九年级英语全册Unit10GetReadyfortheFuture单元练习(新版)冀教版 (2)

九年级英语全册Unit10GetReadyfortheFuture单元练习(新版)冀教版 (2)
九年级英语全册Unit10GetReadyfortheFuture单元练习(新版)冀教版 (2)

Unit10 Get Ready for the Future单元练习


1. He whether he will be able to win the tennis match. So he

feels very nervous.

A. believes

B. thinks

C. doubts

D. hopes

2. Look! Your English book is under your desk. Please .

A. pick it up

B. pick up it

C. pick them up

D. pick up them

3. --- Mum, I'm tired of doing too much homework every day.

--- Oh, dear, without hard work, you can't your dream.

A. choose

B. encourage

C. manage

D. achieve

4. You can come to visit me every day Tuesday. I will go out

for dinner that day.

A. except

B. expect

C. besides

D. beside

5. --- Li Yundi will give a concert this Sunday. I have to

get a ticket.

--- You're so lucky!

A. hoped

B. wanted

C. planned

D. managed

6. She the book two days ago.

A. has borrowed; since

B. has kept; since

C. kept; for

7. Susan will not arrive at the airport on time she hurries


A. once

B. if

C. when

D. unless

8. I was told to meet Mr. Green at the airport. But I don't

know he will arrive.

A. where

B. why

C. how

D. when

9. --- What happened to Billy?

--- He because of his drink-driving.

A. is caught

B. was caught

C. has caught

D. had caught

10. We usually write " " at the end of a letter.

A. Enjoy yourself!

B. How lucky you are!

C. Me, too.

D. Best wishes to you!


Long ago, in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers, Harry and Peter. Harry was working very hard while Peter was 11 . Every day Harry

got up early and came home late, but Peter walked around for fun.

One summer there was no 12 and the crops(庄稼) were dying. Harry thought, "I must do something to save these crops, or they will die." With this 13 in mind, he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠) to

his field. He walked on and on, feeling tired and thirsty. After a 14 search, he found a river full of water. He was very happy. He started digging a canal to his field. 15 it was noon, his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home 16 lunch. But Harry did not go. He did not want to leave his work unfinished. He completed his work late at night. He was very 17 . He went home, had a good meal and 18 into a sound sleep.

Peter did the same. But he was not at all determined(有决心的). He also 19 digging a canal to his field but he didn't have his work completed. His field did not get 20 water and all his crops died.

Harry's field would be watered when needed. He had a good harvest because

of his hard work.

11. A. cruel B. lazy C. careless D. silly

12. A. rain B. wind C. cloud D. snow

13. A. feeling B. dream C. problem D. thought

14. A. quick B. long C. slow D. special

15. A. Whether B. Although C. When D. Unless

16. A. for B. to C. with D. at

17. A. sad B. angry C. satisfied D. disappointed

18. A. fell B. looked C. turned D. walked

19. A. stopped B. loved C. forgot D. started

20. A. clean B. enough C. little D. fresh



Welcome to "Share Ideas"! I'm Tony Brown. This is Professor Lin. He is a scientist. He has many exciting ideas about life in the future. Let's listen to what he has to say!

"I think in the future, traveling will be much cleaner and safer. Most cars will run on solar energy (太阳能). There will be less pollution. The cars

will be driven by computers and there will be no accidents(事故). All of the computers will work together with radio signals(信号)."

"I also think that people will be able to go back to the past through a time tunnel(隧道). If they do something wrong, they will be able to go back and do it again and try not to make the same mistake."

"Housework will become much easier because you'll just tell a robot to do it."

"In the future, people will be able to talk with each other on the phone more easily, and you'll be able to see the person you're talking to on the screen of the cellphone."

What do you think life in the future will be like? Send us a letter.

Our email address: .

See you next time!

21. What are Professor Lin's ideas about?

A. Travel in the future.

B. TV programs.

C. Life in the future.

D. Future telephones.

22. Professor Lin thinks that cars might be driven by .

A. radio signals

B. computers

C. solar energy

D. policemen

23. Which of the following is NOT true according to Professor Lin?

A. There will be fewer car accidents.

B. People won't get sick.

C. Robots will help people do housework.

D. People will be able to go back to the past.

24. What does the underlined word "mistake" mean in Chinese?

A. 错误

B. 破损

C. 补偿

D. 奇迹

25. If you want to share your ideas, what will you probably do?

A. Call Professor Lin.

B. Telephone Tony Brown.

C. Buy new cars running on solar energy.

D. Send them emails.


Monty Robert's father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one farm to another with his father. Sometimes they didn't have enough money to pay for food, but Monty still kept hoping to own a horse farm.

