
Food related English vocabulary
Food classification vocabulary
A rope editable fruit, typically containing seeds Fruit is often sweet and juicy
Course objectives and learning methods
• Course objectives: The main objective of Food Professional English courses is to provide learners with the language skills and knowledge required for effective communication in the food and coverage industry Learners will be able to understand and use specialized vocabulary, understand industry specific concepts and practices, and be able to participate in discussions and collaborate with colleagues in the industry
• Learning methods: To achieve these objectives, Food Professional English courses often use a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods These may include classroom instruction, case studies, simulations, group discussions, and online learning resources Learners are also resourced to engage in real world projects and internships to gain practical experience in the field
食品专业英语课件lesson 11

Lesson 11 Nutrition一、WORDS1)Word`s rootmicro- very small,微小的microsoftmicrobe =microorganism 微生物,细菌micronutrient 微量营养素macro- being large, thick,大的macronutrient 常量营养素macrobiotic 可长期保存的(生命的,生物的)macroclimate 大气候-ium 表示化学元素的拉丁名字.Sodium Na Calsium CaPotassium K Aluminium Almal- badly, abnormally, inadequatelymalnutrition 营养失调malabsorption 吸收不良malnourished 营养不足2). New words in TEXTinterdependent 相互依赖dependent 依赖independent 独立interchangeable 可交换的keeping quality 耐藏性get along 过活二、TextLife are nourished by food, and the substances in food (on which life depends) are the nutrients.❑nourish v.滋养,营养❑nourishment n.营养人的生命是由食物提供营养的,而生命依赖的是食物中的营养素。
These provide the energy and building materials for the countless substances (that are essential to the growth and survival of living things).这些营养素能够为人类的生长和生存所必需的大量物质提供能量和原材料。

Bacterial foodborne diseases 细菌性肠道 传染病 Bacterial intestinal infectious diseases
细菌性 食物中 bacterial food poisoning 毒
我们每天都可能吃“地 沟油”
A close mouth catches no flies 少在外面吃火锅、麻辣烫、 串串香、烧烤、米线、 水煮鱼、油条,或者不吃
"Dirty" disposable tableware hazards such as drugs 黑心一次 性餐具 危害如吸毒
添加了工业级碳酸钙、滑石粉以及石 蜡的一次性餐盒,在使用时这些有害成分 会随酸、油等析出,进入人体。可引发消 化不良、肝损伤等疾病,会严重影响儿童 的智力发育,甚至会导致胆结石、肾结石 重金属中毒乃至癌变。 胆结石 Gallstones 肾结石 kidney stone

Food Professional English is essential for food professionals to expand their knowledge, improve their skills, and enhance their competitiveness in the global market It is also critical for promoting international cooperation and exchange in the food industry
Enhancing vocabulary
Reading news articles can help students expand their vocabulary and learn new words and phrases that are specific to the field of food
Understand professional vocabulary related to food storage, including refrigeration, freezing, drying, etc.
Detailed description
Food storage is the key to keeping food fresh and safe, so it is necessary to master relevant professional vocabulary. For example, "refrigerator" represents refrigeration, "freeze" represents freezing, and "dry" represents drying. In addition, it is necessary to understand the applicable scope and precautions of different storage methods.

重组DNA技术在食品和食品配料的生产应用的20年的时间 里,已经从基础研究的水平发展成商业化的地步。
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 1 WHO Strategy on Food Safety
From the very beginning, development and use of genetic engineering have been accompanied by strict regulations. These regulatory requirements cover the contained use of genetically modified organisms (GMO), their deliberate release into the environment as well as the placing on the market of products containing or consisting of GMO.
B. Most developing countries are willing to be responsible for the consequence of using the new technology.
C. Most developed countries are not willing to be responsible for the consequence of using the new technology.
到目前为止,还没有关于由人们消费转基因食品所产生的 译文 负面影响的报道。然而,转基因食品的本质(伦理问题)
Par Strategy on Food Safety

