hæmpə]因故停赛columnist['kɔləmnist]专栏作家primetime[praim'taim]黄金时间athlete运动员sprint[sprint]短跑umpire ['ʌmpaiə] (垒球、网球)裁判员linesman边线裁判员trial['traiəl]预赛final决赛relay race接力赛feint[feint]假动作intermission中场休息audience rating收视率acrobatics杂技overture序曲symphony['simfəni]交响曲newsreel['nju:zri:l]新闻片rehearsal排练relay:[ri'lei]转播serenade[serə'neid]夜曲philharmonic:[filɑ:'mɔnik]爱乐film festival电影节telecast以电视广播传送karaoke卡拉OK 社会生活、宗教;法律新闻常用词汇assault袭击scandal诽谤,丑闻hijack劫机detentiondetention拘留surrender oneself自首verdict['və:dikt]判决bail[beil]保释electrocute[i'lektrə.kju:t]电刑accused[ə'kju:zd]被告accuser[ə'kju:zə]原告criminal case刑事案件subpoena[səb'pi:nə]传票acquit[ə'kwit]宣判无罪commutation [kɔmju'teiʃən] of sentence减刑population explosion人口爆炸addict吸毒上瘾者Buddhism['budizəm]佛教Hinduism['hinduizəm]印度教Protestant['prɔtistənt]新教bishop['biʃəp]主教fraud[frɔ:d]诈骗embezzlement[im'bezlmənt]挪用公款contempt of court蔑视法庭confess供认juror['dʒuərə]陪审员sentence判刑capital punishment死刑supreme court最高法庭witness证人barrister['bæristɚ]大律师civil case民事案件indictment [in'daitmənt]起诉quash[kwɔʃ]v.镇压,撤销,平息the indictment againstamnesty['æmnesti]大赦dropout逃避现实者feminine:['feminin] liberation妇女解放Christianity [kristʃi'ænəti]基督教Islamism[ 'isləm.izəm]伊斯兰教Catholic天主教Baptism['bæptizəm]浸理会mosque[mɔsk]清真寺按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance [kəm'plaiəns] 顺从;服从with objective and scientific laws八个坚持、八个反对eight do’s and eight don’ts八项主张 eight-point proposal保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit保证中央的政令畅通ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素uncertainties参政议政 participation in and deliberation [di.libə'reiʃən]熟虑, 审议of state affairs长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal [wi:l]福利, 幸福and woe [wəu] 悲哀, 苦痛, 不幸长治久安maintain prolonged [prə'lɔŋd]adj. 持续很久的stability崇尚科学 respect and promote science 传播先进文化 spread advanced culture传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security 从严治军 the army must be strict with itself党的领导方式 the Party's style of leadership 党的民族政策 the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities [mai'nɔ:riti] 少数, 少数民族a minority of少数党的侨务政策 the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度 inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting [sə'lisit]vt. 恳求, 征求, 勾引opinions concerning major policy decisions党要管党、从严治党 the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members党员管理工作 management of Party membership 党政机关 Party and government organs党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制 the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability [ə.kauntə'biliti] 责任, 有义务 for neglect of supervisory [.sju:pə'vaizəri]管理的, 监控的duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres ['kɑ:də]干部, 骨架, 小组成员of the Party and government党总揽全局、协调各方的原则 principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters电子政务 e-government独立负责、步调一致地开展工作assume one’s responsibilities independently and make concerted efforts in one’s work独立公正地行使审判权和检察权 exercise adjudicative [ə'dʒu:dikeitiv] 判决的and procuratorial [prɔkju:rə'tɔriəl] 代理人的, 代诉的powers independently and impartially 多重多头执法 duplicate ['dju:plikit] 复制的law enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] 执行, 强制, 实施发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面 develop the political situation characterized by democracy [di'mɔkrəsi], solidarity [sɔlə'dærəti], liveliness, stability [stə'biliti]稳定性and harmony发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系 enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance法定职能 legal functions 法律援助 legal aid法制观念 awareness of law 防卫作战能力 defense capabilities非传统安全威胁 non-traditional threats to security丰富民主形式 develop diverse forms of democracy干部人事制度 cadre and personnel system干部双重管理体制 system of dual ['dju:əl] control over cadres高知识群体 prominent intellectuals公共事务 public affairs 公务员制度 system of public servants公益事业 programs for public good列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent’s”important Thought 新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure社会主义制度socialist system社会变革social transformation建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary ['pli:nəri]充分的, 完全的, 全体出席的Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist ['kɔmjunist]共产主义的Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second/third)generation人民民主专政the people’s demo cratic dictatorship国民经济体系national economic system综合国力aggregate ['ægrigit]合计的, 总的national strength国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP)独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power andcombat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。



反腐:anti-corruption“两个一百年”奋斗目标:Two Centenary Goals全面二孩政策:universal two-child policy全面建成小康社会:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革:comprehensively deepen reform全面依法治国:comprehensively implement the rule of law全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline三严三实:Three Stricts and Three Steadies丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road四个全面:Four Comprehensives“四个全面”战略布局:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy一带一路(规划):The Belt and Road (Initiatives)中高速增长:medium-high economic growth中国经济新常态:China's New Normal中国梦:the Chinese Dream中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日:the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-fascist War中华民族的伟大复兴:the great renewal of the Chinese nation中华民族伟大复兴中国梦:the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation。




1. diplomacy [dɪˈpləʊməsi](名词,外交;外交手腕;交际手段)2. treaty [ˈtriːti](名词,条约;协议)3. negotiation [nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn](名词,谈判;协商)4. ally [ˈælaɪ](名词,同盟国;盟友;动词,使联盟;使联合)5. sanction [ˈsæŋkʃn](名词,制裁;处罚;认可;动词,制裁;处罚;批准)二、经济类。

1. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃn](名词,通货膨胀;膨胀)2. recession [rɪˈseʃn](名词,衰退;不景气;后退)3. stocks [stɒks](名词,股票;库存;树干;动词,进货;备有;放牧)4. bond [bɒnd](名词,债券;结合;约定;粘合剂;动词,使结合;以…作保)5. tariff [ˈtærɪf](名词,关税;价目表;动词,征收关税)三、社会类。

1. poverty [ˈpɒvəti](名词,贫困;困难;缺少)2. welfare [ˈwelfeə(r)](名词,福利;幸福;福利事业;形容词,福利的)3. epidemic [ˌepɪˈdemɪk](名词,传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行;形容词,流行的;传染性的)4. immigration [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃn](名词,移民;移居)5. unemployment [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt](名词,失业;失业率;失业人数)四、科技类。

1. innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn](名词,创新;革新;新方法)2. satellite [ˈsætəlaɪt](名词,卫星;人造卫星;卫星国家;动词,通过通讯卫星播送)3. cyber [ˈsaɪbə(r)](形容词,网络的;计算机的)如“cyber - space”(网络空间)4. artificial intelligence [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns](名词短语,人工智能)5. biotechnology [ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi](名词,生物技术)。



新闻英语词汇大全一、政治类词汇1. 政府机构:government agency2. 国会:Congress3. 议员:legislator4. 总统:President5. 首相:Prime Minister6. 外交:diplomacy7. 外交官:diplomat8. 国际关系:international relations9. 和平:peace10. 冲突:conflict二、经济类词汇1. 经济:economy2. 增长:growth3. 通货膨胀:inflation4. 失业:unemployment5. 货币:currency6. 股市:stock market7. 企业:corporation9. 投资:investment10. 贸易:trade三、社会类词汇1. 教育:education2. 医疗:healthcare3. 社会福利:social welfare4. 环保:environmental protection5. 民生:people's livelihood6. 贫困:poverty7. 公益:public welfare8. 社会矛盾:social conflict9. 民主:democracy10. 法治:rule of law四、科技类词汇1. 创新:innovation2. 发明:invention3. 互联网:Internet4. 大数据:big data6. 虚拟现实:virtual reality7. 太空探索:space exploration8. 能源:energy9. 核技术:nuclear technology10. 生物科技:biotechnology五、体育类词汇1. 体育:sports2. 奥运会:Olympic Games3. 足球:football4. 篮球:basketball5. 田径:athletics6. 游泳:swimming7. 乒乓球:table tennis8. 网球:tennis9. 高尔夫:golf10. 橄榄球:rug六、灾难与事故类词汇1. 灾难:disaster2. 地震:earthquake3. 火灾:fire4. 洪水:flood5. 风暴:storm6. 灾难救援:disaster relief7. 事故:accident8. 航空事故:aviation accident9. 道路交通事故:road traffic accident10. 爆炸:explosion七、文化与娱乐类词汇1. 文化:culture2. 艺术:art3. 音乐:music4. 电影:movie5. 电视剧:TV series6. 明星:celebrity7. 娱乐:entertainment8. 节日:festival9. 传统文化:traditional culture10. 网络流行语:Internet slang八、法律与犯罪类词汇1. 法律:law2. 宪法:constitution3. 刑法:criminal law4. 民法:civil law5. 律师:lawyer6. 犯罪:crime7. 诈骗:fraud8. 走私:smuggling9. :drug10. 罪犯:criminal九、军事与安全类词汇1. 军事:military2. 军队:army3. 海军:navy4. 空军:air force5. 情报:intelligence6. 安全:security7. 防御:defense8. 装备:equipment9. 核武器:nuclear weapons10. 反恐:counterterrorism十、教育与学术类词汇1. 大学:university2. 学院:college3. 专业:major4. 教授:professor5. 研究:research6. 论文:thesis7. 学术:academia8. 奖学金:scholarship9. 留学:studying abroad10. 在线教育:online education通过这份新闻英语词汇大全,希望您能在阅读和报道新闻时,更加得心应手,准确传达信息。




以下是按照字母顺序排列的常见新闻英语词汇:A1. Anchor:主播2. Agencies:机构3. Accuse:指控4. Arrest:逮捕5. Article:文章6. Analysis:分析7. Allegations:指控8. Aid:援助B1. Breaking news:突发新闻2. Broadcast:广播3. Bulletin:简报4. Bias:偏见5. Bystander:旁观者6. Balance:平衡C1. Correspondent:记者2. Coverage:报道3. Crisis:危机4. Caption:标题5. Censorship:审查6. Celebrity:名人7. Current affairs:时事8. Column:专栏D1. Dispute:争议2. Deadline:截稿日期3. Disaster:灾难4. Developments:发展5. Demonstration:示威6. Debates:辩论E1. Exclusive:独家2. Editor:编辑3. Epidemic:流行病4. Event:事件5. Exhibit:展览F1. Front page:头版2. Feature:特写报道3. Fact-checking:事实核查4. Fraud:欺诈5. Financial crisis:金融危机G1. Government:政府2. Global:全球的3. Gossip:八卦4. Gazette:政府公报5. Headline:头条新闻H1. Headquarter:总部2. Host:主持人3. Human rights:人权4. High-profile:高调的5. Hunger strike:绝食抗议I1. Interview:采访2. Investigation:调查3. International:国际的4. Insider:知情人士J1. Journalist:记者2. Journalism:新闻业3. Judge:法官K1. Kidnapping:绑架3. Keen interest:浓厚的兴趣L1. Live broadcast:现场直播2. Leak:泄密3. Local news:本地新闻4. Libel:诽谤5. Legislation:立法6. Liner:报刊的头条M1. Media:媒体2. Massacre:大屠杀3. Murder:谋杀4. Magazine:杂志N1. Newsflash:新闻快讯2. National:国家的3. Network:网络4. Natural disaster:自然灾害O1. Observer:观察家2. Opposition:反对派3. Obituary:讣告4. Official:官方的P1. Press conference:新闻发布会2. Politics:政治3. Public opinion:公众舆论4. Plagiarism:剽窃Q1. Quote:引用2. Quarterly:季刊R1. Report:报道2. Rumor:谣言3. Reportage:新闻报道4. Regulation:规定S1. Scoop:独家新闻2. Scandal:丑闻3. Sources:消息来源4. Suicide:自杀5. Summit:峰会6. Surveillance:监视T1. Tabloid:小报2. Terrorism:恐怖主义3. Transcript:文字记录4. Trending:热门话题5. Trauma:创伤U1. Update:更新2. Unbiased:公正的3. Unconfirmed:未经证实的4. Unprecedented:前所未有的5. Urgent:紧急的V1. Victim:受害者2. Verification:验证3. Video footage:视频镜头W1. World news:国际新闻2. War:战争3. Weather forecast:天气预报4. Witness:目击者X1. Xenophobia:仇外心理Y1. Yellow Journalism:黄色新闻Z1. Zeal:热情2. Zone:地区以上是一个按照字母顺序排列的新闻英语词汇大全,希望能对您掌握和运用新闻英语提供帮助。



