

Unit 1 Adapting to New Environments

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete

1. solve

2. nervous

3. adopt

4. helpful

5. their college life

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. freshman

2. exclusively

3. personality

4. extra

5. adjustment

6. spare

7. nervousness

8. depend on

9. start over 10. experience

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T

Task 3

1.Students have to rely on themselves.

2.They experience some level of nervousness and anxiety.

3.It should include a studen t?s short-term goals, what books to read at a certain stage, what extra curriculum activities to

participate in and daily activities.

4.College is about having fun and making new friends as well as learning new knowledge.

5.Just give a phone call to their friends and parents who are always ready to help.


Task 4 1 – i 2 – e 3 – d 4 – b 5 – a 6 – j 7 – c 8 – g 9 – f 10 – h

Task 5

1. make full use of

2. depend on

3. adjustment

4. exclusive

5. participate

6. adapt to

7. personality

8. start over

9. figure out 10. nervous

Task 6

1. What?s more, we should learn to live independently.

What?s more, we lack necessary experience.

2. Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars.

Chances are that Grace will not come to the meeting.

3. For this reason, many of his former friends turned against him.

For this reason, I have decided to take teaching as my future career.

4. This is a great time not only to learn new knowledge but also to develop ourselves in all aspect.

This is a great time not only to relax oneself but also experience new things.

5. Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.

Cheating in an exam ruins on e?s personality.

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. challenge

2. conversation

3. tidy

4. workplace

5. understand

6. actively

7. advice

8. on the right track

9. do wonders for 10. stand out

Task 2

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. A

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1.This is our new teacher, Mr. Smith. He is/comes from Australia.

2.The earth is round and goes/runs around the sun.

3.I usually go home once a month.

4.Do you often read English books in your spare time?

5.How many English lessons do you have in a week?

Task 2


Unit 2 Handling Personal Information

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete

1. village

2. computer science

3. college life

4. attitude

5. home

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. active

2. attitude

3. experience

4. romantic

5. delicious

6. comfortable

7. update

8. be known as

9. make good use of 10. search for

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T

Task 3

1.It?s small, but beautiful. The air is fresh and the water is clear. It?s known as the “Land of rice and fish”.

2.He wants to be a computer engineer.

3.In the college, there?s nobody to tell him what to do. He has to plan his time well. He is independent. While in high school, after

class you will not be on your own.

4.He has an active attitude towards life, because there?re many things he likes to do.

5.He compares his blog to his second home, his dreamland.


Task 4 1 – g 2 – b 3 – h 4 – f 5 – j 6 – a 7 – i 8 – c 9 – d 10 – e

Task 5

1. lies

2. is making good use of

3. are searching for

4. is known as

5. be updated

6. romantic

7. has experienced

8. delicious

9. surfing 10. on his own

Task 6

1. Though he is young, he has rich work experience.

She wears like a movie star though she is just a student.

2. The classroom is so big that we cannot hear the teacher.

Her work experience is so rich that nobody can match her.

3. So the Great Wall is known as the symbol of China.

So our college is known as the Cradle of Engineers.

4. Y ou?d better get up early so that you won?t be late.

She left me a very good first impression so that I can still remember her.

5. We all study hard, for we know that we cannot afford to waste time.

We cannot waste food, for food is so precious.

6. He spent all his life searching for an answer/solution to the problem.

He spends an hour studying English everyday.

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. because

2. do nothing

3. belongs to

4. support

5. languages

6. by myself

7. fascinated with and

8. favourite

9. matches 10. such as 11. is interested in

Task 2

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1.There are 30 students in our class. They are from the south.

2.There are many students in the classroom doing exercise.

3.There are many pedestrians crossing the streets.

4.There is a map and two pictures on the wall.

5.There are some people in the garden. They are watering flowers./There are some people watering flowers in the graden.

Task 2

1.has – is

2. talk – talking/ who talk

3. There are many shops in the town now.


Unit 1 如何快速适应大学生活







Unit 2关于自己

嗨,大家好!欢迎访问我的博客。首先让我介绍一下我自己。我18岁,男。来自中国南方的一个小村子。村子虽小,但很美丽。它位于一条小河。那里空气很新鲜, 水是如此清澈,你可以看到很多的鱼在河里游泳。村子周围是稻田。这就是众所周知的“鱼米之乡”。

现在, 我在中国南方职业技术学院学习计算机科学。毕业后我想成为一名计算机工程师。我喜欢我的大学生活。它与高中生活十分不同。下课后你都是靠自己了。没有人告诉你该做什么。所以你需要计划好你的时间, 以便你不会浪费时间。我的同学都很用功, 因为我们知道“时间不等人”。我们必须好好利用时间来学习更多的知识。

我有着积极的人生态度。有很多事情我想做、去看、去体验。我喜欢读书、写作。我爱思考, 喜欢做梦。我喜欢春天的花、夏天的雨水, 秋天的叶子, 冬天的雪。我喜欢大城市里的摩天大楼, 我喜欢绿色的田野。我喜欢好书和浪漫的电影。我喜欢美味的食物和舒适的鞋子。我的大部分业余时间上网去寻找有用的信息。我也花时间写作和更新博客。它就像我的第二故乡, 我的梦之乡。

这就是我, 刘名。非常感谢你来浏览我的博客! 欢迎你留言!

Unit 3 Planning Y our Career

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete

1. exploration

2. self-analysis

3. options

4. select

5. an occupation

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. exploration

2. occupation

3. consider

4. narrow down

5. lif elong

6. engineer

7. investigate

8. volunteer

9. comprise 10. professional

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

Task 3

1.Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in the job, possible

changing careers, and eventually retiring.

2.Four steps: analysis, exploration, selection, and action.

3.Interests and skills; personality and values; preferred work environments and development needs.

4.Research the occupational and industries which you?d like to wok in and try to speak to people with professional experience in

those fields.

5.By researching the labour market, part-time work or volunteer opportunities, etc.


Task 4 1 – d 2 – i 3 – f 4 – a 5 – g 6 – h 7 – c 8 – b 9 – j 10 – e

Task 5

1. volunteer

2. conducted

3. occupation

4. is comprised of

5. take into consideration

6. explored

7. investigated

8. prefer

9. was based on 10. narrow down

Task 6

1. Not only do nurses want a pay rise, they also want reduced hours.

Not only should China develop material civilization, she also should develop spiritual civilization.

2. Would you rather be a software engineer or a software developer?

Would you rather cook or wash the dishes?

3. Besides, you can receive a large sum of money.

Besides, you can gather work experience during internship.

4. Based on one of Jin Y ong?s novels, he wrote the excellent play.

Based on your present physical condition, you?d better give up this task.

5. With the work done, he prepared to return to his institute.

With all the compositions collected, the teacher sent the students home.

6. Once you have finished reading this novel, it?s time to write a book report.

Once you have set the goal, it?s time to go all out to put your action plan into practice.

