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《到灯塔去》描写一次大战后拉姆齐教授一家和几个亲密朋友在苏格兰某岛屿上度假的一段生活。作者企图在这部情节非常简单的小说中探讨人生的意义和自我的本质,指出自我有可能逃脱流逝不息的时间的魔掌并不顾死亡的威胁而长存不朽。灯塔塔尖的闪光即象征拉姆齐之人的灵魂之光。本书的意识流写作手法十分值得注意,如视角转换,两种时间,象征手法,音乐结构,借鉴绘画等。到灯塔去读后感,来自卓越网的网友:这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。《到灯塔去》的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。而坐在岸边画画的莉丽布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术―生命’主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。” 到灯塔去读后感,:在这本书的前言里,编者写到,读过伍尔芙的小说,再看任何文学作品都会像面对白纸一样感到枯燥和乏味。于是细细读下来,没有觉得多么深奥和抽象,日常的生活琐事以及与其一起发生的心理过程被用精妙的语言描绘出来,如果这就是意识流小说,很高兴它并不是什么高不可攀、难以理解的东西。而对于伍尔芙,我想说的就是——没有人比她更女人。英:To the lighthouse "content :a brief introduction to the lighthouse is a war ramzy after the family and few close friends in a scottish islands for a long life. the author tried to in this story is very simple in the novel discuss the meaning of life and nature, pointed out to be passed on f rom time to hand it does not matter to death threats from the earth. the lighthouse flashes of which is the symbol of ramzy the souls of the light. this book write Wri te a note, such as the perspective of transformation, two hours, symbols, using mu sic, painting, etc. To the lighthouse from the friends, distinguished :it is the autho r dedicating novel. to the lighthouse, the centre of clues ramzy the family and few visitors in the first world war and fragment of life experiences ramsay's youngest s on james want to go to the lighthouse, but owing to bad weather and unsatisfied. when war broke out, ramsey a preferred. after the war, with a pair of "three-good" and take a boat out to sea, at last The lighthouse. and sit in the occupied neverth eless ramzy arrive in a lighthouse, in momentary feeling, the central committee dro pped a pen and mapped out for his vision and something beyond themselves and become a real artist. there is no 起伏跌宕the content of the three parts, in turn fo r the time passes the lighthouse. The main characters later, its practical activities i
s limited to the novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the autho r to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, the mai n line Novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the author to achie ve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, its main activities is mainly for people, but the characters in a reasonably active ideological activities, the author himself a prototype of the people and the structure of the novel for the potential for a clue to be lisa and complex level, the characters in the world, and outside it ;ramsey a experience is the first level, "lisa by the art of life '. the se cond level is the story of the novel is out in a novel." To the lighthouse , strike at the net from :in the preface of book, the editor wrote, read novels, more any lit erature will like the white paper was as dull and tedious to read carefully. therefore, not to have a profound and abstract, the daily life and a there is psychological pr ocess of linguistic life, if this is novel, it is not high, it is difficult to understand.