关键词:图形采集;abstract: the traditional gis system is taken for regional electronic map data classification cutting, according to determine that display area shall display the cut of the graph visited the index number in the area of the map view. this paper based on the collection of graphics technology, electronic map, which is different from the traditional pattern, and generate only level 5 map the whole figure, through the direct access to the judgment of the corresponding region, will obtain the information to the user interface, direct access, avoid lets users download useless cutting repeat figure, improve access speed.keywords: graphics collecting;1、原理及代码实现将需要作为地图的原图通过photoshop软件进行处理,处理成5种不同分辨率的地图,作为地图的分级查看的底图。
【关键词】电子地图;导航电子地图;电子地图产业;产业化1 前言电子地图研究是现代地图学的发展方向,它作为计算机技术与数字制图理论结合的产物,已经衍变为服务社会经济发展的重要信息工具[1]。
电子地图(electronic map),是利用成熟的网络技术、通信技术、地理信息系统技术,以数字方式存储和查阅的地图,它是一种计算机处理和表达地理信息的可视化系统。
它与地理信息系统的区别在于:地理信息系统重点是对空间数据的加工分析,而电子地图侧重于地理数据的可视化表达;地理信息系统主要面向专业工作者,而电子地图面向于大众,主要为大众提供信息服务,如a地去b地怎么走?开车选择哪条路线最便捷?乘公交又如何换乘最省时、最经济?2 电子地图发展现状目前电子地图产品主要应用于三大领域:车载导航、手机和便携设备导航以及电子地图服务。
2.1 行业发展现状目前国内的电子地图产业化还处在产业雏形阶段。
GIS着重空间分析。电子地图着重地图表达。 地图表达的应用要求不同
GIS制图要求相对简单。电子地图需要丰富的地图表现形式。 产品的通用程度不同 GIS常作为政府、行业的决策支持系统。电子地图的用户多是广 大的普通用户。
1.4 电子地图的分类
1.5 电子地图的功能和应用
数字地图是用数字形式描述地图要素的位置、属性和关 系信息的数据集合,与具体表达的符号无关,是一种存储 方式;
电子地图是数字地图符号化处理后的数据集合,是数字 地图的可视化,是一种表示方式。电子地图是以数字地图 为基础的屏幕模拟表达,并以多种媒介显示地图数据的可 视化产品。
数字地图是电子地图的数据基础,电子地图是数字地图 的表达结果;
托勒密世界地图 ——
在世界地图科学史上, 古希腊的著名数学家、天文 学家、地图学家托勒密( Ptolemy 公元87-150年)占 有重要的地位。
托勒密世界地图所附27 幅地图,是世界最早的地图 集。他创造普通圆锥投影和 球面投影两种世界地图的新 投影方法,所绘的地图具有 划时代的意义。地图上的一 些概念,甚至在1538年墨卡 托的第一幅世界地图上,也 还有着相当的影响。
墨卡托世界地图 ——
探险时代最著名的 地图学家荷兰的墨 卡托(Gerardus Mercator 1512- 1594)于1538年绘 制了第一张世界地 图,这是从北极的 角度俯视绘制而成 。贴在他拥有的托 勒密地图集内。
1.1 地图学的历史和发展
17世纪,各国纷纷成立测绘机构。 18世纪,实测地形图出现,将数字应用于制图
3 电子地图的使用方法及 用途
纸质地图受图幅面积的限制,存在图面载负量的极大值,因 此在有限的图面上表达尽可能多的信息以最大限度满足用 户的需要,成为纸质地图整个设计制作过程的决定因素。
绪论一、选题背景以及意义随着计算机技术的飞速发展, 全球定位系统(GPS) 和地理信息系统 (GIS) 在各行各业中得到广泛的重视和应用, 两者的集成化程度也日益加强,实现了GPS 导航信息在GIS上的可视化、一体化和集成化,能够在地图上实时动态地跟踪目标和显示地理位置。
电子地图是随着计算机技术的发展而产生的一种崭新的地理信息载体,具备地图的内涵, 是数字地图在计算机屏幕上的符号化显示, 具有信息丰富、直观易懂、更新方便、实用灵活等特点, 因而受到用户的普遍欢迎。
如今,作为GPS与GIS 很好的结合体,GPS车载导航系统在国内外市场已经逐步普及,成为汽车行业的宠儿。
2.系统功能需求分析从应用层面分析,道路交通地理信息系统的受众群体分为交通管理方与车辆应用客户方,其中本文所探讨的基于ArcGISEngine的应用系统主要为交通管理方的C/S客户端,具体车辆客户端则可采用基于Android、ios或WindowsMobile 平台的APP软件;从系统设计的原则分析,应坚持安全性、共享性、可拓展性与可维护性的原则,提升道路交通地理信息系统的综合性发展。
地 图显示模 块 、地 图功能调用模 块。军 队标号 是部 队作战指 挥 、作 战模 拟和其他军事活动 中一种常用 的图形 标号 。 军标
符号处理系统主要任务是实现军标符号 的存 储 、新建 、修 改 、
低构件理解的难度 ,避免 了由于 内部修改 而可能带来 的影 响。 符合 同一 构建模 型的要求是 构件生产 和组装 的基 础 ,构件接 口是构件 使用者理 解构建 和构件组装 的桥梁 。基于构 件的软 件开发 希望软件具有插拔性 (L G&P A ) PU L Y ,便 于替换 。
31 电子 地 图 应 用 系统 组 成 .
如软件构 件技术 、软件架构 、领 域工程 等 ,它们 结合 在一起
共同影 响软件复用 的实现 。下面就软件 的构件技 术进行 细致
探讨 : 21 构 件 的定 义 .
电子地 图应用系统 主要 由 3部分组 成 ,包 括地 图显示 系 统 ( a i ly gS s m) 军 标 符 号 处 理 系 统 ( lay M pD s ai yt 、 p n e Mit ir Sm o Ss m 和应用分析 系统 ( nls yt 。这 3部分 y b l yt ) e A a i S s m) ys e
任务管 理类主要用 于进程创建 、进程挂起 、进程 恢复 ,异常 与软件错误 处理类具有错误打印、错误记 录、错误处理功能。
33 .2关联 关 系 .
在 电子 地 图应用 系统 中 , 在各种关 联关 系 ,例 如 :空
中 目标 与区域可 以是 11的关 系 ,也 可以是 l : : n的关系 ,空 中 图 2 数据类及其子类的继 承关 系 目标与雷达可以是 nl的关 系等等 。在 电子地 图应用 系统 中类 : 之 间的关联就是各对象之 间的关系 。
石家庄铁道学院毕业设计基于mysql的百度地图二次开发Secondary Development of Baidu MapBased on mysql2014届电气与电子工程分院专业电子信息工程学号20102643学生姓名杨小宁指导老师杨明完成日期2014年6月1日毕业设计成绩单学生姓名杨小宁学号20102643 班级电1004 专业电子信息工程毕业论文题目基于mysql的百度地图二次开发指导教师姓名杨明指导教师职称副教授评定成绩指导教师得分评阅人得分答辩小组组长得分成绩:院长签字:年月日毕业设计任务书题目基于mysql的百度地图二次开发学生姓名杨小宁学号20102643 班级电1004 专业电子信息工程承担指导任务单位电气与电子工程学院导师姓名杨明导师职称副教授一、设计内容基于要实现水位预警系统的远程地图显示,设计百度地图驱动mysql数据库,调用数据库里的数组,根据数据库的经纬度在地图上的相应位置显示标注,点击标注显示数据库的水深地址,以及路线查询,实现客户端手机端页面的显示等功能。
如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、
(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。
对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。
蔡 忠 亮( 1 9 7 1 一) 。 男。 山东人 。 副教授 。 博士。 硕 士 生导 师 。 现 主 要 从 事 地
图学 、 电子 地图 。 地 图 综
合 和 GI S等 方 面 的 理 论 研 究 及 相 关 软 件 的 设 计 与开发。
