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Part I Writing (30 minutes)
Dircctions:For this partyou arc allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on online dictionanes.You can start your essay with tlie sentence 'Online dictionanes are becoming increasingly popular” You should wnte at least 120 words but no more thau 180 words. Dircctions:For this partyou arc allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on the use of PowcrPoint(PPT) in class.You can start your essay with the senteiice u The use of PowerPoint is becoming increasingly popular m class” You should write at least 120 w ords but no more than 180 words.
Directions:For this partyou arc allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on online librarics.You can start youressay with the sentence1 Online libranes are becoming increasuiely popular1" You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Part II Listening Comprchension(30 minutes) Section A
Directions:In【his sectionyou will hear three news reports. At lhe end of each news reportyou will hear two or three qucstions.Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. Aft er you hear questionsyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and
D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡I上作答。

Questions 1 to 2 are baxxxxscd on the new report you have just heard.
LA) Warm currents in the ocean
B)Ship traffic in the Atlantic
C)Particles emitted by power plants
D)Exhaust from cars in Europe
2.A) They need to be taken seriously
B)They have a huge effect on fishery
C)They may be affecting the world's climate
D)They might be causing trouble to air flights
Questions 3 to 4 are baxxxxscd on the new report you have jusc heard.
3.A) To appeal for higher wages
B)To demand better health care
C)To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisor
D)To call for a permanent security guard
4.A) It was seeking help from the police.
B)It would put customers5needs first
C)Il had already taken strong action
D)It would take their appeal seriously
Questions 5 to 7 are baxxxxscd on the new report you have just heard.
5.A) The road was blocked
B)The road was flooded
C)The road was frozen with snow
D)The road was covered with spilled gas
6.A) A truck hit a banier and overturned
B)The truck driver dozed off while driving
C)The heary snow made driving very difficult
D) A truck plunged into a pool of liquid chocolate
7.A) It was fortunate that no passenger got injured
B)It was a hard task to remove lhe spilled substance
C)It was a long time before the cleanup was finished
D)It was difficult to contact the manufacturer.
Section B
Directions: In this sectionyou will hear two long convcrsations.At the end of each convcrsationyou will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only oncc.Aftcr you hear a questionyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 8 to 11 are baxxxxscd on the conversation you have just heard.
8.A) she found it much safer to use cash
B)She could enjoy discounts with cash
C)She wanted to save for a new phone
D)She bad been cheated using phone
9.A) They derive greater pleasure from buying things.
B)They arc less aware of the value of (heir money.
C)They find it less difficult to make purchases.
D)They can save a lot more time and trouble.
10.A) More valuable items.
B)Electronic devices.
C)Everyday necessities.
D)More non-essential things
1 LA) 1( may lead to excessive spending.
B)It is altering the way of shopping.
C)It can improve shopping efficiency.
D)It appeals more to younger people.
Questions 12 to 15 arc baxxxxscd on the conversation you have just heard.
12.A) He wanted the furniture store to give him a refund.
B)He had a problem with the furniture delivered.
C)He had to change the furniture delivery time.
D)He wanted to order some wooden furniture.
13.A) Send the furniture back to the store.
B)Buy another brand of furniture.
C)collect the furniture he ordered.
D)Describe the furniture he received.
14.A) Improve their service
B)Apologize to his wife
C)Correct their mistake
D)Give the money back
15.A) She recommended a new style
B)She decided all the items with the man
C)She offered some gift (o the man
D)She apologized to the man once more
Section C
Directions:In (his sectionyou will hear three passages. At lhe end of each passageyou will hear four qucstions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a questionyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through lhe centre.
Questions 16 to 18 arc baxxxxscd on the conversation you have just heard.
16.A) Tidying up one s home
B)Reading books of wisdom
C)Donating to charity
D)Sharing with others
17.A) Things that occupy little space
B)Things that are becoming rare
C)Things that make one happy
D)Things (hat cost a lot of money
18.A) It did little business because of the unusual cold weather
B)It received an incredibly large number of donated books
C)It sold as many as fifty boxes of books
D)It jomed the city's clean-up campaign
Questions 19 to 21 are baxxxxsed on the conversation you have just heard.
