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3)enable the students to speak and write in English language with greater efficiency; 4) foster the students’ ability of analyzing language phenomena of a variety of forms, conducting tentative explorations into language phenomena from perspectives of English Rhetoric and Stylistics;

5) In addition, this course also lays an emphasis on the students’ ethics and character education which is essential to understanding not only the nature of language but the nature of human existence.

In short, this is a course of combination of theory studying and application, and character building.

Teaching methods:
1) Teacher’s lectures, 2) Students’ in-depth discussion 3) Students’ presentation

杨鸿儒,当代中国修辞学,中国世界语出版社,1997. 王德春,现代修辞学,上海外语教育出版社,2001 . 范家材:《英语修辞赏析》,上海交通大学出版社,1992. 冯翠华:《英语修辞大全》(A Handbook of English Rhetorical Devices),外语教学与研究出版社,1995. 郭秀梅:《实用英语修辞学》(Rhetoric for Chinese Students: A Practical Approach),江苏人民出版社, 1984。 黄 任:《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,1996. ——:《英语修辞学概论》,上海外语教育出版社,1999. 黄衡田:《英语易混修辞格》,湖南大学出版社,2001.

2. Textbooks:

1) 张秀国:《英语修辞学》(English Rhetoric),清华大学出版社,2005。
2) 徐有志:英语文体学教程 (English Stylistics),高等教育出版社,2005。 (you may borrow the second one.)

3. Reference books:
English Rhetoric
Instructor: Prof. Gao Wencheng Office: Administration Bld. #521 Email: wcgao@
1.Course Objectives
This course intends to: 1) enhance the students’ understanding of the nature of English language, comprehension and appreciation of English texts;
4. Major Assignments of the semester 1. Borrow any of the above books (except the textbook 1), and write a summary of the major contents of the book (around 800 words) and what you have learned in this book (Deadline: Sunday of the 8th week). (A Reading Report) 15%

黄伟新 & Livesey, Paul:《英语文体与修辞概论》 (Introduction to English Stylistics and Rhetoric for Chinese Learners),北京警官教育出版社,1998. 李国南:《辞格与词汇》,上海外语教育出版社,2001. 李诗平、蒋坚松:《英语修辞手册》,湖南人民出版社, 1998. 李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社, 2000. 覃海洋:《英语修辞学教程》(A Textbook of Figure of Speech),浙江大学出版社,1998. 王玉龙:英语修辞与写作,青岛出版社,1996. 王守元:《英语文体学要略》,山东大学出版社,2000. 文军:《英语修辞格词典》,重庆大学出版社,1992.
2) familiarize the students with the causes, the role of rhetoric, as well as the major concepts, theories in English Rhetoric and stylistics, figures of speech included;

赵政清:《英语修辞学原理》( General English Rhetoric),西南交通大学出版社,1996. AristRoberts; Poetics, Tran. Ingram Bywater, New York, The Modern Library, Random House, 1954. Leech, Geoffrey N. 《英诗学习指南:语言学的分析方 法》(A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry), 外语教学与研究出版社,2001. Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking, (公共 演说的艺术), Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995. Warner, Alan. A Short Guide to English Style. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.