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. fascinated

2. possesses

3. passion

4. major

5. structures

6. easy

7. way

8. knowledge

9. internships 10. competent

Task 2

1. D

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. A

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. a/the, the

2. the

3. a/the, a/the

4. a, a

5. /, /

6. /, /, /

7. a, The, the

Task 2

1.I like milk, but the milk in the glass is not fresh.

2.He is the only boy in the family.

3.We have an English class today.

4.She studies in a university in the south.

Unit 4 Hunting for a Job

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete

1. rewards

2. reputation

3. point to

4. weaknesses

5. salary expectations

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. performance

2. cite

3. reputation

4. identify

5. contribution

6. accomplishment

7. involve

8. academic

9. qualification 10. refer to

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

Task 3

1.A job interview is a question-and-answer process to find the best employees.

2.We should mention such specific rewards as challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and your contribution.

3.Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.

4.One?s academic qualifications, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the organization, performance in school or pervious


5.The market price of someone like you and the usual pay of the organization for the position and someone like you.


7.Interests and skills; personality and values; preferred work environments and development needs.

Task 4 1 – c 2 – g 3 – f 4 – h 5 – b 6 – i 7 – e 8 – j 9 – d 10 – f

Task 5

1. desirable

2. performance

3. referred to

4. tend to

5. efficiently

6. reputation

7. involve

8. reasonable

9. identify 10. contribution

Task 6

1. Here are my suggestions about improving the quality of the products of our company.

Here are the answers to the questions you asked.

2. He wants to be a software engineer other than a software developer.

The old man wanted to see his grandson other than his son.

3. I know four languages, such as Japanese and English.

They grow a lot of fruits such as oranges and apples.

4. We learn to use the computer so that we might keep up with the times.

He spends more time working every day so that he can make greater progress.

5. Never say anything without proof.

Never do anything without certainty.

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A

Task 2

1. apply for

2. diploma

3. successfully

4. as

5. improved

6. under pressure

7. limited

8. eager to

9. available 10. reached

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1.I will not go to school tomorrow.

2. Are you going to fulfill the task next month?

3.I am going to do part-time jobs this summer vacation.

4. We are going to have examinations soon.

5. They shall/will arrive early next morning.

Task 2

1. Will the manager attend a meeting at 3:00 in the afternoon The manager won?t attend a meeting at 3:00 in the afternoon

2. Shall we celebrate the festival in October We shall not celebrate the festival in October

3. Are they going to talk to each other online tonight They aren?t going to talk to each other online tonight

4. Are we about to leave for Beijing We aren?t about to leave for Beijing

5. Is she to get married on National Day She isn?t to get married on National Day


Unit 3 职业规划






Unit 4 怎样回答求职面试中的问题


1 工作中最重要的是什么?


2 你为什么想为该机构工作?


3 我们为什么要聘用你?



4 你最大的优点是什么?


5 你最大的弱点是什么?


6 你对薪水的期望?


1. customers

2. business-related

3. lie

4. undesired

5. professional

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. professional

2. recipient

3. start with

4. related to

5. incentive

6. prize drawing

7. as far ahead as possible

8. at the bottom of

9. electronic copy 10. countdown Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F

Task 3

1.Pay personal attention, make it brief, be creative, offer an incentive, set a convenient date, add RSVP information, send

reminders and determine the working.

2.Because doing so may give the invitees more opportunities to keep the date open.

3.To use humor or something related to your business that makes people smile.

4.To include RSVP at the bottom of the invitation; for example, …RSVP? followed by your telephone number.

5.An electronic copy of your invitation may be sent to the invitee seven and three days before the occasion.

Task 4 1 – g 2 – f 3 – e 4 – h 5 – c 6 – d 7 – a 8 – b 9 – j 10 – i

Task 5

1. although

2. as far ahead as possible

3. whereas

4. prefer

5. pay attention

6. countdown

7. start …with

8. pay off

9. incentive 10. related to

Task 6

1. His encouragement helped to keep our enthusiasm until the end.

Y ou should learn to keep your efforts until the end.

2. Though there is still time, if we don?t act immediately, we?ll lose the chance.

Though you are clever, if you don?t make efforts, you?ll end up in nothing.

3. Accept my invitation and you?ll give yourself a chance as well.

Give me enough time and I?ll give you a satisfactory reply.

4. It is far more difficult to accept an invitation than to decline one.

To find a job is much easier than to start on e?s own business.

5. Doctor s? salaries have risen greatly, whereas nurses? pay has actually fallen.

Knowledge can be acquired from books, whereas skills must be learned through practice.

Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 2 Applied Writing

Task 2 1. Trade Fair 2. details 3. January 4. accept 5. invitation 6. success

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. as much as

2. out of

3. relationship

4. take care

5. appreciation

6. worthwhile

7. response

8. sound

9. outcome 10. end

Task 2 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. I am learning to drive now.

2. Our company is recruiting new employees.

3. Tom is being interviewed.

4. They are making preparations for the exhibition.

5. They are writing invitations for the conference.

Task 2

1. Mary is not (isn?t) teaching her sister how to swim. Is Mary teaching her sister how to swim?

2. The managers are not (aren?t) listening to a report on the sales record. Are the managers listening to a report on the sales record?

3. The secretary is not (isn?t) typing an invitation letter. Is the secretary typing an invitation letter?

4. We are not (aren?t) doing the right thing. Are we doing the right thing?

1. interpersonal

2. occasion

3. hosting

4. hospitality

5. rewarding

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. customary

2. keep an appointment with

3. interpersonal

4. ceremony

5. on many occasions

6. delegation

7. punctual

8. confirm

9. pushy 10. route

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T

Task 3

1.It is the basis of either personal or corporate success on many occasions.

2.It is usually considered offending to call a young lady “Madam”, or to ask a female about her private matters. Furthermore, you

are not supposed to smoke unless you are permitted.

3.Y ou can use a little strength, but not too tightly.

4.Y ou should get ready to help your guests whenever and wherever they are in trouble.

5.Make suggestions to best use their time and do what you should.


Task 4 1 – c 2 – a 3 – e 4 – b 5 – h 6 – i7 – f 8 – j 9 – d 10 – g

Task 5

1. keep an appointment with

2. punctual

3. enable

4. hosted

5. route

6. customary

7. drafting

8. confirms

9. Mutual 10. is aware of

Task 6

1. It is customary to dress in black when people to a funeral.

It was customary for the Chinese to ask “Have you eaten?” when they used to meet each other.

2. He will never pass the examination unless he studies hard.

This baby seldom cries unless he is hungry.

3. In addition, you should get ready to answer my questions.

In addition, you should get ready for every detail in your internship.

4. It is usually considered offending not to offer seats to women at a banquet.

It is usually considered pleasant to see schoolfellows at the alumni association.

5. On such an occasion, it is best to keep silence.

On may occasions, it is best to offer you help.