Un i v e r s i t y , Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 9 , C h i n a )
a n d n o n — s p a t i l a d a t a o r g a n i z a t i o n ,t h e d i s s e r t a t i o n ma k e s a d e t a i l e d a n a l y s i s o n v i s u a l i z a t i o n
Abs t r ac t : Ba s e d o n s t u dy i n g o n i nf o r mat i o n o r g a ni z a t i on a n d v i s ua l i z a t i o n me c ha n i s m mul t i - me di a e l e c t r o ni c ma p,t h i s p a p e r p ut s f o r wa r d a me t h o d o f s p a t i a l i nf o m a r t i o n a nd mul t i me di a i n f or ma t i o n .I n a c c o r d a n c e wi t h c h a r a c t er is t i c s o f t h e e l e c t r o ni c ma p ,t h e p a p er a l s o p r o p os e s a
三维电子地图论文中英文资料外文翻译文献The Design and Implementation of 3D Electronic Map of Campus Based on WEBGISI. INTRODUCTIONNowadays, digitalization and informatization are the theme of our times. With the development of information revolution and computer science, computer technology has penetrated into all fields of science and caused many revolutionary changes in these subjects, the ancient cartography also can't escape. With the technical and cultural constantly progress, the form and the content of the map change and update as well. As the computer graphics, geographic information systems (GIS) constantly applied to the Web, the conventional way of fabrication and demonstration has suffered great change, and the application of the Map has extended dramatically owing to the development of advanced information technology. Under these circumstances, cartography will be faced with promising prospect. It has branched out into many new products. One of the products come into being is the e-map [1]. With the rapid development of the computer technology, computer graphics theory, remote sensing technology, photogram metric technology and other related technology. Users require handling and analysis of three-dimension visualization, dynamic interactivity and show their various geo-related data, so much attention should be paid to the research of three dimensional maps. This article based on the Northeast Petroleum University and its surroundings designs and creates the three-dimensional electronic map.II. FUNCTIONDESIGNThree-dimensional electronic map system of campus based on WEBGIS has general characteristics of the common maps. Through pressing the arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, And Right) on the keyboard, one can make the map move towards the correspondingdirection of translation. Through dragging mouse, one can see wherever he likes. Using the mouse wheel, you can control a map's magnitude, according to the user's needs to view different levels of map. The lower left of the map where will display the current coordinate of the mouse on the map. In a div layer, we depict a hotspot of new buildings, this layer can be displayed according to the different map layers, it also can automatically scale. By clicking on hot spots, it can show the hot spot's specific information. One can also type into the query information based on his need, and get some relevant information. In addition, one can choose to check the three dimensional maps and satellite maps through clicking the mouse.Major functions:•User information management: Check the user name and password, set level certification depending on the permissions, allow users of different permissions to login the system via the Internet.•The inquiry of Location information: System can provide users with fuzzy inquires and quick location.•Map management: Implement loading maps, map inquires, layer management, and other common operations such as distance measurement, and maps zoom, eagle eye, labels, printing, and more.