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The Seattle Public Library

The Seattle Public Library (SPL) is the public library system
serving Seattle, Washington, USA. It was officially established by the city in 1890, though there had been efforts to start a Seattle library as early as 1868. There are 26 branches in the system, most of them named after the neighborhoods in which they are located. Also included are Mobile Services and the Central Library (opened 2004, designed by Rem Koolhaas). The Seattle Public Library also founded, and until July 2008 administered, the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library (WTBBL). All but one of Seattle's early purpose-built libraries were Carnegie libraries. Although the central Carnegie library has now twice been replaced, all the early 20th century purposebuilt branches survive, although some have been subject to significant alterations. Ballard's former Carnegie library has held a number of restaurants, antique stores, etc., but the others (such as the Fremont Branch and Green Lake Branch) have been modernized, and remain in use as libraries.
英国大英博物馆(British Museum)阅 览室
Founded in 1753, the British Museum is
renowned throughout the world for its extensive collection of more than seven million objects that covers the legacy of humanity from almost every region and every period over two million years of history. Marking the first collaboration between the National Palace Museum and the British Museum, the exhibition Treasures of the World's Cultures: The British Museum after 250 Years has been two years in the making, and it is intended to offer the audiences in Taiwan a rare opportunity to appreciate cultural treasures from around the world without embarking on journeys abroad.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library 耶鲁大学拜贝克珍本与手稿图书馆
Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
(BRBL) was a 1963 gift of the Beinecke family. The building was designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Gordon Bunshaft[1] of the firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill,[2] and is the largest building in the world reserved exclusively for the preservation of rare books and manuscripts. It is located at 121 Wall Street in the center of the Yale campus in New Haven, Connecticut, in Hewitt Quadrangle (more commonly referred to as "Beinecke Plaza"). It is one of the largest buildings in the world devoted entirely to rare books and manuscripts. The library has room in the central tower for 180,000 volumes and room for over 600,000 volumes in the underground book stacks. The library contains roughly 500,000 volumes and several million manuscripts.[3] The library is open to all Yale University students and faculty, and visiting researchers whose work requires use of its special collections. In order to access materials, there are a few forms and policies that users must read, located here. The Library is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2013 and the various events to celebrate can be found here. All exhibitions and events are free and open to the public. There are two full-year exhibitions that explore the library's architecture and people as well as a series of showcases of rarely-seen manuscripts, printed works, and visual objects from across all curatorial areas.[
Library of congress 美国国会图书馆
The Library of Congress is
the research library of the United States Congress, the de facto national library of the United States of America, and the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States. Located in four buildings in Washington, D.C., as well as the Packard Campus[2] in Culpeper, Virginia, it is one of the two largest libraries in the world by shelf space and number of books, the other being The British Library.[3] The head of the Library is the Librarian of Congress, currently James H. Billington.
Stiftsbibliothek圣加仑女修道院 The Abbey Library of Saint Gall

Biblioteka Baidu
The Abbey Library of Saint Gall was founded by Saint
Othmar, the founder of the Abbey of St. Gall.The library collection is the oldest in Switzerland, and is one of earliest and most important monastic libraries in the world. It holds 2,100 manuscripts dating back to the 8th through the 15th centuries, 1,650 incunabula (printed before 1500), and old printed books. The library holds almost 160,000 volumes. The manuscript B of the Nibelungenlied is kept here.The library books are available for public use, but the books printed before 1900 must be read in the Reading Room.The library hall, designed by the architect Peter Thumb in a Rococo style, is considered the most beautiful non-sacred room of this style in Switzerland and one of the most perfect library rooms around the world.In 1983 the library together with the Abbey of St. Gall were made a World Heritage Site, as 'a perfect example of a great Carolingian monastery'.A virtual library was created to provide access to the manuscripts — Codices Electronici Sangallenses. Currently more than 400 manuscripts are preserved in digital format.
The Library of Congress was instituted for Congress in
1800, and was housed in the United States Capitol for most of the 19th century. After much of the original collection had been destroyed during the War of 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold 6,487 books (his entire personal collection) to the library in 1815.[4][5] After a period of decline during the mid-19th century the Library of Congress began to grow rapidly in both size and importance after the American Civil War, culminating in the construction of a separate library building and the transference of all copyright deposit holdings to the Library. During the rapid expansion of the 20th century the Library of Congress assumed a preeminent public role, becoming a "library of last resort" and expanding its mission for the benefit of scholars and the American people.