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Host:Could someone back there please turnoff the Presidents mic? I think the Presidents mic is hot, please turn it off. Thank you. Thank you.



Obama:Great. I gotta get warmed up. I...Imso in love...God! I totally had that. Seriously guys, what am Idoing here?

太棒了,我来个热身。我……我太爱你……(一月份演讲时他唱过Al Green这首歌)天哪!我真是擅长唱歌!说端庄的各位,我来这是干甚么的?

Im the President of the United States, and Im openning for Jimmy Kimmel? I have the nuclearcodes, why am I telling "knock knock" jokes to Kim Kardashian? Why is she famous anyway?



Thats it. Next year we send Biden.Now youre right. Its way too risky.

我受够了。明年让拜登替我来好了。你说得对,这么干太危险。(拜登可是口误帝)Wow, look at my hair. It really went gray. Do you think anybody would notice if I just went a little darker? Right now like a five on the "Just For Men" scale. I think I would go to 6 and nobody would notice.

哇,看我的头发。一片灰白啊!你说我若是染黑一点会有人发现不?按照“Just For Men”(有名染发产品)的标准,我目前只剩5分黑了。我感受我若是染成6分黑也该当不会有人注意吧。

Is the teleprompter working? Are you kidding? What do you expect me to do out there? I literally have no idea what Im saying tonight.


Man! I could really use a cigarette right now.


Okay, okay, Im going. God forbid wekeep Chuck Todd and the cast of Glee waiting.


Host:Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President of the United States.


Obama:Thank you! Good evening everybody.Good evening! I could not be more thrilled to be here tonight atthe White House Correspondents Dinner. That is great crowd. They are already laughing. Its terrific.


Chuck Todd -- love you, brother. I’m delighted to see some of the cast members of Glee are here. And Jimmy Kimmel, it’s an honor, man. What’s so funny?


My fellow Americans, we gather duringa historic anniversary. Last year atthis time -- in fact, on this very weekend -- we finally delivered justice to one of the world’s most notorious individuals.


Now, this year, we gather in the midst of a heated election season. And Axelrod tells me I should never miss a chance to re introduce myself to the American people.So tonight, this is how I’d like to begin: My name is Barack Obama.My mother was born in Kansas. My father was born in Kenya. And Iwas born, of course, in Hawaii.


In 2009, I took office in the face of some enormous challenges. Now,some have said I blame too many problems on my predecessor, but let’s not forget that’s a practice that was initiated by George W.Bush. Since then, Congress and I have certainly had our differences; yet, I’ve tried to be civil, to not take any cheap shots. And that’s why I want to especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. Let’s give them a big round of applause.

2009年我就任总统时面对浩繁艰巨挑战。目前许多人说我把太多问题归咎于前任身上,但大家别忘了,这样的做法是小布什创始的。(这句自己就是推给前任)从那时起,国会跟我就矛盾不时,但我尽管连结风度,从不阴损吐槽。所以我本日要迥殊谢谢那些从无所事事的百忙傍边抽空加入的国会议员。(这就是cheap shot阴损吐槽啊)大家把热烈的掌声献给他们吧。

Despite many obstacles

, much has changedduring my time in office. Four years ago, I was locked in a brutalprimary battle with Hillary Clinton. Four y ears later, she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartagena. 尽管险阻重重,但自我上任以来,许多事都有所窜改,四年前,我跟希拉里在初选中斗