•Roam the map: Use the up and down keys to roam any area of the map, or drag-and-drop directly.III. THE PROCESS OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTTo the first, we collect the information which contains the outward appearance of architectural buildings, the shape of the trees the design of the roads. And then, we construct three dimensional scenes with 3DS MAX software [2]. That is to say we render the scene and achieve the high-defmition map, after that we cut the map into small pictures with the cut figure program, at last we built the html pages which can asynchronous load maps and achieve the function of the electronic maps. The flow chart of the system development will be shown in Figure 1:Figure 1 system development flow chartTraditional maps have strict requirements on mathematical laws, map symbols and cartographic generalization when in design. The production of network landscape electronic map also has its own technical standards which is superior to the traditional map. The three-dimensional electronic map has different zoom levels; therefore it needs not the strict scale but the unified production standards. Map symbol usually imitate the real world as much as possible and simplify itself at the same time. The scope of the screen is far greater than the fixed vision of papery maps. Cartographic generalizations think much of the balance between the abstract model and the actual performance results.As for the data acquisition and management, such as the introduction and the information users obtained from the map are final results of data acquisition. In the beginning, we collect the needed data including the name, the address, the introduction and the digital photos of the buildings and prepare for the subsequent three-dimensional modeling. After collecting the data, we should pay attention to archival and backup the files in case of loss.In order to get the map, a good preparation of the design of the standard scene is necessary. We set the parameter of the underlay, lights, altitudes, render effects and so on, so as to ensure the final fruit of our effort will have a uniform effect. The spatial entity'sperformances usually show up as the form of spot, line and surface in the three-dimensional electronic map.Compared with vector graphics, the grid graphics have unparalleled advantages. The combination of the grid graphics and the WEBGIS's background publishing technology can improve the response speed of system and save system's inputs. System achieves the interaction with the map with the JavaScript languages. Seeing that there lie differences in supporting the scripting languages on various browsers, testing all kinds of functions by different browsers is a crucial step.IV. KEY TECHNOLOGIESThe developments of three-dimensional electronic maps are inseparable with the development of related areas, and it learns research methods, techniques and tools from other areas. While the researches of other areas are directly applied to the development and construction of three - dimensional electronic map, and Computer graphics, 3-D GIS, Virtual Reality and Geographic Data Base, the modeling of virtual scene and so became the technical support of the three-dimensional electronic map system.The WEBGIS technology on which three-dimensional electronic map system of campus based is a standard Software technology which means without any commercial software's support. During the development of the system we make use of the common available technology which includes the JavaScript technology, Ajax technology, XML technology, etc.Ajax is not a one fold technology, it is a mixture which mixes multiple technologies together, including the document object which used to display on the web and its hierarchical structure document object model DOM, and CSS that used to define the elements of style, and data exchange format XML or JSON, implementation and asynchronous server of XMLHttpRequest and client script language