When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a paper about his dream. He wrote a seven-page paper. He wanted to have a horse farm one day. He even drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.

The next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red "F" with the words "See me after class". So the boy did and asked his teacher, "Why did I get an F?" The teacher said, "This dream will not come true for a young boy like you. You need a lot of money to own a horse farm. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do it." Then the teacher added, "If you write this paper again with a simpler dream, I will give you a good grade."

After school he thought hard about it. At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making no changes at all. He wrote, "You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream."

Many years later, Monty had his own large horse farm. His dream came true. So don't let anyone take away your dreams. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are.

26. From Paragraph 1, we learn that .

A. Monty's family was poor

B. Monty's father didn't support him

C. Monty hoped to be a horse trainer

27. What did his teacher ask him to do when he was in school?

A. To write a seven-page paper.

B. To draw a picture about his dream.

C. To write a paper about his dream.

28. What was Monty's attitude(态度) towards his paper?

A. Careless.

B. Serious.

C. Funny.

29. Monty's teacher gave him a red "F" because he thought .

A. Monty's handwriting was too bad

B. Monty copied from another student

C. Monty's dream was too hard for him to achieve

30. What does the story want to tell us?

A. Follow a simple dream.

B. Never give up your dream.

C. Don't take away others' dreams.


General Bokova, ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me a great pleasure to join you for this important initiative(大会) as the UN marks its 70th anniversary(周年).

Education is very close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them how to read. With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help, many people learned to read newspapers for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read. As this daughter, I know what education means to the people, especially those without it.

After generations of hard work, China has come a long way in education. I myself am a beneficiary(受益者) of that progress. Otherwise I would never become a soprano(女高音) and a professor of musical. I am following my father's footsteps to help continue China's successful story.

I want to thank Director-General Bokova and UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) for naming me the Special Envoy for women and Girls Education(促进女童和妇女教育特使).

I am truly honored to work with the UN and do something about Global Education. I have visited many schools around the world. I've seen first-hand on how much we can do for education.

Education is about women and the girls. It is important for girls to go to the school because they will become their children's first teacher some day. But women still account for over half of the world's poor in population and 60% of adults who can't read. In China, Spring Bud Education Program(春蕾计划) has helped over 3 million girls go back to school. Many of them have finished university education and they are doing well at work.

Education is about equality(平等). In poor countries and regions the number of school dropouts(辍学) is astonishing. We call for more educational resources to these places.

Education is about the young people. Young people are the future. Education is important because it not only gave young people knowledge and skills but also help them become responsible citizens.

As the UNESCO special envoy and the mother myself, my commitment(职责) to education for all will never change. Many years ago my father made a small difference in his village.

Together we can make a big difference in the world.

I was once asked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls can have access to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet.

Thank you very much.

31. Who influenced Ms. Peng Liyuan most in her life according to her speech?

A. Her teacher.

B. Her father.

C. Her daughter.

D. Her husband.

32. Which of the following is Ms. Peng' opinion?

A. Parents are their children's first teachers.

B. It's more important for boys to get education.

C. Poor areas should be given more resources in education.

D. Young people can only get knowledge and skills from education.

33. According to Ms. Peng's speech, 60% of the can't read in poor areas.

A. boys

B. children

C. women

D. men

34. What does "it" refer to in the last paragraph?

A. A Chinese dream.

B. A dream.

C. A big difference.

D. Education first.

35. What's the purpose of the speech?

A. To tell people how she made her dream come true.

B. To tell people how to teach the children in poor areas.

C. To tell people how she became successful in children education.

D. To tell people how important it is to help girls get equality in education.


Someone says the world would be no more in 2012, but our scientists' ideas are not the same. And they are sure to see the future: by the year 3000, this world is going to have different kinds of private machines. They will make the work much easier for us. I even can't give any guess how many people will be living to use them. However, Odd Stuff Magazine has got some new inventions for the year 3000. Take a look and have fun.

In the future you can save time by having a robot make you exercise while you sleep. The future advancement in the toilet(洗手间) can make people surf at home instead of on the sea. Professional sportsmen can make so much money. And they will hire(雇) people to play for them.

The four-legged jeans of the year 3,000 will make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go. To save on gas, circus(马戏团) performers will take the place of the school bus drivers. And the helicopter(直升飞机) cap can get you around faster and easier than your bike.

