


























1 土壤水分直接测量法直接测量法包括烘干法、酒精灼烧法、中子仪法、张力计法、时域反射法、频域反射法、介电法、驻波法和电容电阻法等。


1.1 烘干法烘干法包括经典烘干法和快速烘干法。


对装有土样的铝盒进行称重,记为w1;打开盖子,置于烘箱内,将温度设为105~110℃对土样烘干6~8h,直至土样质量不再变化,对干土及铝盒进行称重,记为w2,则所测土层的土壤质量含水量的计算公式可表示为(1)2.2 中子法中子法的原理是中子从1个高能量的中子源发射到土壤中,与土壤中氢原子(绝大部分存在于水分子中)碰撞后,能量衰减,这些能量衰减的中子可被检测器检测到,通过标定建立检测到的中子数与土壤含水率的函数关系,便可转化得到土壤含水率。



2.3 介电法利用土壤的介电特性来测量土壤含水量是一种行之有效、快速便捷,准确可靠的方法。


(1)时域反射法(TDR)TDR 是近年来出现的测量土壤含水量的重要仪器,是通过测量土壤中的水和其它介质介电常数之间的差异原理,并采用时域反射测试技术研制出来的仪器,具有快速、便捷和能连续观测土壤含水量的优点。



促进遥感技术在生态学、环境科学、 地球科学等领域的应用和发展,为相 关学科的研究提供新的思路和方法。
为农业生产、水资源管理和环境保护 等实际应用提供科学依据和技术支持 ,有助于实现资源节约和环境友好型 社会的发展目标。
植被叶片与冠层水分含量是植物生长状况和生态系统功能的关键参数,对于农 业生产和生态监测具有重要意义。
通过对验证结果进行分析,发现该模型在反演水分含量 时具有较好的稳定性和可重复性,能够满足实际应用的 需求。
建立了基于光谱形状信息的植被叶片与冠层水分含 量高光谱遥感反演模型,为精准农业和水资源管理
通过实验验证,该模型可以准确反演植被叶片与冠 层水分含量,为研究植物生理生态过程和环境变化
将结合更多的遥感数据源,如卫星、无人机等,实现更 大范围、更高精度的植被水分含量监测,为生态保护和 农业生产提供更加全面的技术支撑。
模型在多个地区的应用结果表明,其具有较好的 稳定性和普适性,能够为实际生产和研究提供支
未来将继续优化模型算法,提高反演精度和稳定性,为 精准农业和水资源管理提供更加可靠的技术支持。
将进一步研究不同类型植物、不同生长条件下的水分含 量高光谱遥感反演模型,以扩大模型的应用范围和适用 性。
结合其他遥感数据和环境因素,进一步分析植被叶片 与冠层水分含量的空间分布和时间变化特征。
该研究旨在建立基于光谱形状信息的植被叶片与冠层水分含量高光谱遥感反演模型,通过 对叶片和冠层的高光谱数据进行分析,实现对植被叶片和冠层水分含量的准确估算。















1. 背景介绍:植被覆盖地表土壤水分的重要性及其在农业、生态和环境监测中的应用。



















四、不同植被条件下的土壤水分反演1. 草地条件下的土壤水分反演在草地条件下,采用植被指数法进行土壤水分的反演。



2. 灌木丛条件下的土壤水分反演在灌木丛条件下,采用归一化水体指数法进行土壤水分的反演。



3. 稀树草原条件下的土壤水分反演在稀树草原条件下,采用温度植被干旱指数法进行土壤水分的反演。































三、土壤水分遥感反演方法1. 植被指数法:通过计算多光谱卫星数据中的植被指数(如NDVI、EVI等),分析植被覆盖情况对土壤水分的影响。


2. 物理模型法:基于土壤-植被-大气之间的能量平衡和水热传输过程,建立物理模型,通过模型参数的估计和优化,实现土壤水分的遥感反演。

3. 机器学习方法:利用机器学习算法(如随机森林、支持向量机等),对多光谱卫星数据、气象数据等进行分析和训练,建立土壤水分与遥感数据之间的非线性关系模型,实现土壤水分的遥感反演。