JavaScript [3]. Ajax takes advantage of non-synchronous interaction technology which means there is no need to update pages; therefore, it will lessen the user's waiting time both psychologically and physically. That is why it will be easier to be accepted by public.EXT is an excellent Ajax framework written in JavaScript; it has nothing to do with the back-end technology and can be used to develop rich client applications with agorgeous appearance. The system enables the EXT combined with JSP to achieve the other page functions of the electronic map. The system combines the EXT with the Prototype whose framework bears the burden of creating a rich client and a highly interactive Web application, which realizes the application of the rich client efficiently and manage the safety of the client in a safe way that could be controlled.JavaScript is the principle technology of the system during the design and the implementation process. It allows a variety of tasks which can be completed solely on the client, and without the participation of the network and server which used to support the distributed computing and processing, and therefore reducing the invisible waste of resources. JavaScript allows neither the access to the local hard disk, nor the data to be saved to the server, let alone to modify and delete network documents. The single way to browse the Web information and realize dynamic interaction is through the browser, which can effectively guard against the data-loss, consequently the system reaches a high security coefficient. JavaScript can be used to customize the browser according to the diverse users, the more user-friendly the design of web pages is, the easier the method for the users to master. JavaScript technology means through the small-block approach to realize the programming. Just as the other scripting languages, JavaScript is also an interpreted language; it offers a convenient development environment.In this system, we take advantage of JavaScript scripting language to realize the key functions such as loading maps, zooming maps, geographic location, and other related auxiliary functions, i.e. map icon display, ranging, eagle eye, tags. Oracle database meets the need of the data which is used in backstage management, and together with the JSP, XML and HTML to realize the user's authentication as well as adding, deleting, revising and inquiring information’s, etc.The main function of the system is to realize the three dimensional electronic map displayed in the browser through WEBGIS technology. Owing to the combination of JavaScript technology and WEBGIS development model, we can reduce the cost of the system, and at the same time improve the interoperability and system performance. Thanks to the application of AJAX technology, we can make further improvement on loading dynamical map. All the technologies we use will reduce the reaction time, which will leave a quick and efficient impression on users.V. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEMA. The fabrication of the three-dimensional scene and scene rendering for map.The three-dimensional electronic map of campus based on WEBGIS, is an electronic map system which takes the Northeast Petroleum University as the prototype. To realize this system, we should complete the fabrication of three dimensional scene and scene rendering for map, so we select 3DMAX whose operation is simple and flexible to model. Given the later needs of electronic map, the three-dimension model should be delicate as much as possible. The three dimensional model's construction would take up a great deal of time, due to so many complicated buildings of Northeast Petroleum University.To complete the three-dimensional scene we should first prepare to render the scene well. Actually the grid picture which three dimensional electronic