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the difference culture of language between china and
Ⅰ introduction:
because of the globalization ,we have more and more communicate with the other countries. language is the most important in communication. however, every countries have their own culture. so there must be some problem in it. sometimes we can not understan d each other, what ’s more we will have misunderstand. in this article, we will analyzes and compares with greeting, topic taboo, how to start a conversation and other respect of language culture difference and how to avoid this misunderstand.
Ⅱ different view on language
2.1 purpose of language
if you look at the relationship between thought and language, it should be said that it is consistent with the purposes of the west, however, because of the purpose of thought, it make them appear different, it is up to both sides to dao of different decisions. chinese culture of dao in ancient is same as greece logos. but it does not mean this is the same completely, on the contrary, they have obviously distinguish, it is not a supreme entity, but a natural process, in peoples daily life, and western dao is either a supreme entity, or is one of the most basic elements of nature or a personal god, and little is understood as a natural process. chinese language and discourse is not the will of god, and its real content, communication and saying that in order to reality, people with strong colors. in the west, the content language saying its not real life, but to god
2.2 way of language
although in western religious background is an act of god, but this does not deny the fact, people actually speak. in theology it is because of the need to examine how we can make religious doctrine better accepted by the muslims, which involved a number of specific issues, namely, manner of speech.
Ⅲthe different form chinese and american
3.1the difference of compliment in daily communication
3.1.1. how to answer the compliments
chinese peoples traditional virtues of modesty and prudence, compliments and praise of others should be refused.
in the treatment of praise and compliments, the reaction in the west is very different. westerners are praised if usually say thank you gladly accepted and thanked the chinese people are very different response. i have seen an example of : an american writer praise a chinese mother, superb cuisine,
chinese mothers modestly replied, where, where, do not, pay attention to the eat. writers translation is no, no, im not good at cooking, but perhaps you could make do with it. . the american friends are not familiar with chinese culture, confused until later writer explained to him, he can be understood in china, people hear the praise, not immediately embraced, but to show to a very modestly attitude, otherwise it is considered conceited and proud.
westerners are never too much humility, expressed thanks for the compliment, showing a self belief in yourself.
for example: you can speak very good french.
thank you.
its a wonderful dish!
i am glad you like it.
therefore, students should pay attention to when you speak english you never answered: no, i dont think so. this answer is not polite to westerners, even hypocritical.
3.2how to start a conversation
3.2.1first meeting
chinese lun-yu love to greet an acquaintance said: eat it? where to? to work for? and so on. in our view this is a polite greetings. if you talk like westerners greeting have you had your meal? where are you going? they will think that you would like to invite him to dinner or to interfere in their private affairs, be misleading. westerners to meet, often greeting: hello! how do you do! nice day, isnt it?
3.2.2visit patient
in the west, to help others, caring, compassion, how and to what extent is based on the extent of the receiving party is willing to accept
chinese would help busy is usually warm, in every possible way. for example: a chinese students in the united states saw an old professor stumble across busy roads, out of compassion, he came and took the old man, to send him to the past, but he got was a glare. consider the following dialogue:
chinese student: mr. white you are so pale, are you sick?
english teacher: well...yes. i have got a bad cold for several days.
chinese student: well, you should go to a clinic and see the doctor as soon as possible.
english teacher: er...what do you mean?
people go to see the doctor for the chinese proposals suffer from cold, expressed genuine concern. but americans dont understand, will think that his disease was so serious?, answer: im sorry to hear that. it is enough.
3.3 the topic conversation and topic taboo 3.3.1the topic of personal privacy and privacy aspects of the word
the topic of personal privacy and privacy aspects of the word, and the protection of privacy first produced in western countries, in english, is privacy, is that people do not want to inform the public of a private matter, circumstances or living conditions. in western culture, people for the privacy of the very different perceptions and attitudes. westerners
self-centered, but also attaches great importance to personal privacy, privacy is respected english proverb says, a mans home is his castle. (a
persons home is his castle. that home is sacrosanct for personal privacy, others can not interfere or referred to, but can not interfere in these personal matters generally include private business (personal affairs, private affairs (private business, private concerns (such as personal a matter of concern for example, asked such as age, marital status, salary, weight, religion and other topics of personal information, will be seen as interfering in anothers privacy, spying on other peoples private lives, is considered a violation of someone elses castle, such as:
how old are you?
whats your age?
how much do you make? whats your income? whats your religion?
in china, there is almost no privacy, and does not understand the wests view of privacy, it did not have a lot of privacy as westerners taboo on many topics related to personal circumstances, such as age, income, family status, marital status, etc. will often hear people ask how old, there is not married, how revenue this year, a similar problem. this is mainly because chinas large population, thousands of years most people live in rural areas, dense distribution of chinese culture as the main feature is the group of countries, more opportunities for contact between people, the natural thing to others will be more concerned about and help each other, mutual respect and mutual love. all men are brothers. &quo
t;a difficult one, p plus support reflects this concept of community, sometimes, what is the collective personal things, such as where to work or married you, the subtext is, if you work in need of help where there is a problem, i can help you, if not, i can help introduce you to an object. for chinese people, this is not only a way to chat, but also a friendly gesture.
westerners usually a hospital alone, do not care what others, if the west asked the similar question, is a violation of privacy was the performance of their culture to individualism, based on
a person is seen as more an independent entity.
3.3.2 the number of taboos chinese figures four, five and so on.
four and death euphony, the chinese people think it is unlucky, they will bring disaster, so now the general case, the license plate number of people in the
班级:英语13级3班学号:2013060142 姓名:聂太莉







逗号连接句是指用逗号把多个句子串联起来,使其表面上成为一个长句,学生英语作文中的常见语病如:my mother came in a hurry, left in a hurry, i didn’t know whether she didn’t notice me or she pretended she didn’t see me. 其次就是汉语竹


例如:my teacher in primary school played an important role in my life. i will never forget her, and she loved her students like her own children.




1、学生的英语作文中常常有主题突出的现象,造成主语和谓语缺乏逻辑关系例如:to speak english well must be courageous and venturous on making mistakes.这是一个把汉语的主题混为英语句子主语的例子汉语说要说好英语必须大胆,不怕出错,处于主语位置的是主题,省略了主语,但英语作为讲究逻辑主谓关系的语言,所以这“to speak english well”就是一个病句不能作为主语,因为它不是“must be courageous”和“venturous on making mistakes”的逻辑主语。

2、汉语中允许主语谓语或宾语空缺,而英语中除了省略结构,不允许主谓宾语中的任何一个成分空缺,学生在英语作文中常常出现句子成分缺失的现象,例如:---do you like the novel? ---yes, like.该句的回答中,主语和宾语空缺,主语不可缺少;且like属于及物动词,其后的宾语亦不可省略。


这里不一致的现象大体分为两种:主谓不一致及主语和外位修饰语的不一致例如:he work from morning till night.

at the age of six, he father die of cancer.汉语在不至于引起歧义的前提下,外位修饰语与主语之间不一定保持严格的逻辑关系,因此这句话也可以这样说“六岁时,他父亲死于癌症”,但英语主谓结构的特点则要求严格的一致关系,否则就会产生歧义,而学生对于此类错误常常忽略。