36. Which of the following is the writer's idea?

A. The world would come to the end in 2012.

B. New inventions will make the work easier.

C. There will be more people than before.

D. People will have four legs.

37. The underlined word "advancement" is closest in meaning to .

A. invention

B. trouble

C. water

D. difference

38. Professional sportsmen will be in the year 3000.

A. busier

B. sleepier

C. richer

D. heavier

39. The jean has four legs and .

A. people will also have four legs

B. it can make you exercise while you sleep

C. people can use it as a seat to sit on

D. the shape looks very cool

40. From the above reading, we can learn that .

A. a robot can make its owner fall asleep

B. taking a school bus will not be popular with kids

C. people won't surf on the sea any more

D. there will be a small helicopter in every cap


41. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are w .

42. The students are all from the same p school.

43. Here is a w and there is some money(钱) in it.

44. --- Hello, everyone! Bill gets the first prize.

--- C .

45. My brother always comes t in the school.


46. The (老板) used to support poor children.

47. During different (阶段) of life, we can know about different things.

48. Happiness is more important than (财富).

49. Yesterday his parents bought two wonderful (笔记本) for him.

50. There will be an English test tomorrow. Let's (复习) lessons together.


51. 与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。

Poor sleepers take longer to than good sleepers.

52. 我们可以在湖上划船。

We can on the lake.

53. 至于看电视, 只有少数同学每天都看。

watching TV, only a few students watch it every day.

54. 几个月过去了,但他仍没有回来。

Several months , but he didn't come back yet.

55. Our food supply won't (坚持) for more than

a few days.


The Lion King first came out in the year 1994. It is about a lion named Simba. Simba is the prince of the Pridelands. With Simba next in line to be king, Scar is now second in line.Scar is not happy about this and makes a plan to kill Simba.

The movie has a very good and well developed storyline. The writers, editors, and other developers made sure that the storyline was never lost throughout the film. Another positive thing was that the background music improved the overall effects(效果) of the scenes and helped bring the movie together. Some of the characters were very easy to connect to. People could find at least one character that they seem to relate to in one way or the other.

Some disadvantages were that during the songs, some of the the lyrics were hard to understand. Unless you looked up the lyrics to the songs, you had no idea what some of the words were. Also with the 3D glasses on the color was somewhat dulled. The color is more vivid when watched n its original format. There were a few characters that seemed undeveloped fully. Simba's mother, Sarabi, did not have that big of a part in the film. As the mother of the Prince and Queen of the King there should have been more scenes with Sarabi.

I personally enjoyed The Lion King as a whole.Apart from the unclear lyrics and dulled color, I loved every single aspect of the movie. I believe it has a great lesson to teach all of its viewers, young and old. People are able to take what is put in the movie and can apply it to their own lives. In my opinion, The Lion King is one of the best films Disney has ever produced.


56. Did The Lion King first come out in 1994?

57. Who is the main character in The Lion King?

58. What helped bring the movie together?

59. Why does the writer say Sarabi seemed undeveloped fully?

60. What does the writer think of the movie The Lion King?


A: Ben, you look worried.

B: Yes, Ms Paula. 61.

A: You said you liked English. What's the problem?

B: I can't get the pronunciation right.

A: Well, why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes? 62.

B: Sounds great. 63.

A: You can write down the new words in your notebook and study them at any time. B: That might really help!Thanks.

A: Can you understand when people talk to you?

B: No, not always. 64.

A: Why don't you join an English club to practise speaking English? The English club meets on Tuesday and Friday.

B: I will go. The only other problem I have is that I don't get enough writing practice.

A: Maybe you should find a pen friend.

B: 65. Thanks, Ms Paula.

A. Sometimes I just don't understand what people are saying.

B. That's an interesting way to practise writing.

C. Do you have any trouble in grammar?

D. But what about the new words?

E. I'm having trouble learning English.

F. You can listen to them at home after school.

G. What do you think is the best way to learn English?



1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. D

9. B 10. D


11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C

16. A 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B


21. C 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. D

26. A 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. B

31. B 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. D

36. B 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. B


41. weekdays

42. primary

43. wallet

44. Congratulations

45. top


46. boss

47. periods

48. wealth

49. notebooks

50. review


51. fall asleep

52. row a boat

53. As for

54. went by

55. hold out


56. Yes, it did.

57. Simba.

58. The background music.

59. Because as the mother of the Prince and Queen of the King there should have been more scenes with Sarabi.

60. The writer thinks the movie is very good except some disadvantages, such as the unclear lyrics and dulled color, etc.


