



美国电影发展历程英文Throughout the course of history, the film industry in the United States has experienced significant development. From its humble beginnings in the late 19th century to its prominent position in today's global entertainment landscape, American cinema has continually evolved and adapted to new technologies, cultural shifts, and audience demands.In the 1890s, Thomas Edison and his team pioneered motion picture technology, marking the birth of American film. The early years were characterized by simple, short films that depicted everyday life or staged scenarios. Silent films soon became popular, and filmmakers focused on storytelling through visuals, relying heavily on the power of film as a visual medium.As the industry matured, various genres emerged, including Westerns, musicals, and comedies. By the 1920s, Hollywood had become the hub of American film production, drawing talented actors, directors, and creative professionals from around the country. Major studios such as Paramount, MGM, and Warner Bros. dominated the industry and produced iconic films that have stood the test of time.The introduction of sound in the late 1920s revolutionized the industry, leading to the decline of silent films. Talkies, as they were called, opened up new avenues for storytelling and expanded the reach of cinema. Stars such as Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy successfully transitioned from silent to talking films, cementing their place in American cinematic history.In the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood faced challenges due to the Great Depression and World War II. However, the industry persevered and produced memorable films that provided escapism and entertainment to the masses during challenging times. The collaborative efforts of directors like Alfred Hitchcock and actors like Humphrey Bogart brought a new level of sophistication and artistry to American cinema.The 1950s and 1960s witnessed the rise of the golden age of Hollywood, with larger-than-life films and stars that captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. Epics such as "Gone with the Wind" and "Lawrence of Arabia" showcased Hollywood's grandeur and cinematic prowess. The popularity of television posed a threat to the film industry during this era, resulting in studios experimenting with widescreen formats and other techniques to attract audiences back to the theaters.In the 1970s, American cinema experienced a significant shift with the emergence of a new generation of filmmakers known as the New Hollywood. Directors like Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, and Steven Spielberg brought fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling techniques to the screen, challenging traditional conventions and pushing boundaries.The advent of home video in the 1980s and the rise of digital technology in the late 20th century further transformed the film industry. The proliferation of video rental stores and later, online streaming platforms, democratized access to films, allowing audiences to enjoy a vast array of cinematic experiences from the comfort of their homes.Today, American cinema continues to evolve with advancements in technology, the diversification of stories and voices, and the expanding global market. From independent films to blockbuster franchises, American movies continue to captivate audiences worldwide, showcasing the enduring power of storytelling and the impact of the film industry on popular culture.。



Famous movies made during the Golden Age •
The wizard of OZ
City lights .
Gone with the wind
• American film industries suffered a series of unfair treatment from 1940 to 1960.
• Many film worker were charged to work for Communist Party and were arrested. Some of them were even being killed.
• After that, American film industries developed so slowly that it took more than 10 years to revival.
• What America did during the war was not only selling weapons but also developing its film industries. American movies flowed into Europe and won its market.
Train Robbery is one of the good films at that time.

2.The Golden Age and decline
• The first world war did a great harms to European film industries’ development. Many companies and facilities were becoming ruins during the war.


Silent movies ->Movies with sound

The Chinese film is born in 1905, and Fengtai photo gallery produced the first Chinese movie—— “Mount Dingjun”.
A brief introduction of film development:
Silent movies ->Movies with sound

In 1927年, the film named “The Jazz Singer” represented the beginning of the time of movies with sound
A brief introduction of film development:
Universal Picture Co.
Born in 1912 Set up by C.Leimer The merger of five companies
《大白鲨》 Jaws——1975 《E.T外星人》 E.T.——1982《回到未来》——1985 《辛德勒的名单》 Schindler's List——1993 《侏罗纪公园》Jurassic Park——1993 《未来水世界》 Waterworld——1995 《龙卷风》 Twister——1996 《盗墓迷城》 The Mummy——1999 《美国派》 American Pie——1999 《角斗士》 Gladiator——2000 《速度与激情》 The Fast and the Furious ——2001 《谍影重重》 The Bourne Identity ——2002 《金刚》 King Kong——2005


American films
Made by Jay .Li
1.The foundation and start (1893-1915)
2.The Golden Age and decline (1916-1974)
3.The revival and development (1975-1990)
Two years later, Lucas produced another great movie, STAR WARS, which made the tickets incomes increase rapidly.
Spielberg and Lucas were both graduated from the University of
• It was not until 1908 that Edison patented film and founded the first film company, Film Patent Company, in the world.
• However, with other film companies developing,
South California. These new directors used the point technology and
skills to make the films which brought American film industries a
new life.
Jurassic Park
4.The Our Time American films


