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1. There are scientific satellites in __________ that measure wave heights, but too few to give reliable worldwide


A. mark

B. orbit

C. store

D. line

2. The first-year courses provide short introductions to these areas, while the second-year courses __________ the

areas in greater depth.

A. classify

B. investigate

C. clear

D. examine

3. Their marriage was in danger of breaking up last year but it seems quite ______ now.

A. favourable

B. critical

C. profitable

D. stable

4. Linda didn’t like the work because it lacked __________; she was doing the same thing all the time.

A. viety

B. various

C. variety

D. variation

5. She wanted to ask him all about his private life, but wisely __________ herself.

A. rescued

B. hold

C. restrained

D. curb

6. After he was attacked, he managed to __________ to the phone and call for help.

A. pound

B. stabber

C. turn

D. stagger

7. The issue was whether or not the bacteria (细菌) in his body would __________ the local ecosystem.

A. break

B. balance

C. contaminate

D. contain

8. Why don’t you do something about your room, it’s really a ______.

A. hump

B. dump

C. bump

D. lump

9. You will find how to help your child to develop good habits and how to ______ with the bad ones that can cause so much embarrassment and distress.

A. deal

B. agree

C. calculate

D. endeavor

10. We’ve worked out a method by which our production can be raised on a large ______.

A. quantity

B. scale

C. quality

D. proportion

11. It is a universal ______ that man is different from all the other animals because man can communicate with

each other by means of language.

A. admission

B. permission

C. acknowledgement

D. advancement

12. Due to the limited seating _____ of the hall, merely about 700 journalists were present for the press


A. capacity

B. capability

C. possibility

D. probability

13. The police are trying to find out the ______ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.

A. evidence

B. recognition

B. status D. identity

14. One cause of the current food crisis is ______ and food prices are high in part because of the dry weather in

these places.

A. flood

B. cough

C. rough

D. drought

15. The news slowly __________ through to everyone in the office; finally everybody felt worried about the

uncertainty of the future.

A. melted

B. froze

C. filtered

D. flowed

16. We do remember your initial objections, but unfortunately you didn’t place them ______.

A. in register

B. to document

C. in between

D. on record

17. The cost may be lower than we first thought, but ______ it will still be quite substantial.

A. in no case

B. in any case

C. in case of

D. in case

18. Sometimes you can _______ valuable antiques by chance –for example when you’re clearing out an old


A. come by

B. come in

C. come out

D. come down

19. Obviously you came here intending to _______ the United States and you will need a work visa.

A. rest with

B. resort to

C. render into

D. reside in

20. When he applied for a ______ in the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager.

A. position

B. location

C. profession

D. career


Passage 1

As evidence that the Earth’s atmosphere is warming continues to accumulate, scientists are making slow progress toward an answer to the big question raised by the evidence: How much of the warming is due to human activity and how much to natural causes?

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group of scientists widely considered the most authoritative voice on the subject, has already concluded that there is a “discernible human influence” on the global climate. Now the panel is deep into another of its periodic full-scale scientific assessments of global climate change.

Some experts on the problem say the human imprint on climate is becoming clearer, and may even have been the dominant factor in the global warming of recent decades. Not everyone agrees and virtually all experts say that in any case, a reliable estimate of the human imprint’s magnitude still remains some distance off.

A number of influences, both natural and man-made, cause the planet’s temperature to vary. The natural ones include changes in solar radiation, and sulfate droplets called aerosols cast aloft by erupting volcanoes, which cools the atmosphere by reflecting sunlight.

The human influence stems mostly from emissions of waste industrial gases like carbon dioxide, which trap heat in the atmosphere, and sulfate aerosols from industrial smokestacks.

Human factors appeared to be playing a part, but no judgment has been made on whether that part was big, small or in between.

One recent piece of evidence suggesting a strong human influence, which seems likely to carry some weight with the intergovernmental panel, appeared recently in the journal Nature. Scientists analyzed the global climate record of the last century in an effort to isolate and quantify the major factors producing the century’s rise of about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the Earth’s average surface temperature.