61. E 62. F 63. D 64. A 65. B


外研版九年级上册英语各单元短语汇总 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

Module 1 Wonders of the world 短语归纳: 1. wonders of the world 世界奇观 2. join in 加入 3. on the eastern coast of 在….的东海岸 4. in one’s opinion 据某人看来 of 无数的 6. be interested in 对…感兴趣 7. become grey 变成灰色 8. get out of 从…出来 9. go through 穿过 10. fall away 突然向下倾斜 11. look over 从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查 across 眺望 13. look down 俯视,向下看 14. on top of 在…顶部 the bottom of 在…的底部 16. on both sides 在两边 17. look like 看起来像 18. be famous for 以…闻名 19. do an interview 做采访 20. draw a picture of 画一幅…的图画 down 下去,下沉

up 在高处 23. more than 超过 24. dozens of 许多 height 高度,在高度上 用法集锦: with sb. 同意某人 2. agree to do sth. 同意做某事 3. would like to do sth. 想要去做某事 +一段时间在…(多长时间)之后 /has been to 去过 6. have /has gone to 去了 of +n. 因为 8. without doing sth. 没有做某事 afraid of doing sth. /be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 10. one of +the +adj.最高级+可数名词复数最…的…之一 11. look forward to doing sth. 盼望着做某事 Module 2 Public holidays? 短语归纳: 1. as soon as 一…就 2. take a vacation 度假 3. have a picnic 野餐 4. play music 演奏音乐 5. go somewhere interesting 去有趣的地方


九年级英语全一册单元 知识点归纳 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

新人教版九年级英语全册知识点归纳及习题(最新) Unit 1 How can we become good learners 一、短语总结: 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 conversations with 与……交谈 skills 口语技巧 little 有点儿 first 起初;起先 secret to......, .......的秘诀 of 因为 well 也 up (在词典中等)查阅;抬头看 that 以便,为了 meaning of ……的意思 mistakes 犯错误 to 交谈 on 依靠;依赖 common 共有的 attention to 注意;关注 ……with ……把……联系。 example 例如 about 考虑 if 即使;尽管;纵容 for 寻找 about 担心担忧 word cards 制作单词卡片 the teacher for help 向老师求助

aloud 大声读 English 英语口语 a report 作报告 by word 一字一字地 ……that 如此……以至于 in love with 爱上 interesting 有趣的事情 notes 记笔记 often 多久一次 lot of 许多 ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 habits 学习习惯 interested in 对……感兴趣 bored 感到无聊 good at 在……方面擅长 afraid of 害怕 other 彼此互相 of 代替而不是 二.用法集萃 1. by doing sth. 通过做某事 +be+adj.+to do sth. 做某事是……的 doing sth. 完成某事 about doing sth.做某事怎么样 to do sth. 尽力做某事 +比较级,the+比较级越……,就越…… it+adj.+to do sth. 发现做某事 afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 doing sth. 练习做某事 doing sth. 一直做某事 afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事


新人教版--九年级英语全册各单元常考英语作文 一起和英语死磕到底吧~ By Mia Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 本单元话题为“我们怎样变化的”,主要围绕人或事物从过去到现在所发生的 变化展开描述。写作时首先要理清写作的逻辑顺序,注意过去与现在的对比。 也可以直接用一般过去时 在句式的使用上,既可用used to do/be…,but now…, 描述过去的情况,用一般现在时描写现在的情况,各种句式交替使用,以免 文章显得呆板。 写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1) …used to do/be (2) How/what about you? (3) …has/have changed a lot in the last few years. 【典型例题】 为题描述最近几年人们生活上的变化。词数80请你以Changes in people’s life 词左右。 提示:1. 人们的联系方式、娱乐方式的改变 2. 人们的出行方式及居住环境的改变 【优秀范文】 Changes in people’s life Great changes have taken place in people’s life in the last few years.

In the past people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending letters. They would listen to the radio for news and other information. Children used to go to school by bike. Big families had to share small rooms. Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the internet at home. When they are free, they watch the news and other programs on TV. Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars. More and more people live in big and bright apartment with several rooms. In a word, people live better than before.