19.A) Give free meals to the homeless
B)Provide shelter for the homeless
C)call for change in lhe local government
D)Help the vulnerable to cook lunches
20.A) Promote understanding
B)Strengthen co-operation
C)Follow his example
D)Win national support
2 l.A) Spreading news of his deeds
B)Sending him hand-made bags
C)Following the example he sets
D)Writing him thank-you notes
Questions 22 to 25 are baxxxxsed on the passage you have just heard
22.A) To install some audio equipment in a lab
B)To test their eyesight using a phone app
C)To send smartphone messages
D)To solve word search puzzles
23.A) They could no longer concentrate on lheir task
B)They could not go on until the ringing stopped
C)They grabbed the phone and called back right away
D)They asked their experimenter to hung up the phone
24.A) A decline in sports activities
B) A rise in emotional problems
C) A decline in academic performance
D) A reduction in the amount of sleep
25.A) Ensure they have sufficient sleep every day
B)Realize the disruptive effects of technology
C)Take effective measures to raise productivity
D)Protect the eyesight of the younger generation Section A
Hews Report 1
AN ASA satellite orbiting over Portugal took photographs that reveal the effects of pollution from ships.One of the photos shows a thin film of clouds above the brilliant blue of the North Atlantic, cut by white lines of thicker clouds that look like scars.NASA officials explained those thicker clouds are signs of ship traffic below. [QI When ships power their ways through the ocean, they pump exhaust into the atmosphere, just as cars do.And those massive aniounls of particles can cause clouds to fonn.Get enough of those particles in one place, as from the exhaust of a ship, and they can lead to the creation of new clouds easily visible from spacc. 'Thesc clouds can be huge, some of them stretch hundreds of kilometers from end to end'NSAS officials said. [q2] It's likely that these sorts of clouds arc having some effect on the global climate, according to NASA officials But scientists aren't yet sure what effect it lias. QkWhat has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by a NASA satellite?
Q2:What do NASA officials think about the thick clouds?
Hew Report 2
Staff at a suburban superniarkei in Melbourne say they feel unsafe at work after security guards were removed.This came after a scries of physical attacks and verbal abuse by customcrs.Morc than 50 workers at the store have signed a letter calling for a permanent security guard following a series of incidents, including a customer threatening to attack a supervisor with a knife."A security worker had guarded the store each night from 7pm until 12ambut that had stopped suddenly on Monday"Employees said.One worker said an angry customer had thrown a chicken at his head after complaining about how long she had waited to be served. A not her worker said the lack of protection at (he store made her feci uncomfortable at work.Howeverthe spokesman of the supermarket said (he store had taken strong action in response to incidents, “We have found very few instances of bad customer behavior at our store in the past year.
Q3:For what purposedid the staff at the supermarket in Melbourne sign a letter?
Q4:What did the spokesman of the supermarket say, regarding the employees demand? News report three 5.drivers on their way to the polish capital of Warsaw on Wednesday morning found the road blocked by an unusual obstacle.Tons of liquid chocolate that spilled onto the motorway, 6.a truck
carrying the sweet load hit a road barrier and overturned, blocking two lanes.Tlie cracked tank spilled a pool of rapidly hardening chocolate, which quickly covered (he width of the road while the driver was taken to hospital with a broken armfirefighters struggled to remove a reported 12 tons of solid chocolate from the road.7.A representative for the firefighters told the local TV that removing lhe chocolate was worse than dealing with snow.After contacting the chocolate manuf ac turcr, the firefighters resorted to spraying hot, pressurized water to get rid of the sticky substance .The local TV also noted that the cleanup spanned more than a mile, because drivers simply dove through the chocolate after lhe crash, leaving a long chocolate trail.But despite the sticky situation, firefighters and police attending to lhe cleanup were reportedly cheerful about the long task aliead.After all. who could be mad about 12 tons of chocolatc?Q5What did drivers on the motorway to War saw find?
Q6What does the report say about the accident?
Q7What are the firefighters representative tell the local TV?
Section B
Conver sation 1
Man:Lisa, why did you pay for you meal with cash instead of the payment apps on your phone? Woman: Well, Fve gone back to cash I'm only using payment apps if that's the only option [q8] rm trying to save money for a new phoneand I find that using cash ratliei* than payinenl apps helps inc to save.