202X时政热词英文202X年的时政热词英文:1. COVID-19 pandemic - 新冠疫情2. Vaccine distribution - 疫苗分发3. Lockdown - 封锁4. Social distancing - 社交距离5. Contact tracing - 接触追踪6. Home quarantine - 居家隔离7. Travel restrictions - 旅行限制8. Economic recovery - 经济复苏9. Remote learning - 远程学习10. Work from home - 在家办公11. Mask mandate - 强制佩戴口罩12. Frontline workers - 前线工作人员13. Digital transformation - 数字化转型14. Cybersecurity - 网络安全15. Remote healthcare - 远程医疗16. Global vaccination drive - 全球疫苗接种运动17. Climate change - 气候变化18. Carbon neutrality - 碳中和19. Renewable energy - 可再生能源20. Green economy - 绿色经济21. Sustainable development - 可持续发展22. Artificial intelligence - 人工智能23. Big data - 大数据24. Internet of Things - 物联网第1页/共4页25. 5G technology - 5G技术26. Cyberwarfare - 网络战争27. Privacy concerns - 隐私问题28. Online censorship - 网络审查29. Digital divide - 数字鸿沟30. Trade war - 贸易战争31. Tariffs - 关税32. Protectionism - 保护主义33. Globalization - 全球化34. Belt and Road Initiative - 一带一路倡议35. Economic stimulus package - 经济刺激计划36. Inflation - 通货膨胀37. Unemployment rate - 失业率38. Income inequality - 收入不平等39. Poverty alleviation - 扶贫40. Universal basic income - 全民基本收入41. Social justice - 社会公正42. Racial equality - 种族平等43. Gender pay gap - 性别薪酬差距44. Me Too movement - #MeToo运动45. Black Lives Matter - 黑人的命也是命46. LGBTQ+ rights - 同性恋权益47. Women's empowerment - 女性赋权48. Sustainable agriculture - 可持续农业49. Food security - 食品安全50. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - 转基因生物51. Biodiversity - 生物多样性52. Conservation - 保护53. Deforestation - 森林砍伐54. Wildlife trafficking - 野生动物贩卖55. Natural disasters - 自然灾害56. Earthquake - 地震57. Hurricane - 飓风58. Typhoon - 台风59. Drought - 干旱60. Flood - 洪水61. Refugee crisis - 难民危机62. Immigration policy - 移民政策63. Border security - 边境安全64. Human rights abuses - 侵犯人权65. Freedom of speech - 言论自由66. Democracy - 民主67. Authoritarianism - 专制主义68. Political polarization - 政治两极化69. Populism - 民粹主义70. Social media influence - 社交媒体影响力71. Disinformation - 假信息72. Fake news - 假新闻73. Online activism - 网络行动主义74. Nuclear disarmament - 核裁军75. Arms control - 军备控制76. International cooperation - 国际合作77. United Nations - 联合国78. World Health Organization (WHO) - 世界卫生组织79. European Union - 欧洲联盟80. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - 北大西洋公约组织81. African Union - 非洲联盟82. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - 亚太经合组织83. G7/G20 - 七国集团/二十国集团第3页/共4页84. BRICS - 金砖五国85. Space exploration - 太空探索86. Mars colonization - 火星殖民87. Lunar exploration - 月球探测88. Space tourism - 太空旅游89. Cyberattacks - 网络攻击90. National security - 国家安全91. Humanitarian aid - 人道援助92. Nuclear energy - 核能93. Artificial intelligence ethics - 人工智能伦理94. E-commerce - 电子商务95. Cryptocurrency - 加密货币96. Blockchain technology - 区块链技术97. Social credit system - 社会信用体系98. 3D printing - 三维打印99. Drone technology - 无人机技术100. Biosecurity - 生物安全这是一个关于202X年时政热词的英文列表,可以用于报道、翻译或者对时事新闻进行评论。



新闻英语词汇(时事篇)activist n. 激进主义分子ambassador n. 大使,使节armed forces: 武装部队arrest n. 逮捕authorities n. (复) 当局ban n. 禁止bomb n. 炸弹;v. 轰炸budget n. 预算cabinet n. 内阁campaign n. 运动,选举candidate n. 候选人,选手casualty n. 伤亡cease-fire: 停火chief n. 首领,长官collapse n. 倒塌condemn v. 谴责corruption n. 腐败crash v. 撞击,坠毁currency market: 汇市death toll: 死亡数deficit: 赤字diplomatic tie: 外交关系economic recovery: 经济复苏election n. 选举embassy n. 大使馆ethnic groups: 少数民族evidence n. 证据expel v. 驱逐,放逐export n. 出口global economy: 世界经济guilty adj. 有罪的hijack v. 劫机independence n. 独立inflation n. 通货膨胀invest v. 投资investment n. 投资joint adj. 共同的majority n. 多数mayor n. 市长move n. 行动,步骤mutuaal adj. 相互的nuclear weapon: 核武器open fire: 开枪,开火overthrow v. 推翻,颠覆parliament n. 国会peace-keeping force: 维和部队Pentagon n. (美)五角大楼(美国国防部办公楼) policy n. 方针,政策poll n. 投票,民意测验president n. 总统,主席proposal n. 提议,提案protest n. 抗议recession n. 经济萧条reginal adj. 区域的revenue n. 收入rioting and looting: 暴动和抢劫security n. 安全spy n. 间谍strategy n. 战略suicide n. 自杀summit n. 高峰会议survivor n. 生还者terrorism n. 恐怖主义trapped adj. 被困的typhoon n. 台风treaty n. 协议unrest n. 动荡victim n. 受害者violence n. 暴力weapon inspection: 武器核查。