单元综合检测 (满分120 分,时间100 分钟) 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ得分 第一部分听力(25 分) Ⅰ.听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)( )6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is a teacher. C.Tom likes school. ( )7.A.He saw a film yesterday. B.He didn’t see the film. C.He had a good time. ( )8.A.She works hard. B.She teaches well. C.She is a good woman. ( )9.A.School ended a little earlier. B.School ended as early as usual. C.School didn’t end so early as usual. ( )10.A.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it. B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it. C.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either. Ⅲ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )11.A.Yes, they have. B.No, she hasn’t. C.Yes, he did. ( )12.A.Of course not. B.No, never. C.Yes, I do. ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,st year. B.Before 3 years. C.Since 3 years ago. ( )14.A.I’ve no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can. ( )15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16.What did Jack want to do one day? A.To borrow some books from Jim. B.To play with Jim. C.To buy some books. ( )17.Where did Jack want to read the books? A.In the reading room. B.At Jim’s home. C.At his own home. ( )18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jim’s books? A.Two weeks. B.Less than two weeks. C.More than two weeks. ( )19.Why didn’t Jack want to lend the brush to Jim? A.Because his brush is broken.


仁爱版九年级初三英语上册各 单元重要知识点汇总Unit1 The Changing World Topic1 Our country has developed rapidly.【重点短语和句型】 暑假过得愉快1. have a good summer holiday 回来......从2. come back from 去过3. have/has been to 去了4. have/has gone to ... 再也不5. not...any more 照相6. take photos 顺便问 一下7. by the way 参加8. take part in 全世界9. around/all over/throughout the world 告诉某人关于某事10. tell sb. something about... 艰苦的生活/过着幸 福11. have/live a happy/hard life 详细描述12. describe...in detail ... 支持13. give support to 亲眼看见14. see...oneself 与15. keep in touch with 保持联系... 遥远的16. far away ... 各种各样的17. kinds/sorts of ... 而且...不仅18. not only...but also 取得进步19. make progress 多于20. more than/over 改善/迅速发展21. develop/improve rapidly 告诉某人(别)做某事22. tell sb. (not ) to do sth. 要求某人(别)做某事23. ask sb. (not ) to do sth. 为了做某事24. in order to do sth. 不得不做某事25. have to do sth. 的...对于某人来说做


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九年级英语上册 Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元训练 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1、Usually, the air is f________ in the morning. 2、The new store has e________ to carry customers from one floor to another. 3、Do you know which d________ he is in for shopping? 4、Sam and his family live on a quiet b________. 5、He is going to perform m________ at the party. 6、The frozen river makes a good s________. 7、Let’s d________ up and go out to the theatre. 8、They put a new product on the m________. 9、I acted as a c________ at the play. 10、We need an o________ party. 11、I w________ whether you like the new room. 12、Would you please l________ me your pencil? 13、Remember not to o________ others when talking. 14、I think that ________ (引导) me to the real point. 15、Excuse me,could you tell me where to ________ (停车) my car? 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、We decided ________ (leave) her alone. 2、My watch has stopped. Could you please ________ (tell) me the time? 3、He could not decide what ________ (do) next. 4、I don’t like ________ (crowd) cities. 5、The restaurant is a good place ________ (eat) in our city. 6、Little Tom spent all his spare time ________ (practice) playing the piano. 7、Do you enjoy ________ (read) English in the morning? 8、The police ________ (be) maintaining public order now. 9、We will visit the world’s ________ (large) zoo and see many different kinds of animals. 10、It’s a good book for children ________ (read). 11、I don’t think it’s good ________ (sleep) in class.


九年级英语上册第一单元知识点总结 九年级英语上册第一单元知识点总结 Unit 1 一、知识点: 在旅馆的登记入住。ut: 在旅馆结账离开。 2.By: ①通过…..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes. ②在…..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③乘坐交通工具例:by bus/car ④在……之前,到……为止。例:by October在10月前 ⑤被例:Englby many people. 3.how与what的区别: how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样如何,通 常用来做状语、表语。 what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为什么,通常做宾语,主语。 ①How is your summer holiday? It’s OK.(how表示程度做表语) ②How did you travel around the world? I travel by air. ③What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and maubjects. ① What……? How…like…?

② What…do with…? How…deal with…? ③ What…like about…? How…like…? ④ What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather today? ⑤ What to do? How to do it? e.g. What do youbook?=How do you lbook? I don’t know what I should do watter.=I don’t know how I should deal wWhat do you like about China?=How do you la? I don’t know what to do next step?=I don’t know how to do it next step? ㊣ What good / bad weaday!(weather为不可数名词,其前不能加 a ) ㊣ What a fine / bad daday! (day为可数名词,其前要加 a ) 4. aloud, loud与loudly的用法 : 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 ①aloud是副词,重点在出声能让人听见,但声音不一定很大, 常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。aloud没有 比较级形式。 如: He readaloud他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。


