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As you know,”英吉利” means England, but do you know which country dose “博都雅” mean? 葡萄牙
伯兰特· 罗素
比尔· 拉塞尔
Xu Zhimo translated it as “翡冷翠”. I think this name is much better than “佛罗伦萨”.
轧布寒林垦,桥直花陉屯。 鹤唳渡鹿门,骡讷得力耕。 碧洱客拎豚,驮马懈浮生。 枕牡麦地熏,沥茶泥蔻生。
Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Harry S. Truman, Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson James Madison, Richard Nixon 亚伯拉罕林肯,乔治华盛顿。 哈里杜鲁门,罗纳德里根。 比尔克林顿,托马斯杰斐逊。 詹姆斯麦迪逊,理查德尼克松。
We have many choises when we translate a city’s or person’s name。We can choose a beautiful name like”翡冷翠”, we can also choose a inferior name such as “莫三鼻给”.
翡冷翠(Florence) And 莫三鼻给( Mozambique )
120410123 武士雄
乔布斯 贾布斯

Michael Jordan
迈克尔乔丹 米高佐敦
贝克汉姆 碧咸
•France •Italy
法兰西 意大利
In 1930s,some newspapers translated Tolstoy(托尔斯泰) As 陶思道,and translated Gogol(果戈里)as 郭歌里 If someone don’t know Tolstoy and Gogol, he/she must thought Tolstoy is a Confucian scholar, and Gogol is a Chinese poet!
By the way, when you see “碧咸” next time, remember it is Beckham’s name.Even though,this name is not as handsome as Beckham himself!
Let’s playing with the words.
Thank You For Attention
我叫陶思道, 一名儒士。右边那位 是郭歌里,听起来像 个诗人吧,但他是写 小说的。 后生,你好像也 是写小说的吧?
我去,这都被你发 现了?你知道得太 多了!
In the late Qing Dynasty, Napoléon was translated as “拿破轮”,What’s more, there was a article that was named 《项羽拿破轮论》. In this article, there was a sentence as follow: “以项羽拿破轮,是大材小用,其力难施,其效不著,非知人善用之举也! ” The emperor Qian Long wrote a poem: ”博都雅昔修职贡,英吉利今效其诚。”