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Major:Control Engineering Direction of Study : Intelligent control and decision-making techniques Graduate Student: Jiang Guohui Supervisor: Prof. Zou Ziming
学位类别 研 究 生 工程领域 研究方向 导 师 工程硕士 姜国辉 学 号 212011443
控制工程 智能控制与决策技术 邹自明 职 2013 年 6 月 称 5 高级实验师

Research for Building Automation Control System Based on The LonWorks syetem
21st century is an era which energy is very scarce, the research of building energy efficiency is of great significance, therefore the relationship between architecture and energy conservation has become an important research topic. The author had been engaged in Electrical and Mechanical Co, Ltd. in Shenyang for the subject of practical work, and involved in the program design, equipment selection, construction design, programming system and debugging work of building automation system of the engineering of intelligent building system in a building in Shenyang. As the core of intelligent buildings, the traditional way of building automation system is distributed control system designed by the distributed information and control theory. However, distributed control system doesn’t solve the problem of communication and distribution inside the system essentially, which only forms a closed system made up of the fixed distributed model and communication model. Due to the features of the openness of communication protocol and the convenience of its construction of measurement and control network, the field bus determines that it can solve the above problem well so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the application of bus technology in building automation system and create more convenient conditions for the overall control, wiring and saving energy of intelligent buildings. This article refers to a large number of references and related books and gives a systemic introduction of the relevant theoretical knowledge of the building automation system and fieldbus technology. It carefully studies the project situation and the domestic and foreign related specifications and design suggestions combined with the requirements of building tender and it gives the design scheme of the project of building automation system based on fieldbus technology. Besides, it discusses the design process of building automation system, including demand analysis, principles of each subsystem, functional descriptions of generation system of points table and implementation of the project in detail. Finally, it discusses the necessity of configuration design of the real-time monitoring software of the control system. And analyzes and introduces the functions and contents of the real-time monitoring software by using the tools for software configuration design. The practice proves that this subject has a great practical application value. Keywords: Building Automation System, Engineering design,Real-time monitoring
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硕 士 研 究 生 学 位 论 文
(专 业 学 位)
基于 LonWorks 现场总线技术的楼宇自 动化系统的研究
Research for Building Automation Control System Based on The LonWorks syetem
目 录
摘 要....................................................................... I Abstract.................................................................... II 目 录..................................................................... III 第 1 章 绪论.................................................................. 1 1.1 开展研究课题背景和意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1 问题的提出 ..................................................... 1 1.1.2 课题来源 ....................................................... 2 1.1.3 研究意义 ....................................................... 2 1.2 国内外相关研究现状 ................................................... 3 1.2.1 楼宇自动化系统的发展与现状 ..................................... 3 1.2.2 LonWorks 总线技术的发展现状 .................................... 4 1.3 本论文结构........................................................... 5 第 2 章 LonWorks 技术与楼宇自动化 ............................................. 6 2.1 现场总线技术的概念 ................................................... 6 2.2 现场总线技术特点 ..................................................... 6 2.3 几种常用于楼宇自控的现场总线 ......................................... 7 2.4 LonWorks 现场总线技术................................................ 9 2.4.1 LonTalk 协议................................................... 9 2.4.2 Neuron 芯片................................................... 10 2.5 基于 LonWorks 现场总线为基础的控制器 ................................. 11 2.5.1 现场控制器.................................................... 12 2.6 楼宇自动化系统的简介 ................................................ 15 2.7 楼宇自动化系统对控制网络的要求 ...................................... 16 2.8 基于 LonWorks 系统的网络实现 ......................................... 17 2.9 本章小结 ............................................................ 18 第 3 章 基于 LonWorks 的楼宇自动化系统的总体设计 ............................. 19 3.1 系统概况及设计原则.................................................. 19 3.1.1 系统总体概况.................................................. 19 3.1.2 业主方对楼宇自控系统设计要求 .................................. 19 3.1.3 设计原则 ...................................................... 19 3.1.4 设计流程 ...................................................... 20 3.2 系统设计依据........................................................ 20 3.3 系统设计............................................................ 21 3.3.1 网络的总体设计方案 ............................................ 21 3.4 楼宇设备各子系统的配备 .............................................. 22 3.5 设备选型 ............................................................ 24 3.5.1 系统监控中心主机 .............................................. 24 3.5.1 海湾 BA-5000 系统 .............................................. 24 3.6 系统监控的方案设计 .................................................. 27 3.6.1 空调/新风机组 ................................................. 28 3.6.2 冷冻站系统 .................................................... 32
College of Mechanical and Control Engineering Guilin University of Technology April,2012 to April,2013
摘 要
21 世纪是一个能源非常匮乏的时代,建筑的节能研究有着重要意义,因此建 筑与节能的关系形成了一个重要研究课题。 笔者在沈阳某机电工程有限公司进行 课题实践工作, 参与了沈阳某大厦建筑智能化系统工程中楼宇自控系统的方案设 计、设备选型、施工图设计以及系统编程与调试工作。 楼宇自控系统作为智能建筑的核心环节, 其传统的方式是按分布式信息与控 制理论设计的集散控制系统,然而,集散控制系统没有从本质上解决系统内部的 通信问题和分布式问题,只是自成封闭系统,以固定集散模式和通信模式构成。 而 LonWorks 现场总线因通信协议的开放性和其构建的测控网络的方便性等特点, 决定了它可以很好的解决上述问题,从而为 LonWorks 总线技术应用于楼宇自控 系统奠定了理论基础, 为智能建筑的整体控制、 布线、 节能创造更佳便利的条件。 本文参考了大量参考文献和相关书籍,对楼宇自控系统和 LonWorks 现场总 线技术的相关理论知识进行了系统的介绍, 认真研究了工程情况及国内外相关的 规范和设计建议结合大厦标书的要求,给出了该项目基于 LonWorks 总线技术的 楼宇自动化系统设计方案,并详细论述了大厦楼宇自动化系统的设计过程,包括 需求分析、各子系统原理说明、点数表生成系统功能描述及工程实施。最后,探 讨对系统控制实时的监控软件进行组态设计的必要性, 对实时监控软件的功能及 其内容进行分析和介绍,通过运用 Visual Basic 8.0 工具进行软件组态设计。实践 证明该选题有着较大的实际应用价值。 关键词:楼宇自动化系统, LonWorks ,工程设计,实时监控