6. Without hesitation, I will help you out whenever and wherever you are in need.

I would like to see you whenever and wherever it is convenient.

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. impression

2. gesture

3. with

4. tightly

5. self-confidence

6. saw

7. comfortable

8. prefer

9. Observe 10. suitable

Task 2 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. He had a meeting yesterday afternoon.

2. Because of the rain, we didn?t play basketball.

3. She was a middle school student then.

4. Did they leave at three?

5. When they were in Beijing, they often walked to Tian?anmen Square.

Task 2

1. The meeting didn?t begin at 2:30. Did the meeting begin at 2:30?

2. The rain didn?t begin when we started off. Did the rain begin when we started off?

3. Tom didn?t help his sister with her homework. Did Tom help his sister with her homework?

4. They didn?t build the bridge in 1998. Did they build the bridge in 1998?


Unit 5 书写商务邀请函的快速指南


1)个性化--- 尽管有点麻烦, 但这是值得的。以收信人的名开始你的邀请函,例如,“亲爱的乔治”远比“亲爱的女士或先生”的效果更好。人们都喜欢读到自己的名字。

2)简洁--- 人们都很忙,喜欢简短、高效的邀请函,清楚、简洁地说明何事,何地点,何时。

3)新意--- 运用你的幽默感或使用引人发笑的、与你业务相关的言语。这样可以引起别人对你所邀请的事情的兴趣。

4)略施小惠--- 这么做说明你懂得被邀请人的时间的宝贵。邀请他们参加一个免费的午餐或抽奖。这样做还可以把你的客人留到活动结束。

5)确定一个方便的时间--- 尽可能地提早做出安排,以便留给被邀请人更多的机会腾出空闲。

6)添加RSVP信息--- 如果你需要知道有谁将会参加活动,就在邀请函的底部写上RSVP(请回复),例如,可以在‘RSVP’后面提供你的电话号码。

7)提醒--- 在活动开始的一周前和三天前,发送电子版的邀请函作为提醒,例如,主题行为“Bluesky 午餐倒记时---还有三天啦!”

8)确定言语风格--- 邀请函的语言应该是正式的呢?还是非正式的呢?一封正式的邀请函,可以这样措辞:“Stanley博士携Stanley女士期望您的参与”,而较为随意的便条可以说“请参加到我们的活动吧”。

Unit 6 接待国外来宾的基本要点















1. assistance

2. differ

3. successful

4. office professional

5. operates

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. assistance

2. supervise

3. competent

4. possess

5. familiarize

6. enquiry

7. get the makings of

8. minute taking

9. personal qualities 10. correspondence Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5.T 6. T

Task 3

1.The biggest change of all has been to the name “Secretary”, which is now becoming more known as “office Professional”.

2.As an office professional, the most important job is to provide assistance to Manager or Managers.

3.They have to learn how the boss works, understand the company policies and learn the staff handbook by hear.

4.He/She should have skills like liaising with clients and other staff members, making and taking telephone calls, making travel

bookings, supervising and training staff, etc.

5.The personal qualities are mainly the followings: being helpful, trustworthy, reliable, honest and confidential, posses sing

organizational skills, good appearance, good communication skills, good telephone etiquette and the ability to take instructions, carry them out and type speedily and accurately.

Task 4 1 – i 2 – e 3 – d 4 – b 5 – a 6 – j 7 – c 8 – g 9 – f 10 – h

Task 5


2. assistance

3. reliable

4. correspondence

5. has the makings of

6. possessed

7. be referred to

8. familiarize

9. develops 10. differ from

Task 6

1. If you want to b e a competent teacher, you must have necessary knowledge or the ability to acquire it.

If you want to study in America, you must have necessary TOEFL grade or the ability to acquire it.

2. Though the details of a mother?s housework differ from day to day, the most important work is to take care of her children. Though the details of academic work differ from university to university, the most important work is to bring up talents for the society.

3. But to study English well, you need to have a lot of practice.

But to ensure good management, you need to form a good management system.

4. I will tell you all the facts so that you know how to deal with the case should somebody enquire about it.

They have studied the current policy carefully so that they know how to deal with the related problems should they happen any time.

5. If you already possess these qualities, you have got the makings of a good doctor.

If she already possesses these qualities, she has got the makings of a good lawyer.

Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 2 Applied Writing

Task 2 1. To 2. From 3. Date 4. Subject 5. Time/Dates

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. telephone techniques

2. name

3. be judged

4. This is

5. person

6. repeat

7. hold the line

8. regarding

9. available 10. details

Task 2 1. A 2. B 3. A 4.D 5. D

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. I?m delighted that you have recovered from your bad cold.

2. He has worked in this company for five years.

3. We haven?t received any news from him.

4. They will pay you as soon as they have received your goods.

5. It is the best film I?ve ever seen.

Task 2 1. has – has been 2. since five years – for five years/since five years ago 3. ever wrote – has ever written

1. challenge

2. purpose

3. organization

4. Agenda

5. accommodation

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. practical

2. outcome

3. connection

4. additional

5. crucial

6. effective

7. positive

8. contribute

9. decide on 10. take into account

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.T 6. F

Task 3

1.Find out what outcomes are desired and what purpose to achieve.

2.Those who could provide some helpful expertise, insights, or firsthand facts relevant for the meeting purposes.

3.An effective chairperson keeps the meeting on track, maintains a positive atmosphere, ensures that nobody hijacks or damages

the meeting, and helps all participants contribute most effectively.

4.Y ou should take into account the amount of participants, the subject and goal of the conference. It is also wise to plan informal

moments, in which people can relax a bit.

5.The agenda tells participants what to do at what time and allows everyone to prepare beforehand. It is a necess ary tool for

keeping the meeting focused and productive.


Task 4 1 – e 2 – a 3 – j 4 – h 5 – g 6 – i 7 – f 8 – d 9 – b 10 – e

Task 5

1. effective

2. practical

3. guide

4. desired

5. choose

6. critical

7. have maintained

8. ensure

9. productive 10. depends on

Task 6

1. I am suppose to be there at ten.

The government is supposed to take effective measures to protect endangered animals.

2. Who will come to give the keynote speech has not been decided.

Who is responsible for the crime is not clear now.

3. I can never forget the time when we labored together in the countryside.

The witness told us the exact time when the thief entered the room.

4. It is highly necessary that parents (should) control children?s time spent surfing the Internet/

It is very important that the government (should) take measures to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.

5. Chairing a big meeting is a challenge to most people.

Organizing meetings is one of his responsibilities.

6. I will see whether she is at home or not. She was in doubt whether she was right.

Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 1 Task-based Writing: Writing a Meeting Notice

1. Open.

2. welcome/invited/expected to come

3. start/begin

4. a good time/chance

5. For more details/information Activity 2 Applied Writing Task 2 1. titled 2. on time 3. prepared 4. requested 5. annual Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. elected

2. record

3. make sure

4. advisable

5. details

6. so as to

7. participate

8. fresh

9. approval 10. depend on

Task 2 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. swimming

2. to say

3. Working

4. worked

5. Playing/To play

6. to see

7. to write Task 2 1. I like to drink a cup of milk in the morning.

