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大学生卫生保健College S tudents Hygienics

文献检索与利用Document Retrieval & Application

大学语文College Chinese

应用写作Applied Writing

管理心理学 Management P sychology

公共关系学 P ublic Relations

大学生就业指导Career Design for Graduates

创造学原理 P rinciples of Creating Science

美学原理P rinciples of Aestheti c s

形式与政策 Current Situation & P olicy

法律基础Introduction to Laws

思想道德修养Ideological & Moral Training

中国社会主义建设China Socialist Construction

形式逻辑Formal Logic

自然辩证法 Dialectics of Nature

马克思主义原理P rinciples of Marxism

中国文化概况An Introduction to Chinese Culture

世界政治经济与国际关系World P olitics and E conomics & International Relationship 中国革命史 History of the Chinese Revolution

大学生英语应用写作E nglish Writing for College S tudents

计算机应用 Application of Microcomputer

毛泽东思想概论An Introduction to Mao T setong’s Thoughts

中国语言文学导论 A Guide to Chinese Language & Literature

计算机文化和应用Computer Literacy & Application

工业经济法 Industrial E conomy Law

化学与社会 Chemistry and Society

环境科学概论An Introduction to E co-science

创造学Science on Creation

连锁经营概论 An Introduction to Chain-store Business

数据结构Data S tructure

电子设计E lectronic Design

广告学与广告策划Ads. Science & Ads. Scheming

科技发展史A History on Science & T echnology Development


世界现代史World Modern History

音乐鉴赏Appreciation on Music Works

应用文写作 P ractical Writing

中国近现代史China Contemporary & Modern History

现代物理概论An Introduction to Modern P hysics

网页设计与制作Webpage Design & Making

数据库基础及应用Basic Knowledge & Application of Database

计算机网络基础及应用Basic Knowledge & Application of Computer Network

中国民族音乐概论An Introduction to Chinese Folk Music

英语应用文写作P ractical E nglish Writing

英语口语S poken E nglish

中国象棋概论An Introduction to Chinese Chess

营养与健康 Nutrition & Health

文学创作技巧T echniques on Literature W riting

荆楚文化Jingchu Culture

自我激励与成功之道Sel f-motivation & Ways to Success

硬笔书法研究Research on P en Calligraphy

性别差异心理漫谈T alks on Gender Difference P sychology

书法与书法名作鉴赏Calligraphy & Appreciation on Calligraphy Masterpieces 生理保健与疾病预防Health Care & Disease P revention

运动损伤的治疗与健康Therapy on S ports Injury & Health

工程伦理学 E ngineering E thics

微机维修技术Computer Maintenance T echnology

现代形象学 Science of Modern Images

数学建模Mathematics Modeling

面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented P rogramming

六级英语Band 6 E nglish

科技英语阅读与翻译Reading & Translation of S cience E nglish

最优化方法 Optimization Theory

地球科学概论An Introduction to Geo-science

石油工程概论An Introduction to P etroleum E ngineering

信息科学概论An Introduction to Information Science

文学名著导读Guided Reading of Literature Masterpieces

大学美育College Aestheti c E ducation

心理学P sychology

管理沟通Management Communication

生命科学概论An Introduction to Li f e S ciences

当代世界经济与政治World Contemporary E conomics & P olitics

大学生社会学概论An Introduction to College S tudents Sociology

计算机音乐原理P rinciples on Computerized Music

世贸知识概论An Introduction to WTO

世界资源概论An Introduction to World Resources

中国传统文化概论An Introduction to Chinese T raditional Culture

西方哲学史概论An Introduction to the History of Western P hilosophy

通俗心理学P opular P sychology

人才学概论 An Introduction to T alents Science

组织行为学 The E ssence of Organi z ational Behavior

涉外经济法 E conomic Law Concerning Foreign Affairs

律师实务Lawyers’ P racti c e

企业文化E nterprise Culture

技术创新T echnology Innovation

现代企业管理Modern E nterprise Management
