
请欣赏由黎嘉华给我们带来的歌曲《马德里不思议》女:同学们刚刚的歌曲好不好听?让我们再次把掌声和祝福献给她!男:周星辰,你喜欢参加party吗?女:当然喜欢了,我相信在座的同学们也非常喜欢,你们说是不是啊!男:那么接下来就让我们进入通信29班的secret party!女:周干程!周干程!你们看见我的搭档周干程了没有啊?男:哎!我在这儿呢!女:你怎么才来啊,晚会这都开始了!男:不好意思啊,刚刚做错了车。

毕业晚会中英文主持稿(First of all, thank you very much for your great song, Marie.)Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Ia(“article_content_up”);(First of all, thank you very much for your great song, Marie.) Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I am Phoebe, it is a great pleasure to be here as your host tonight. I’m so glad to see so many of you here.Tonight we will spend a wonderful and memorable time together as we celebrate the graduation of some UN students女士们、先生们:大家晚上好。
首先,非常感谢美女Marie刚才为我们演唱的英文歌曲the day you went away。
也非常感谢在座的各位能够来参加我们UN国际英语中心的毕业晚会下面我非常荣幸地宣布UN国际英语中心毕业晚会现在开始Well, it’s time to welcome our graduates. However, before they come to the stage, we would like to invite school students, and study advisors to erect a graduation arch for the graduates.各位观众,下面我们将会请出今天晚会的主角。
不过,在他们出场之前,我们想邀请毕业生的好友们,在校学员以及各位SA来为我们的毕业生搭一座“毕业桥”,掌声欢迎!Now let’s welcome our graduates! And allow me to introduce them to you, they are: Richard, Yvonne, Lisa, Mark, Tulip, Teina, Monica, Mini, Joyce, Ally, Roger, Evelyn, Abby, Julia, Alina, Susan, Leo好了,现在有请各位主角出场,掌声欢迎!今天晚上的毕业生有:刘义东,杨蓝萍,黎艳,陈金彪,宗兰,雷国雄,曾晓露,陈杰芳,李芳,彭满辉,罗旭明,郑琳琳,朱碧凤,齐虹,李桂珍,银玉环,凌经园We would like to invite some of our graduates to talk about their feelings, experiences, maybe some of their plans for the future. *** (name), please say some words! Ok, thank you! And ***, how about you, would you have anything to say? ......现在我们来采访一下其中的几位毕业生,看看他们有什么感受。

英文毕业典礼主持词Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, faculty members, parents, and most importantly, the graduating class of [year], welcome to this momentous occasion - the graduation ceremony of [name of institution].Today, we gather here to celebrate not only the end of a chapter but also the beginning of a new journey for each and every graduate sitting before us. This ceremony is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and remarkable accomplishments throughout their academic journey.Standing here today, I am filled with a sense of pride and joy as I look out at each face in this room. Each one represents a unique story of triumph, resilience, and personal growth. There are memories etched in these hallways, lessons learned from brilliant minds, and friendships that will last a lifetime.Graduates, as you step onto this stage and receive your diplomas, remember that this is not merely a piece of paper. It is a symbol of your endless pursuit of knowledge, your determination, and your commitment to personal and intellectual growth. It represents the long nights spent studying, the challenges faced head-on, and the obstacles conquered.Today, you join a long lineage of alumni who have gone on to make a significant impact in their respective fields - leaders, innovators, and visionaries who have shaped the world we live in today. As you embark on your own journey, remember that you have the power to make a difference.With your education, you have the ability to positively influence those around you and contribute to the betterment of society. Embrace the values instilled in you during your time here at [name of institution] - integrity, compassion, creativity, and perseverance - and let them guide you towards success and fulfillment in all your future endeavors.As you move forward, never stop seeking knowledge, never stop asking questions, and never stop challenging the status quo. The world needs your unique perspective, your ideas, and your passion to bring about positive change. Remember that even small actions have the power to create a ripple effect that can impact the lives of countless individuals.Take this moment to express your gratitude to those who have supported you on this journey - your parents, family, friends, and teachers. Without their unwavering support, none of this would have been possible. They have stood beside you, cheering you on through every triumph and setback. Remember to thank them, not just today, but every day.In conclusion, as we reflect upon the incredible accomplishments of the graduating class of [year], let us not forget that this is just the beginning. Each graduate here has the potential to shape the world in significant ways. Be fearless, be bold, and continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible.And so, let us celebrate this momentous occasion with pride and excitement, knowing that the future holds limitless possibilities foreach and every graduate. Congratulations, [name of institution] Class of [year]!。