2. They began to know each other three years ago./They have known each other since three years ago.


Unit 7 办公室专职人员

办公室的工作有趣、富有挑战性和吸引力, 同时也发生了很多变化。而最大的变化是其名字“秘书”, 现在越来越被称为“办公室专职人员”。虽然公司与公司之间的办公室工作细节不同,但最重要的工作都是协助经理或经理们工作。主要工作如下:













如果你想成为一名成功的办公室的专业员, 你必须要有必要的个人素质和技能或有能力去获得它们。以下是办公室专职人员所必备的素质和技能:












如果你具有了这些品质,你就具备了成为一名能干的办公室工作人员的素质。但是要做好你的工作,你要同你的老板保持良好的工作关系。目的是为了节省你的经理处理日常事务的时间, 尽你所能地去帮助他(她)。了解以下几点将使你的工作更容易:




Unit 8 组织会议








Unit 9 Making Business Trips

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete


2. itinerary

3. travel agency

4. arrival and departure

5. gifts

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. advisable

2. arrangement

3. arrival

4. consult

5. destination

6. effective


8. in advance

9. set down 10. make preparation for

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.T 6. F

Task 3

1.We have to consider many things, such as finding out the location of the venue, choosing transportation means, booking hotel

rooms, and even exchanging foreign currencies when travelling internationally.

2.A good travel plan can save us a lot of time and money.

3.A travel agency can mostly helps us book flight and hotel rooms at more favorable prices.

4.We inform them so as to let them make some preparations for warming reception and help us book tickets for train or plane

between cities.

5.No, it isn?t. Because too expensive gifts will probably make your partners feel nervous.


Task 4 1 – d 2 – f 3 – i 4 – b 5 – a 6 – j 7 – g 8 – e 9 – h 10 – c

Task 5

1. consult

2. is based on

3. find out

4. evaluate

5. arrangements

6. in advance

7. is confirmed

8. route

9. advisable 10. effective

Task 6

1. As a matter of fact, more visitors are coming to visit our city this year.

As a matter of fact, they are discussing how to expand the sales of their products.

2. Make sure you express thanks when receiving gifts.

Make sure you wear suits and a tie on formal occasions.

3. Telegrams were widely used when people did not have fax.

Raw meat was eaten when human beings did not know how to cook.

4. If you want to show your willingness to cooperate, you?d better go to the company in person.

If you have creative ideas about promoting efficiency, you?d better make constructive suggestions.

5. Nowadays, table tennis has developed into an Olympic game.

Nowadays, Chinese calligraphy has developed into a precious traditional art.

6. Otherwise, it is likely that the customers will lose their interest in our products.

Otherwise, it is likely that he will spend all his time on this useless game.

Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 2 Applied Writing

Task 2

1. Open

2. a warming reception./a warm welcome/dinner party

3. talked much about

4. our business partners

5. accepted my invitation

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. assigned

2. as soon as

3. aboard

4. destination

5. Due to

6. attached

7. appreciation

8. strengthen

9. looked forward to 10. invited

Task 2 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1.What you saw was true.

2. He sent her three letters.

3. I don?t understand why you did so.

4. The picture on the wall is mine.

5. When they were in the countryside, they often went fishing.

Unit 10 Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork

Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready

Activity 2 Read and Complete

1. attitude

2. encouragement

3. resolve conflicts

4. sense of humor

5. perspective

Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do

Activity 1 Listen and Write

1. professional

2. suffer

3. concrete

4. generous

5. acknowledge

6. demonstrate

7. resolve

8. complain

9. barrier 10. effective

Activity 2 Read and Think

Task 2 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T

Task 3

1.Because it can help us succeed in our work.

2.Give our praise and kind words of encouragement to them.

3.Because it can demonstrate you intend to hear and understand other?s opinion.

4.Because it can help us avoid misunderstandings with coworkers.

5.To lower barriers and gain people?s affection.

6.Put ourselves in their shoes.

Task 4 1 – c 2 – e 3 – j 4 – f 5 – i 6 – d 7 – h 8 – b 9 – g 10 – a

Task 5

1. put yourself in my shoes

2. pay attention to

3. connect with

4. barrier

5. effective

6. avoid

7. take a step beyond

8. playing favorites

9. resolve 10. acknowledge

Task 6

1. No matter how hard he works, he can not get a promotion.

We can solve the problem no matter how complicated it is.

2. In this vocational college, there are nine departments, all of which are teaching departments.

There are 18 kinds of books on my shelf, all of which are about agriculture.

3. There?s nothing worse than bad interpersonal relationship.

There is nothing worse than getting drunk and doing something silly.

4. We did not come back home until 2 o?clock in the morning. We?ll stay here till it stops raining.

5. From his perspective, money is not the most important thing in one?s life.

From the boss?s perspective, she is not only a thoughtful secretary, but also a good negotiator.

6. Don?t be afraid to ask your teacher if you have any questions. Don?t be afraid to speak out your standpoint in the meeting. Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 2 Applied Writing

Task 2

1. busy schedule

2. appreciate

3. candidate

4. adaptability

5. enthusiasm

6. analytical

7. hearing from

8. regarding

Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Activity 1 Reading More

Task 1

1. believe

2. solve

3. personalities

4. agreed on

5. local

6. encourage

7. staff

8. participants

9. celebrate 10. enables

Task 2 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D

Activity 2 Focus on Grammar

Task 1

1. My father said to me, “Y ou should study hard.”

2. “Will you give me a hand?” asked a lady

3. She told her mother that she wanted to study hard.

4. Jack asked Susan if/whether she would like to travel with him.

5. The manager said we should work overtime today.

Task 2

1. She said that she was very happy to help me.

2. He asked me if/whether I liked playing football.

3. My sister asked me how I liked the film.

4. The captain ordered us to be quiet.


Unit 9 商务旅行






Unit 10 提高你的交际技巧












高级职业英语第二版读写教程2 Task6(1-6单元)

Unit1 Understanding Cultural Differences 1. For those who want to build stronger and longer lasting business relationships with people f difference cultural background, a good knowledge of international business etiquette is crucial. 对于那些想体验英国生活和文化的人来说,这本《酒吧礼仪指南》(A Guide to Pub Etiquette)非常有用。 For those who want to experience British life and culture, the book A Guide to Pub Etiquette is very useful。 对于那些想在海外开拓(open up)市场的商人来说,了解当地的文化很有必要。 For those who want to open up new markets overseas, an understanding of local culture is necessary. 2. In the Middle East you can hold an Arab man’s hands as a gesture of friendship. 我们为新同事举办了一个聚会,以示友善。 We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of friendship. 他送她一束花以示同情。 He sent her a bunch of flowers as a gesture of sympathy. 3. Without an appreciation of international business etiquette, these things would never be known. 没有有效的沟通,这件事情很难办成。 Without effective communication, it’s hard to get this done. 没有共同的文化背景,人们很容易产生误解。 Without shared culture, it’s very eas y for people to misunderstand each other. 4. Some people would believe their way of behavior is fine, but hen transferred into an international context it no longer applies. 在一个国家是良好的礼仪,在另一个国家也许就不适用了。 Good manners in one country may not apply in another. 这项规则不是所有情况都适用。 This rule cannot be applied to all cases. 5. Touch someone on the head in Thailand or Indonesia and you would have aused great insul. 如果你现在放弃,这桩生意就会泡汤。 Give up now and you’ll lose the deal. 给中国人送钟,你就犯了大忌。 Give a clock to a Chinese as a gift and you’ll make a serious mistake.