四、不同植被条件下土壤水分反演结果与分析1. 草地条件下的土壤水分反演结果:在草地条件下,采用植被指数法、物理模型法和机器学习等方法进行土壤水分反演。


2. 灌木条件下的土壤水分反演结果:在灌木条件下,由于植被覆盖度较高,采用植被指数法进行土壤水分反演的效果较好。




1007-4619 (2010) 05-959-15 Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报Received : 2009-11-20; Accepted : 2010-04-20Foundation : Project of National Scientific Foundation of China (No. 40861020); the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (No. 09R03); Key Projects of Sciences Research of Education Ministry and Natural Science Foundation of XinJiang, China (No. 200821128).First author biography : ZHOU Peng, (1980— ), male, Post graduate of College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, maily engaged in the study of resources, environment and remote sensing application in arid area. E-mail: zp5226@Corresponding author : DING Jianli, E-mail: watarid@Retrieval methods of soil water content in vegetation covering areasbased on multi-source remote sensing dataZHOU Peng, DING Jianli, WANG Fei, Guljamal.Ubul, ZHANG ZhiguangLab for Oasis Ecosystem of Xinjiang , College of Resource and Environmental Science , Xinjiang University , Urumqi 830046, ChinaAbstract: This paper takes the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers in Xinjiang as the study area. Fusion image of SAR(Radar-sat image) combined with visible spectrum remote sensing image (TM image) is used to extract soil and vegetation water content in arid oasis. Based on the Normalized Difference Moisture Index extracted from homochronous visible spectrum re-mote sensing data, this thesis utilizes “water-cloud model” to wipe off vegetation influence from total backscattering coefficient of radar data and sets up the relationship between soil backscattering coefficient and soil moisture. Correlation coefficient for HH Polarization is R 2 =0.5227, for HV Polarization is R 2 =0.3277. Result shows that in arid and semi-arid area where the main crops are cotton and corn, the combination of C- band HH polarization radar data with visible image performs well in the study of removing vegetation influence while retrieving soil water content in medium vegetated areas.Key words: soil moisture, remote sensing, vegetable, backscatter coefficient, water-cloud model CLC number: TP751.1 Document code: A1 INTRODUCTIONSoil moisture is a very important component of the earthecosystems, which is the tie of the surface water and ground-water. Soil moisture plays a very important role in the global water cycle, it is also an important parameter in the hydrologi-cal, meteorological and agricultural research (Yuan et al., 2004). Large-scale soil moisture monitoring is an important content of agricultural water management and crop drought forecast-ing .At the same time, in regional and even the global-scale, soil moisture is also an essential parameter in the research of the land surface processes model, Which plays an important role in improving the regional and global climate models (Gao et al., 2001). Recently, the monitoring of regional scale soil moisture helps to resolve the problems of hydrological model in arid drainage basin and monitor the growth of crops. Tradition-ally, the estimation of soil moisture requires intensive labour operations in the field and needs to do some complex post-treatment processes, which are not only time-consuming, but also difficult to obtain a wide range of synchronous soil moisture information. The development of remote sensing technology provides an effective means of accessing the re-gional scale soil moisture information (Cashion et al., 2005; Urso & Minacapilli, 2006). At present, the methods of moni-toring soil moisture based on remote sensing are mainly ther-mal inertia, thermal infrared, crop water stress index, anomalies of vegetation index and microwave remote sensing (Chen et al., 1999; Guo & Zhao 2004). However, microwave remote sensing has the characters of all day and night, high repeated coverage, the penetrability through some surface objects and not restricted by weather conditions, which make microwave remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture widely used in arid and semi-arid area.Soil moisture monitoring of microwave remote sensing has experienced 30-year history, and has been established many backscattering coefficient models such as small perturbation model, Kirchhoff model, two-scale model and the integral equation model and so on. In addition, there are experience and semi-empirical models (Baghdadi et al., 2002; Liao et al., 2002; Wickel et al., 2001; Xiong & Shao, 2006). However, in the vegetated areas of arid and semi-arid oasis, the application of these retrieval models are confined by surface roughness and vegetation coverage. Higher vegetation coverage will cause lower estimation on soil moisture and the higher estimation on surface roughness (Liu et al., 2005) which make the acquisition of soil moisture became complex. The key question to the study of soil moisture is how to eliminate the influence of surface roughness and separate the vegetation scattering and absorption960Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报 2010, 14(5)from the soil moisture. In these models, vegetation water con-tent (VWC) is an important parameter. As it is very difficult tomeasure the parameter in the field, people usually use the opti-cal image to predict and then establish the relationship between normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) and VWC. Based on the use of optical image data, this paper uses NDMI to estimate the study area’s vegetation water content, then, em-ploys multi-polarization satellite-based radar data together with microwave scattering Water-Cloud Model eliminating the im-pact of the vegetation