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( SF-36) 对其进行整体的调查与评估㊂ 结果
(60%) ,并发症发生率为 60%㊂ 心脏移植术后患者在生理机能( PF) ㊁生理职能 ( RF) ㊁躯体疼痛 ( BP) ㊁社 会功能( SF) ㊁情感职能( RE) 得分均低于常模 ( P <0.05) ; 单因素方差分析发现不同学历㊁ 不同家庭年收 结论 方式㊂ 入㊁医疗支付方式㊁是否发生并发症的心脏移植术后患者生存质量的差异具有统计学意义 ( P < 0. 05) ㊂ 心脏移植患者术后生存质量的影响因素主要有家庭年收入㊁ 是否发生并发症与医疗费用支付 心脏移植; 术后; 生存质量; 影响因素
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
( 本文编辑:高丛菊)
中华现代护理杂志 2016 年 8 月 16 日第 22 卷第 23 期
Chin J Mod Nurs,August 16,2016,Vol.22,No.23
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patients after heart transplantation. Methods A total of 63 patients 3 months after heart transplant were investigated by concise health examination survey scale ( SF-36) . Results Patients after heart transplantation mainly concentrated in 30-60 years old (80%) , male (60%) , 60% with complications. Compared with norm, patients after heart transplantation in physiological function ( PF) , physiological function ( RF) , body pain (BP) , social function ( SF) , emotional function ( RE) had low scores ( P < 0. 05) ; single factor variance analysis found that the differences in the different educational degree, family income, ways of medical payment and whether the complications influenced the quality of life of heart transplantation patients significantly had statistical significance. Conclusions The main influencing factors of quality of life include family income, whether happen complication and ways of medical pay. ʌ Key wordsɔ Heart transplantation; Postoperation; Quality of life; Influencing factor Fund program:Young and Middle - aged Subject of Tongji Medical Hospital, Tongji Medical College of HUST (2201200915) 1967 年 12 月南非的 Barnard 医生完成了世界上首例原
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ʌ 关键词ɔ
基金项目:华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院中青年课题(2201200915) Investigation and analysis on the quality of life and its influencing factors in patients after heart transplantation He Xifei, Wang Zhaozhao, Zhang Liping, Zhang Ziyun, Zeng Tieying Internal Medicine Teaching and Research Section, Tongji Medical Hospital, Tongji Medical College of HUST, Wuhan 430030, China ( He XF ) ; Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tongji Medical Hospital, Tongji Medical College of HUST, Wuhan 430030, China ( Wang ZZ, Zhang LP ) ; Department of Rheumatic Immunology, Tongji Medical Hospital, Tongji Medical College of HUST, Wuhan 430030, China ( Zhang ZY ) ; Nursing Department, Tongji Medical Hospital, Tongji Medical College of HUST, Wuhan 430030, China ( Zeng TY) Corresponding author:Zeng Tieying, Email:984451641@ qq.com ʌ Abstract ɔ Objective To understand and evaluate the quality of life of patients after heart transplantation and analyzing its influence factors, so as to provide reference for improving the quality of life of 参
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中华现代护理杂志 2016 年 8 月 16 日第 22 卷第 23 期
Chin J Mod Nurs,August 16,2016,Vol.22,No.23
• 研究荟萃 •
430030 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院内科教研室 ( 何细飞 ) , 心血管内科 ( 王昭昭㊁张丽萍) ,风湿免疫内科( 张子云) ,护理部( 曾铁英) 通信作者:曾铁英,Email:984451641@ qq.com
DOI:10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1674-2907.2016.23.013 植术后患者生存质量提供参考依据㊂ 方法 ʌ 摘要ɔ 目的
了解及评估心脏移植术后患者的生存质量,对其影响因素进行分析,为提高心脏移 选取心脏移植术后 3 个月的患者, 采用简明健康调查量表 心脏移植术后患者主要集中在 30 ~ 60 岁 ( 占 80%) , 男性