毕业典礼主持词英文Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, distinguished faculty, and beloved graduates,Welcome to this momentous occasion, the commencement ceremony of [Name of University/School]. Today, we gather here to celebrate the achievements, hard work, and dedication of our exceptional graduates. As we reflect upon their journey, we are filled with pride and admiration.Throughout their years in academia, these graduates have faced numerous challenges, whether it was balancing demanding coursework, engaging in impactful research, participating in extracurricular activities, or overcoming personal obstacles. It is their unwavering commitment to learning and growth that has brought them to this significant milestone.Today marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. As our graduates step out into the world, they carry with them not only a degree but also a wealth of knowledge, integrity, and a spirit of lifelong learning. Their education has equipped them with the tools needed to navigate an ever-changing global landscape.Now is the time to express our gratitude to the faculty and staff who have shown unwavering dedication in educating and mentoring our graduates. Their guidance, expertise, and support have played a vital role in shaping the remarkable individuals we see before us today. Let us applaud their tireless efforts.To the loved ones who have supported our graduates every step ofthe way, we extend our deepest appreciation. Your unwavering encouragement, understanding, and sacrifices have made it possible for them to attain this moment of triumph. Today is a testament to your belief in their potential and the pride you feel for their achievements.To the graduates, as you leave the familiar and embrace the unknown, remember the valuable lessons learned during your time here. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead with confidence and tenacity. Remember that setbacks are not failures but rather stepping stones towards success. Pursue your passions and dreams with unwavering determination as you make your mark on the world.Your ability to adapt, innovate, and contribute can create positive change in your communities and beyond. Endeavor to be lifelong learners, continuously honing your skills, expanding your perspectives, and evolving as individuals. In doing so, you will become the leaders this world desperately needs.Today, we celebrate not only the culmination of years of hard work but also the limitless potential that lies within each and every one of our graduates. As they embark on their respective journeys, we wish them great success, fulfillment, and happiness.May your dreams be bold, your passions burn bright, and your impact be far-reaching. Congratulations, graduates of [Name of University/School]. The future awaits you, and we have no doubt that you will shape it with excellence.。

主持人发言稿尊敬的各位官员,各位朋友女士们先生们,大家早上好!Distinguished officials, Dear friends,Ladies and Gentlemen:Good morning!今天,我们相聚在此,举行2013年南共体人力资源研修班结业典礼。
In the July of Beijing, we gather together for the Closing Ceremony of 2013 Seminar on Human Resources for Southern African Development Community. I am very delighted to be here to host this Closing Ceremony .现在我宣布,结业典礼正式开始。
Now I declare the start of the Closing Ceremony.首先,请允许我介绍出席本次结业典礼的嘉宾。
First of all, please allow me to introduce distinguished guests presented today:商务部国际商务官员研修学院邹传明副院长Mr. Zou Chuanming, vice-president of Academy for International Business Officials;官员代表,坦桑尼亚公务员局高级培训官瓦米莉卡·加玛Wamilika GAMA, Senior Training Officer of Tanzania Human Resources Department,the representative of our seminar ;以及所有参加本次南共体人力资源研修班的官员们。
欢迎大家!And all officals of Seminar on Human Resources for Southern African Development Community, Welcome!现在请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎邹传明院长给大家做结典发言。

2013年毕业典礼主持词一,介绍A:Ladies and Gentlemen, goodafternoon.B:尊敬的领导,各位来宾。
A:Welcome to hour 2013 session of graduation ceremony.B:很高兴能与大家相聚在2013届毕业典礼.A:We are so excited to be the host of this ceremony.B:我们和你高兴能够单人本次典礼的主持人。
A:I'm Teacher Cathy.B:I’m Tina。
A: How time flies!And now we will graduate。
A:When we talked about our eld graduates that we think the graduation is far way from us. And now we are standing here to share about our graduation ceremony。
A:When we stayed in Qiyuan Internations school. We had the best time of life. And today,we will dance and singing for our alma master。
A:There are ____ graduates in this years. All of us are intering the demonstration junior schools. In our growing life at school,all of the leaders, teachers and the parents committee pay attention to us. And today is a special day,they come to here.B:我们2013届毕业生共有______ 名。

