



Unfortunately, the grey and blue cotton pieces reached us whereas our order was for a selection of the green and orange ones. 很遗憾,我们收到的棉制品是灰色的和蓝色的,而 我们订货时选的是绿色的和桔黄色的。 A fair comparison of quality between our products and similar articles from other sources will convince you of the reasonableness of our quotation. 贵方只要把我们的产品质量与别处的同类产品质量 比一比,就会知道我们的报价是合理的。
If understanding prevails, WTO is in a position to replace confrontation with agreement; it cannot be pull off. 如果大家能普遍接受的话,WTO就能用协议 取代对抗,而这项工作不能在拖延下去了。
Spectacular economic results ultimately won impressive staff support for the reformer manager. A.惊人的经济成果最终赢得了职工对这位改革派经 理的热情支持。 B. 到头来,职工们对这位改革派经理取得的惊人的 经济成果给予了热情的支持。 C. 这位改革派经理取得了惊人的经济成果,最终赢 得了职工们热情的支持。 D.这位改革派经理取得了惊人的经济成果,职工们 给予了热情的支持。



Two Types of Transfer
• Negative Transfer (负迁移) Errors arise from analogy. 类推会产生错误。 • Positive Transfer (正迁移) Errors decrease by analysis. 分析能减少错误。
We could turn negative transfer (interference) into positive (facilitation) by making analysis on differences between the two languages and arouse the learner‟s awareness of avoiding or reducing errors from analogy. 我们可以通过分析两种语言的差异,提高学生避免 或减少类推错误的意识,把负迁移(干扰)转化为正迁 移(促进)。
人在阵地在。 The position will not be given up so long as we are still living. 人无远虑, If one has no long-term considerations, 必有近忧。 he will find trouble at his doorstep.
English-Chinese Contrast and Translation 左飚
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
English-Chinese Contrast and Translation
左 飚
上海建桥学院 上海海事大学 zuobiao212@
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
Lacking inflection in the strict sense 缺少严格意义的 形态变化 老师们、同学们 我的爸爸、你的妈妈 认真的态度、 认真地学习

汉英比较与翻译chapter 4

汉英比较与翻译chapter 4
如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的、花儿般的魅力, 也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种玉洁冰清、苗条多姿的 气质和那苹果花似的颜色——二十六年前这种花容月 貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过艾舍斯特——那么在四 十三岁的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过 两颊淡淡地有点儿斑驳,而灰蓝色的眼睛也有了岁月 的沉淀。
English: right-extending heavy-tailed like a peacock
This is the cat. This is the cat that killed the rat. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt(麦芽). This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that was built by Jack. …
英语国家沿袭了古代希腊人非常严格和规 范的语词系统。古代希腊人认为,语词系统 与思维系统是相一致的,要表达一个清晰合 理的思想就离不开清晰合理的词形和句法。 而在一个毫无条理的陈述结构中,思想肯定 也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱无章的思想是没有 意义的。英语形合的特征正是在这样一种 背景之下形成的。
与之相反,中国人重直觉,强调意念流, 只要能够达意,词的形式是无关紧要的, 词语之间的关系常在不言中,语法意义 和逻辑关系常隐藏在字里行间。正所 谓‚子曰:辞,达而已矣‛(《论语.卫灵 公》)。(The master said, in official speeches, all that matters is to get one’s meaning through.)



Examples of Negative Transfer
5、他建议我接受这个报价。 He suggested me to accept this offer . He suggested that I (should) accept this offer . He suggested my (me) accepting this offer .
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
English-Chinese Contrast and Translation
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
Three Parts
1. Language transfer 2. Linguistic contrast 欢迎光临 3. Contrast and translation
Causes: • analogical use of one‟s prior knowledge of the mother tongue 母语先知结构的类推运用 • scanty knowledge of differences between the two languages 对两种语言的差异所知甚少 • unconscious falling back on the mother tongue speech habit 不自觉地回归母语的言语习惯
Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。
Negative Transfer (负迁移): Interference (干扰)
Please translate the following:



第七讲 英汉修辞对比与翻译
5. 英语多用长句和复合句。 With the gaining of our political freedom you will remember that there came a conflict between the
point of view of Alexander Hamilton, sincerely believing in the superiority of government by a small group of public-spirited and usually wealthy citizens, and, on the other hand, the point of view of Thomas Jefferson, and advocate of government by representatives chosen by all the people, and advocate of the universal right of free thought and free personal living and free religion and free expression of opinion and, above all, the right of free universal suffrage.
第七讲 英汉修辞对比与翻译
修辞是提高语言表达效果的手段。翻译工作既注意一般修辞又要注意特殊修 辞。 1)用词要贴切
翻译中应特别重视选词,要对原文和译文所用词语在词义的范围、轻重、分 寸及色彩方面仔细琢磨,反复推敲,以求译文用词精当、贴切。例如:
“修辞”是语言表达的艺术。使用修辞格的目的是为了使语言更加生动形象、鲜明突出,或者 使语言更加整齐匀称,音调铿锵,加强语言表现力和感染力,引起读者丰富联想的效果。修辞方式 (格)的本质就是所要解决怎样艺术而有效地运用语言形式来恰当地表达思想内容。



谨慎而尝试地飞翔着,但很快胆子就大了,更有 英语常常使用大量的涵义概括、指称笼统的抽象名词来表达复杂的理性概念。
而汉语则习惯用具体、形象的词语来表达虚的概念。 在语思维,汉语重曲线思维
中西方因思维概念不同,对同一事物,便产 生不同的语言表达方式,这直接影响到翻译的正 确性。
比如: 汉语“红茶”,不能翻译为“red tea”;
正确的英语为 “black tea”; 英语的 “black coffee”, 也不能翻
译为”黑咖啡“;正确的汉语为 “浓咖啡”; 汉语 “黑眼睛 ”,不能翻译为“black
车子朝前行驶着,路两旁一边是青翠的公 园,一边是死板乏味的豪华旅馆和公寓大楼…
这里的green, elegance 都是抽象名词, 在翻译时就需要特别注意其对应的汉语翻译词 语。
通过对英语文章和汉语文章的比较不难看到, 英语文章通常直截了当地陈述主题,进行论述, 习惯首先把要点表达出来,然后再把各种修饰语 和其他次要成分一一补充进来。正是由于中西思 维的这种差异,在翻译过程中误译错译的现象时 有发生。
It spread its wings anew and soared upward, at first carefully and tentatively, soon with greater boldness and assurance, until at last with a wild scream of joy it swung itself high up in the air and made a great circle.



The statement declared that the international economic order must be changed or the gap between developed and developing countries would continue to widen. 声明宣称:国际经济秩序必须改变,否则发达国家与发展 中国家之间的差距将继续加大。 The global economy that boomed in the 1960s, growing at an average of 5.5 percent a year, and pushed ahead at a 4.5 percent-a-year rate in the mid-1970s, simply stopped growing in 1981-1982. 世界经济于20世纪60年代十分繁荣,每年平均以5.5%的 比率增长,到了70年代中期仍以平均每年4.5%的比率增 长,但在1981年至1982年期间完全停止了增长。
英语 显性 形摄 语法型
汉语 隐性 神摄 语用型
形合 空间架 主语突出
神合 时间架 主题突出
It’s raining at 5:30 p.m., on a dark, wintry day in northern California, where Karen, tired after her five-hour drive, is planning to check into her hotel before a business dinner meeting scheduled for 7:30. 加州北部,冬日的雨天,已是傍晚5:30,卡 伦已驱车5小时,感到疲惫不堪,她打算在 定于7:30开始的商务晚宴前赶到宾馆办理完 入住手续。



4) 幽幽岁月,苍海桑田. 5) 门铃一响,来了客人,从不谢客,礼当 接待. 5) Suddenly the bell rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor. As I had never rejected any guest, I thought I should this one as well.
华东师范大学 张春柏
I. 为什么要对比 (why): to help improve the teaching/learning of translation, composition, and grammar
II. 比什么 比什么(What): From words to sentences and discourse, as well as ways of thinking.
My purpose here: to call our attention to the importance of form in the teaching/learning of translation 1) word form: morphology (as well as sounds, esp. in poetry) 2) sentence form: structure 3) cohesion: how sentences are connected to each other to form a coherent piece of discourse
3) 五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,又是反封
建的运动。五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在 于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态,这就 是彻底地不妥协地反帝国主义和彻底地不妥 协地反封建主义。五四运动所以具有这种性 质,是……五四运动是在当时世界革命号召 之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号 召之下发生的。五四运动是当时无产阶级世 界革命的一部分。……



of the total population of the earth, China plays in world
affairs a role that can only grow more important in the
years ahead.
-- Jimmy Carter
Trunk line: S + V + (O) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes
• 这样的英语句子,结构显得过于松散了,变成汉式英语而非典型地道的英语句子了。
• 英汉句子的差异:形合与意合 • 这种差异在翻译中给译者带来一定的障碍。将一个重形合的
语篇译成重意合的语篇,最常见的错误就是将形合的特点迁 移(transfer)到重意合的语言中。 • 翻译中译者面临的困难很多,但句型结构的迁移是最大的障 碍。现在不少译者的译文充斥着英语的句法结构,甚至还美 其名曰“忠实于原文”,这种观念实在有害。
• 英语的结构性就很明显,如:
• It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory
explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of
• Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.



