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The Fifty Most Important Phenomena in

Twentieth Century American Popular Culture History

50) Camping Culture(校园文化)

-The Millions in Our National Parks

49) The Resort Vacation Fantasy (度假胜地?)

-From Hotel del Coronado to Key West to South Beach to Hawaii

48) Youth and Extreme Sports (极限运动)

-From Skateboarding to Snowboarding

47) Warhol, Lichtenstein, and Pop Art (大众艺术?)

-Even the Desert Arts Communities Popularized by Georgia O'Keefe

46) The Mall (?中文对应词是啥?谁知道?)

-And What about the Department Store?

45) Self-Alterations (改造自己的身体?)

-From Tattoos (纹身)to Piercings to Plastic Surgery

44) Talkies (有声电影)

-Who Could Forget Al Jolsen's Rendition of "Sonny Boy"?

43) CDs

42) American International and Teen Pics (这个是啥?)

41) Surf Culture (冲浪运动?)

-From the Beach Boys to Annette

40) Film Noir 具有悲观(或宿命论)色彩的影片

39) The Seattle Sound (西雅图之声?)

-How Nirvana Changed Rock

38) The Workout Culture (这个又是什么?)

-Remember John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect?

37) Video Games (电视游戏)

-The Road from Pinball

36) The Musical Film (音乐影片?和NTV有啥区别)

-From the Golden Age of Hollywood to Moulin Rouge

35) The Children's Book Serial (儿童文学系列)

-From Dr. Suess to Harry Potter --哈力波特忽忽!!!

34) Cartoons (Print and Television) (卡通)

-What Is American Popular Culture without Snoopy in Our Newspapers or the Roadrunner on Saturday Morning?

33) The Kid Show (儿童演出?)

-From Sesame Street to Barney

32) MTV and the Music Video

31) The College Sports Phenomenon (大学体育运动)

-Especially Saturday Football!

30) Disney (抵死你!哇)

29) National Tabloids (小报)and Newspapers

-From The National Inquirer to USA Today

28) The Space Obsession (太空?)

-From the First Man on the Moon to UFOs

-From I Dream of Jeannie to The X Files

27) The Super Hero (超人系列)

-From Comic Books to Feature Film

26) The Western and the Cult of the Cowboy (西部、牛仔)

25) The Soap Opera (肥皂剧)

24) Pop and Pulp Fiction Novels/Novelists (通俗小说)

23) Max Factor and Make-up (这个是什么?)

22) The Television Talk Show (TALK SHOW的中文对应词是啥?)

-From Phil Donahue to Jerry Springer to Oprah

21) The Pop Music Star(s) (通俗歌手)

-Who Could Ignore Madonna, Britney Spears, the Spice Girls, and the

Omni-present Boy Bands like N Sync?

20) The Explosion of Mass Advertising and Marketing(大众广告和市场运做?)

-From Major Labels (Coke and Levis) to Infomercials to Shopping

Channels to the Japanese Marketing Explosion (Hello Kitty, Pokemon)

-Remember Darren on Bewitched?

19) Disco (The 1970s) (迪斯科)

-The Night Lifestyle

-The Bee Gees


-Studio 54

18) The Situation Comedy (什么剧种?)

17) The Video Revolution (1970-2000) (电视革命?)

16) The Nickelodeon Boom (1905-7) (这个是什么?)

15) The Culture/Class/Race/Sex Revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s (六、七十年代的文化/阶级/种族/性革命)

-Civil Rights Movement

-Feminist Movement

-War Protests


-Long Hair

14) The Gramophone/Record Making/Tin Pan Alley Songwriters (???)

13) Big Band and Swing (????)

-And the Crooners During That Time and Following…Bing Crosby,

Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Frankie Laine, Frank Sinatra

-And What about the Ladies? Kay Starr? Jo Stafford? Doris Day?

12) Fast-food Restaurants (快餐文化)

11) Cable Television (有线电视)

-The Channel Explosion of the 1990s