让我们的晚会开始吧!English:Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to tonight's English Evening. I am [Name], your host, and I am honored to spend this wonderful evening with you. Tonight, we have prepared a series of fantastic performances to showcase the charm of the English language and the exchange of diverse cultures. Let’s get our evening started!中文:接下来,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎第一位表演者登台。
English:Next, let's welcome our first performer to the stage with a warm round of applause. He/She will present a classic English song, transcending the boundaries of language through music. Please enjoy.中文:非常精彩的表演!感谢我们的表演者带来这么美妙的音乐。

主持人毕业典礼发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen, faculty members, esteemed guests, and most importantly, my fellow graduates: it is with great honor and privilege that I stand before you today as the host of this momentous occasion. Today, we gather to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance as we bid farewell to one chapter of our lives and embark on the journey into the next.As I look out at this sea of familiar faces, I am filled with a sense of pride and admiration for each and every one of you. We have all faced our own unique challenges and obstacles on the road to this moment, and yet here we are, ready to take on the world with the knowledge and skills we have acquired during our time at this esteemed institution.But before we turn our focus to the future, it is important to take a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this point. Each of us has undoubtedly experienced moments of triumph and moments of defeat, but through it all, we have persevered. We have pushed ourselves to new heights, expanded our horizons, and discovered our own strengths and talents. And now, as we stand on the precipice of the next chapter of our lives, we can be confident in our abilities and our potential for greatness.Of course, none of us could have reached this milestone without the support and guidance of those who have played a significant role in our lives. To our professors, thank you for imparting upon us the knowledge and wisdom that will serve as the foundation for our future endeavors. Your dedication to our education has notgone unnoticed, and we are forever grateful for the impact you have had on our lives. To our families and friends, thank you for standing by our side through the late nights of studying, the moments of self-doubt, and the elation of achievement. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind our success, and we would not be here today without you.As we look to the future, it is important to remember that our time at this institution has not only equipped us with the knowledge and skills necessary for our chosen fields, but it has also instilled in us the values of integrity, perseverance, and compassion. These are the qualities that will guide us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.In the coming years, we will undoubtedly face moments of uncertainty and adversity, but we must not be deterred. We are a generation of innovators, thinkers, and leaders, and it is our responsibility to use our talents and abilities to create positive change in the world. Whether it is through scientific breakthroughs, technological advancements, artistic expressions, or acts of service, each of us has the power to impact the world in meaningful ways. As we take our first steps into the professional world, let us remember the lessons we have learned during our time at this institution. Let us embrace the spirit of curiosity, the drive for excellence, and the willingness to take risks. Let us remain open-minded, compassionate, and empathetic towards others. And let us never lose sight of our capacity to make a difference, both in our own lives and in the lives of others.As we stand on the threshold of a new beginning, I am filled with excitement for the future that lies ahead for each and every one of us. I have no doubt that we will continue to achieve greatness, make a positive impact, and leave our mark on the world. So, to my fellow graduates, I congratulate you on your accomplishments, and I wish you all the best as you embark on this new and exciting chapter of your lives. Here's to the future! Thank you.。

四年前我们从祖国地四面八方来到这里,四年地同窗情谊我们终身难忘,四年中,各位老师对我们地淳淳教导我们将永记心间. 很高兴今天能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别.
我们不会忘记朋友,陪伴我们朝夕地友谊.今晚是我们大学四年里地最后一次相聚,希望各位老师和同学在今晚吃地舒心,玩地开心. !让我们举起手中地酒杯,共同祝愿,明天会更美好!。

毕业典礼英语主持稿Ladies and gentlemen,Today is a memorable day for all of us as we celebrate the achievements and hard work of our graduates. We are delighted to have you all here to join us in this joyous occasion.To start off, please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests, faculty members, and staff who have played a significant part in shaping the lives of our graduates.To our graduates, congratulations! You have worked hard to reach this milestone in your academic journey. You have learned more than just facts and figures; you have gained invaluable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership that will propel you towards success in your future endeavors.As you embark on the next phase of your life, remember to walk with purpose, have faith in yourself, and continue to make progress towards your goals.Thank you to the faculty and staff who have devoted their time and efforts towards nurturing these graduates. Your endless dedication has paved the way for these young minds to flourish and reach their full potential.In closing, we wish all our graduates a bright and prosperous future.Congratulations once again, and thank you all for being here today.。

4让我们相互道一声再见,说一声珍重1用心来谱写难忘的毕业歌2尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾3亲爱老师的、同学们4大家合:晚上好!1欢迎来到毕业生晚会的现场!2下面,请允许我隆重介绍莅临本次晚会的领导、嘉宾他们是:3 (说另一半)4欢迎各位领导的光临,另外,我们也要感谢对本次晚会的大力支持1:即将离校之际,恩师的关怀更应该牢记于心。
第一篇章:青春扉页&年少彷徨1 挥别亲友,步入大学。
怀着一份青涩和懵懂,我们走进了这个校园,揭开了青春的扉页2 还记得那时我们彷徨的样子,高中的压力消失不见,身边也少了老师家长的催促。