1. Fake news(假新闻)指故意编造或散布虚假信息的新闻报道,通常用于误导公众或操纵舆论。

2. Clickbait(标题党)指吸引点击率而不准确描述内容的标题,通常用于吸引读者点击链接或浏览网页。

3. Deepfake(深度伪造)指利用人工智能技术制作的伪造视频或音频,通常用于欺骗观众或制造虚假信息。

4. Fact-checking(事实核查)指对新闻报道或言论进行事实核实的过程,通常由专业机构或个人进行,旨在揭露虚假信息。

5. Whistleblower(告密者)指揭露组织内部不法行为或不当行为的人员,通常是内部人员或知情者。

6. Spin(操纵舆论)指有意改变或扭曲事实以影响公众观点的

7. Censorship(审查制度)指对新闻报道或言论进行审查和限制的行为,通常由政府或其他权力机构实施。




专四专八考试新闻听力高频词汇汇总考试、新闻听力、高频词汇、汇总以下是专四专八考试新闻听力部分常见的高频词汇汇总:1. Economy - 经济2. Politics - 政治3. Government - 政府4. President - 总统5. Prime Minister - 总理6. Policy - 政策7. International - 国际的8. National - 国家的9. Domestic - 国内的10. Trade - 贸易11. Investment - 投资12. Stock market - 股市13. Inflation - 通货膨胀14. Recession - 经济衰退15. Development - 发展16. Environment - 环境17. Pollution - 污染18. Climate change - 气候变化19. Natural disaster - 自然灾害20. Energy - 能源21. Technology - 科技22. Education - 教育23. Health - 健康24. Science - 科学25. Research - 研究26. Innovation - 创新27. Industry - 行业28. Employment - 就业29. Unemployment - 失业30. Labor market - 劳动力市场31. Entrepreneurship - 创业32. Globalization - 全球化33. Migration - 迁移34. Security - 安全35. Terrorism - 恐怖主义36. Conflict - 冲突37. Human rights - 人权38. Equality - 平等39. Justice - 正义40. Democracy - 民主41. Constitution - 宪法42. Election - 选举43. Referendum - 公投44. Protest - 抗议45. International relations - 国际关系46. Diplomacy - 外交47. Negotiation - 谈判48. Agreement - 协议49. Dispute - 争议50. Cooperation - 合作这些词汇在新闻听力中经常出现,熟悉这些词汇将有助于更好地理解和记忆听力材料。

时政术语 双语

时政术语 双语

时政术语双语1. “外交斡旋(Diplomatic Mediation)”外交就像一场大棋局,各国都是棋手。




2. “多边主义(Multilateralism)”多边主义就像是一场盛大的派对,好多国家都受到邀请。




你想啊,如果只有一个国家说了算,那这个世界得多不公平,就像一群小伙伴玩游戏,总不能一个人定所有规则吧?3. “地缘政治(Geopolitics)”地缘政治这东西很奇妙。





4. “贸易壁垒(Trade Barriers)”贸易壁垒可真是个讨厌的东西,就像路上的大石头,阻碍着各国之间的贸易往来。




5. “全球治理(Global Governance)”全球治理就像是给地球这个大家庭请了一个管家。





6. “和平共处五项原则(Five Principles of Peaceful Co - existence)”这五项原则可是国际关系中的黄金法则。





经济与贸易:1. 跨境电商(Cross-border e-commerce)2. 公平贸易(Fair trade)3. 经济全球化(Economic globalization)4. 区域一体化(Regional integration)5. 数字贸易(Digital trade)6. 跨国投资(Foreign direct investment)7. 工业转型升级(Industrial transformation and upgrading)8. 人工智能发展(Development of artificial intelligence)9. 金融创新(Financial innovation)10. 区块链技术(Blockchain technology)环境与气候变化:1. 可持续发展(Sustainable development)2. 碳中和(Carbon neutrality)3. 绿色能源(Green energy)4. 气候变化应对(Climate change adaptation)5. 生态保护(Ecological conservation)6. 可再生资源(Renewable resources)7. 低碳经济(Low-carbon economy)8. 环保产业(Environmentally friendly industry)9. 森林保护(Forest conservation)10. 水资源管理(Water resource management)安全与防务:1. 反恐怖主义(Counter-terrorism)2. 信息安全(Cybersecurity)3. 国际和平维护(International peacekeeping)4. 边境安全(Border security)5. 核裁军(Nuclear disarmament)6. 反间谍活动(Counterintelligence)7. 领土纠纷(Territorial disputes)8. 军事合作(Military cooperation)9. 防务预算(Defense budget)10. 非传统安全威胁(Non-traditional security threats)社会与文化:1. 人口老龄化(Aging population)2. 教育公平(Equal education)3. 性别平等(Gender equality)4. 社会保障(Social security)5. 移民政策(Immigration policy)6. 网络文化(Internet culture)7. 文化交流(Cultural exchange)8. 多元共融(Diversity and inclusion)9. 社会和谐(Social harmony)10. 人权保护(Protection of human rights)政治治理:1. 民主制度(Democracy)2. 政府透明度(Government transparency)3. 反腐败行动(Anti-corruption campaign)4. 法治建设(Rule of law)5. 社会主义核心价值观(Core socialist values)6. 深化改革(Deepening reform)7. 信息公开(Information disclosure)8. 社会治理体系(Social governance system)9. 公民参与(Citizen participation)10. 国家治理体系(National governance system)以上是2023年时政热词的英文表达,涵盖了经济与贸易、环境与气候变化、安全与防务、社会与文化以及政治治理等方面。