map used is the fixed angle of view swivel eye grid map. After modeling of three dimensional spatial entities, select the appropriate rendering method and make a fixed camera angle positioning in the render (Normally at 45-degree angle ), and then set the render output parameters to render them into the camera from the perspective of fixed size picture[4].B. Loading MapIn the WEB, the maps are mainly shown through the Div layer which has three layers. One layer is used as a window the carrier of the map. The size of the layer is as large as the map which we usually see through the browser (referred to as the window layer). Another layer is the moving layer used to follow the drag of the mouse (referred to as the moving layer).The other is the covering layer which lies between the window layer and the moving layer. The map window operated by users is constituted by the three layers mentioned above. Basic operations of the map are realized through setting features in different layers [5].When loading map, we use the raster data which we usually call image data. Raster data includes image data, two dimensional map, and three-dimensional simulated electronic map. The raster data in this system is three-dimensional simulated electronic map. The abstract two-dimensional map makes some ordinary users difficult to learn the information they need, but the three-dimensional simulated map simulate the real world's information exactly, so users can easily see the real world. This system mainly displays themap picture, when you view or drag the map, it just like a complete map picture of the current window, but in fact patchwork of small pictures. These small cards are cut from complete map by the specific cutting diagram program; all the picture cards are the same size and have fixed naming rules, so the map is faster and easier to load. There are many methods to complete the map carving, the system use square slab method to cut the map to 256 pixels * 256 pixels. Then write the script which based on the naming rules to complete the picture load.C. The Basic Function of MapDragging, zooming and translation are the basic functions of the map, and they are also important features of the map that differ from a simple picture. The following is a brief description of the implementation method. To realize dragging, the first thing is to set the mouse event functions. The events include mouse down and mouse up. So the two functions combined can complete the map navigation. The mouse down event is mainly used to record the drag state as well as the present location, while the mouse up function will capture the dragging completion status, then use show map function to reload maps. Process of realizing zooming function as follows:•Gain ratio value before amplification and the proper ratio value needed to enlarge.•Calculate the coordinates of the center of the map after amplification. The formula: (point.x / oldpercent) * newpercent.•Modify icon data in the icon layer (Icon layer logical operation-Cmap _ Base.js).•Remove the current map layer, and force the memory recycling.•Load required map file.With these basic functions, the user can observe the entire campus buildings concisely and clearly. The map is divided into five zoom levels, users can zoom out to view more buildings, also can zoom in to examine the architectural details.D. Other Utility Functions1)Highlight and pop-up boxesFor some hot-query buildings, we use JSON data to create a div layer, filled with color, and then set to translucent, when the mouse moved to the layer, this area will behighlight selected. When Mouse clicks on the highlighted area, a small window will pop up showing the architectural details. Take the stadium as an example, when the mouse is not over the stadium, the building has no change, but when moving the mouse over the