layer and isolating the contributions of vegetation scattering and absorption from the total backscat-tering coefficient, Which is the research on the estimation of surface soil moisture in vegetated areas in arid oasis.2 STUDY AREA AND DATA SOURCE 2.1 Status of study areaThe study area in this paper locates in the north of Tarim Basin, the lower reaches of Weigan and Kuqa Rivers, the mid-dle of Tianshan and the north of Taklamagan desert. The aver-age elevation is 920—1100m, which belongs to landwarm-temperate zone extreme arid climate. The average annual evaporation is 2420.23 mm, the average annual precipitation is 43.1mm, and the ratio of evaporation to precipitation is about 54 to 1. The image range of study area is that the coordinate of east longitude is from 82º15′ to 82º53′ and north latitude is from 41º15′ to 42º36′, which is confirmed according to the samples in field. Farm belt is dominant in study area, and the types of vegetation is not complex and is mainly composed of cotton (55%) and corn (15%) combining with other halophytes shrubs and salt secretion plants such as Tamarix, bulrush, Populus eupfratica and Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.2.2 Status of satellite dataRadarsat-2 satellite was successfully launched in December 14, 2007 at space launch base in Kazakhstan's Baikonur, it can provide 11 kinds of beam patterns, the highest resolution is 3m, the maximum imaging width is 500 km, and the maximum data rate is 445.4Mb/s, the range of incidence angle is 10°—60°. The C-Band can effectively extract soil moisture of 0—5cm soil layer. The primary parameters of RADARSAT-2 System are showed in Table 1.Table 1 Primary parameters of RADARSAT-2 systemCarrier frequency Polarization mode Bandwidth/MHz Antenna dimension/m 2Antenna quality/kgActive antenna Proposed isolation/dB C-Band (5.405GHz) HH, HV VH, VV11.6, 17.3, 30, 50, 10015×1.5750C-Band T/R>25The multi-polarization data of Radarsat-2 in September 10,2008 is chosen in this study, and the polarization is HH and HV. The homochronous visible data is Landsat-5 TM data which includes mid-infrared and near-infrared band for calculating NDMI. The image of study area is as follows:Fig. 1Polarization composite image of RADARSAT 2 HH/HVFig. 2 RGB composite image of Landsat5 TM 5432.3 Collection and analysis of samplesIn this study, Landsat-5 TM data obtained in Sep 27, 2007 is used as a reference map to choose the typical samples in the middle and the southwest of the oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers combining with GPS positioning technology. Sampling points are selected regularly distribution as much as possible and com-prehensive considering of the local soil, vegetation type and other factors. Sampling time is from sep 16, 2008 to sep 26, 2008 and there are 30 located sampling points in this study. Set 5 sampling points as Plum-shape in the range of 30m of each located points and profile mining each sample points and the profiles of each sample are 0—5cm. Borrow these soil samples and vegetation samples around of the soil sample dots back to laboratories, and dry them with the weighing method to obtain the soil avoirdupois moisture and vegetation water content.3 PREPROCESSINGImage data pre-processing mainly includes image registra-tion, geometric correction, noise reduction and color enhance-ment and so on. As it is need to find out the relationship be-tween normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) and vege-tation water content (VWC), the atmospheric correction of TM data is absolutely necessary. The level of SAR image data ob-tained is SLC, so it should do noise reduction, radiometric cali-bration and geometric correction. 3.1 Optical image processingIn order to keep the aboriginality, the image only did at-ZHOU Peng et al .: Retrieval methods of soil water content in vegetation covering areas based on multi-source remote sensing data 961mospheric correction and geometric correction neglecting otherpre-processing, which assure the objectivity of estimation. Be-cause of the impacts of atmosphere on visible-near-infrared and thermal infrared are different, it is necessary to separately carry out atmospheric correction using 6S model (Liu & Zhao, 2002). While geometric correction was performed to do multinomial correction of TM image using ground control points.3.2 Radar image processing 3.2.1 Radiometric calibrationAs the radiometric error caused by the difference of the dis-tance between ground scattering cell and radar, it is need to becorrected.Radiometric calibration equations is :20sin()nD Kσα= (1) where, D n 2 is the pixel intensity value, α is the radar incidence angle of the target location, K is the absolute calibration factor of the image. The values of K and α are obtained from the header files. SIGMA parameter correction is selected. Figure out the distance orientational incident angle of every pixels, then RADARSAT-2 satellite image data is changed to backscattering coefficient using the below calibration expres-sion:212()10log()/10log(sin())n D A A σθθ°=++ (2) where, D n is the gray-level value of radar image, A 1, A 2 are automatic gain control coefficient of radar system, θ is the dis-tance orientational incident angle of every pixels.3.2.2 Noise treatmentThe interrelated treatment in the processing of Radar-sat imaging causes a large number of spots (Speckle), which pro-duce an obstacle on feature extraction, so the noise treatment is used to eliminate the impact. After several rounds of test analy-sis, 5 × 5 enhanced Lee filter to the original SAR image has the best filtering effect, which can eliminate the most spots. 