From 1920s to 1930s, American movies formed its diversity types, such as comedy, western, adventure, romantic and
Famous movies made during the wizard of OZ
City lights
Gone with the wind
American film industries suffered a series of unfair treatment from 1940 to 1960.
Many film worker were charged to work for Communist Party and were arrested. Some of them were even being killed.
In 1919, Chaplin built up United Artists Corp. From that time, directors were not the center of film making any more. Producer and stars were more and more important.
“The first time”
1.The foundation and starting
Thomas Alva Edison invented the film camera lens in 1893 which is the symbol of American films’ starting.
1.The foundation and start


The First Golden Period of Hollywood 1930s to 1950s
New Hollywood 1970s to 1980s
New Hollywood
In the 1960s, the United States had a serious social crisis, The old movie production system has been shaken for half a century, There have been many new movies.
1911, a group of film workers from New Jersey created Hollywood's first film studio, Nestor Films. In the same year, 15 other studios have settled here.
1913, Daimler completed the first film "Indian Woman's White Husband" filmed in Hollywood.
1923, the white character HOLLYWOOD, one of Hollywood symbols, was erected on the hillside behind Hollywood.
Vin Diesel 范·迪塞尔
Leonardo DiCaprio 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥
James Cameron 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
01 02 03 04
Have to mention



《黄金时代》是 从参战者带着战争中 生理和心理的损伤回 归和平生活的侧面来 反思战争的。它不仅 丰富了电影创作的形 式,而且引起的心理 和感情震撼,比直接 描写战争更理性、更 强烈。因而今天的好 莱坞依然喜欢模仿和 抄袭之。
在麦卡锡主义喧 嚣尘上的时候,拍摄 《正午》这样努力保 持人格完整、尊重自 我的荧幕形象,是需 要勇气的。导演弗莱 德·齐纳曼与影片中 的主角多恩一样,被 迫流放英国。
明星制部分男演员 亨佛莱· 鲍嘉、克拉 克· 盖博、加利· 格兰 特
亨佛莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart (1899 — 1957)
克拉克·盖博 Clark Gable (1901 — 1960)
葛里高利·派克 Gregory Peck (1916 — 2003 )
柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas
“悬念大师”阿尔 弗雷德·希区柯克到 美国后执导的第一部 影片《蝴蝶梦》,就 一鸣惊人。影片中真 正的主角是没有影象 的丽贝卡。她不仅存 在而且非常强大,让 影片里的“我”和影 片外的我们既时时刻 刻地毛骨悚然,又强 烈地希望了解她。
《公民凯恩》无论 在思想深度还是艺术表 现手法上都达到了前所 未有的高度。它不是那 种让人一看便知的影片 ,而是一部含义深邃, 需要反复诅嚼的思想和 学问。它是电影的诗、 传说、寓言和神话,它 包含了对生活高度的凝 练,对人性和社会的深 刻理解,以及对心理世 界的理性体会。
好莱坞是美国电影业的象征, 是闻名遐迩的世界影都。它会萃了 全美国、甚至欧洲乃至世界的影坛 精英,制作了一部部脍炙人口、经 久不衰的传世名片,培育了一批批 璀璨夺目的红伶巨星,是今天世界 电影市场上无可争议的霸主。

好莱坞电影发展史及美国电影概述 ppt课件

好莱坞电影发展史及美国电影概述 ppt课件
Lead the tough guys, conquer the audience with The Fast and the Furious
In 1967, he was born in New York City, New York, have not seen his father since childhood, but by the
starring in "fast and furious 8" continue to play the role of daum, winning $1.2 billion in global box-office,
during his classic image again and again.
Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977
Chaplin is a world-famous comedian. with rich life experience, profound social insight, he created highest achievements of silent film for mankind.
1911, a group of film workers from New Jersey created Hollywood's first film studio, Nestor Films. In the same year, 15 other studios have settled here.
Vin Diesel 范·迪塞尔
Leonardo DiCaprio 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥
James Cameron 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
01 02 03 04
Have to mention



• Nowadays, there are so many American movies in our daily lives, such as Harry Potter, Final Destination. Some of may know more about them than me. So I do not tell these films to you again.
South Califors used the point technology and
skills to make the films which brought American film industries a
new life.
• Many film worker were charged to work for Communist Party and were arrested. Some of them were even being killed.
• After that, American film industries developed so slowly that it took more than 10 years to revival.
• What America did during the war was not only selling weapons but also developing its film industries. American movies flowed into Europe and won its market.
Film Patent Company closed down in 1915.