新闻英文必记词汇A.accept - v. to agree to receive 接受accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event 事故accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statementagainst someone 指责activist - n. one who seeks change through action 激进分子administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by apresident or prime minister 政府admit - v. to accept (''admitted to the United Nations''); to express one''s guilt orresponsibility (''He admitted that what he did was wrong.'') 承认adult - n. a grown person 成人advise - v. to help with infromation, knowledge or ideas in making a decision 建议affect - v. to produce an effect on; to influence (''A lack of sleep affected the singer''sperfromance.'') 影响agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group (''an agency of the UnitedNations'') 机构aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a country''sborders 侵略agriculture - n. farming 农业air force - n. a military organization using airplanes 空军album - n. a collection of recorded music 歌集alcohol - n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or inindustrial products 酒精ally - n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose 联合体ambassador - n. a nation''s highest diplomatic representative (to anothergovernment) 大使amend - v. to add to or to change (a proposal or law) 修正ammunition - n. the bullets or shells fired from guns 弹药anarchy - n. a lack of order; lawlessness 无政府状态ancestor - n. a family member from the past 祖先ancient - ad. very old; long ago 远古的anniversary - n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in thepast 周年announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officially 宣布apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one acceptsresponsibility 致歉appeal - v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call onsomebody for help 上诉;呼吁appear - v. to show oneself; to come into sight; to seem 出现appoint - v. to name; to choose (''appoint a judge'') 任命approve - v. to agree with; to agree to support 赞成archeology - n. the scientific study of past human life and activities 考古学argue - v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree 争论arms - n. military equipment; weapons 兵器arrest - v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner 逮捕artillery - n. big guns 炮assist - v. to help 帮助astronaut - n. a person who travels in space 宇航员astronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and the universe 天文学asylum - n. political protection given by a government to a person from anothercountry 政治庇护atmosphere - n. the gases surrounding any star or planet 大气层attach - v. to tie together; to connect 系上;连接attack - n. a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; v. to start a fight 袭击attempt - v. to work toward something; to try; to make an effort 尝试attend - v. to be present at 出席automobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car 汽车average - n. something (a number) representing the middle; ad. common; normal 平均,平常avoid - v. to stay away from 避免award - n. an honor or prize for an act or service 奖励Bbalance - v. to make two sides or forces equal 平衡balloon - n. a device of strong, light material that rises when filled with gas lighterthan air 气球ballot - n. a piece of paper used for voting 选票ban - v. to not permit; to stop; n. an official restriction 禁止bar - v. to prevent or block 禁止,阻碍barrier - n. anything that blocks or makes an action difficult 障碍base - n. a military center 军营; v. to establish as a fact 基于(''Her research was based onexperiments.'')battle - n. a fight between opposing armed forces 战斗beat - v. to hit again and again 击打betray - v. to turn against; to be false to 背叛bill - n. a legislative proposal 议案biology - n. the scientific study of life or living things in all their froms 生物学blame - v. to accuse; to hold responsible 责备block - v. to stop something from being done; to prevent movement 堵塞,阻碍bomb - n. a device that explodes with great force 炸弹; v. to attack or destroy withbombs 炸弹袭击border - n. a dividing line between nations 边界boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with 联合抵制brief - ad. short; not long 简短的broadcast - v. to send infromation, stories or music by radio or television; n. a radioor television program广播brown - ad. having the color like that of coffee 褐色的budget - n. a spending plan 预算bullet - n. a small piece of metal shot from a gun 子弹burst - v. to break open suddenly 爆裂business - n. one''s work; buying and selling to earn money; trade 工作,商业Ccabinet - n. a group of ministers that helps lead a government 内阁camp - n. a place with temporary housing 露营campaign - n. a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support fromvoters; a connected series of military actions during a war 活动cancel - v. to end; to stop 取消cancer - n. a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of thebody 癌症candidate - n. a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor 候选人capitalism - n. an economic system in which the production of most goods andservices is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies 资本主义capture - v. to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to getcontrol of 捕获case (court) - n. a legal action 案例case (medical) - n. an incident of disease (''There was only one case of chicken poxat the school.'') 病例cause - v. to make happen; n. the thing or person that produces a result 导致ceasefire - n. a halt in fighting, usually by agreement 停火协议celebrate - v. to honor a person or event with special activities 庆祝ceremony - n. an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition 仪式chairman - n. a person leading a meeting or an organized group 主席champion - n. the best; the winner 冠军charge - v. to accuse someone of something, usually a crime 控诉; n. a statement inwhich someone is accused of something 指控chase - v. to run or go after someone or something 追逐cheer - v. to shout approval or praise 欢呼chemicals - n. elements found in nature or made by people; substances used in thescience of chemistry 化学物质chemistry - n. the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how theyact under different conditions, and how they from other substances1. chief - n. the head or leader of a group 首领; ad. leading; most important 主要的civilian - ad. not military 平民civil rights - n. the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people ofa nation 公民权力claim - v. to say something as a fact 声明clash - n. a battle 冲突; v. to fight or oppose 发生冲突clergy - n. a body of officials within a religious organization 神职人员climate - n. the normal weather conditions of a place 气候coal - n. a solid black substance used as fuel 煤coalition - n. forces, groups or nations joined together 联盟coast - n. land on the edge of the ocean 海岸colony - n. land controlled by another country or government 殖民地combine - v. to mix or bring together 联合,结合command - v. to order; to have power over something 命令comment - v. to say something about; to express an opinion about something 评论committee - n. a group of people given special work 委员会communicate - v. to tell; to give or exchange infromation 交流,通信community - n. a group of people living together in one place or area 社区compare - v. to examine what is different or similar 对比compete - v. to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others 竞争complex - ad. of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; not simple 复杂的compromise - n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to acceptless than first demanded 折衷concern - n. interest, worry (''express concern about'') ; v. to fear (''to beconcerned'') 关注,关心condemn - v. to say a person or action is wrong or bad 遣责condition - n. something declared necessary to complete an agreement 条件; a person''shealth 身体状况conference - n. a meeting 会议confirm - v. to approve; to say that something is true 确定conflict - n. a fight; a battle, especially a long one 冲突congratulate - v. to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck 祝贺Congress - n. the organization of people elected to make the laws of the UnitedStates (the House of Representatives and the Senate); a similar organization inother countries 议会conservative - n. one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change 保守派constitution - n. the written general laws and ideas that from a nation''s system ofgovernment 宪法contain - v. to hold; to include 包容container - n. a box, bottle or can used to hold something 容器continent - n. any of the seven great land areas of the world 大陆control - v. to direct; to have power over 控制convention - n. a large meeting for a special purpose 大会cooperate - v. to act or work