新概念英语第一册1—50课综合测试题 姓名________ 一、单词翻译: 1、能够__________ 2、老板__________ 3、要求__________ 4、蛋糕__________ 5、喜欢__________ 6、想__________ 7、鸡蛋__________ 8、香蕉__________ 9、橙子__________10、苹果__________ 11、黑板__________12、肉__________13、牛肉__________14鸡__________15、告诉__________ 16、西红柿__________17、梨__________18、葡萄_________19、桃子_______20、下雨__________ 21、country__________22、weather__________23、spring__________24、untidy_________ 25、empty__________ 26、letter_________ 27、walk__________ 28、jump__________ 29、March________ 30、homework__________31、vase_________ 32、sugar___________ 33、July_________ 34、August___________35、September__________36、October__________ 37、kettle__________38、handwriting__________39、biscuit________40、England__________ 二、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit(现在分词) __________ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(物主代词) __________ 9、desk(同义词) __________ 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、swim(现在分词) __________13、up(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________ 15、left(反义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:) are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)___________________________________ is a knife in the box.(改为复句)___________________________________________ is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________ boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________ . Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________ 四、用a、some.或any填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、I have _______new bike. 2、There is ______milk in the glass. 3、Is there ________bread in the kitchen. 4、I want __ ___coffee. 5、There is ________apple on the table. 五、用in、at、on、under填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、 Those books are ______the shelf. 2、 I have dinner ______ the evening. 3、 My father play basketball ________Sunday. 4、 They go fishing ______ weekends. 5、 There is a dog ________ the table. 六、用恰当的词填空: 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re _______1_______.


中职管理会计综合练习题第一章及答案 一、单项选择题 1、管理会计的雏形产生于( B )。 A.19世纪末 B.20世纪上半叶 C.二次世界大战之后 D.20世纪70年代 2、在管理会计发展史上,第一个被人们使用的管理会计术语是( A )。 A."管理的会计" B."管理会计" C."传统管理会计" D."现代管理会计" 3、20世纪50年代以来,管理会计进入了"以预测决策会计为主,以规划控制会计和责任会计为辅"的发展阶段,该阶段被称为( D )。 A.管理会计萌芽阶段 B.管理会计过渡阶段 C.传统管理会计阶段 D.现代管理会计阶段 4、在管理会计学中,将"为实现管理会计目标,合理界定管理会计工作的时空泛围,统一管理会计操作方法和程序,组织管理会计工作不可缺少的前提条件"称为( A )。 A.管理会计假设 B.管理会计原则 C.管理会计术语 D.管理会计概念 5、最优化、效益性、决策有用性、及时性、重要性和灵活性,共同构成了现代管理会计的( B )。 A.管理会计假设 B.管理会计原则 C.管理会计术语 D.管理会计概念 6、为保证管理会计信息质量对决策有用,通常要求将有关的未来信息估计误差控制在决策者可以接受的一定可信区间内,这体现了可信性原则中的( C )。 A.可理解性要求 B.最优化要求 C.可靠性要求 D.效益性要求 7、下列项目中,不属于管理会计系统能够提供的信息是( B )。 A.不发生法律效用的信息 B.全面精确的信息 C.非价值量信息 D.定性信息 8、管理会计的服务侧重于( D )。 A.股东 B.外部集团 C.债权人 D.企业内部的经营管理 9、现代管理会计中占核心地位的是( A ) 。 A.预测决策会计 B.规划控制会计 C.成本会计 D.责任会计 10、管理会计正式形成和发展于( B )。 A.20世纪初 B.20世纪50年代 C.20世纪70年代 D.20世纪80年代

Unit2翻译 高级职业英语读写教程3

UNIT TWO成功演讲之道 (Translated by zhongalan_lht) 不断有研究表明,人们比死都害怕当众公开发言。但是,众多的学术和公司活动都少不了要公开演讲,以至于当众发言成为不可避免。本文就如何成功地公开演讲提出一些建议。 心中牢记目标在你开始演讲之前,先坐下来好好地想一想。演讲的真正目的是什么?听众的期望是什么?在你看来,听众从你的演示主题中能得到的最大的收获是什么?记住:即使人们要求你分享信息,但仅仅传递信息几乎是难以令听众满意的。 尽可能了解听众在你开始构思你的演讲内容之前,你有必要问自己许多基本问题,以期望成为那些听你演讲的听众心目中最好的演讲者。最起码,你要回答一些最基本要素的问题(“W”的问题),如听众是谁?演讲活动的目的是什么?演讲在什么时间、什么地点进行? 内容,内容,内容!不管你演讲发挥得多么好,也不管你有多专业和精美的视觉辅助手段,如果你的演讲没有实实在在的内容为依据,演讲照样不会成功。然而,内容一定要简洁。这就需要你事前的策划和安排,你要考虑清楚什么要讲,什么不要讲,你的演讲的核心内容是什么。恰当的彩色图表也许有助于你做到这点,这些颜色有益于说服听众,激发他们的兴趣。常用图表如下: 饼形图用于表示百分比。饼块要限制在4-6块之内,并把最重要的一块用颜色标注或把它凸显出来。 柱形图用于表现数量随着时间而发生的变化。柱条最好要限制在4-8条之内。 线形图用于显示趋势。例如,以下就是一个显示我们的销售逐年上升,呈现好的发展趋势的简单的线形图。图中后面出现了一个箭头以强调这一点:我们的前途光明! 讲故事的艺术好的演讲必然有故事。好的演讲者用故事,常常是亲身体验的故事,来阐述他们的观点。对观众而言,故事容易记住。如果你希望你的听众记得你的演讲内容,那么设法使你的故事与听众有关且难忘。此外,好的故事开头有趣而明晰,中间富含发人深省而趣味浓厚的内容,结论清晰而有逻辑。我曾见过一些演讲。这些演讲讲得一般般、图表也一般般,但还算是成功的演讲,因为演讲者以一种简明而清晰的方式讲述相关的故事来支持他的观点。 自信怎样才能获得自信呢?你对你的演讲材料越熟悉,你就越不会紧张。我们害怕我们所未知的事物。当你没有了未知的东西,减少了焦虑和紧张,自信自然而然就取代了你的焦虑了。 April. 13, 2013