Man:But how?Moncy is money, isn't it? [QI 1 ] I don't tlmik it matters whether you take it out to the bank and put it into wallet, or simply transfer from your bank account to the sellers'bank account using an app.
Woman:Mo, I believe it does matter It's a psychological phenomenon
[Q9] I believe wc have less connection with a value of our money, when we just tap the approve buttons on our phones.
Man: You might have a point, since I stop carrying cash around, and start to using my phone apps to pay, I may have developed a tendency to buy [Q10] more small or non-essential items. Woman That's lughly possible, think about the amount of time we spend with our phones in our hands, and all the things wc do with our phones.lt sometimes seems that our phone is buying the product for usnot ourselves.
Man:So t cash is the payment affects our ability to budget?
Woman:I believe so.If we spend a hundred Yuan in cash, we realize that we dorf t have that hundred Yuan to spend on some thing else.But if we spend in electromcallywe"re less likely to make that mental calculation.
Man I stopped using my credit card because I'm fbnd of spending excessively.Perliaps I sliould take the same approach of paying using my phone.
Woman It's worth considemig
Q8: Why did the woman decide to go back to cash for payment?
Q9:what happens when people use apps for payment according to the woman?
Q10:what might the man tend to buy with payment apps? QI l:what does the man think of electronic paymen t? Section B
Conver sation2售后服务退换货
:Hello Mr.Brown.I was expecting your call.My secretary told me you were having some problems with the wooden table, is that right?
M:No, no, the tabic is fine. [Q12] The problem is the chairs.
W:oh, the chairs, so, what exactly is the issue?
M:Well. put simply, [q!2] these are not the chairs my wife and I selected in your store last wcck.Thcrc must be some confusion with our order.
W:0h, I see.I m looking througli my files now And I see that the delivery was this momuig ls that correct?
W: [ql3] Do you mind describing the chairs that were delivered to your apartment. Mr.Brown?
M:Surc.These have a flat back with a round top and arc very hcavy.Thcy are light brown and look kind of chcap.Thc ones we ordered were dark brown to match the table.
W:Right.Of course.lt says here you purchased the Arlington tabic and four Milano chairs.As you
said.There must be some confiision with the order Fm tembly soiry [q!4] Well send a van to collect those four and replace (hem with the Milano you purchased.Will tomorrow 9 a.m.bc OR Me.Br own?
M:Yes.That would be great.Thank you.
W:Good.Did everything else you ordered from us arrive oK?
M:Ycs.I think so.Let inc check.Thc mirror and two paintings arc hcre.Thc two coffee tables are also here And the sofa.Yes.We haven't noticed anything else wrong or missing.But if we do. well certainly let you know.
W:OK.Great.Once again. [Q15] I'm sony for the confusion and trouble caused
QI2:Why did the man call the woman?
QI3:What did the woman ask the man to do?
QI4:What did the woman promise to do for the man?
QI5:What did the woman do at the end of the conversation?—The woman apologized ag ain. Section B Passage 1
Do you have too much stuff7Are you daie we say irimtidy'^Say hello to a TV show called"Tidying Up with Mane kondo M.A home improvement show baxxxxscd on her widely popular book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Uup.ln the show, Marie Kondo acts as a tiny garbage fairy for essy people, Msitmg their houses to share the w isdom of the' KoiiMaii^me thod.This method is simple in theory but can be endlessly complex in practice. You divide all the stuff in your house-all of it-into several categories, and then examine each item—all of the in-to see if it sparks joy.If it does, you keep it.If it doesn t, you thank it, andncatly discard it.So, is the TV show inspiring people to tidy up?Firsthand accounts seem to indicate a small wave of people bringing piles of donation bags to used good storcs.One store received thousands of bags of used possessions in one day.January is usually the store's slow season for donationsbccausc its cold and people dont want to bother.But not this January.People seemed determined to clean up their homes.One used bookstore received a month's worth of books in donations in a week when a man gave over 50 boxes of books from his honie.lt seems Nlane's TV show is having a big impact after all.
Q16 What is Maire Kondo5s rv show about?