together 合作court - n. where trials take place; where judges make decisions about law 法院crash - v. to fall violently; to hit with great force 碰撞,坠毁create - v. to make; to give life or from to 创造creature - n. any living being; any animal or human 生物credit - n. an agreement that payments will be made at a later time 信用crew - n. a group of people working together 全体人员crime - n. an act that violates a law 罪行criminal - n. a person who is responsible for a crime 罪犯crisis - n. an extremely important time when something may become much better orworse; a dangerous situation 危机criticize - v. to say what is wrong with something or someone; to condemn; tojudge 批评crowd - n. a large number of people gathered in one place 人群crush - v. to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely 压碎curfew - n. an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses 戒严current - n. movement of air, water or electricity 水流,电流; ad. belonging to the present time 目前的 (''She found the report in a current publication.'')custom - n. a long-established belief or activity of a people 习惯,风俗customs - n. taxes on imports 入关税Ddam - n. a wall built across a river to hold back flowing water 大坝damage - v. to cause injury or destruction 摧毁; n. harm; hurt or injury, usually to things 毁坏deaf - ad. not able to hear 聋的debate - v. to argue for or against something; n. a public discussion or argument 争论debt - n. something that is owed; the condition of owing 债务declare - v. to say; to make a statement 声明decrease - v. to make less in size or amount 降低defeat - v. to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; n. a loss; the condition of havinglost 打败defend - v. to guard or fight against attack; to protect 防卫deficit - n. a shortage that results when spending is greater than earnings, orimports are greater than exports 赤字define - v. to give the meaning of; to explain 定义delay - v. to decide to do something at a later time; to postpone; to cause to be late 延迟delegate - n. one sent to act for another; one who represents another 代表demand - v. to ask by ordering; to ask with force 要求democracy - n. the system of government in which citizens vote to choose leaders orto make other important decisions 民主demonstrate - v. to make a public show of opinions or feelings (''The crowddemonstrated in support of human rights.'') 示威; to explain by using examples (''Theteacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment.'') 示范denounce - v. to accuse of being wrong or evil; to criticize severely 谴责deny - v. to declare that something is not true; to refuse a request 否认depend - v. to need help and support 依靠deplore - v. to regret strongly; to express sadness 表示悲痛deploy - v. to move forces or weapons into positions for action 部署(军队)depression - n. severe unhappiness; a period of reduced business and economicactivity during which many people lose their jobs 衰退describe - v. to give a word picture of something; to give details of something 描述design - v. to plan or create plans for 设计desire - v. to want very much; to wish for 愿望destroy - v. to break into pieces; to end the existence of 摧毁develop - v. to grow; to create; to experience progress 发展device - n. a piece of equipment made for a special purpose 设备dictator - n. a ruler with complete power 独裁者diet - n. usual daily food and drink 日常饮食diplomat - n. a person who represents his or her government in dealing with anothergovernment 外交官direct - v. to lead; to aim or show the way 指引 (''He directed me to the theater.''); ad.straight to something; not through some other person or thing 直接的 (''The path isdirect.'')direction - n. the way (east, west, north, south); where someone or something camefrom or went to 方向dirt - n. earth or soil 泥土disappear - v. to become unseen; to no longer exist 消失disarm - v. to take away weapons; to no longer keep weapons; to make a bombharmless by removing its exploding device 解除武装discuss - v. to talk about; to exchange ideas 讨论disease - n. a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria 疾病dismiss - v. to send away; to refuse to consider 解散dispute - v. to oppose strongly by argument; n. an angry debate 争论dissident - n. a person who strongly disagrees with his or her government 不同政见者document - n. an official piece of paper with facts written on it, used as proof orsupport of something 文件drown - v. to die under water 溺水drug - n. anything used as a medicine or in making medicine;a chemical substanceused to ease pain or to affect the mind 药品dust - n. pieces of matter so small that they can float in the air 灰尘Pparachute - n. a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplaneor helicopter to the ground 降落伞parade - n. a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a specialevent or anniversary 游行parliament - n. a government lawmaking group 议会passport - n. a document permitting a person to travel to another country 护照patient - n. a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem 病人peace - n. the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; rest; quiet 和平perfrom - v. to speak, dance or sing in front of others 表演permanent - ad. never changing; lasting for a very long time or for all time 永久的permit - v. to let; to make possible 允许physical - ad. of the body 身体的physics - n. the study of motion, matter and energy 物理pilot - n. one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter 飞行员planet - n. a large object in space that orbits the sun (''Earth is a planet.'') 行星plot - v. to make secret plans密谋; n. a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal 阴谋poem - n. words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions 诗point - v. to aim one''s finger toward; to aim 指向; n. the sharp end of something 尖端policy - n. an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisionsin politics, economics or business 制度politics - n. the activities of government and of those who are in public office 政治pollute - v. to release dangerous or unpleasant substancesinto the air, soil or water 污染popular - ad. liked by many people; generally approved by the public 流行的,受欢迎的port - n. a city where ships load or unload goods; a place on a coast where ships canbe safe from a storm 港口position - n. a place; the way of holding the body; the way a thing is set or placed; ajob (or level of a job) in an organization 位置possess - v. to have; to own; to control or be controlled by 拥有postpone - v. to delay action until a later time 拖延pour - v. to flow; to cause to flow 倾泻praise - v. to say good things about; to approve 赞扬pray - v. to make a request to a god or spirit; to praise a god or spirit 祈祷pregnant - ad. carrying a child within the body before it is born; expecting to givebirth to a baby 怀孕的present - v. to offer for consideration 表明 (''We will present our idea to thecommittee.''); n. a gift 礼物(''I gave them a present for their anniversary.''); now (''Thepresent time is a good time.''); ad. to be at a place 出席的 (''I was present at schoolyesterday.'')press - v. to urge strongly 逼迫 ; n. newspapers, magazines and other publications 出版pressure - n. the force produced when something is pushed down or againstsomething else 压力prevent - v. to keep or stop from going or happening 阻止private - ad. of or about a person or group that is secret; opposite public 私人的prize - n. something offered or won in a competition; something of value that onemust work hard for to get 奖项process - n. an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result 过程produce - v. to make; to create; to cause something to be; to manufacture 生产profession - n. a job that requires special training 职业profit - n. money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of thatactivity 利润progress - n. movement forward or toward improvement or a goal 发展project - n. a planned effort to do something 项目propaganda - n. ideas or infromation used to influence opinionsproperty - n. anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods 财产propose - v. to present or offer for consideration 建议protest - v. to speak against; to object 抗议prove - v. to show to be true 正式publication - n. something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine 出版物publish - v. to make public something that is written; to include something in abook, newspaper or magazine 出版pull - v. to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force;opposite push 拉pump - v. to force a gas or liquid up, into or through 抽吸punish - v. to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal 惩罚purchase - v. to buy with money or with something of equal value; n. that which isbought 购买pure - ad. free from anything that is different or that reduces value; clean 纯的purpose - n. the reason or desired effect for doing something; goal 目标push - v. to use force to move something away from the person or thing using theforce; opposite pull 推Qquality - n. that which something is known to have or be (''An important quality of steelis its strength.''); amount of value or excellence (''Their goods are of the highest quality.'') 