Please translate the following:
不要人云亦云。 Don‟t say what others have said. 这件事,你做也好,他做也罢,我看谁都做不好。 Whether you do the matter or he does it, I‟m afraid neither will do it well. 支农惠农政策不断加强。 Policies were constantly strengthened to support and benefit agriculture. 必须采取措施在石油资源耗尽之前开发新能源。 Measures must be taken to develop new energy resources before petroleum resources are used up.
Zuo Biao
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
Three Parts
1. Language transfer (语言迁移) 2. Linguistic contrast(语言对比) 欢迎光临 (对比与翻译) 3. Contrast and translation
Part One
Language Transfer in FL Learning: Interference or Facilitation?
Two Typesnsfer • Positive Transfer (负迁移) (正迁移) Errors arise from Errors decrease by analogy. analysis. 类推会产生错误。 分析能减少错误。
Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。



思果说:“千万不能跟英文走。” 2
1.刘宓庆.翻译与语言哲学[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001: 78.)
果. 翻译研究[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001:23)
汉语的线性序列 与英语的空间结构
英语句子的结构: “葡萄藤型”结构 (grapevine structure),意为在短短的主 干上派生出长长的枝蔓和丰硕的果实;
1. 怒安. 傅雷谈翻译[M]. 沈阳:辽宁教育出版社2005:30
就保留原文句法与译文体现原作精神 的问题,傅雷也有精辟的论述:“假如破 坏本国文字的结构与特性,就能传达 异国文字的特性而获得原作的精神, 那么翻译真是太容易了。不幸那种理 论非但是刻船求剑,而且结果是削足 就履,两败俱伤。” 1
英汉语言对比与翻译 (一)
Jean Delisle, representative of French Interpretative Theory of Translation, says in his Translation: An Interpretive Approach, “In other words, each community has developed habits of expression that, over time, have been integrated into the language and lent it certain characteristics.”1
1. 怒安. 傅雷谈翻译[M]. 沈阳:辽宁教育出版社2005:2
刘宓庆:“西方各语种在SLT与TLT之间的 实现形式转换的可行性比汉外翻译大得 多。……即既实现意义对应,又实现形式对 应。这在汉语与西方语言之间的转换中是根












Cohesive devices 衔接手段1. reference 照应2. substitution 替代3. ellipsis 省略4. conjunction 连接5. lexical cohesion 词汇衔接----- Halliday & HasanCohesion in English重复与替代汉英两种语言的部分语篇衔接手段在使用上有所偏重,汉语更常使用原词复现和省略,而英语则更多使用照应和替代。




开始吃的时候你正处在饥饿状态,而饿了吃糠甜加蜜…as you start eating you are in hunger, and when you are in hunger chaff tastes as honey…(学生译文)…as you start eating you are in hunger, when chaff tastes sweet as honey…(参考译文)他这时来了,而这时我根本想不到他会来。

He came at a time when I least expected him.那是一个寒冷潮湿的晚上,这样的晚上大部分人待在家里。



English Order of Linguistic Elements 英语语序
Relatively flexible order (语序相对灵活) resulting from the use of inflections and connectives Phrases:
the Russian people, the people of Russia, the people living in Russia, the people who live in Russia a pretty and clever girl a girl pretty and clever a girl who is pretty and clever
Chinese Order of Linguistic Elements
Order of logic <cause-effect, conditionresult> (逻辑顺序:因果,条件-结果) • 志同道合,友谊才会持久。 • 名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成。 • 天下雨,运动会延期了。 • 他爱睡懒觉,考试难过关。
我们看到很多住人的迹 象,当漫步街头走过一 个很大的棚户集中地, 离中央大道不远。
Hale Waihona Puke 我们漫步街头,在中 央大道附近发现了一 个很大的棚户区,有 很多迹象表明茅棚里 还住了人。
Pay attention to Chinese order of time and space.
Contrast Between English and Chinese
The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.