Lesson 3 Lipids
17. cholesterol [kɔ`lestərɔl] .n.胆固醇 18. shortening ['ʃɔ:tniŋ] .n.酥油/雪白奶油 19. Emulsify [ɪ`mʌlsɪfʌɪ] (使)乳化 20.Dressing (尤指油、醋、香料等调味品混合在一起的色拉酱)
Lesson 3 Lipids
9. Hydrocarbon [˛haɪdrə`kɑ:bən] .n. 碳氢化合物,烃 10. Glyceride [`ɡlisə˛raid] .n. 甘油酯,脂肪酸丙酯 11. lauric acid [`lɔ:rɪk, `lɔr-] .n. 月桂酸,十二(烷)酸 12.linoleic acid [˛lɪnə`li:ɪk] .n. (化)亚油酸 13.oleic acid [əʊ`liːɪk] .n. (化)油酸 14.saturated [´sætʃəreitid] . adj. (溶液)饱和的 rd [lɑ:d] .n. 猪油 16.palatability [‘pælətəbɪlɪtɪ] .n.嗜食性; 适口性;
Lesson 2 Carbohydrates
36. Hexitol [`hekitɔl] .n.己糖醇 37. Acetylate [˛æsiti`leit] .v.乙酰化, 使乙酰化 38. Glycoprotein [˛ɡlaikəu`prəuti:n] .n. 糖蛋白 39. Chitin [`kʌɪtɪn] .n. (生化)几丁质,壳多糖,甲壳质 40. Deoxy [di`ɔksi] .adj.脱氧的;减氧的 41. Mucilage [`mjuːsɪlɪdʒ] .n.黏液;黏胶(一种多聚糖物质,为 凝胶状液体,从植物根茎、种籽等提炼,用以制药或黏合剂) 42. Cyclitol [`saikli˛tɔl] .n.环多醇
食品专业英语课件lesson 9

Lesson 9 lipids一、new wordssolubility n 溶解度,溶解性solubilize v 溶解solube adj 可溶解的solute n 溶质solution n 溶液solvent n 溶剂nonpolar solventpolar solventester n 酯⏹triester n 三酯⏹triesters of glycerol 甘油三酯glycer(o)- 甘油⏹glycerol 甘油,丙三醇⏹Triacylglycerol 三酰基甘油carboxylic 含羧基的,⏹carboxylic acid羧酸aqueous adj.水的,含水的,水成的⏹aqueo- 水合的,由水衍生的⏹aqui- 水⏹aquiculture 水产养殖cis geometry 顺式构型trans geometry 反式构型cholesterol 胆固醇saturated 饱和的unsaturated 不饱和的saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸monounsaturated一元不饱和的polyunsaturated 多元不饱和的⏹mono- 单,一⏹poly- 多,聚二、textLipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds (grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water and solubility in nonpolar solvents. )脂类是由相对不溶于水、可溶于非极性溶剂的天然化合物形成的一个家族。
These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extraction using nonpolar organic solvents.nonpolar organic solvents非极性溶剂它们可以通过非极性溶剂的萃取作用从细胞和组织中获得。

Pizza is another iconic American dish, with many different styles and toppings. It originates from Italy but has become so popular in the United States that it has been adapted and changed to suit American tastes.
European cuisine
Italian cuisine
Pizza, pasta, and Italian sauces are some of the most famous Italian dishes. Italians place a strong emphasis on fresh ingredients and simple yet delicious recipes, making their food both healthy and satisfying.
A source of protein and iron. Some common types of meat include beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and veal.
A white meat that is a popular choice for many dishes. It can be roasted, grilled, or cooked in a curry dish.
African cuisine
Ethiopian cuisine
Ethiopian food is known for its unique flavors and spices, often using berbere, a spice mix that gives many Ethiopian dishes their characteristic heat and flavor. Dishes such as injera (a spongy bread) and various stews are common in Ethiopian cuisine.

Food typesFood description vocabularyFood related expressionsFood cultureFood Safety and Health
Family Meals - In China, meals are often shared with the family, and there is a strong emphasis on family unity during meals. Eating together is considered a crucial part of maintaining family bonds.
Importance of Meals - In the West, meals are considered a crucial part of the day, often served at specific times. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are considered the main meals, with smaller meals in between.
Leaving a tip
When a customer is satisfied with the service, they might leave a tip for the waiter or waitress, saying "Here's a 15% tip for you."
Protein: Expressions related to protein include "This dish is high in protein" or "Protein is essential for building muscle."

Finished pizza must be soft hard moderate, even as its "wallet" folded, outer will not break. It has become now one of the important basis for the identification of manual or pizza.
What is a
pizza? "Pizza" is a kind of Italian flavor of food
made with special
sauce and stuffing.
Pizza is an oven-baked
Taken the pure cheese is the soul of the pizza, authentic pizza usually contains rich protein, vitamins, minerals and calcium and low in calories ★ im纯p正or乳t酪c是h比ee萨s的e.灵魂,正宗的比萨一般都选用富含蛋白质、维生素、矿
flat bread generally
topped with tomato
食品专业英语课件lesson 2