QI7 What things can be kept m one's home according to Mairc Kondo?
QI8.What do wc learn about one used bookstore this January?
Passage 2
At just twelve years old, Mike Hannon is making a difference in his coinmuni(y-one lunch at a
time ."AlikeLunches of Love'lias fed more than 2000 of the town's most vulnerable residents.Mike delivers meals to tlie homeless.""'s like a way to give people joy maybe spark some thing in them tliat can change them'Mike told WBZ-TV The mayor of Mike's town feels that Mike is a great community leader, especially in such times of so much negative news.While his father commented on how proud he was of his son, yet Mike isn t looking for praisebut kindness in return.He hopes his active charity will inf lucncc others to spread positive actions in their own towms.Mike includes a handwritten message coumtry To date, his online page to raise funds has brought in more than 44(XX) dollars and counting, raising more than 17()00 dollars in just one day, with the hope of many famous actors and others.People from all over the county are sending special handcraft bags to help the young man with liis mission to help (hose in need.Many are hoping the simple active kindness spreads.Mikc is seemed as the hope for the future of the townthe country and the world.
QI9:What does Mike Hannon do to help people in his town?
Q20:Whal does Mike hope others will do?
Q21:How arc people all over the country responding to what Mike isdoing? Section c
Passage 3
In a recent study carried out by psychologists on the disruptive effects of smart phonestwo groups of college students were given word-search puzzles.The first group was told to complete the puzzles with its participants'smart phones iu their line of sight The second grouphowe\ envas told tliat the phones would
interfere witli the equipmeni in the experiment and would need be moved away from the testing area. Mid way through the second groups solving of the puzzlcsthc expcrinKni called one of the phones and ler il ring for a while before hanging up.Many of lhe students in that group were unable to focus from then on, becoming anxious and performing more poorly than (he first c of electronics has also been known to lead to a decline in human i n teract ion s. Rath er than having real-life conversations, many express emotions and engage in deep conversations through social media sitcs.Many students use their phones and computers during class for non-acadcinic activities, which leads to poor grades.Perhaps the most dramatic impact is the reduction in amount of sleep, which lead to poor health and weight gain. Technology is a great tool.However, it s imp ortant to recognize its ck of slecprcduciion of productivity, and weight gain arc only a few.If we arc not careful about all these mind problems right nowthe effect on the future generation is going to be much bigger.Q22 What were (he college students in both groups required to do in the study?
Q23 Whal do we learn about many of the students in the second test group af ter lhe phone ring? Q24 According to the passagewhat is the most dramatic impact of mart phone use?
Q25 What does the speaker suggest people do?
Parti 11 Reading Comprehcnsion(40 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this sectionthere is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read lhe passage through carefully before making your choiccsEach choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
The three types of financial stress by Paul Benson November 7, 2018-12.00am
There are three main types of financial stress that I come across on a regular basis.Thc first is inherited, the second is debt, and the third is longevity.Inherited financial stress is the most common and dcbilitating.lt is experienced by those who have grown up in households where their parents regularly argued and foughtabout money.Moneythereforebecomes a stressful topic, and so the thought of sitting dowm and planning is about as attractive as volunteering lo have a root canal done by a trainee dentist. Financial stress can make you.brokelike a vic ious circle.Credi t:Shutter stock Those suffering inherited financial stress tend to follow one of two pattems.Eiihcr they put their head in (he sand- they don't open (heir super annuation st ateincntsdon t budgetand certainly don't discuss financial matters with their loved oncs.Altcrnatively they go to the other extremeand mi er o-analyse everythingto the point of complete paralysis.They're convinced that whatever decision they niakeit will be the wrong onc.Advertis ement The next common type of financial stress is that caused by debt.In 99 out of 100 eases of debt-induced financial stresscredit cards will be a central element.And yesthat is intentionally plural-therms never just one.often there111 be a car loan and perhaps a inortgagebut cr edit cards certainly seem to be the gateway drug to debt-related linancial stress. The final form of financial stressthat I scelvc somewhat imperfectly termed longevity.This manifests itself in being stressed about the normal ups and downs of investment markets-actually not so much the ups, bul definitely lhe downs.