Angelina Julie
Cartoon movies
My favorite movies
Hollywood suggests
• glamour. • the attractive and exciting
quality that something has because it is connected with wealth and success
supports the statement that Hollywood has not lost all its glamour.
Part2: Stars and movies of the Hollywood
Tom cruise
Julia Roberts
朱 莉
罗 伯 斯
exciting and charming quality of something unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction, a place where the young teenagers deeply impressed by stars could, with a bit of luck, realize their dreams.
•The historic heart of
the movie industry is centered on Hollywood Boulevard where millions of visitors flock to see landmark attractions and museums.



ØAction Movie
One of the famous Hollywood sciencefiction movies—— The Transformers
• 2019 "Transformers 1" released, and 2009 "Transformers 2" released. This two movies had created more than $1.5 billion in the global. Also we know the "Transformers 3" will show on July 1, 2019,with 3D technology.
ØEpic Film(史诗片)
ØDisaster Film
2019 is an exciting American movie. It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2019, only a small percentage of human beings survived. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling(令人震撼的) storyline(故事 情节). It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth. 2019 teaches me alot, I think everyone should go and see it. What a good movie it is!



美国电影发展历程英文The Development of American FilmThe history of American film stretches back over a century, and it has had a significant impact on global cinema. The development of the American film industry can be divided into several key periods, each marked by technological advances, artistic innovation, and changing cultural and social attitudes.The early years of American cinema, from the late 19th century to the early 1900s, were characterized by short, silent films. These films were often shown in nickelodeons, small storefront theaters that could seat hundreds of people. Thomas Edison and the American Mutoscope Company were two key players during this period, producing films such as "The Great Train Robbery" in 1903, which is considered one of the first narrative films.The 1920s saw the rise of Hollywood as the center of the American film industry. With its favorable weather and diverse scenery, Hollywood became an ideal location for film production. Major studios such as Universal and Warner Bros. were established during this time, and the introduction of synchronized sound in films with "The Jazz Singer" in 1927 revolutionized the industry. This period also gave birth to many iconic stars, including Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, who are still recognized today.The 1930s and 1940s, commonly known as the Golden Age of Hollywood, saw the production of multiple classics that are still celebrated today. The introduction of color film and widescreen formats further enhanced the cinematic experience. Some of themost revered films of this era include "Gone with the Wind" (1939) and "Casablanca" (1942). Additionally, Hollywood played an essential role in boosting morale during World War II, producing patriotic films that reflected the nation's spirit.In the 1950s, the rise of television posed a significant challenge to the film industry. To combat declining attendance, Hollywood responded with widescreen formats like Cinemascope and 3D, as well as epic spectacles such as "Ben-Hur" (1959). This period also saw the emergence of new genres, including science fiction and horror, with films like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956) and "Psycho" (1960).The 1970s witnessed a shift in American filmmaking, with the rise of independent cinema and the New Hollywood movement. Directors such as Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola brought a level of artistic and narrative complexity that challenged traditional storytelling conventions. Films such as "Taxi Driver" (1976), "Jaws" (1975), and "The Godfather" (1972) captured the attention of both critics and audiences, earning critical acclaim and box office success.In recent decades, American cinema has continued to evolve and diversify. Hollywood has seen the emergence of blockbuster franchises and superhero films, as well as a growing focus on representation and inclusion, showcasing stories from underrepresented communities. Independent filmmaking has thrived, often pushing boundaries and exploring new narratives.In conclusion, the development of American film is a testament tothe innovative spirit, cultural influence, and global reach of the industry. From the early silent films to the present-day blockbusters, American cinema has continuously evolved, reflecting the changing tastes and values of audiences worldwide.。

