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Another difference between sense and reference
To some extent, every word has a sense (concept content).
But not every word has a reference. Grammatical word like but, if do not refer to
Geoffrey Leech (1974, 1981). Semantics: The Study of Meaning. Seven types of meaning:
Conceptual meaning概念意义
Co’nnotative meaning内涵 Social meaning社会 Affective meaning感情 Reflected meaning 反射 Collocative meaning搭配 Thematic meaning主位
5.3 Sense Relations 涵义关系
Paraphrase as a desk is a kind of table, which has drawers (more indirect by involving the concept of
another word table)
书桌(more indirect by involving the concept of another word 书桌)
semantics/philosophical semantics Pragmatics: The meaning of utterances
Semantic Meaning
Semantics is the study of meaning in language.
Meaning has been studied for thousands of years by philosophers, logicians and linguists. E.g. Plato & Aristotle.
Words → Meaning: Words ‘name’ or ‘refer to’ things -- Platonic
Words→Concepts→Things: Ogden & Richards concept
refers to
symbol -------------------------------------- referent
anything. God, ghost dragon refer to imaginary things which
don’t exist in reality. So it is not convenient to explain the meaning of a
word in terms of the thing it refers to.
Describe as a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which one reads and writes. (monolingual dict)
Paraphrase as a desk is a kind of table, which has drawers (monolingual dict)
书桌(bilingual dict)
5.2 The Referential Theory 指称论
The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the reference theory.
conversation, connotative refers to some
additional, especially emotive, meaning. E.g. Politician: derogatory 褒义 Statesman: commendatory 贬义
Associative vs. Thematic meaning106
Chapter Five Meaning
The Study of Meaning
Semantics: The meaning of words: Lexical semantics The meaning of sentences: compositional
meaning Linguistic semantics vs. Logical
‘The meaning of a word is its use in the language’. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Meaning is studied by making detailed analyses of the way words and sentences are used in specific contexts.
properties an entity has. In this usage, sense is equivalent to concept. desk: a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs,…… Sense vs. reference =connotation vs. denotation Leech’s conceptual meaning has two sides: sense and reference. 涵义和指称(的不同)=内涵和外延(的不同) Leech 的概念意义两方面:涵义和指称
主位意义: 外围的,由词序和词语重音决定
Different ways to explain the meaning of a word: desk
if you don’t know the word desk, and ask what it means. 4 ways:
Point to the object the word stands for and say. This is a desk. (adults to children)
stands for
Point to the object the word stands for and say. This is a desk. (Direct theory of the relation between words and things).
Associative meaning is in the sense that an elementary associationist theory of mental connections is enough to explain their use.
Thematic meaning is only determined by the order of the words in a sentence and the different prominence they each receive.
Describe as a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which one reads and writes. (indirect theory with the concept or main features of a desk)
the former two means a particular person
the latter one is a particular place. 12
One Problem with this theory When we explain the meaning of desk by pointing to the thing it refers to, we do not mean a desk must be of the particular size, shape, color and material as the desk we are pointing to at the moment of speaking. We are using an example, an instance, of something more general. There are something behind the concrete thing which is abstract called concept.
Explain the meaning of word by pointing to the thing it refers to. In the case of proper nouns and definite noun phrases, this is true.
The most common teacher Mr. Tian works in Hulunbeir College.
John and Mary. Its connotation is biped[ 'baiped ] (animals with two legs), featherless, rational, etc
Connotation by Leech
In Leech’s system, as is the case in daily
Sense vs. reference 涵义和指称 舅父 = ‘mother’s brother’ 叔叔 = ‘father’s younger
brother’ 伯父 = ‘father’s elder
brother’ 姨母 = ‘mother’s sister’ 姑母 = ‘father’s sister’
Reference: how language refers to this
external world Sense: the way people relate words to each
other within the framework of their language
The family tree
Associative Meaning联想
Conceptual meaning概念
Also called ‘denotative’ 外延的or ‘cognitive’ meaning.
Refers to logical, cognitive or denotative content.
Concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to.
Connotation vs. Denotation 内涵和外延
Philosophers use connotation, opposite to denotation, to mean the properties of the entity a word denotes.
Denotation of human is any person such as
Leech’s conceptual meaning
Sense vs. concept 涵义和概念
A technical term sense may be used in the same way as connotation内涵 is used in philosophy. It may refer to the