质量Rrace - v. to run; to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest 竞赛; n. one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color 种族radar - n. a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objectsthat may be too far away to be seen 雷达radiation - n. waves of energy from something that producesheat or light; energyfrom a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous 辐射raid - v. to make a sudden attack 袭击; n. a sudden attack carried out as an act of war, orfor the purpose of seizing or stealing something 突袭realistic - ad. in agreement with the way things are 现实的5. reasonable - ad. ready to listen to reasons or ideas; not extreme; ready or willing tocompromise 合理的rebel - v. to act against a government or power, often with force; to refuse to obey 反抗;n. one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country 造反者recession - n. a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produceless and many workers lose their jobs 衰退recognize - v. to know or remember something or someone that was known, knownabout or seen before 识别; to accept another nation as independent and establishdiplomatic ties with its government 承认refrom - v. to make better by changing; to improve; n. a change to a bettercondition 改革refugee - n. a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment,danger or war 难民reject - v. to refuse to accept, use or believe 反对relations - n. understandings or ties between nations; members of the same family;people connected by marriage or family ties 关系release - v. to free; to permit to go 释放; to permit to be known or made public 发布religion - n. a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods 宗教remain - v. to stay in a place after others leave; to stay the same 保留remains - n. a dead body 遗体report - v. to tell about; to give the results of a study or investigation 报道; n. the storyabout an event; the results of a study or investigation; a statement in which thefacts may not be confirmed 报道represent - v. to act in the place of someone else; to substitute for; to serve as anexample 代表repress - v. to control or to restrict freedoms by force 压制request - v. to ask for; n. the act of asking for 要求require - v. to need or demand as necessary 需要rescue - v. to free from danger or evil 拯救research - n. a careful study to discover correct infromation 研究resign - v. to leave a position, job or office 辞职resist - v. to oppose 反对; to fight to prevent 反抗resolution - n. an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usuallyreached by voting 决议resource - n. anything of value that can be used or sold 资源responsible - ad. having a duty or job to do (''He isresponsible for preparing thereport.''); being the cause of (''They were responsible for the accident.'') 有责任的restrain - v. to keep controlled; to limit action by a person or group 抑制restrict - v. to limit; to prevent from increasing or becoming larger 限制revolt - v. to protest violently; to fight for a change, especially of government 反抗riot - v. to act with many others in a violent way in a public place 骚乱; n. a violent actionby a large group of people 暴乱risk - n. the chance of loss, damage or injury 风险rob - v. to take money or property secretly or by force; to steal 抢夺rocket - n. a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burninggases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as aweapon 火箭,导弹rub - v. to move something over the surface of another thing 摩擦ruin - v. to damage severely; to destroy 毁坏rule - v. to govern or control; to decide 统治; n. a statement or an order that says howsomething must be done 规则Ssabotage - v. to damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation(''The rebels sabotaged the railroad.'')sacrifice - v. to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal oranother person 牺牲satellite - n. a small object in space that moves around a larger object; an objectplaced in orbit around the earth 卫星satisfy - v. to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded 使满意security - n. freedom from danger or harm; protection; measures necessary toprotect a person or place (''Security was increased in the city.'') 安全Senate - n. the smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries,such as in the United States Congress 参议院severe - ad. not gentle; causing much pain, sadness or damage严重的shell - v. to fire artillery 炮轰; n. a metal container that is fired from a large gun andexplodes when it reaches its target; a hard outside cover 炮弹shelter - v. to protect or give protection to 庇护; n. something that gives protection; aplace of safety 庇护所shrink - v. to make or become less in size, weight or value 缩减skeleton - n. all the bones of a human or other animal together in their normalpositions 骷髅slide - v. to move smoothly over a surface 滑行smash - v. to break or be broken into small pieces by force; to hit or move withforce 打碎spill - v. to cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident 溢出spirit - n. the part of a human that is not physical and is connected to thoughts andemotions; the part of a person that is believed to remain alive after death 精神split - v. to separate into two or more parts; to divide or break into parts 分裂spy - v. to steal or get infromation secretly 侦察; n. one who watches others secretly; aperson employed by a government to get secret infromation about another country 间谍square - n. a flat shape having four equal sides 四方型stab - v. to cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon 刺伤starve - v. to suffer or die from a lack of food 挨饿statue - n. a from of a human, animal or other creature usually made of stone, woodor metal 塑像storm - n. violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow 风暴straight - ad. continuing in one direction without turns 直接的stretch - v. to extend for a distance; to pull on to make longer or wider 伸展strike - v. to hit with force; to stop work as a way to seekbetter conditions, morepay or to make other demands 罢工structure - n. the way something is built, made or organized;a system that isfromed or organized in a special way; a building 结构struggle - v. to try with much effort; to fight with 挣扎; n. a great effort; a fight 奋斗submarine - n. an underwater ship 潜艇substance - n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas) 物质substitute - v. to put or use in place of another替换; n. a person or thing put or used inplace of another 替换者(品)subversion - n. an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government,usually secretly 颠覆succeed - v. to reach a goal or thing desired; to produce a planned result 成功suffer - v. to feel pain in the body or mind; to receive or experience hurt or sadness 受苦suggest - v. to offer or propose something to think about or consider 建议supervise - v. to direct and observe the work of others 监督supply - v. to give; to provide 供给; n. the amount of something that can be given or soldto others 供给品support - v. to carry the weight of; to hold up or in position; to agree with othersand help them reach a goal; to approve 支持suppose - v. to believe, think or imagine 假设 (''I suppose youare right.''); to expect (''Itis supposed to rain tonight.'')suppress - v. to put down or to keep down by force; to prevent infromation frombeing known publicly 压制surplus - n. an amount that is more than is needed; extra; (''That country has a tradesurplus. It exports more than it imports.'') 过剩surrender - v. to give control of oneself or one''s property to another or others; tostop fighting and admit defeat 投降survive - v. to remain alive during or after a dangerous situation 幸存suspect - v. to imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal 怀疑;n. a person believed to be guilty 嫌疑犯suspend - v. to cause to stop for a period of time 延缓swallow - v. to take into the stomach through the mouth 吞咽swear in - v. to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry outthe duties of that office 宣誓就职 (''The chief justice will swear in the president.'')sympathy - n. a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelingsof sadness 同情Ttax - n. the money a person or business must pay to the government so thegovernment can provide services 税。