American Film美国电影历史赏析 英文课课件

American Film美国电影历史赏析 英文课课件
American Film
美国有一个同巨大的财富和梦幻联系在一起的地方,这就是好莱 坞。它位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的西北部,是美国电影电视工 业的中心。好莱坞最初只是一片村庄,20世纪初,美国电影制作 中心由纽约逐渐移向阳光明媚的西海岸。1913年西席·地密尔在 好莱坞大规模的拍摄活动和派拉蒙公司建成第一个名副其实的摄 影棚,标志着电影城好莱坞的诞生。随后,好莱坞迅速成长为美 国和世界电影制片业的中心,它不再仅仅是一个地名,而成为美 国电影工业体系的代名词。这一工业体系的发展是建立在大制片 厂制和明星制基础上的。大制片厂制作为好莱坞电影独特的制作 方式,其特点是:发展大而全的垄断性企业,例如米高梅、华纳 兄弟等八大公司就大多是集制片、发行和放映于一体的大型垄断 企业;制片厂内部分工精细,强调集体合作,消解个人作用;实 行制片人专权制;突出演员作用,这便形成了所谓的明星制。直 到40年代好莱坞一直保持着世界最大的电影梦幻基地的地位。第 二次世界大战后好莱坞开始衰落,电视的兴起和反垄断法的实施 导致了大制片厂制度的解体。好莱坞在衰退中,顺应时代潮流发 展了电视制作。60年代末70年代初好莱坞电影业开始复兴。从80 年代中期直到今天,美国电影业又以其巨额的投资和高科技手段 的运用,使好莱坞重又恢复了世界影业霸主的地位。
国的电影组织或审查委员会推荐,且须加盖 英文字幕,送交学院外国片委员
千名美国影界权威人士组成的评审委员会,选出一部最佳 外国语片。该项奖



Features of Hollywood Film Famous Stars
Nicolas Cage
Johnny Depp
Angelina Jolie
Nicole Kidman
Features of Hollywood Film Famous Directors
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
*【 Hollywood Movie Industry 】
(1910—1927) the silent film era
(1927—1967) classical Hollywood cinema
(1967—1980) ( AFTER 1980) New the Hollywood contemporary period
※ Chinese Theater : .
In 2001, Kodak Theatre opened. It became the new hosting site for The Oscar Academy Awards.
※ Universal Studios 环球影城: .
※ Universal Studios 环球影城: .
•Hollywood is the most famous spot for film, television, entertainment and tourism in the world.
Hollywood has been the center of the development of American film industry. And for many decades, Hollywood has been the pioneer of global film industry.


• Many film worker were charged to work for Communist Party and were arrested. Some of them were even being killed.
• After that, American film industries developed so slowly that it took more than 10 years to revival.
• After the war, a lot of European directors went to America which lays the foundation of America’s transforming to the biggest film country in the world.
Two years later, Lucas produced another great movie, STAR WARS, which made the tickets incomes increase rapidly.
Spielberg and Lucas were both graduated from the University of South California. These new directors used the point technology and skills to make the films which brought American film industries a new life.
Jurame American films
• Actually, I just want to divide my presentation into 3 parts. But consider that most of us were born in late 1980s or early 1990s, I made the fourth part to introduce some nice films to you.
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In 1906, the first feature film Ned Kelly was shot in Australia.
In 1927, the first sound film The Jazz Singer came onto screen in America but the first true sound film is Lights of New York in 1929.
The Early 20th Century
In the silent time, the most famous filmmakers are Griffith and Chaplin with some great works like The Birth of A Nation and Modern Times.
Auguste ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱumiere Louis Lumiere
Dec 28 1895, Lumiere Brothers the first time showed the film Factory Gate, Watered Gardener and Train Arrives at Station to the public by tickets, in a basement of the coffeehouse, Capucince Avenue 14, Pairs. This marks the birth of film, also the birth of the cinema。
The First Golden Period of Hollywood 1930s to 1950s
Films After 1970s
After 70s, world film got greater development, film types and styles were becoming increasingly diverse
D.W. Griffith 1875 - 1948
Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977
Chaplin is a world-famous comedian. with rich life experience, profound social insight, ingenuity of idea, and his contagious pantomime, he created highest achievements of silent film for mankind.
The Birth and Development of Film
Thomas Edison
Edison and Mechanician Dickson, punching on the both sides of the film for traction, solve the technical problem of mechanical transmission. This lays the foundation for the birth of film. And Edison gave the new born technology a charming, poetic and fantasy name——movie。
The Contemporary Western Films
It is said, the world film history is the Hollywood’s conquest of the world film markets or the history of resisting against Hollywood.
Melies think the screen is the stage. The screen drama he shot is to reflect life. Melies is the pioneer of feature film and the founder of romantic film.
Georges Melies 1861 - 1938
Lumieres and Melies represent two film tendencies and styles
Lumieres considered film as a scientific treasure. Film is to record real life and they were called pioneer of documentary and founder of realistic film.
Nowadays Films
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
In 1935, the first colour film Becky Sharp screened in America.
When Jazz Singer screened, film was acknowledged as the world 7th art.
The “ Blooming Period of Silent Films”