Lesson 2The translation of Food Sci-Technological thesis: English →Chinese食品科技论文的翻译一、Basic Translation Techniques1.Accurate comprehension of the original, be faithful to the original.2. Adequate representation is crucial译事三难信达雅严复fidelity, accuracy, elegance信,指要忠实于原文,不能添枝加叶;达,指要完全表达出原文的意思,不能有遗漏;1. First of all, accurate comprehension is always the foremost(首先)concern in translation. Without an accurate comprehension of the original(原著), there can be no translation faithful to the original. Whatever the difficulties, they have to be carefully analysed and properly solved.In a word, the translator must understand (the original) in order to be understood (by his readers).2. Secondly, adequate representation is crucial, too.We must bear in mind that Chinese and English are two entirely different languages. A word-for-word approach(方法途径)in translation will get us nowhere. We have to know that words become alive only when they are used in the right context(上下文).(1)Equivalent translationa drop in the ocean 沧海一粟within a stone‘s throw 一箭之遥kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智(2)Unequivalent translationat sixes and sevens 乱七八糟Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all.你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价.It takes two to tango(探戈).一个巴掌拍不响。
《食品专业英语》PPT课件 (2)

Cys C
Pro P
Food English
Neutral polar Amino Acids
Serine[΄seri:n] Threonine[΄ θri:ə ni:n] Tyrosine [΄tirəsi:n] Asparagine[æs`pərædзi:n] Glutamine [΄glu:təmi:n]
iso- 等,同,异.(P126) isomer 同分异构体
optical : 光学的 optically-inactive:无光学活性的
Food English
TEXT The second paragraph
Processes involving amino acylase enzymes may be used to resolve these racemic mixtures.
Food English
Question for first paragraph
• Which methods can be used to produce amino acids?
1. direct fermentation 2. biotransformation of precursors using cells or
Food English
How many kinds of amino acids in protein?
How many kinds of essential amino acids in protein? They are ???
Food English
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Lesson1 WHO Strategy on Food Safety Lesson2 Alcoholic Beverages Lesson3 Amino acids Lesson4 Yogurt Fermentation Lesson5 Microbial Enzymes Lesson6 Lipids Lesson7 Enzymes Lesson8 Nutrition Lesson9 Food Safety Lesson10 Quick-Freezing of Foods
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
一.词汇讲解 二.课文阅读 三.课后小结 四.课后作业
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Glutamic acid 谷氨酸(Glu,E)
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Hydrolysate n.水解产物 Racemic adj. 外消旋的 Isomer n. 异构体 Acylase n.酰基转移酶 Deregulate n.解除管制 Auxotrophic adj. 营养缺陷型的,营养缺陷体的 Intermediate adj. 中间的 n.媒介,中间物 Eliminate v.排除,消除 Analogue n.相似物,类似情况,对等的人 Revertant n. adj. 回复子(的),回复突变型(的)
Isoleucine Methionine
异亮氨酸(Ile,I) 甲硫氨酸(Met,M)
Phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸(Phe,F)
Aspartic acid 天冬氨酸(Asp,D)
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Para.1 Amino acids are produced using a range of technologies including direct fermentation, biotransformation of precursors using cells or enzymes, extraction of protein hydrolysates and chemical synthesis. They have a variety of uses as nutrients and flavours in the food and feed industries.
1. a range of fruit-flavoured toppings (蛋糕上的各种果味配料) 2. Control of a range of food related microorganisms by a multi-
parameter preservation system (利用多参数保藏系统控制一系列食品相关微生物)
译文 氨基酸的生产有很多种方法,包括直接发酵法、利用
细胞或酶对前体进行转化、蛋白质水解物提取法和化学合 成法。在食品和饲料工业中,氨基酸具有诸如作为营养素 和调味剂的多种用途。
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
a range of 一系列的,很多的
a variety of 多种的,各种各样的
1. a variety of food is sold at a supermarket (超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售)
2. a new variety of apples(苹果的新品种)
A series of 一系列,许多
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Para.1 Table 1 indicates the annual demand, production methods and applications of amino acids in the food industry. Important amino acids with nonfood applications include L-arginine, L-gludtamine, L-histidine, L-leucine, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine and L-valine.
译文 表1列举了几种氨基酸在食品工业中的年需求量、生
产方法和应用。重要的非食品用的氨基酸包括L-精氨酸、 L-谷氨酰胺、L-组氨酸、L-亮氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸、L-酪 氨酸和L-缬氨酸。
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 3 Amino acids
Para.2 While fermentation or biotransformation processes have been developed for production of all amino acids except glycine, L-cysteine and L-cystine, not all of these processes are commercially viable. Lasparagine, L-leucine, L-tyrosine, L-cysteine, and Lcystine are produced by purification of protein hydrolysates.
Proline Asparagine
脯氨酸(Pro,P) 天冬酰胺(Asn,N)