Semantic range and classification
• Owing to the fact that not all the usages of the two languages concerned are alike, there may be the following different cases in wording: correspondence, inclusion, intersection, and zero.
Noticeably, seeking correspondence between words in translation may be aptly led to pseudo-correspondent expressions, or, false 1)False friends beset by word-to-word friends in the target language.
Correspondence 对应
• In each language there is a core vocabulary standing for the most common things of the world, or people’s actions or ideas. • 森林 forest • 温室效应 greenhouse effect • 历史遗产 historical heritage • Physics 物理 • New York 纽约 • WHO 世界卫生组织
• 言内意义(intralingual meaning)或语 篇意义是句子成分与句 子成分之间或句与句之 间的关系,它决定着行 文的韵律节奏,如何衔 接连贯,达到何种修辞 效果等。 • 语用意义(pragmatic meaning)或交际意义是 语言符号与其使用者之 间的关系,包括表征意 义、表达意义、社会意 义、祈使意义和联想意 义。



第四章英汉语言对比与翻译Fiona Ma April, 201221. 英汉语言特点2. 英汉语言特点对 翻译的启示3. 课堂互动及课后练习英汉语言对比与翻译1.英语重形合,汉语重意合2.英语偏静态,汉语偏动态3.英语重抽象,汉语重具体4.英语重物称,汉语重人称5.英语重被动,汉语重主动6.英语多替换,汉语多重复7.英语重后饰,汉语重前饰8.英语重聚焦,汉语重流散9.英语重时体,汉语轻时体1. 英汉语言特点返回章重点 4例1: Children will play with dolls equipped withpersonality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell television, and digital age will have arrived.【译文】儿童将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴儿不是工具,人们将在气味电视前休闲,这时数字时代就来到了。

例2: 早知今日,何必当初?【译文】If I had known it would have come to this, I would have acted differently.1.1 英语重形合,汉语重意合1. 英汉语言特点返回章重点 5例3: As we lived near the road, we oftenhad the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.【译文】我们就住在路边。



英汉词语对比与翻译【打印版】英汉词语对比与翻译--- 系统、语义及其他词类在英汉语中使用的频率有差异1.我成功了。

I was in success.2. The old man cast impatient glances at the clock. 这位老师不耐烦地看了看钟。


He is a green hand4. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together.一进门,我就想起来了被我摔碎的娃娃。


A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese --- 英汉语对比研究人到齐就开会。

The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。

Don’t say what others have said.帐单撕碎了。

The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。

The problem was solved.你再说一个字,我马上走。

If you should say one more word, I would go at once. 你死了,我去当和尚。

If you should die, I would go and be a monk.1.人在阵地在。

The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.(Condition 条件)2.人无远虑,必有近忧。

If one has no long-term considerations, he will find troubleat his doorstep.(Condition 条件)3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。

英汉对比与翻译 量词

英汉对比与翻译  量词

掌声、欢呼声、笑声: A peal/ripple/shower/storm/thunder of applause 一阵~ 一阵笑声: A burst/gale/gulp/ripple/roar/shout/shriek of laughter 一股热泪、一阵哭泣、一连串泪珠 A flood/flow/passion/storm/stream of tears/weeping
Western: abstractive thinking
Abstractive thinking,regulated by Iogic,can reason and make judgment following concrete concepts
In Chinese, a measure word is used to make a concrete item more visualization, used more often in expressing an individual item. In English , a measure word is not necessary in expressing a countable noun.

