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内容 1、脉冲星的基本特性
3、描述脉冲星高能辐射的模型 -外间隙模型
Baade & Zwicky (1934)提出宇宙中存在中子星 Oppenheimer & Volkoff (1939)估计了中子星 的第一个态方程:质量~ 1.4 太阳质量;半径 ~10 公里;密度~1014 g cm -3 . Pacini (1967) 提出来自转动的中子星的电磁 辐射可以驱动Crab星云
☆ 转动磁偶极子的能损:
☆ 磁场与周期和周期倒数的关系:
☆ 脉冲星年龄的估算:
Radio beam
Pulsar picture
Open magnetosphere B
Light cylinder
Closed magnetosphere
Neutron star mass = 1.4 solar masses radius = 10 km B = 10 4 to 109 Tesla
2) Three-Dimensional Model
3D magentic structure, the phase profile and
phase-resolved spectra. Application to Crab pulsar. Phase-resolved high-energy features of Crablike pulsars. Phase-resolved high-energy features of Geminga pulsar.
Solid line:lg L 20.42+0.38lg Lsd Dashed line: lg L 3.25+0.30lg Lsd
Death lines
Chen & Ruderman 1993 (1) Crab-like
(2) Vela-like
(3) ZC97 model
New model
Coming satellite: GLAST
Increased number of ID’s sources by large factors
☆ Crab脉冲星
☆ Vela脉冲星 ☆ PSR B1509-58 ☆ PSR B1046-58 ☆ PSR B1706-44 ☆ PSR B1951+32 ☆ PSR B1055-52 ☆ Geminga脉冲星
(1) 自洽性; (2) 普适性。对一给定的脉冲星(即周期P和 表面磁场 B 已知),可估计伽玛射线光度 和能谱。
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Conversion efficiency of gamma-ray pulsars. The statistics of gamma-ray pulsars. Radiation features of X-ray pulsars. The statistics of X-ray pulsars. The contribution of gamma-rays from pulsars to Galactic gamma-rays. 6) The contribution of positrons from pulsars to Galactic positrons. 7) Unidentified gamma-ray sources and gamma-ray pulsars.
Zhang & Cheng, 1998, MNRAS, 294,327
Cosmic positrons
Comparison of observed e+/(e- + e+) ratio with predicted ones. The shortdashed curve is the ratio of positron background and total electron background given by Moskalenko & Strong (1998). The solid, long dashed and dot-dashed curves are the ratios including the contribution of the mature gamma-ray pulsars with birth rates of one per 100 yrs, one per 50 yrs and one per 30 yrs respectively. (Zhang & Cheng, 2001, A&A)
正负电子由外间隙中 E||加速 相对论性 e+/e-通过同步曲率辐射 和IC过程产生高能伽玛射线 来自表面的软X射线由回流电流与 NS表面碰撞产生。在外间隙中高 能伽玛射线与这些软X射线碰撞产 生正负电子对,从而维持外间隙 存在。
我们的厚间隙模型(Zhang& Cheng, 1997, ApJ) Outer gap size: Spectrum
Pulsar model
1)射电波段: 2000 颗脉冲星
2)X射线波段:51颗X射线脉冲星 转动驱动的脉冲星分布
★28颗正常脉冲星 ★ 23颗毫秒脉冲星
彩色的符号表示探测 到X射线脉冲
History: SAS 2, COSB(1970’s-1980’s). EGRET (1990’s)
X-ray Luminosity
Pulsed X-ray luminosity of normal X-ray pulsars Zhang & Jiang, 2005, A&A
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Gamma-ray statistical properties
Zhang, Han, Jiang, 2005, A&A, 429, 489
HE properties of High-field Pulsars
High-filed:1013-1014 G 28 high-pulsar pulsars
Zhang, Jiang, 2005, ApJ, 631
Zhang & Cheng, 1997, ApJ, 487,370 Cheng & Zhang, 1998, ApJ, 498,327
Schematic geometry of polar and outer gaps. Dark solid regions are thin gaps of younger pulsars. Hatched regions are thick gaps of older pulsars
(1) 我们的外间隙模型
3) MS Pulsars’ HE Emission
Zhang & Cheng, K.S. 2003, A&A, 398, 639
4) New version of outer gap
Observation indicates (Thompson et al. 2001): L L ½ sd . ZC97 model predicts L (B/P) 0.3, e.g, the ratio of (B/P) 0.3 for PSR B1055-52 to that for Geminga is ~ 0.9. But, the observed ratio ~8 (Kaspi et al. 2000).
