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The right brachial plexus with its short branches, viewed from in front.


Axillary lymph nodes 前anter-前锯肌的表面 后poster-肩胛下血管周围 外later-沿腋静脉远侧段排列 中央centra-腋腔底部中央的 结缔组织中,收纳上述三群 淋巴结的输出管。 腋尖apica-胸小肌上部,锁胸 筋膜深面,沿腋动脉近侧段 排列.行乳腺癌根治手术清扫 淋巴结时,需注意保护前群 附近的胸长神经和与后群相 邻的胸背神经。

Axillary vein
Anterior view of right upper limb and thorax – axillary vein and the distal part of the basilic vein(贵要V) and cephalic vein.(头V) brachial(上肢,肱)

Adipose tissue
An axillary sheath(鞘) surrounds the vessels and nerves proximally,a continuation of the cervical fascia.
Clinical relevance

Metastasis from breast cancer to the axillary lymph nodes

Subclavius visible at upper left, above first rib.
Posterior wall Subscapularis (肩胛下肌) Teres major (大圆肌) Teres minor Latissimus dorsi (背阔肌) The posterior axillary fold is formed by latissimus dorsi, teres major and skin.
Brachial plexus injury

短神经: 胸长神经longthoracicnerve(C5~7)发自臂丛根部,经 臂丛后方入腋腔,沿前锯肌表面下行,约在胸外侧动 脉后方2横指处,分支支配前锯肌。该神经损伤后,由 于前锯肌瘫痪,导致肩胛骨脊柱缘起,叫做翼状肩, 患者的上肢不能高举过头。 胸背神经thoracodorsalnerve(C5~7)起于后束,与肩 胛下动脉和胸背动脉伴行,支配背阔肌。 胸外侧神经和胸内侧神经 臂丛长神经从各束发出后,行向自由上肢,支配各该 部的肌肉和皮肤。由外侧束发出的有肌皮神经和正中 神经外侧根
Apex The cervoaxillary canal: Outer border of first rib Superior border of scapula (肩胛骨) Posterior border of clavicle (锁骨)
Floor Adipose tissue (脂肪组织) Skin Fascia (筋膜,肌膜)
Brachial plexus

Brachial plexus 胸长神经longthoracic nerve经臂丛后方入 腋腔,沿前锯肌表面 下行,约在胸外侧动 脉后方2横指处,分 支支配前锯肌 胸背神经 thoracodorsal nerve 与肩胛下动脉和胸背 动脉伴行,支配背阔 肌 肩胛下神经 subscapular nerves

Subscapularis visible near center top.)
Muscles on the dorsum of the scapula, and the Triceps brachii muscle: #3 is Latissimus dorsi muscle #5 is Teres major muscle #6 is Teres minor muscle #7 is Supraspinatus muscle #8 is Infraspinatus muscle #13 is long head of Triceps brachii muscle
Lateral wall Coracobrachialis (喙肱肌) Short head of biceps brachii (二头肌) Humerus (肱骨)

Medial wall Serratus anterior (前锯肌) Thoracic wall
Anterior wall Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Subclavius plexus(锁骨下丛) The anterior axillary fold is the inferior border of pectoralis major covered by fascia and skin.

The axilla is the region between the arm and the thorax. It contains a number of important structures running to the arm and is also one of the main areas for drainage of lymph from the breast. 'Armpit' or 'underarm' refer to the inferior skin (floor) of the axilla, or the hollow formed by that skin (the axillary fossa). The axilla is a pyramidal space located inferior to the shoulder joint, at the junction of the upper limb and thorax. It provides a space through which many of the important vessels and nerves pass from the trunk to the upper limb. The space is almost obliterated in full abduction of the shoulder, a position in which the contents become vulnerable.

Axillary artery
Axillary artery and its branches – anterior view of right upper limb and thorax. Upper and lower limits labeled. 肩胛下动脉subscapular artery较粗大,发自腋动脉第三段,沿 肩胛下肌下缘向后下方行下,随即分出旋肩胛动脉,经三边孔 到冈下窝,本干延续为胸背动脉,与同名神经伴行,分布于背 阔肌等结构。