九年级英语全册各单元知识点总结 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 一、短语: 1.have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话 2.connect …with… 把…和…连接/联系起来 3.the secret to… ……的秘诀 4.be afraid of doing sth./to do sth. 害怕做某事 5.look up 查阅 6.repeat out loud 大声跟读 7.make mistakes in 在……方面犯错误8.get bored 感到厌烦 9.be stressed out 焦虑不安的10.pay attention to 注意;关注11.depend on 取决于;依靠12.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 二、知识点: 1. by + doing:通过……方式(by是介词,后面要跟动名词,也就是动词的ing 形式); 2. a lot:许多,常用于句末; 3. aloud, loud与loudly的用法,三个词都与“大声”或“响亮”有关。 ①aloud是副词,通常放在动词之后。 ①loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多 用于比较级,须放在动词之后。

①loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,可位于动词之前或之后。 4. not …at all:一点也不,根本不,not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾; 5. be / get excited about sth.:对…感到兴奋; 6. end up doing sth:终止/结束做某事;end up with sth.:以…结束; 7. first of all:首先(这个短语可用在作文中,使得文章有层次); 8. make mistakes:犯错make a mistake 犯一个错误; 9. laugh at sb.:笑话;取笑(某人)(常见短语) 10. take notes:做笔记/记录; 11. native speaker 说本国语的人; 12. make up:组成、构成; 13. deal with:处理、应付; 14. perhaps = maybe:也许; 15. go by:(时间)过去; 16.each other:彼此; 17.regard… as … :把…看作为…; 18.change… into…:将…变为…; 19. with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的帮助下(注意介词of和with,容易出题) 20. compare … to …:把…比作… compare with 拿…和…作比较; 21. instead:代替,用在句末,副词; instead of sth / doing sth:代替,而不是(这个地方考的较多的就是instead of doing


九年级英语单元作文: Unit 1——九年级英语作文第一单元作文范文以供各位同学参考,希望对于大家的英语写作有所帮助,祝福大家的英语写作水平越来越高并有着更多的收获,关于九年级英语单元作文第一单元,我们一起来分享吧! 你的英国笔友Frank想学汉语,请你给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。 要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整 2.可用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥 3. 词数:60-80 (提示词语:go to Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help…) Dear Frank, How’s it going? I miss you. I know you want to learn Chinese now. I have some good ideas. First, you can go to Chinese classes and make Chinese friends. Then, you must listen to the radio in the morning, and read Chinese stories. It's good for your listening and speaking. If you see some words you can't understand, you can by looking up dictionary. It's useful for you. Maybe, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help. I hope you can speak Chinese well. Friend, XXX 假如你叫张华,你的笔友李林在学习英语中遇到了 困难,给他发一封e-mail,向他提供几条学习英语的建议。 要求:1. 词数80-100 2.条理清楚,词意连贯,字迹工整 Dear Li Lin,


九年级英语上册第1-5单元复习要点 一、短语。 1. by making flashcards 通过做单词抽认卡 2. ask…for help向某人求助 3. read aloud 朗读 4. that way (=in that way) 通过那种方式 5. improve my speaking skills 提高我的会话技巧 6. for example 例如 7. have fun doing sth 玩得高兴8.have conversations with friends 与朋友对话 9. get excited about为…高兴,激动 10.end up speaking in Chinese 以说汉语结束对话 11.do a survey about…做有关…的调查12.keep an English notebook 记英语笔记 13.spoken English (= oral English) 英语口语14.make mistakes in sth 在… 犯错误 15.get the pronunciation right 使发音准确16.practise speaking English练习说英语 17.first of all 首先18.begin with 以…开始https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,ter on 随后 20.in class 在课堂上https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,ugh at 嘲笑22.take notes 记笔记 23.enjoy doing 喜欢干…24.write down 写下,记下 25.look up (v + adv) 查找,查询26.native speakers 说本族话的人 27.make up 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮28.around the world 全世界 29.deal with对待,处理,解决30.worry about (be worried about) 担心,担忧 31.be angry with 生某人的气32.stay angry 生气33.go by 消逝 34. regard…as…把…当做…https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,plain about/of 抱怨 36. with the help of 在…的帮助下https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,pare…to (with)… 把…和…作比较 38.think of (think about) 想起,想到41.not…at a ll 根本不,全然不 39.physical problems 身体上的问题40.break off 中断,突然终止 42.make complete sentences 做完整的句子 43.join 加入某团体并成为其中一员;join in与take part in指参加到某项活动中去。 44.be afraid of 害怕be afraid to 害怕45.have trouble in doing sth 做..有困难 46.study for a te 为考试用功47. make vocabulary lists 做单词表 48. too …to…太…而以致于不能做49.watch English-language TV 看英语电视 50. to begin with首先51.take a lot of grammar notes 记大量的语法笔记 52.look up the words in a dictionary 查字(词)典53.this kind of paper 这种纸 54.spend …on … 在…上花费(时间、金钱) 55.speak English as a second language 把英语当做第二语言来说 56.give up 放弃57.in the future 在将来 二、句型。 1. How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备? 2. I have learned a lot that way. 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。 3. It’s too hard to understand the voice. 听懂那些声音太难了。 4. Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.记流行歌曲的词也起作用。 5. Wei Ming feels differently. 卫明有不同的感受。 6.He finds watching movies frustrating. 他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧. 7. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. 她又说和朋友对话根本没用。 8.I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有搭档一起练习英语。 9. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。 10.It’s amazing how much this helped.我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。


