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Injection molding is plastic molding of a kind of important method, it is mainly applied to thermoplastic plastic molding and shaping a complex shape of precision plastic pieces. On analyzing the structure of plastic parts, use requirement, forming quality and mould manufacturing cost, and on the basis of simple structure, shape rules introduced the plastics molding. Design molding parts parts, should according to the characteristics of plastics, plastic pieces of structure and applicable requirements, determine the overall layout, choose mold parting surface demoulding manner, design, determine gating system, platoon excessive system, etc. And then based on the processing and assembly process requirements for molding parts structure design, calculation molding parts work size, shape of key parts were the strength and stiffness checking, and USES the lateral points core-pulling mechanism, make plastics can once moldings. Design the corresponding's side parting core-pulling of injection mould. Finally introduced the working process of the die.

Keywords:injection mould medialcoe pulling mechanism mold design


摘要....................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................. II 第一章概论 (1)

1.1 设计题目 (1)

1.2 设计的目的及意义 (1)

1.3国内外发展状况 (2)

第二章塑件的工艺分析 (4)

2.1 塑件的原始材料分析 (4)

2.2 明确塑件生产批量 (5)

2.3 估算塑件的体积和重量 (5)

2.4 分析塑件的成型工艺参数 (6)

第三章确定模具结构方案 (7)

3.1脱模原理 (7)

3.2 确定型腔数量及布局形式 (7)

3.3 选择分型面 (8)

3.4确定浇注系统与排气系统 (9)

3.4.1 浇注系统形式 (9)

3.4.2 主流道设计 (9)

3.4.3 分流道设计 (9)

3.4.4 浇口的设计 (10)

3.4.5 排气系统 (10)

3.5 选择推出方式 (10)

3.6模具加热与冷却方式 (10)

第四章模具设计的有关计算 (11)

4.1型芯和型腔工作尺寸的计算 (11)

4.1.1 型腔径向尺寸的计算 (11)

4.1.2 型芯径向尺寸的计算 (11)

4.2 侧壁厚度与底板厚度的计算 (11)

4.2.1 侧壁厚度 (11)

4.2.2 推板厚度 (12)

4.3 斜导柱等侧抽芯有关计算 (12)

4.3.1 斜导柱的设计 (12)

4.3.2 斜导柱的计算 (13)

4.3.3 斜滑块的设计 (14)

4.3.4 锲紧块的设计 (14)

4.3.5 导滑条的设计 (15)

4.4 冷却与加热系统 (15)

第五章选择模架 (16)

5.1 初选注射机 (16)

5.1.1 浇注系统重量 (16)

5.2 选标准模架 (18)

第六章校核注射机 (20)

6.1 注射量、锁模力、注射压力、模具厚度的校核 (20)

6.2 开模行程的校核 (20)

6.3 模具在注射机上的安装 (20)

第七章推出机构的设计 (21)

7.1推件力的计算 (21)

7.2 推杆的设计 (21)

7.2.1推杆的强度计算 (21)

7.2.2 推杆压力校核 (22)

7.3 推板强度计算 (22)

第八章连接件的选用 (24)

8.1 销钉的选用 (24)

8.2 螺钉的选择 (24)

第九章模具的装配 (25)
