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[摘要] 种植支持式固定修复体的固位方式主要分为粘接固位与螺丝固位,学者们对于二者的选择一直存有争议,本文从这个问题出发,就其各自在种植修复体加工难易度及成本、修复体被动就位、取戴便利性、咬合负载应力、修复体固位力、美观效果、对周围组织健康的影响、种植体及修复体成功率八个方面,对最新研究进展做一综述,以期为临床应用提供参考。
[关键词] 粘接固位;螺丝固位;种植支持式;固定修复
[中图分类号] R783.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)07(c)-0086-04
Research progress on two ways of retention for implant-supported fixed prosthesis
Department of Stomatology, the General Hospital of Chinese Armed Police Force, Beijing 100039, China
[Abstract] There are two ways of retention for implant-supported fixed prosthesis, including cemented and screwed retained prosthesis. It's a controversial issue that which way is better among scholars. This article discusses the research progress on two ways of retention for implant-supported fixed restoration from eight aspects, including processing difficulty and cost of implant prosthesis,passive fit, retrievability, occlusal load, retention of prosthesis, esthetics, effects on the surrounding tissues, success rate of implant and prostheses, in order to provide a reference for clinical application.
[Key words] Cemented retainde; Screwed retained; Implant supported; Fixed prosthesis
1 修复体加工难易度及成本
2 修复体被动就位
3 修复体取戴便利性
4 修复体咬合负载应力
5 修复体固位力
冠和基台通常位于龈下2~3 mm,为确保固位力,基台高度至少为5 mm[27]。
所以当牙弓间距离受限,如小于4 mm时,建议用螺丝固位。
6 修复体美观效果
7 对种植体周围组织健康的影响
8 种植体及修复体成功率
9 小结
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(收稿日期:2016-04-21 本文编辑:程铭)。