So what can you do to prevent financial stress from holding you back?
The first thing to do is have a separate bank account for your bills and regular expensesand have an automatic transfer from your ever yday account every time you get paidto top it up.with this system up and runningyou will know that whenever a bill comes inyou have the money silling there wai ting to pay it.This me ansno more stressand b)no need to hit the credit card..
Opinion Household debt
The pressure of living under the weight of debt The next thing is to clear your unpr oduc live
debts.Dctcrmine which debt is the most expensive and focus all your attention on gelling rid of
it.Againusc automatic transfers as much as possible to avoid (he risk of weakened willpower.Another useful way to alleviate financial stress is to have some projections doneso you have a good sense what the long-lcrni outlook is.You 11 find your super fund website will have a projection tool so you can get an estimate of where your retirement savings will endand sites like the g ovemnient s Money Smart has some good calculators for this purpose too.
Worst-case pkinning is another great way to reduce worry.This is where you list out the biggest worries you haveand then determine what action you d take if those things occurrcd.Thc actions may not always be pleasantbut just knowing you have a plan can remove that dark cloud floating around in the back of your br ain.Finally, don't be afraid to talk about your finances with your p ar tner 选词填空第一套26:H、integrate 27:B、coincidence 28:A、associated 29:L、recognizabl 30:1、maximizes 31:N、stressful
26: I normal
27: E definitely
28: D considerable
29: J possibly
30: B argued
31: K proposition
32: N tend
33: C avoid
34: F extreme
35: G inaction
Section B
Directions:In this sectionyou arc going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.
Doctor1 s orders: Let children just play
36.H 段落第一句Another playlimc thief:
37. E 段落第•句The trends have been a long time coming.
38.L 段落第一句Play may not boa hard sell to kids.
39.G 段落第一句Pediatricians aren'l the only ones who have noticed.
40. D 段落第一句"Play is not silly behavior”
4L段落第一句”1 respect that parents have busy lives and its easy to hand a child an iPhone ”
42. C 段落第一句The advice issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics
43.K 段落第一句Yog man also worries about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent
44.F段落第一句By 2009
45. B 段落第一-句”This may seem old-fashioned but there are skills to be leaned when kids aren t told what to do
Why arc Asian Americans Missing from Our Textbooks?
36. E 段落第一句:For decades activists have called for schools to offer anti^racisin or multicultural curricula.
37.B 段落第一句:My excitement was short-lived.
38J 段落第—句:Some teachers arc tlnding ways (o expose students to Asian-American issues
39.F段落第一句:Research into what students leani in school has found just how much
40.H段落第一句:Teachers with a multicullural background or
41 .D 段落第一句:our students Asian 42.K 段落第一句:Anddcspilc setbacks
42.G 段落第一■句:Worsewhen Asian Americans do.
44.C 段落第一句:I finally had the opportunity to learn about.
45.1 段落第一句:How race and ethnicity is taught is Crucial.
Section C
Dircctions:Thcre arc 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statenients.For each of them there are four choices marked A)B)C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.
46-50 (diets)
46: D Attempting to meet society's expectation of appear- Ancc
47: B They have to do with people* s body weight and shape.
48: C Whether self-perception of body unage impacts one's workplace success.
49: B People arc not adversely affected in the workplace by false self-perception of body weight. 50:A Banning discrimination on the bass of employees body image
51-55 (work-life balance)C
51. D The concept of work-life balance contributes little to a fuililling life.
52. A It impacts how wc think and behave.
53:C We do meaningful work the contributions to society
54: B It is dynamic
55:D Strive for a more fulfilling life.
A 46-50 (Paint)
46: A It uses paint to create anti-pollution images.
47: C Raise public awareness of environmental pollution.
48: B He chose tunnels to do his graffiti art.
49: A It is simply absurd.
50: D They made it impossible for him to practice his art.
51-55 (housework)
51: CIt may not turn out to be the best thing to do.
52: A share family responsibilities.
53: B To teach them how to manage money
54: A They have a natural instinct to help around the house.
55: D Accept children s early bids to help.
Part IV Translation(30 minutes)
Directions:For this partyou are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.




