Pulses from the Vela Pulsar
☆ 孤立中子星: 通过快速自转变慢辐射能量 (一般 < 1sec, dP/dt>0) 。 ☆ 脉冲X射线源: 双星系统中的致密天体(一 般为中子星);从正常伴星中吸积物质 (P~10s secs, dP/dt<0)。
☆ 反常X射线脉冲星和软伽玛重复爆:
3) Crab X-ray pulses, HE Emission of AXPs and SGRs
Zhang, L. & Cheng, K.S. 2002, ApJ, 569, 872
Cheng & Zhang, 2001, ApJ, 562, 918
Zhang, & Cheng, 2002, ApJ, 579, 716
1967年,Jocelyn Bell每天早上在射电望远 镜中都观测到短的、规则的、象时钟一样的辐 射脉冲。 Hewish 等人 (Hewish et al. 1968,Nature)发现了 一颗射电发射的快速脉冲源—PSR B1919+21.
Gold (1968, Nature) 指出脉冲星就是表面磁 场~1012G的中子星。
Bns 7 10 4 BSun 10 9 5 10
太阳表面场: ~0.01 Tesla. 中子星表面磁场: B ~5 x 107 Tesla =5 x 1011 Gauss !
☆ 脉冲星的两个直接观测量:周期(P),周 期倒数(dP/dt>0) 。
(4) uniform (5) cosine
Death lines of the pulsars with self-sustained outer gaps.
Zhang, L. et al. 2004, ApJ, 604, 317 Cheng,K.S., Zhang et al. 2004, ApJ, 608, 418
☆ 已观测到大部分脉冲星自转变慢,即 dP/dt>0。所以它们损失转动能-可以说明 观测吗? 1 2 I 4 2 2 I 2 E I 2 2
2 2 P P
dE d 2 I 2 4 I 2 dP 3 2 dt dt P P dt
Cheng, Gil & Zhang, 1998, ApJ, 493, L35 Cheng & Zhang 1999,ApJ,515,337
Zhang & Cheng 1999,ApJ, 526, 327
Cheng & Zhang 1998,ApJ,498,327
magnetosphere geometry inclination effect
Outer gap:
f0 (P, B) = 5.5 P 26/21 B -4/712
Gamma-ray Luminosity
Radio-loud : L L 0.30 sd
Radio-quiet : L L 0.38 sd
Zhang & Cheng, 1998, MNRAS, 294, 177
Solid boxes: Ours Empty triangles: Harding,1981 Empty diamonds: Dermer & Sturner 1994
Pulses at multi-wavebands
Energy spectra of gamma-ray pulsars
(1) 内间隙模型 (Harding et al. 1978, ApJ 225, 226;
Daugherty & Harding 1982 ApJ 252, 337;1996 ApJ 458, 278; Zhang & Harding, 2000, ApJ; Sterner et al. 1995, ApJ 445, 736).
(2)外间隙模型 (Cheng, Ho, Ruderman ,1986, ApJ 300,
500; 300, 522; Chiang & Romani 1994, ApJ 436, 754; Romani, 1996, ApJ 470, 469, Zhang & Cheng 1997, ApJ 487 370; Hirotani & Shibata 2001, MNRAS 325, 1228)
☆ 参数:半径: R ~ 10 km (104 m) 密度: ρ~ 10 18 kg m -3 = 1015 g cm -3 质量: M ~ 0.2 - 3.2 solar masses ☆ 磁场来源:恒星周围磁场的积分为一常数, BdS 即磁通 常数。于是中子星和太阳表面磁场 之比为 8 2