第3章 商务信函的翻译~

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第一节 翻译例析
尊敬的阁下: 贵公司6 贵公司6月5日寄来的样品已收悉。经我方选择,现向贵公司订购如下: 锡兰红茶 500箱, 500箱, 巴西咖啡(不要滚平) 500袋, 500袋, 以上订货请速备货并尽快发运。按贵公司寄达我公司的价格单,随函 寄上汇票一份,请查收。 总经理 麦可法兰 敬上 2006年 2006年8月15日 15日
第一节 翻译例析
Sample 3
August 15, 2006 Vemeer Manufacturing Company P.O.Box 200/3804 New Sharon Road Pella, Iowa 50129 U. S. A Gentlemen, From the samples sent us on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure of handing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention, viz: 500 chests Ceylon Black Tea, 500 sacks of Brazilian Coffee, not ground. Kindly forward these by fast freight. Enclosed please find a draft as per price list you sent us. Yours truly, F.McFARLAND&CO (signature) President
第一节 翻译例析
Sample 2
Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contacts with us. We are a state-operated enterprise, and wish to carry on trade with manufactures stateand merchants of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with the people of different nations. In compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphlets for your guidance. If you find any of the articles illustrated in the pamphlets of interest, please let us have your specific enquiries so as to enable us to send you our quotations. Yours faithfully
第一节 翻译例析
敬启者: 我们收到贵方2006年 我们收到贵方2006年3月17日来函,非常感谢,并对你们欲同我们建立业 17日来函,非常感谢,并对你们欲同我们建立业 务关系的愿望表示欢迎 。 我们是国营公司,希望在平等互利的基础上同各国的制造商和商人做生意, 以发展同各国人民的商务关系。 应你方要求,兹附寄我们的商品目录和一套小册子,以供参考。 若你们对小册子中的商品感兴趣,请报具体询价,以便我们报价。 敬上
第一节 翻译例析
(二)词句分析(例一) 词句分析(例一)
1.We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Counselor’ Office of the Embassy in your country. 经我方驻贵国的大使馆 商务参赞处的介绍,特致函你方。 (1) We, you, our, your 在商务信函中的“We, you, our, your”可翻译成“我 在商务信函中的“ your”可翻译成“ 方(的)” 方(的)”、“你方(的)”或将you,your翻译成“贵方(的)”。 你方(的)”或将you,your翻译成“贵方(的)” (2) at the suggestion of…… 经……介绍 of…… ……介绍 (3) on the recommendation of…… 由……推荐 of…… ……推荐 (4) through the courtesy of …… 承蒙……的告知 承蒙……的告知 2.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan. 我们冒 Japan. 昧向你方介绍,我们经营丝绸商品,向欧洲和日本出口。 (1) 此句中采用词类转译法,即把名词“exporters”翻译成动词“经营,出口”。 此句中采用词类转译法,即把名词“exporters”翻译成动词“经营,出口” (2) to take the liberty to do…… 冒昧地做…… do…… 冒昧地做…… e.g. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as the leading importer of crystal containers. 冒昧地介绍我们自己为水晶容器的主要进口商。
第一节 翻译例析
3. We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items. 我们专营上述业务。许多年前,我们同你们国家就上述商品作过大笔交易。 (1) 此句中采用把英语被动结构转换成汉语主动结构的翻译方法,即“was done” 此句中采用把英语被动结构转换成汉语主动结构的翻译方法,即“ done” 译为“做过” 译为“做过”。 (2) to be specialized in 从事,专营 e.g. ABC Company is specialized in the importation of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. ABC公司专门经营化工和医药产品的进口业务。 ABC公司专门经营化工和医药产品的进口业务。 4. We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items.贵方如能告诉我们你方是否对上述商品生意 items. 抱有兴趣,我们将深表感谢。 (1) 此句中采用句序的改变,即英语“if”条件句后置转换成汉语“如果”引导的条 此句中采用句序的改变,即英语“if”条件句后置转换成汉语“如果” 件句前置。 (2) be grateful 感激,感谢 e.g. We would be grateful if you could please forward by fax your prices and range along with samples separately as soon as possible.如 possible.如 能尽快分别用传真告知价格和经营范围并寄来样品,将不胜感激。
第一节 翻译例析
敬启者: 从贵方4 从贵方4月2日来函得知,贵方欲改变付款方式。我们以保兑的不可撤销 信用证为付款方式在一般情况下保持不变,抱歉无法接受你方建议。今后装 运,我方会竭尽全力在规定时间内履行你方定单。相信贵方会理解双方合作。 敬上
第一节 翻译例析
以上翻译例析选用了四种常见的商业信函。即发函,回函,订购函和拒绝函。试比较原文 和译文。我们可以看出。译文在以下几个方面做了转换。 1. 格式上的转换 首先英文信函常用格式有两种,即:混合式(Semi首先英文信函常用格式有两种,即:混合式(Semi-indented letter style),如信函 style),如信函 例(1)(2)(3);平头式(Blocked 例(1)(2)(3);平头式(Blocked letter style)如信函例(4)。在翻译成汉语时, style)如信函例(4 应按照中文信函的格式习惯书写,如以上译文。其次英文信函中收信人的信内地址翻译时按 照汉语的习惯可以将其省略,因为信封上已存在。如信函例(3):(美国爱荷华州帕拉市纽 照汉语的习惯可以将其省略,因为信封上已存在。如信函例(3 沙仑路200/3804邮箱,乌米尔制造公司, 邮编:50219),另外,将日期调整到信函的最后。 沙仑路200/3804邮箱,乌米尔制造公司, 邮编:50219),另外,将日期调整到信函的最后。 2. 称呼上的转换 在英文商业信函中使用最普通的称呼套语是: 在英文商业信函中使用最普通的称呼套语是: Dear Sir/Sirs(用于男性) ,Dear Madam or Sir/Sirs(用于男性) Ladies(仅用于女性)或者Gentlemen(仅用复数形式,可单指男性,也可指男女合指)等。 Ladies(仅用于女性)或者Gentlemen(仅用复数形式,可单指男性,也可指男女合指)等。 而汉语用的称呼套语是:敬启者,尊敬的阁下/先生(女士/夫人)。同样,结尾套语在英文 而汉语用的称呼套语是:敬启者,尊敬的阁下/先生(女士/ 里常用的是:Yours 里常用的是:Yours truly, Sincerely yours等,汉语里则惯用XX谨呈/谨上。因而翻译时套 yours等,汉语里则惯用XX谨呈/ 用即可。
第一节 翻译例析
敬启者: 经我方驻贵国的大使馆商务参赞处的介绍,特致函你方。我们冒昧向你方 介绍,我们经营丝绸商品,向欧洲和日本出口。 我们专营上述业务。许多年前,我们同你们国家就上述商品作过大笔交易。 既然我们两国已建立了外交关系,我们愿意同你方建立直接的业务关系,因为 你们是丝绸产品的进口商。 贵方如能告诉我们你方是否对上述商品生意抱有兴趣,我们将深表感谢。 若有兴趣的话,请告知所需数量。 敬上
第一节 翻译例析
Sample 4
Dear Sirs, From your letter of April 2 we note that you wish to have a change in payment terms. We regret that we cannot accept your proposal because our usual terms of payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases. For future shipment, however, we shall do our best to fulfill your orders within the time we agreed on. We trust you will appreciate our cooperation. Yours sincerely,
第 三 章
E-mail: uibep@第一节 翻译例析Sample 1
Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Counselor’ Embassy in your country. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan. We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items. Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk piece goods. We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items. If so, please inform us of the quantity required. Yours faithfully,