3.2.3 Geometric calibrationIn this thesis, the study area is flat, so cubic polynomial is selected as the correction method.4 RETRIEVAL OF SOIL MOISTURE CONTENTIN VEGETATED AREASThe vegetation water content (VWC) is extracted based on a choice of appropriate microwave scattering model. As it is definitely difficult to do large-scale area survey and extracting, which also definitely destroys vegetation, this paper uses Landsat-5 TM data to figure out normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) and find out the relationship between NDMI and VWC, then validates the vegetation water content. With that, multi-polarization satellite-based radar data together with mi-crowave scattering water-cloud model are employed eliminat-ing the impact of the vegetation layer on radar backscattering and finally retrieves the soil water content of study area.4.1 Choice of microwave scattering model of soil moisturecontent in vegetated areasIn the study on soil moisture of Microwave remote sensing,vegetated areas will interfere with soilbacks cattering signal. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a rational vegetation scat-tering model and remove the impact of the vegetation in soil moisture retrieval algorithm. A lot of foreign scholars havebeen studied on vegetation scattering model: a group of Michi-gan State University in USA, proposed “MIMICS” Model in 1990, MIMICS Model (Fung et al., 1992)was established fortall plants such as arbor, it took into account three levels ofvegetation canopy, tree trunks and the bottom surface ,whichmore realistically simulate the surface microwave backscat-tering. In 1978, Attma, Ulaby etc. using crops as the research object, proposed “Water-Cloud” model. “Water-Cloud” model assumes vegetation as homogeneous scatter and ignores themultiple scattering between vegetation layer and the surface. The overall backscattering of vegetation coverage area is sim-ply divided into two parts, namely, the direct reflection by the vegetation back scattering and the ground backscattering after the double attenuation of crop. Because there are mostly crops and other low vegetation in study area, “Water-Cloud” model is simple and practical. Be-sides, it uses very few parameters.The model is expressed as follows:0020can veg soil ()()()()σθσθγθσθ=+ (3)where, 0can()σθ is the total radar backscattering coefficient in vegetated areas, 0veg ()σθ is the direct backscattering coeffi-cient of vegetation layer, 0soil ()σθ is the direct backscatteringcoefficient of surface, γ2(θ) is the double attenuation factor of radar wave penetrating crops, where: 02veg veg ()cos()(1())A m σθθγθ=⋅⋅⋅− (4)22pp veg ()exp(2sec())Bm γθθ=− (5)In the expressions above, A and B are parameters depending on the type of vegetation which can be respectively obtained through regression arithmetic after the utilization of MIMICS model to simulate the surface parameters. m veg is vegetation water content (kg/m 3), θ is the angle of incidence of radar wave.4.2 Extracting of characteristic parameters and vegetationwater content estimationThe vegetation water content is defined as the water content of plants per unit and per area. As a significant input parameter of Water-Cloud model, VWC performs very crucial effect on the retrieval of soil moisture in vegetated areas (Liu et al., 2008). Now, the study of the regional retrieval of VWC using visible image has been already mature, and the relativity estab-lished between spectrum index and VWC is high(Jackson et al.,962Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报 2010, 14(5)2004; Rosnay et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008). So, this study uses visible remote sensing to retrieve and field survey data ofsamples to validate the VWC in study area. In view of the spec-trum characteristic of soil, vegetation and water between 0.8 to1.7μm, Landsat5 TM(sep 16,2008) homochronous with fieldsurvey date is chose which includes near- infrared band 4(0.76μm)and mid-infrared band 5(1.55μm). The spectrumbandwidths are respectively 25 nm and 20 nm. According to the characteristic of vegetation that it has higher reflectivity in near-infrared band and lower reflectivity in mid-infrared band because of the absorbing effect of leave’s water content, NDMI (Gao,1996; ZARCO-TEJADA et al., 2003)is applied to extractvegetation water content information. As the vegetation instudy area are most cotton and other low salt secretion plants,based on relevant research (Chen et al., 2005), the equation isshowed as expressions 6, while expressions 7 is established to gain VWC according to the relationship between vegetationwater content of field survey and NDMI. NDMI (NIR MIR)/(NIR MIR)=−+ (6) VWC 2.15NDMI 0.32=+ (7) There are rivers, lakes and reservoirs in study area whichdisturb the extracting of vegetation water content. So, the ef-fects of these water bodies must be removed in the process of the retrieval work. This paper uses MNDWI index (Xu, 2008)which is improved a little according as the regional circs toextract water body information, the equation is as follows:MNDWI (1+0.5)(GREEN-MIR)/(GREEN+MIR)= (8) After that, masking the original image and the water body effects are removed. Analysis and validation indicate that NDMI performs well in the retrieval of vegetation water con-tent.4.3 Calculating of backscattering in vegetated areasThe soil moisture estimation of initiative microwave remotesensing is mainly affected by vegetation coverage and surface roughness. The soil backscattering in vegetated area is com-posed of body scattering from vegetation, surface scattering from earth and the multiple scattering between vegetation layer and the surface. These factors are taken into account in the estimation of soil moisture content (Li et