九年级英语上册单元知识点汇总(一) 九年级英语上册单元知识点汇总 aloudadv.出声地ReadingaloudisagoodayinleaningEnglish. 朗读是学英语的一个好方法。 ▲loudad大声的,声音洪亮的,loud—louder—loudest Hetaledinaloudvoicesothateveryonecouldhearhi. 他说话声音很大以便于每个人都能听得到他。 ▲adv.loud—louder—loudest Don’ttalsoloud.Theidsarereading. 说话小声些,孩子们正在看书。 louder,please! 请再说高一些! ▲loudlyadv吵吵闹闹地,噪声地Iheardsoeonenocedloudlyatthedoor. 我听到有人在使劲敲门。Theyaretalingloudlyinthenextroo. 他们在隔壁说话声很大。 voicen.噪音,鸟鸣声 Shehasaseetvoice. 她声音很甜美。

Sheraisedhervoicesothatshecouldbeheard. 她提高了嗓音队便于别人能听清楚。Helosthisvoice./Hehadnovoicebecauseofthecough. 因为咳嗽,他失声了。 ▲noisen噪音,吵闹 Don’taesouchnoise. 别弄出那么大的噪音。Iheardastrangenoiseoutside. 我听到外边奇怪的声音。 ▲soundn.声音,响声Soundtravelssloerthanlight. 声音的传播比光慢。 eoryn.储存器Alotofinforationisstoredintheeory. 计算机的储存器能储存很多信息。 ▲n.记忆力Hehasapooreoryafterthecaraccident. 车祸后他的记忆力很差了。 ▲n.回忆,怀念Ihaveapleasanteoryofychildhood. 我对童年有美好的回忆。 ▲eorize/eorisevt.记住,背过


人教版九年级全册各单元必考知识点大全 【重点短语】 1. have conversation with sb. 2. too …to … 太 ....... 而不能 3. the secret to ................... 的秘诀 4. be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. look up 查阅 6. repeat out loud 大声跟读 7. make mistakes in 在 ......... 方面犯错误 8. connect ......... -with …把 ......... 和 ... 连接/联系起来 9. get bored 感到厌烦 10. be stressed out 焦虑不安的 11. pay atte nti on to 注意;关注 12. depe nd on 取决于;依靠 13. the ability to do sth.. 做某事的能力 【考点详解】 1. by + doing 通过 ....... 方式(by 是介词,后面要跟动名词, 也就是动词的 形式) Unitl 同某人谈话 ing

The students often talk about movie after class. 影。 talk to sb= talk with sb 与某人说话 3. 提建议的句子: ① What/ how about +do ing sth.? 做…怎么样? ( about 后面要用动词的 ing 形式,这一点考试考的比较多) 女口: What/ How about going shopping? ② Why don't you + do sth.? 你为什么不做…? 女口: Why don't you go shopping? ③ Why not + do sth. ? 为什么不做…? 女口: Why not go shopping? ④ Let's + do sth. 让我们做… …吧。 女口: L et's go shoppi ng ⑤ Shall we/I + do sth.? 我们/我……好吗? 女口: Shall we/I go shopp ing? 4. a lot 许多,常用于句末。 如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。 5. too …to... 太……而不能 常用的句型:too+形容词/副词+ to do sth. 如:rm too tired to say an ythi ng. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 6. aloud, loud 与loudly 的用法,三个词都与"大声”或"响亮”有关。 2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论 学生们常常在课后讨论电