Unit 1 1. 我是2000年上大学的,当时18 岁。 I went to college in 2000, when I’m 18. 这所大学成立于1949年,当年全国解放。 The college was founded in 1949, when the whole country was liberate. 2. 诺基亚,现在被普遍认为是世界上移动通信领域最大的公司,成立于1865。 Nokia, now commonly known as the largest corporation in the field of mobile communication in the world, was established in 1865. Google,在中国被称为“谷歌”,是世界上最受欢迎的搜索引擎。 Google , known as “谷歌” in China , is the most popular search engine in the world. 3. 2008年,沃尔玛在《财富》杂志富豪榜中排名世界第一。 In 2008, Fortune magazine ranked Wal-Mart as the largest corporation in the world. 2008年,花旗银行在《财富》杂志富豪榜中排名世界第八。 In 2008, Fortune magazine ranked the City Bank as the eighth largest corporation in the world. 4. 我们公司在全世界各个国家共有员工30多万,是本地最大的跨国公司。 With a work face of more than 300000 employees all over the world, our company is the largest multinational corporation in this area. 这家公司有四个部门,工作效率很高。 With its four departments, the company works efficiently. 5. 委员会由5个专家和8个员工构成,是一个专业委员会。 The committee, which is a professional one, consists of five experts and eight employees. 联合会是一个国际性组织,创建于1949年二战之后。 The United Nations, which was founded in 1949 after the Second World War, is an international organization. 6. 这家公司今年的目标是要打开一个新的市场并提高销售额。 The objectives of the company for this year are to open a new market and increase its sales. 他目前上网目标是要掌握一门熟练的技术。 His present objective is to master a skilful technique. Unit 2 1. 网络营销是指通过使用万维网进行销售和促销。 By Internet marketing, we mean we can use WWW for sale and promotion. 顾客满意度调查指的是顾客对他们所买的物品的满意情况进行调查。 By customer satisfaction survey, we mean studies to find out if buyers are satisfied with what they have bought. 2. 你可以尝试用一种不同的方法来完成这项工作。 You can try using a difference way to finish this task. 我们可以尝试通过减员来削减生产成本。 We can try cutting down production cost by reducing staff members. 3. 你可以策划一个产品发布会,人们可以得到更详细的产品信息。 You can plan a product release, where people can give information to the product in detail.


管理会计习题及答案6 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

管理会计习题一、复习思考题 1.试说明决策的意义和种类。 2.什么是成本基础定价法?常用的成本定价方法有哪些 3.什么是生产决策?它与成本决策有何区别? 4.什么是差量分析法应用差量分析法的关键是什么 5.应用线性规划法主要解决什么性质的问题这类问题具有哪些特点6.怎样编制滚动预算? 滚动预算方法简称滚动预算,是指在编制预算时,将预算期与会计年度脱离,随着预算的执行不断延伸补充预算,逐期向后滚动,使预算期永远保持为一个固定期间的一种预算编制方法。 7.一个责任中心的可控成本应符合哪些条件?(b卷考可看可不看)

a.责任中心能通过一定的方式事先知道将要发生的成本 b.能对发生的成本进行确切的计量 c.能对所发生的成本进行调节控制 8、怎样编制零基预算? a.确定费用项目 b.排列费用项目开支的先后顺序;项目根据开支分为可避免和不可避免的,按开支必要性的大小确定各项费用预算的优先顺序 c.分配资源,落实预算 9、全面预算的基本体系是什么? 全面预算体系是由一系列预算按其经济内容及相互关系有序排列组成的有机体,主要包括经营预算、专门决策预算和财务预算三大部分 10、产品成本与责任成本的主要区别? 1.归集和分配的对象不同:a.责任成本:责任中心成本 b.产品成本:产品成本 2.分配的原则不同:a.责任成本:看是否为中心成本 b.产品成本:以受益对象分配 3.核算的基础条件不同:a.责任成本:以责任单位为基础

b.产品成本:财会以会计科目分类归集,以产品为基础 4.核算的主要目的不同:a.责任成本:考核业绩 b.产品成本:正确计算期间损益 11、变动成本法和完全成本法的产品成本和期间成本有何不同? 二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在括号内打“√”,不正确的打“X”。不需改错) 1.为了扭亏为盈,凡是亏损的产品都应当停产。 ( F ) 2.生产决策中,应用边际贡献分析法就是通过比较各备选方案所提供的单位边际贡献的大小来确定最优方案。 ( F ) 3.当期初存货量为零,而期末存货量不为零时,完全成本法确定的营业净利润大于变动成本法确定的营业净利润。( T) 4.用图解法安排两种产品的生产组合决策的最优解一定是在可行解区域的角点上。( F) 5.经营决策一定不涉及新的固定资产投资。 (F ) 6. 从广义来说,除外部审计以外的所有会计分支,包括财务会计、成本会计等均属于管理会计的范畴。( T ) 7、按变动成本法和完全成本法计算的利润均同销售量保持同方向的增减。( F)


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管理会计习题 一、复习思考题 1.试说明决策的意义和种类。 2.什么是成本基础定价法?常用的成本定价方法有哪些 3.什么是生产决策?它与成本决策有何区别? 4.什么是差量分析法?应用差量分析法的关键是什么? 5.应用线性规划法主要解决什么性质的问题?这类问题具有哪些特点? 6.怎样编制滚动预算? 滚动预算方法简称滚动预算,是指在编制预算时,将预算期与会计年度脱离,随着预算的执行不断延伸补充预算,逐期向后滚动,使预算期永远保持为一个固定期间的一种预算编制方法。 7.一个责任中心的可控成本应符合哪些条件?(b卷考可看可不看) a.责任中心能通过一定的方式事先知道将要发生的成本 b.能对发生的成本进行确切的计量 c.能对所发生的成本进行调节控制 8、怎样编制零基预算? a.确定费用项目 b.排列费用项目开支的先后顺序;项目根据开支分为可避免和不可避免的,按开支必要性的大小确定各项费用预算的优先顺序 c.分配资源,落实预算 9、全面预算的基本体系是什么? 全面预算体系是由一系列预算按其经济内容及相互关系有序排列组成的有机体,主要包括经营预算、专门决策预算和财务预算三大部分 10、产品成本与责任成本的主要区别? 1.归集和分配的对象不同:a.责任成本:责任中心成本 b.产品成本:产品成本 2.分配的原则不同:a.责任成本:看是否为中心成本 b.产品成本:以受益对象分配 3.核算的基础条件不同:a.责任成本:以责任单位为基础 b.产品成本:财会以会计科目分类归集,以产品为基础 4.核算的主要目的不同:a.责任成本:考核业绩 b.产品成本:正确计算期间损益 11、变动成本法和完全成本法的产品成本和期间成本有何不同? 二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在括号内打“√”,不正确的打 “X”。不需改错) 1.为了扭亏为盈,凡是亏损的产品都应当停产。 ( F ) 2.生产决策中,应用边际贡献分析法就是通过比较各备选方案所提供的单位边际贡献的大小来确定最优方案。 ( F )