al., 2002). As the hypsography in study area is flat, and mostly is covered by low plants, vegetation is considered seriously while the effect of surface roughness is not taken into account when calculating the soil backscattering coefficient.In the study of soil moisture estimation in vegetated area, it is necessary to use “Water-Cloud” model to remove the contri-bution of vegetation in the backscattering. Parameters A and B are experience constants and they are changed by regional limit. A relatively mature method is applied to calibrate the parame-ters (Chen et al., 2007; Gao et al., 2008). Firstly, Water-Cloud and MIMICS model are used to simulate the backscattering coefficient of vegetated area then obtain the surface direct scat-tering and the variational relationship between surface scatter-ing and incident angle. Follow that, parameters of the dominate plants in study area is showed in Table 2. Based on the simu-lating results, calibrate the vegetation parameters A and B men-tioned in Water-Cloud model through non-linear least squares method.Table 2 Parameters input to MIMICS modelClass Parameters ValueFrequency /GHz 5.4Sensor Polarization mode HH/HVWater content 0.17 Root mean square height /cm 0.817 Land surface Correlative length /cm 7.528 Water content 0.39Radius /cm 2.6 Thickness /cm 0.04 LeavesHeight /m 0.9 Radius /cm 0.3 Length /cm 21Branch Density /m 38.6Climate Temperature /(°)22 After the analysis of regression, A is 0.0019 and B is 0.137. In term of Eq.(4) and Eq.(5), bare soil backscattering is ac-quired with Water-Cloud model removing the vegetation influ-ence, the expressions are as follows:02veg veg ()0.0019cos()(1())m σθθγθ=×××− (9)2veg ()exp(20.137sec())m γθθ=−× (10)00veg 0soil 2()()()()σθσθσθγθ−=(11)The total backscattering coefficient of surface can be calcu-lated from Eq. (2) and soil backscattering coefficient after eliminating vegetation effect is got from Eq.(11). In order to clear up the connection between HH and HV , there separately does a correlation analysis of backscattering coefficients of HH and HV before and after eliminating vegetation effect. Consid-ering that the change of soil moisture can not be reflected effec-tively from radar backscattering coefficient in some high vege-tated area, ambiguous dots are canceled in the analysis, results show:Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 indicate that: whatever before or after eliminating vegetation effect, correlation coefficients of HHFig. 3 Simulated curve between the backscattering coefficient of HHand HV polarization before eliminating vegetation effectZHOU Peng et al.: Retrieval methods of soil water content in vegetation covering areas based on multi-source remote sensing data 963Fig. 4 Simulated curve between the backscattering coefficient of HHand HV polarization after eliminating vegetation effectand HV polarization backscattering coefficients are all very lowwhich are respectively 0.2534 and 0.2884. Therefore, the nextwork is to discuss the soil water content retrieval of HH, HVpolarization.4.4 Analysis of sample dots dataIn order to analyze the effect factors of backscatteringcoefficient in vegetation coverage area, we got 30 sample dotsfrom field survey which include water content in the soil layerof 0—5cm and the coordinates of these samples. Backscatteringcoefficient and water content of soil of the samples are showedin Table 3. According to the data in Table 3, respectively ana-lyze the relationship between HH, HV polarization backscat-tering coefficient and water content of soil before and afterremoving vegetation influence and discuss the impact tobackscattering coefficient of vegetation.Table 3 Backscattering coefficient and water content of soilSamples HH polarization/dBHV polarization/dBWater content in 5cm%C 1 −13.2507 −17.7713 5.1470 C 2 −10.7600−19.8877 4.9754 C 3 −11.5946−18.4416 5.0036 C 4 −11.3997−17.61538.4150 C 5 −12.2587−18.45157.6217 C 6 −12.5959−15.775814.7993 C 7 −11.5938−17.819411.7455 C 8 −10.7801−17.229313.1799 C 9 −14.3954−19.3163 3.6656 C 10 −9.6117−21.013910.7864 C 11 −12.8598−19.3812 4.3598 C 12 −15.9316−17.5230 3.2380 C 13 −14.9207−18.9558 2.2208 C 14 −9.7728−16.767318.8682 C 15 −7.8132−16.776320.1818 C 16 −13.1535−17.999312.1819 C 17 −12.8540−19.6966 4.9591 C 18 −14.1582−16.0084 4.1625 C 19 −13.8883−19.6414 4.0697 C 20 −13.5933−20.4478 4.8147 C 21 −12.8223−22.6523 3.1433 C 22 −10.5719−29.8080 1.1135 C 23 −9.2110−22.3394 6.7921 C 24 −8.8493−22.076813.1973 C 25 −12.9640−22.8122 1.3152 C 26 −11.4630−18.05148.5359 C 27 −15.0914−14.8482 2.0410 C 28 −11.0910−20.98437.2859 C 29 −9.4889−19.748315.7987 C 30 −8.8780−19.678310.3772Obtain the corresponding backscattering coefficient of the 30 samples in the image according as their coordinates, the relationship between before and after removing vegetation in-fluence of HH, HV polarization backscattering coefficient dis-played in Fig. 5.Fig. 5 Graph of relationship between HH, HV polarizationbackscattering coefficient(a) HH polarization; (b) HV polarizationIt is showed in Fig. 5 that, HH, HV polarization backscat-tering coefficient are becoming attenuation when separating the scattering and absorbing of vegetation using water-cloud model. The change of HH polarization data is thin, the reason is that the cropland of these samples is over the irrigation time and the evaporation is high, which results in lower water content of leaves and rhizome. Thus, the impact to scattering and absorb-ing of vegetation is tiny. HV polarization data is influenced by the scattering of plant canopy and branch. The study area is mostly covered by low crops and shrub. It is supposed that the vegetation is a orbicular scattering body covered with the earth’s