stadium, the outline of the building shows. When click the highlight of the stadium, the stadium will pop up some basic information’s, such as the stadium office phone, address details, the basic profile.2)RangeAs a result of mutual conversion between longitude and latitude and the campus electronic map coordinate, we can first transform campus electronic map coordinate to the latitude and longitude coordinate, then calculate the distances between two spots through their latitude and longitude coordinates, this way is simple and precise.3)Label display and hideIn order to prompt some key places in the map (such as public transportation station, street sign ), using the new layer in its label tagging, it is convenient to the user for recognize specific location, but the tagging information will affect the whole scene showing, so the user can choose displaying labels when in needed.4)Real-time coordinate and eagle-eyedThrough the eagle eye map which located on the bottom right comer of the electronic map, users can understand roughly where they are in the campus. Drag the green box in the eagle eye map can quickly locate to the site you want to. The left bottom area displays real-time coordinate value of the mouse cursor in the system.5)Inquiry and localization functionThe final designed system is easy to operate .It provides quick navigation to the home page. If you select certain types of buildings, it will list all the similar constructions on the right. Click on a building name can be fast locating the corresponding position and display information’s related to the building. The inquiry data save d in the oracle relational database, while the positioning coordinate values picked up from the JSON files. The inquiry and localization is connected through the same field name realizing the localization inquiry integration. When come to fuzzy queries, enter the keywords in the query box, all relevant information’s will be displayed. You can also enter the exact name for precise query to find the corresponding building to know more about it.VI. CONCLUSIONThe three-dimensional electronic map of campus based on WEBGIS combines the advantages of macroscopically quality, integrity, and simplicity of 2d electronic map with reality, richness and intuitive of 3D virtual scene [6]. The map system using the JavaScript technology, the XML technology, the Oracle database and other technologies realizes the information transmission and interactive operation. The system itself is cross-platform, page-friendly, security, and easy to maintain, and B/S model allows a broader user to access dynamically and operate simply.From: YiZhi-An,Yin Liang-Qun.The Design and Implementation of 3D Electronic Map of Campus Based on WEBGIS.IEEE Conference Publications .2012:577-580基于WebGIS的校园三维电子地图的设计与实现一.导言如今,数字化和信息化是当今时代的主题。
关键词:LBS 电子地图服务系统设计LBS系统的基本原理是:当移动用户需要信息服务或监控管理中心需要对某移动终端进行移动监控时,首先移动终端通过内嵌的定位设备如GPS获得终端本身当前的空间位置数据,并实时地通过无线网络把数据上传到中心;中心GIS服务器根据终端的地理位置、服务要求进行空间分析;然后将分析结果以文本或地图的形式下传到移动终端。
1 LBS下导航电子地图设计原则本文认为LBS移动终端导航地图设计应采取以下几条认知设计原则:(1)人们通过路段名字和路段节点描述路线:通过系列转向节点描述路线从一路段到另一路段,路线描述的重点是每一路段的进出节点和转向(左或右)。
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近几年随着计算机信息系统的出现和硬件技术的迅猛发展,以电子地图为雏形,以信息系统为支撑,综合各领域前沿的最新技术,形成了地理信息系统GIS(Geographic Information System),它为表现地理空间数据提供了强有力的平台,并能对空间数据提供动态的传输信息。
2 智能交通系统及其发展
由此产生了智能交通系统(Intelligent Traffic System)。
对这些车辆往往要求实现全程监控、调度和指挥,在装备了全球定位系统GPS(Global Positioning System)卫星定位调度系统以后,可以缩短所用的时间,这对于人民的生命和财产是很重要的。
其次对于城市大量的出租车来说,装上GPS 定位管理系统,不仅可以大大增强防盗防劫的能力,而且十分有利于出租车的运营管理,可以减少大量出租车为了找用户而无目的的空驶。
对城市的公交系统来说,装备GPS 定位管理系统将可以大大提高其运营管理的智能化水平。
3.GPS 基本理论
在20 世纪70 年代,一种全天候、全球性和高精度的连续导航定位的卫星导航系统——GPS 系统产生了。
4. GPS概况
GPS 的全称为Global Positioning System,其意为“全球定位系统”。
1.左伟,GPS 技术及其在导航电子地图中的应用,2003,5
2.GPS 理论与应用(第1 卷),西安导航技术研究所,1999。
3.GPS 理论与应用(第2 卷),西安导航技术研究所,1999。
5.赵兵等,GPS 车辆定位导航系统中电子地图的设计,V ol8,No.4,2000。