高级职业英语(第二版)教师参考书1-Extended Book

Extended Book

Section 1 More Things to Do Activity 1 Read More About Adapting to the New Environment 参考译文 如何适应自己的新工作 你几乎花费了过去十五年的时间坐在教室学习零星的知识。忽然有一天,你不得不走出教室这个避风港,不得不面对你第一份工作的严酷现实。你可能会感到困惑,因为你发现那里的一切是截然不同的。但是,请平静下来并熟识下面的温馨提示,这些可帮助你在职场上有一个良好的开端。? 按时上班,如果不能早一点到的话。这将有助于给你的老板和同事留下良好的第一印象。? 穿着得体。环顾四周,看看同事们如何穿着。你可以穿得比要求高一点点,这比穿着 不到位要好。? 倾听和观察。我从一个雇主那里得到的最好的忠告就是学会倾听和观察,而不是急不 可待地跳出来提出要改变这改变那的建议。? 远离办公室闲话。这并不是说你对不经意听到的不予重视,有些闲话是有益的,但是 不要参与其中。? 注意举止礼仪。常常微笑,对人友好。记住,你是新人——你多少要像一只温顺的小 羊羔 (至少在一小段时间内如此)。? 找一位良师益友。寻找一个乐意在你的职业道路上为你提供庇护的人。? 不要不懂装懂,而是做好你自己的功课,学会你该学会的东西。? 不要怕问问题。如果你被分派了一个项目,又不确定应该如何完成,就要问。项目开 始之前问,总比该项目因为做错了而被推迟来得好。 Adapting to New Environments Unit 1

Advanced Career English Extended Book 4? 关注企业文化。保持积极的态度和开放的头脑。了解你公司的运作方式,公司内部的关系是倾向于正式的还是友好随意的?入乡随俗吧。 Key to the exercises: Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks Task 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage. 1) make a good beginning 2) on time 3) properly 4) expected 5) office gossip 6) pretend to know 7) ask questions 8) Pay close attention Task 2 Match A with B. 1–j 2–g 3–a 4–h 5–i 6–b 7–c 8–e 9–f 10–d Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. There are more words than you need. 1. overhear 2. observe 3. involved 4. bits of 5. left ... impression on 6. kinda 7. assigned 8. underdressed Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Making Predictions Task 1 Read the following paragraph, make your predictions and try to find the answers. 1. It was a sunny day. 2. He felt excited like other freshmen. 3. The buildings are modern and the library is huge. 4. Y es, he had difficulties in his studies and life. 5. He would study hard to prepare himself for the future career.


U n i t1U n d e r s t a n d i n g C u l t u r a l D i f f e r e n c e s 1. For those who want to build stronger and longer lasting business relationships with people f difference cultural background, a good knowledge of international business etiquette is crucial. 对于那些想体验英国生活和文化的人来说,这本《酒吧礼仪指南》(A Guide to Pub Etiquette)非常有用。 For those who want to experience British life and culture, the book A Guide to Pub Etiquette is very useful。 对于那些想在海外开拓(open up)市场的商人来说,了解当地的文化很有必要。 For those who want to open up new markets overseas, an understanding of local culture is necessary. 2. In the Middle East you can hold an Arab man’s hands as a gesture of friendship. 我们为新同事举办了一个聚会,以示友善。 We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of friendship. 他送她一束花以示同情。 He sent her a bunch of flowers as a gesture of sympathy. 3. Without an appreciation of international business etiquette, these things would never be known. 没有有效的沟通,这件事情很难办成。 Without effective communication, it’s hard to get this done. 没有共同的文化背景,人们很容易产生误解。 Without shared culture, it’s very easy for people to misunderstand each other. 4. Some people would believe their way of behavior is fine, but hen transferred into an international context it no longer applies. 在一个国家是良好的礼仪,在另一个国家也许就不适用了。 Good manners in one country may not apply in another. 这项规则不是所有情况都适用。 This rule cannot be applied to all cases. 5. Touch someone on the head in Thailand or Indonesia and you would have aused great insul. 如果你现在放弃,这桩生意就会泡汤。 Give up now and you’ll lose the deal. 给中国人送钟,你就犯了大忌。 Give a clock to a Chinese as a gift and you’ll make a serious mistake.


. 新概念英语第一册第二次测试 姓名: 单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 1. handbag (手提包) 2. umbrella (伞) 3. ticket (票) 4. engineer (工程师) 5. catch (抓住) 6. carpet (地毯) 7. assistant (助手) 8. tired (疲乏的)9. kitchen (厨房) 10. along (沿着) 重点交际用语。根据下面的中文提示,写合适的英文。(10分) 1. 问路之前或想从陌生人旁边挤过时说:___Excuse me ___________________! 2. 没听清别人的话,可以说:____Pardon___________? 3. 对别人表示感谢时,可以说:__Thank you ______________________. 4. 犯了错误,可以说:____________________. 5. 你想问你的朋友他的车是什么牌子的,你可以说:_______________________? 6. 想问对方今天身体是否安好,可以问____How are you today_____________? 7. 出于礼貌,你会对问你身体是否安好的朋友,他是否也很好,你可以这样问_____________? 8. 见朋友气色不大好,可以问:___what’s the matter________________________? 9. 想问朋友好点没有,可以问:___________________________? 10. 想提个建议,可以用__________________ 开头。