surface and ignoring its size, figure and the distributing character of the orientation, which results in a tiny change after removing the influence of vegetation.The influencing analysis of vegetation on backscattering co-efficient 0soil()σθof bare soil:The backscattering coefficient of vegetation 0veg()σθ is acquired from Water-Cloud model, then the contribution of vegetation’s scattering and absorbing can be separated from the total backscattering of radar, and then the backscattering coeffi-cient 0soil()σθ of bare soil is obtained. The relationship be-tween HH, HV polarization backscattering coefficient and soil water content before and after eliminating vegetation effect are respectively showed in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.964Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报 2010, 14(5)Fig. 6 Scatter plot of HH, HV polarization backscattering coefficient and soil water content before eliminating vegetation effect(a) HH polarization; (b) HV polarizationFig. 7 Scatter plot of HH, HV polarization backscattering coefficient and soil water content after eliminating vegetation effect(a) HH polarization; (b) HV polarizationFig. 6 and Fig. 7 illustrate the correlation coefficient of HH, HV polarization backscattering coefficient and soil water con-tent before eliminating vegetation effect are respectively 0.3769 and 0.1919,while them rise to 0.5227 and 0.3277 with the use of Water-Cloud Model after eliminating vegetation effect. Therefore, the relativity of soil backscattering coefficient and soil water content is increasing while eliminating the influence of vegetation. Research indicated HH polarization is muchmore sensitive to soil water content (Bao et al., 2006), data in this paper validate that HH polarization combining with Wa-ter-Cloud Model performs well in the separation of vegetation’s scattering and absorbing from the total backscattering of soil. Based on the above conclusion, establishing the connection model of soil water content and HH polarization backscattering coefficient, the regress equation is as follows:Water5=112.91e 0.1906δ (R 2=0.5227,n =30) (12)Use the Eq. (12) to retrieve the samples’ soil water content,results is as Fig. 8.Fig. 8 Soil water content mapField survey shows some of the river ways inside of the oa-sis are dry. The top left corner of the image is oasis-desertecotone, where the soil water content is less than 8%, as the vegetation cover area is out of the irrigating time, the soil water content are mostly between 7% and 15%, and only the soil water content of a hand of marsh are a little higher. The results of field survey are consistent with the detection of the soil moisture.5 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSIONIn this paper, a case study is the Delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers in the Xinjiang where provided with predominance of terrain characteristic. Expert the advantages of initiative microwave remote sensing Radarsat-2 data and visible remotesensing TM data to extract water content. Firstly, using TM datato extract water content of plant, then combining with Wa-ter-Cloud Model to eliminate the impact of vegetation to back-scattering of soil, finally, simulating the relationship between backscattering coefficient and soil water content and validating and analysis the results, conclusions show:(1) Comparing with soil water content data and backscat-tering coefficient of SAR image, visible data combing with radar data performs well to extract the information of vegeta-tion and soil water content, and HH polarization backscattering coefficient is much closer to the change of soil water content. (2) Years’ difference has influence on character of vegetation. Although the year and the month of the soil water content data from field survey are contemporaneous with the image, the days are not, Which are likely to lead to differences of waterZHOU Peng et al.: Retrieval methods of soil water content in vegetation covering areas based on multi-source remote sensing data 965ingredient, leaves and rhizome water content and soil water content and them will disturb the extracting of plant water con-tent. The continuing study can try to relatively transform the spectrum data and construct some index to eliminate the effect of exoteric factors.(3) The hypsography in study area is flatness, and mostly covered by low plants, accordingly, the effect of surface roughness is not taken into account when calculating the soil water content. While in practical application the impact of sur-face roughness to radar echo is not neglected, which is a prob-lem in this research. The continuing work is to add the analysis of the influence of surface roughness.Presently, it has been a big progress of retrieving soil water content using microwave remote sensing, but it is also difficult to establish a universal arithmetic to retrieve soil moisture, which is mainly induced by the complexity of factors effecting microwave backscattering coefficient such as surface roughness and vegetation coverage and the uncertainty of the relationship between these factors. So how to eliminate these effects is the emphases of the continuing work and in latter research multi–source data should be comprehensively utilized and combining with kinds of retrieval model to found a regional initiative microwave remote sensing soil water content retrieval arithmetic in order to improve the precision of soil moisture inversion.REFERENCESBaghdadi N, King C and Clumsy A. 2002. An empirical calibration of the integral equation model based. 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二、研究区域与方法2.1 研究区域本研究选取我国北方典型草原区作为研究区域,该区域植被类型丰富,生态环境脆弱,对土壤水分的变化较为敏感。

