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• Panjin rice is famous for its exquisitely carved • (玲珑剔透的) appearance ,viscous and soft taste,and rich nutrition .
Panjin crabs
• Panjin crabs are popular all over the country.Panjin crabs are characterized by fresh meat,unique flavor and rich nutrition.The best time to eat crabs is around the Mid Autumn Festival.The crabs are so big and delicious!
Panjin Rice
Panjin rice
• Panjin is a important rice production base of our country.It's called the national vital granary(谷仓) as the biggest main production area of grains and exportable grain production base.
• Panjin sits on the open field between the Liaodong Peninsula(半岛) and western Liaoning Province. The Shuangtaizi River, which diverts from the Liao River upstream from the city, runs through the city and flows into the Liaodong Bay (湾). The Liao River serves as the border between Panjin and the city of Yingkou. The two other cities that borders Panjin are Jinzhou and Anshan.
red-crowned cranes
Saunder's gull
mineral resources
mineral resources
• Panjin is rich in oil, gas, well salt(井盐), coal, sulfur(硫磺)and other minerals. • As one of the largest oilfields in China, Liaohe Oilfield has developed and constructed 32 oil and gas fields. At the end of 2000, the Liaohe Oilfield has accumulated 2.1 billion tons of oil and 78.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
• Panjin is a prefecture-level(地市级) city and a major oil-producing city in Liaoning Province. It has four immediate sub-municipal divisions. There are 2 counties and 2 districts. There are over 1.3 million people living in the Panjin area.It has four distinct seasons, an annual average temperature of 8.6℃ and receives over 2700 hours of sunshine a year.
Red Beach
Red Beach
It lies in the southwest of Panjin City and is about 30 kilometers from the urban area. The reeds(芦苇 (芦苇)and marsh(湿地 (湿地)here are the habitat of 236 kinds of birds. The most famous is the red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) (丹顶鹤) and Saunder's gull(黑嘴鸥). Observing the cranes, (黑嘴鸥) gulls and other rare birds in the reeds sea is a tourism activity which is full of strong natural attraction. From midsummer to November, the suaeda grass(碱蓬草 which is 26 km long and 1 km wide near 碱蓬草) 碱蓬草 the mouth of Shuangtaizi River is fiery red and very spectacular(壮观的 hence(因此) it is called "Red 壮观的), 壮观的 (因此) Beach".