时事新闻常用词汇退位, 放弃(职位,权力等)1. abdicate /He has abdicated his responsibility as the prime minister.2. abduct /T he eleven Japanese were abducted by North Korean spies.诱拐, 绑架abduction滥用3. abuse /Steps must be taken to prevent the abuse of power.drug abuse 误用药品, 吸毒附加物, 从犯, 同谋者4. accessory /同谋者, 帮凶5. accomplice /6. accord /协定agreement7. accusation /accuse / 谴责, [律]指控8. acquire / 获得They have always attempted to acquire weapons of mass destruction.9. acrimony/言谈举止上的刻毒, 讽刺, 毒辣The president spoke with acrimony about the threat from Iraq.10. acronym / 只取首字母的缩写词11. address /致辞, 演讲radio address 广播演讲weekly radio address 每周例行广播演讲televised address 电视演讲延期, 休会, 换另一个地方12. adjourn /调整, 调节13. adjustment/14. admiral /海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰美] 宙斯级驱逐舰15. Aegis destroyer / [成员,分支机构16. affiliate /(美)肯定行动旨在鼓励雇佣、17. affirmative action /录取女性和少数民族(尤其是黑人),使其增加就业和升学机会,以消除性别和种族歧视的政策、计划。



英语时政新闻中的高频词汇1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's living standard3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that…6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying tha t…9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others…13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons16.双方的论点 argument on both sides17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少 be i ndispensable to …19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:20.…也不例外…be no exception21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation 27.开阔眼界 widen one's horizon/ broaden one's vision 28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration31.从另一个角度 from another perspective32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts33.对…有益be beneficial / conducive to…34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for…36.综合素质 comprehensive quality37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…40.应当承认 Admittedly41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty42.满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of…43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice56.…必然趋势 an irresistible trend o f…57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest59.长远利益. interest in the long run60.…有其自身的优缺点… has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages61.扬长避短Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs. 63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth. 67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位 social status72.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩大知识面expand one’s scope of knowledge74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal77.可以取代“think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that。

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10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue
11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument
12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…
13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally
61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones
62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.
63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to
67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …
68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.
69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person.
48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly
49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress
50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology
26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation
27.开阔眼界 widen one's horizon/ broaden one's vision
28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills
29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden
70.重视 attach great importance to…
71.社会地位 social status
72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…
73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge
74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally
30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration
31.从另一个角度 from another perspective
32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts
33.对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…
44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources
45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)
46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient
47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life
14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…
15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons
16.双方的论点 argument on both sides
17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…
1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy
2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's living standard
3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology
64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information
65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …
66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.
54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way
55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice
56.…必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…
57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition
34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society
35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…
36.综合素质 comprehensive quality
37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach
75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…
76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal
77.可以取代“think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that
7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention
8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…
9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate
39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…
40.应当承认 Admittedly
41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty
42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…
43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information
4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges
5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…
6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development
58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest
59.长远利益. interest in the long run
60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantold different attitudes towards this issue
52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion
53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence
23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in
24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon
25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement
18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …
19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:
20.…也不例外 …be no exception
21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…
22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.