2.2 研究方法本研究采用遥感技术手段,结合地面实测数据,对典型草原不同植被条件下的土壤水分进行反演研究。





三、不同植被条件下的土壤水分反演结果3.1 草地类型对土壤水分的影响研究发现在草地类型对土壤水分的影响显著。




3.2 季节变化对土壤水分的影响季节变化对土壤水分的影响也不可忽视。










具体包括以下步骤:1. 数据收集:收集典型草原区域的遥感数据、气象数据、植被数据等。

2. 数据处理:对遥感数据进行预处理,包括辐射定标、大气校正、图像融合等。

3. 植被分类:利用遥感数据对典型草原进行植被分类,划分出不同植被类型区域。

4. 土壤水分反演:采用遥感反演模型,对不同植被类型区域的土壤水分进行反演。

5. 结果分析:对反演结果进行统计分析,探究土壤水分的分布特征和变化规律。

三、不同植被条件下土壤水分的分布特征1. 草地土壤水分分布草地是典型草原的主要植被类型之一,其土壤水分分布受到气候、地形、植被等多种因素的影响。




2. 灌木林土壤水分分布灌木林是典型草原的另一种重要植被类型,其土壤水分的分布与草地有所不同。



3. 其他植被类型土壤水分分布除了草地和灌木林之外,典型草原还存在着其他植被类型,如荒漠、湖泊等。













三、结果与分析1. 土壤水分与遥感数据的关系模型通过分析遥感数据与地面实测的土壤水分数据,我们发现土壤水分与遥感数据中的植被指数、地表温度等指标存在一定的关系。



2. 不同植被条件下的土壤水分变化规律在典型草原区,不同植被条件下的土壤水分存在明显的差异。



3. 遥感反演结果分析利用建立的模型对研究区域的土壤水分进行反演,得到的结果与地面实测数据具有较好的一致性。





多源遥感数据反演土壤水分方法张友静1,王军战2,鲍艳松3(1 河海大学水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210098;2 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,甘肃兰州 730000;3 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院,江苏南京 210044摘要:基于A S AR A PP 影像数据和光学影像数据,根据水云模型研究了小麦覆盖下地表土壤含水量的反演方法。

利用TM 和M OD IS 影像构建的植被生物、物理参数与实测小麦含水量进行回归分析,发现T M 影像提取的归一化水分指数(N D W I反演精度较好,相关系数达到0 87。



反演土壤含水量和准同步实测数据的相关系数为0 9,均方根误差为3 83%。


关键词:土壤含水量;多源遥感数据;水云模型;A S AR;多尺度中图分类号:P338 9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001 6791(201002 0222 07收稿日期:2009 03 09基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(40701130;40830639作者简介:张友静(1955-,男,江苏南京人,教授,主要从事遥感机理与方法研究。

E m a i:l zhangy @j hhu edu cn 土壤含水量是地表和大气界面的重要状态参数,并直接影响地表的热量和水量平衡,因而受到水文、气象和农业灌溉等多个学科的关注。

微波土壤水分遥感研究始于20世纪80年代,其中最具代表性的是U laby 利用试验数据得出土壤后向散射系数的主导因素为粗糙度和含水量[1]。

80年代后,Dobson 和U laby 利用车载、高塔、航空平台的微波数据研究了土壤湿度反演的最佳工作模式,并一致认为小角度入射后向散射系数对土壤湿度最敏感[2]。






