九年级上册英语第一单元知识点 【篇一】九年级上册英语第一单元知识点 I.重点词汇Test----exam words----vocabulary Excited----exciting amazing----surprising sometimes----sometime----some times----some time for example----such as----like begin with----to begin with maybe----perhaps----probably affect----influence problem----question II.重点词组 1.ask…for… 2.speaking skills 3.ask…about… 4.not…at all 5.get excited about 6.end up 7.make mistakes 8.first of all 9.to begin with https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,ter on 11.be afraid of https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,ugh at 13.make sentences 14.take notes 15.write down 16.make sure 17.deal with 18.look up 19.make up 20.worry about 21.be angry with 22.go by 23.each other 24.solve a problem 25.regard…as… https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,plain about 27.change…into… 28.try one’s best 29.with the help of https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,pare…to… 31.think about 32.break off III.重点句子 1.I learn by studying with a group. 2.It’s too hard to understand the voices. 3.He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 4.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 5.Why don’t you join an English club to practice English. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47672035.html,st year my English class


(共4套)人教版九年级英语全一册单元导学案集 Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Target Navigation【目标导航】 Key words and phrases: drive,drive sb. crazy/mad,the more…the more…,lately,be friends with(sb.),leave out,friendship Key sentences: (1)Sad movies make me cry. (2)I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating. (3)Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. (4)The more I got to know Julie,the more I've realized that we have a lot in common. (5)It makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her. Skills:初步学会谈论事情如何影响你,并表达个人主观感受。 Emotion:通过互相谈论“周围的环境或事情如何影响你”,使学生相互了解彼此的内心需求和烦恼,从而培养学生学会关心别人,为别人着想。 The guidance of learning methods【学法指导】 通过听、说等一些活动培养良好的听力习惯和能力,再通过独学和小组合作,学会把握学习的主要内容,在学习中善于记要点,善于抓住用英语进行交际的机会。 Learning important and difficult points【学习重难点】 学会运用make sb. do sth./make sb.+adj.的结构表达“某事使某人怎么样”。 Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Autonomous Learning Scheme【自主学习方案】 ?预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1.预习Page 81、82的生词,根据音标会读知意。 2.朗读Page 81、82的句子,能英汉互译。 (二)预习检测 Ⅰ.完成下列短语。 1.使某人发疯/发狂________________ 2.不完全是________________ 3.与……玩的开心________________ 4.(性格、爱好等)有相同之处________________ 5.越……越……________________ 6.忽略,不包括,不提及________________ 7.是某人的朋友________________ 8.听轻音乐________________ 9.一起度过更多时光________________ (Keys:1.drive sb. mad/crazy;2.yes and no;3.have fun with…;4.have…in common;5.the more…the more…;6.leave out;7.be friends with sb.;8.listen to soft music;9.spend more time together) Ⅱ.完成书中第81页1a的练习。


九年级英语各单元作文范文 Unit 1 写作任务 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Mark是一个汉语爱好者。昨天他给你发来电子邮件,向你咨询如何才能学好汉语。请你结合下面的要点提示,给他回一封电子邮件。 要点提示: 1. 多读汉语方面的书籍; 2. 多听或多看汉语节目; 3. 交一些中国朋友。 范文 Dear Mark, I’m glad to know that you love Chinese and want to know how to improve your Chinese learning. Here is some advice for you. Firstly, it’s a good idea to read more Chinese books. You can increase your vocabulary by doing so. Secondly, you should listen to or watch Chinese programs more often. Try to understand them even though you won’t understand e very word. Lastly, you know, a good language environment is very important in learning a language, so why not make some Chinese friends? Then you can practice speaking Chinese with them as often as possible. It’s common for people to have some problems whi le learning a language, so don’t worry about it. I hope my advice will help you learn Chinese well. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua Unit 2 写作任务 你校英语俱乐部即将举办一次主题为My favorite Chinese festival的征文活动。假如你最喜欢的节日是端午节,请你写一篇英语短文参加此次活动,内容包括: 1. 端午节的时间及意义; 2. 端午节的活动(吃粽子、划龙舟、喝雄黄酒、挂艾草、佩戴香囊); 3. 你最喜欢端午节的理由。 要求: 1. 紧扣主题、语言表达准确、语意通顺连贯; 2. 词数90左右。 参考词汇:drink realgar wine喝雄黄酒;hang Chinese mugwort挂艾草;carry a spice bag佩戴香囊。 范文 My favorite Chinese festival My favorite Chinese festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. It’s a day to remember Qu Yuan, a great poet. On this day people usually eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races. They also