《成本会计》第1~3章练习 一、填空题 1、产品的制造成本是指为制造产品而发生的各种生产费用的总和,包括直接材料、直接人工和 制造费用。在制造成本法下,期间费用不计入产品成本,而是直接计入当期损益。 2、在成本会计的各项内容中,成本核算是成本会计的核心。 3、企业根据需要可将“生产成本”账户分设_基本生产成本_和_辅助生产成本_两个明细账户。 4、“制造费用”账户是核算企业为组织和管理生产而发生的,应该计入产品成本,但不能专设成本项目的各项生产费用。 5、各种要素费用发生后,对于直接用于产品生产、专设成本项目的费用,应单独记入生产成本总账账户。 6、直接生产产品的生产工人工资和根据生产工人工资按规定比例提取的职工福利费,应记入直接人工成本项目。 7、专设的销售部门人员工资应记入_销售费用(营业费用)_总账账户和所属明细账。 8、辅助生产费用的分配方法主要有直接分配法、顺序分配法、交互分配法、代数分配法 和计划成本分配法。 9、废品按能否修复分为可修复废品和不可修复废品。 10、如果辅助生产的制造费用,不是通过“制造费用”账户核算,则应全部借记“生产成本—辅助生产成本”账户。 11、按计划分配率方法,“制造费用”账户期末有余额,就是实际发生额与计划分配额的差额,一般应在年末调整计入12月份的产品成本。 二、单项选择题 1、下列应计入产品生产成本的费用是(C) A、广告费 B、租入办公设备的租赁费 C、生产工人工资 D、利息支出 2、制造业产品成本是指(B) A、生产费用、销售费用、管理费用、财务费用之和 B、生产一定种类和数量的产品所支出的各种生产费用之和 C、生产费用与管理费用之和 D、生产费用与管理费用、财务费用之和 3、下列应计入产品成本的费用是(B) A、职工教育经费 B、生产车间机器设备的修理费 C、技术服务部门设备的修理费 D、仓库设备的修理费 4、成本理论构成的内容是(B) A、C+V+M B、C+V C、V+M D、C+M 5、按照医务及生活福利部门人员的工资额提取的职工福利费,实际工作中应计入(C) A、应付福利费 B、制造费用 C、管理费用 D、辅助生产成本 6、基本生产车间计提的固定资产折旧费,应借记(C)账户。 A、“基本生产成本” B、“管理费用” C、“制造费用” D、“待摊费用” 7、辅助生产费用的交互分配法,一次交互分配时应在(B)之间进行分配。 A、各受益单位 B、相互受益的辅助生产车间 C、辅助生产以外受益单位 D、各受益的基本生产车间 8、基本生产车间应付车间管理人员工资,记入(B)账户的借方。 A、“基本生产成本” B、“制造费用” C、“应付工资” D、“管理费用” 9、各辅助生产费用分配法中,以(D)的结果最精确。 A、直接分配法 B、计划成本分配法 C、交互分配法 D、代数分配法


新概念第一册练习题 答案大全

新概念第一册练习题答案大全 A About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结尾处加上你的名字。 Sue: Excuse me. ______ John: Yes? ______ Sue: What’s your name? ______ John: Pardon? ______ Sue: W hat’s your name? ______ John: My name is John. ______ Sue: What’s your name? ______ You: My name is...... ______ B Vocabulary Write the correct words in the questions.. 用 正确的词完成以下问句。book car coat dress house√. pen pencil shirt wathc 1 Is this your h______? Is this your c______? Is this your w______? Is this your c______? Is this your sh ______? Is this your d______? Is this your b______? Is this your p______? Is this your p______? 10 Is this your s ______? C Numbers

Write the numbers in figures.. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 three ten______ one______ four______ six______ five______ eight_________ seven______ two______ nine______ Lesson 1 B watch shirt book pen coat car dress pencil 10 skirtC 10,1,4,6,5,8,7,2,9 新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson Lesson Is this your....?这是你的....吗? A Structure Write questions with the words.用所给的词写出问句。 Handbag Is this your handbag? 1 book ______ car ______ coat ______ dress ______ house ______ pen ______


《管理会计》练习题及参考答案 一、选择题 1.下列各项中,属于划分传统管理会计和现代管理会计两个阶段时间标志的是( C )A.19 世纪90 年代 B .20 世纪20 年代 C .20 世纪50 年代 D .20 世纪70 年代2.在财务会计中,销售费用的正确归属是( D ) A.制造费用 B .主要成本 C .加工成本 D .非制造成本 3. 某企业年如借得50000 元贷款,10 年期,年利率12%,每年末等额偿还。已知年金现值 系数(P/A,12 %,10)=5 .6502,则每年应付金额为( A ) 元。 A.8849 B .5000 C .6000 D .28251 4.在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1, 系数减 1 所得结果,在数值上等于( B )。A.普通年金现值系数 B .即付年金终值系数 C.普通年金终值系数 D .即付年金现值系数 5. 在前后各期产量和成本水平均不变的条件下,若本期完全成本法计算下的利润小于变动 成本法计算下的利润,则意味着( D ) A.本期生产量大于本期销售量 B .本期生产量等于本期销售量 C.期末存货量大于期初存货量 D .期末存货量小于期初存货量 6. 下列各项中,各类项目投资都会发生的现金流出是( B )。 A.建设投资 B .固定资产投资 C. 无形资产投资 D .流动资金投资 7. 下列有关贡献边际率与其它指标关系的表达式中,唯一正确的是( B ) A.贡献边际率+保本作业率=1 B .贡献边际率+变动成本率=1 C.贡献边际率+安全边际率=1 D .贡献边际率+危险率=1 8. 已知某企业的销售收入为10000 元,固定成本为2200 元,保本作业率为40%。在此情况下,该企业可实现利润是( C ) A.1800 元 B .2300 元 C.3300 元 D .3800 元 9. 如果产品的单价与单位变动成本的变动率相同,其他因素不变,则保本量( C ) A.不变 B .上升 C. 下降 D .不确定 10. 某投资项目原始投资额为100 万元,使用寿命10 年,已知该项目第10 年的经营净现金 流量为25 万元,期满处置固定资产残值收入及回收流动资金共8 万元,则该投资项目第10 年的净现金流量为( C )万元。 A.8 B .25 C .33 D .43 11.现代管理会计的主体是( A )


姓名_______ 得分________ 一、选择题(10分) 1.Is this your handbag ____________. A. Yes, this is. B. Yes, this not. C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, it is not. 2.I like my cat ____. It’s ____ cute. A. very much, very much B. very much, very C. very, very ,very much 3.----Thanks ___ your help. ----That’s all right. A. for B. in C. on D. to 4.Some dogs are running _____me. A. of B. after C. front D. on 5.They are ___ the grass. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. acrossing 6.She buys me ___ hat. ____ hat is very smart. A. a, a B. an, the C. a, the D. the, the 7.——_____ is Mr. Black. ——Nice to meet you. A. This B. That C. He D. It 8.What’s the matter ____ your watch A. with B. of C. on D. And 9.Are these your coats ________________. A. Yes, these are. B. No, these are not. C. Yes, they are. D. No, it isn’t. 10. We are going to ___ a bus. A. wait B. wait for C. waiting D. waiting for 二、词组互译(10分) 1. in the twentieth century________________ 2. 勤奋的______________ a matter of fact________________ 4. 用英语说_______________ 5. the banks of river __________________ 6. 永不放弃_______________ 7. jump off________________ 8. 关电视_________________ 9. a pair of_____________________ 10. 扫扫地__________________ and blue_______________ 12.集中注意力在..._____________ filled with______________ 14.和....相同__________________ the middle of____________ 16.返回到学校_________________= the dishes_____________ 18.给你写封信_________________ sth to sb______________ 20.一束花_________________ 三、重点交际用语。根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。(10分) do you say when you give, pass or throw something to someone______________________! 2. A tourist has lost his cases and asks you for help. Ask him about the colour of them :________________________________ 3. You see a little boy or girl want to know what’s wrong. What do you say