(二)方法与技术路线1. 数据收集:收集遥感数据(包括Landsat、Sentinel-2等卫星数据)、气象数据以及地面实测数据。

2. 遥感图像处理:对遥感数据进行预处理,包括辐射定标、大气校正等,以提高数据的信噪比。

3. 植被指数计算:根据预处理后的遥感数据,计算归一化植被指数(NDVI)等植被指数。

4. 土壤水分反演:利用统计模型、机器学习等方法,建立植被指数与土壤水分之间的关系模型,进行土壤水分的反演。

5. 结果分析:对反演结果进行统计分析、空间分析等,探讨不同植被条件下土壤水分的分布特征及变化规律。








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其中C为生化组分含量,N为入选的波段数,α0、αi分 别为回归常数和第i个回归系数,D(λi)为入选的波段光 谱值。
• 确定了植被水分的敏感光谱后,在统计分析的基础上,前人提出了很多不 同的指数和方法来诊断植物的含水量。这些统计模型可以大致分为以下 三类:
• 1:建立光谱指数 • 2:基于光谱导数变量建立模型 • 3包络线消除法
植被含水量光谱反演原理及 水分的敏感光谱波段
• 1 植被含水量光谱反演原理
• 2 水分的敏感光谱波段
• 每一种物质对不同波长的电磁波的吸收和反射都不同,物质的这 种对不同波段光谱的响应特性叫光谱特性。植被光谱诊断便是基 于植被的光谱特性来进行的。
• 植被反射波谱中某些波长的光谱反射和吸收差异是由植被中化学 组分分子结构的化学键在一定辐射水平的照射下发生振动引起的, 从而产生了不同的光谱反射率,且该波长处光谱反射率的变化对 该化学组分的含量多少非常敏感(故称敏感光谱) 。植被含水量 光谱诊断的实现便是以植被水分敏感光谱的反射率与水含量的相 关关系为基础的。
• 研究表明,FMC、RWC和EWT是表征含水量的三个不相关量,是定量提取含水量 的不同方法。
• 研究发现在用遥感数据反演含水量时,短波红外波段与EWT相关性较好,而与 FMC相关性较差,并且表明用EWT来表征含水量要优于用FMC表示,因为FMC要受 叶子中的干物质影响。
• 在研究EWT和FMC的关系时发现,对于桉树叶,其近红外波段反射光谱与FMC有 很好的相关性,而短波红外波段的反射光谱与EWT高度相关。
• 建立的光谱指数一般是两个波段或多个波段的组合,如简单的加减组合、比值或者 是归一化比值,这是根据植被波谱的物理特性和半经验方法提出的。
• 例如Penuelas等发现用水分指数WI(WI=R970/R900)能清楚地指示水分状况的变化.
• Penuelas和Inoue在随后的研究中还表明WI(WI=R900/R970)与NDVI(NDVI=(R900R680)/(R900+R680))的比值WI/NDVI不仅可以用来预测叶片的水分含量,还可以用来 预测植株或冠层的含水量,且显著提高了预测的精度.
• RWC =(FW-DW)/(TW –DW)×100 %
• EWT =(FW-DW)/A
g/ cm^2
• 植物鲜重用FW表示;植物干重用DW表示;植物饱和鲜重用TW表示; 单位都是g
• 叶面积用A表示 单位是cm^2
• 把植物鲜重在80℃下烘干24小时以上直到恒重,就得到植物的干重
• 把新鲜植物水合至饱和就得到了植物饱和鲜重
• 叶片生化组分对应特定光谱的吸收特征,利用多元回归可以确定化学组分 和光谱数据相关程度高的波段和波段组合,从而反演出化学组分含量。在 进行回归分析的过程中,采用逐步回归的方法,通过F检验,使对因变量贡 献大的因子随时可以进入方程,贡献小的因子又可以随时剔除,从而建立 最优回归方程。
• 常用含水量表示方法有三种:
• 叶片含水量FMC( Fuel Moisture Content )
• 相 对 含 水 量RWC( Relative Water Content )
• 等效水深EWT ( Equivalent Water Thickness)
• FMC =(FW-DW)/(FW or DW) ×100 %
对于MODIS数据而言,1230~1250nm比较适合用于预测含水量。 Penuelas等指出近红外858nm波段是反演水含量的一个好的选择,因为相 对于更长的近红外和短波红外波段,此波段对水含量的变化不敏感,故很 适合用它来进行归一化处理。
Chen等在用Landsat数据反演含水量时发现短波红外位于 1550~1750nm波段较佳,并且发现1640nm、2130nm波段处对水分的吸收很 敏感。
近年来随着成像光谱技术的兴起,如何利用遥感数据监测植被化 学特性,已成为全球变化研究中重要的议题。
水分是控制植物光合作用、呼吸作用和生物量的主要因素之一, 水分亏缺会直接影响植物的生理生化过程和形态结构,从而影响植物 生长和产量与品质,因此植物的水分在农林业的应用中是一个重要的 参数,研究植物水分状况具有重要的意义。利用成像光谱遥感估测植 物水含量有很大的潜力,它可以实时快速准确地监测或诊断出植物水 分状况,从而可有效及时指导精确植物灌溉,有效评价自然干旱情况, 及时预测森林火灾。
大量的研究表明植被水分对热红外波段 (6. 0~15. 0μm)、 近红外(700~1300nm)和短波红外(1300~3000nm)波段比较敏感。
自1963年提出以冠层温度指示植被水分亏缺以来,冠层温度法 成为诊断作物水分状况的一个重要手段。
30多年来,有关科学家相继提出了参考温度法、胁迫积温法、 作物缺水指标法以及水分亏指数法等,并在田间以及区域尺度上 展开了大量的应用研究。
但利用热红外波段反演植被水分仍受到环境状况的强烈影响, 还不足以说明作物水分状况在时间和空间上随环境的巨大变化而 变化,并且热红外波段更适合于指示植被的蒸腾作用所以对植被 含水量的反演更多的焦点聚集于近红外-短波红外波段。
为了明确水分的敏感光谱波段,早在1951年, Curcio就指出820nm、 970nm、1200nm、1450nm和1940nm处是水分的强吸收波段,可以用来诊断 植物的含水量。
在1971年, Thomas就用完全饱和的叶片在室温下逐渐干燥的方法 来获取不同含水量下的反射光谱,并研究了叶片含水量与光谱反射率之间 的关系,结果表明叶片的光谱反射率随叶片含水量的下降而增加,1450nm 和1930nm波Leabharlann 的反射率与叶片的相对含水量显著相关。
Sims等经过研究指出950~970nm ,1150~1260nm和1520~1540nm 波段和冠层水分相关性很好,尤其在960nm和1180nm处没有大气的干涉,是 监测冠层含水量的较佳选择。