汉语中表示情感的量词,主要用股和阵。如: 一股热火、热情、一阵欢乐/歇斯底里 英语中有相应的表示情感的量词,如: a bonanza of sympathy一阵… a cloud of grief/suspicion一片愁容/疑惑 a gush of anger/enthusiasm/feelings/rage/temper一 股… a thrill of joy/fear/horror a wave of sympathy/hysteria一股/一阵…
Quirk 等人将这种结构称为partitive construction(表份结构)
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他不怕死。 He does not hear to die. fear
Examples of Negative Transfer
2、他一天只吃两顿饭。 He only eat two meal a day. eats meals 我去年到北京去了三次。 I go to Beijing 3 time last year. Went times Morphological transfer (词形迁移) 词形迁移) Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese. 在汉语中,名词和动词都没有形态变化。
人到齐就开会。 The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。 Don’t say what others have said. Tense (时态) 帐单撕碎了。 The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。 The problem was solved. Voice (语 态) 你再说一个字, If you should say one more 我马上走。 word, I would go at once. 你死了, If you should die, I would go and 我去当和尚。 be a monk. Mood (语气)
人在阵地在。 The position will not be given up so long as we are still living. 人无远虑, If one has no long-term considerations, 必有近忧。 he will find trouble at his doorstep.
Part One
Language Transfer in FL Learning: Interference or Facilitation?
外语学习中的语言迁移: 外语学习中的语言迁移: 干扰还是促进? 干扰还是促进?
What Is Language Transfer?
Transfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired . Odlin (1989: 27) 迁移是由于目标语与已经习得的语言之 间的相似和差异而产生的 影响。 奥德林
Examples of Negative Transfer
5、他建议我接受这个报价。 He suggested me to accept this offer . He suggested that I (should) accept this offer . He suggested my (me) accepting this offer . Syntactical transfer (句型迁移) The verb jianyi, the Chinese equivalent of ‘suggest’, can be used in VOC pattern in Chinese. Suggest的汉语对应词“建议”在汉语中可以用 “动词+宾语+补语”的结构。
Native Language Transfer Does Exist.
• The age of the learner: adulthood • The socio-cultural context
Two Types of Transfer
• Negative Transfer • Positive Transfer (负迁移) (正迁移) Errors arise from Errors decrease by analogy. analysis. 类推会产生错误。 分析能减少错误。
Please translate the following:
你再说一个字,我马上走。 If you should say one more word, I would go at once. 你死了,我去当和尚。 If you should die, I would go and be a monk.
Collocation transfer (搭配迁移) 搭配迁移) The noun renkou, the Chinese equivalent of ‘population’, can have a numerical pre-modifier. Population的汉语对应词“人口”在汉语中可以 用前置数词来修饰。
Two Types of Transfer
• Negative Transfer (负迁移) Errors arise from analogy. 类推会产生错误。 • Positive Transfer (正迁移) Errors decrease by analysis. 分析能减少错误。
We could turn negative transfer (interference) into positive (facilitation) by making analysis on differences between the two languages and arouse the learner’s awareness of avoiding or reducing errors from analogy. 我们可以通过分析两种语言的差异,提高学生避免 或减少类推错误的意识,把负迁移(干扰)转化为正迁 移(促进)。
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
English-Chinese Contrast and Translation
左 飚
上海海事大学 zuobiao212@
英 汉 对 比 与 翻 译
Three Parts
1. Language transfer 2. Linguistic contrast 欢迎光临 3. Contrast and translation
Causes: • analogical use of one’s prior knowledge of the mother tongue 母语先知结构的类推运用 • scanty knowledge of differences between the two languages 对两种语言的差异所知甚少 • unconscious falling back on the mother tongue speech habit 不自觉地回归母语的言语习惯
Please translate the following:
人到齐就开会。 The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。 Don’t say what others have said. 帐单撕碎了。 The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。 The problem was solved.
(Condition 条件 条件)
病来如山倒, Sickness comes like an avalanche, 病去如抽丝。 but goes like reeling silk.
(Contrast, Opposition 对照、转折 对照、转折)
我来他已去。 He had left when I arrived.
Examples of Negative Transfer
1、这位作家喜欢晚上写作。 The writer likes writing at light. night
Phonological transfer (语音迁移) 语音迁移) The sound /n/ does not exist in some Chinese dialects and /l/ serves as a substitute. 在有些中国方言(如南京方言)中没有/n/这个辅音,而 用/l/来替代。
Examples of Negative Transfer
6. -- Your English is wonderful. -- No, no. My English is still poor. -- Your English is wonderful. -- Thank you, but I still need to improve my English. Pragmatic transfer (语用迁移) The negative reply to a compliment is considered in Chinese as modest and courteous. 对赞扬的否定回答在汉语中被视为谦虚有礼貌。
Lacking inflection in the strict sense 缺少严格意义的 形态变化 老师们、同学们 我的爸爸、你的妈妈 认真的态度、 认真地学习
Retaining some inflections 保留一些形态变化 v.(动词): tense, aspect, voice, mood n.(名词): number, case, gender pron.(代词): person, gender, case, number adj.(形容词): degree ad.(副词) : degree
Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。
Negative Transfer (负迁移): Interference (干扰)
Examples of Negative Transfer