毕业晚会主持稿(忆年四迹语君惜别)A:B:C:D:1、开场(走秀)A:六月,日月湖畔的微风情深意暖,校园涌动的花海流溢飘香;A: In June, with pleasant breeze blowing from the Sun Moon Lake, we can smell the fragrance of flowers far off。
B:六月,想起毕业带来的奔忙,满怀即将失去的无限感伤;B: In June, filled with feeling of upcoming loss,we are busy dealing with things associated with graduation。
C:六月,拾起曾经蕴藏的过往,体味相伴四年的欢欣成长;C: In June, reflect on the days that we treasure, we are appreciating our happy growth in the past four years.D:六月,让你我懂得了珍惜,珍惜在校的每一段岁月流光.D:In June, we all learn the meaning of cherish and begin to treasure every period of time in this university。
A:四年的大学时光,我们从青涩的少年蜕变成成熟的学长;A:In the past 4 years,we have been transformed from young boys into mature upperclassmen。
B:With the passing of college time,it seems that we can never back to the age with hair tied in ponytails.C:我们感叹光阴的匆匆,今天的一句毕业了,就成为我们去追寻彩虹背后成功的力量。

2013年毕业典礼主持词一,介绍A:Ladies and Gentlemen, goodafternoon.B:尊敬的领导,各位来宾。
A:Welcome to hour 2013 session of graduation ceremony.B:很高兴能与大家相聚在2013届毕业典礼。
A:We are so excited to be the host of this ceremony.B:我们和你高兴能够单人本次典礼的主持人。
A: I’m Teacher Cathy.B: I’m Tina.A: How time flies! And now we will graduate.B:时间过的飞快,转眼间我们就要毕业了。
A:When we talked about our eld graduates that we think the graduation is far way from us. And now we are standing here to share about our graduation ceremony.B:回忆起我们曾经看到师兄师姐毕业,还觉得这对我们来说还遥遥无期。
A:When we stayed in Qiyuan Internations school. We had the best time of life. And today, we will dance and singing for our alma master.B:我们在启元小学度过了人生中最美好的时光。
A:There are ____ graduates in this years. All of us are intering the demonstration junior schools. In our growing life at school, all of the leaders, teachers and the parents committee pay attention to us. And today is a special day, they come to here.B:我们2013届毕业生共有______ 名。

尚德国际部2013-2014学年度第二学期结业典礼主持稿【暖场音乐,循环播放音乐1-3】(PYP学生台上候场)一、PYP表演《Let it go》【PYP全体学生演唱歌曲,用音乐4(伴奏)】(主持候场)【表演完毕,右侧后台下场,和PYP 2A班一起在舞台下方候场,准备领奖。
主持人左侧前台上场,站正中】二、开场【背景:音乐5较轻,一直循环】范菀霓:感谢PYP小朋友为我们带来的歌舞秀《Let it go》,也特别感谢这个节目的指导老师PYP的Mel老师。
Thank you, Mel!蔡克钦:Respected Principal Jiang, dear teachers, students and parents, good morning. It is really my great honor to stand here.大家好,我是国际部11C学生蔡克钦。
张: We are becoming more confident and mature as summer is coming.范:亲爱的同学们、老师们、家长们,张:Dear students, teachers and parents蔡:上海尙德实验学校国际部2013—2014学年度第二学期结业典礼三人合:现在开始!范:The Graduate Ceremony of second semester during the year 2013 to 2014 now begins!蔡:首先,请大家跟着大屏幕,一起回顾国际部这一个学期的成长。
范:First let’s review what we’ve done during the whole semester in International Division.【主持人退场,全场灯光暗】三、回顾视频【播放视频1】【结束后立刻全场灯光亮,音乐5较轻,大屏幕收起】四、PYP颁奖【礼仪准备PYP奖状,就位。

毕业典礼英文主持词Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests,Welcome to this momentous occasion as we gather here today to celebrate the graduation of the remarkable individuals sitting before us. This graduation ceremony symbolizes the culminationof years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance demonstrated by our graduates.Before we proceed, I would like to take a moment to express our gratitude to the faculty, staff, and parents who have played an integral role in shaping these young minds and supporting them throughout their academic journey. Your unwavering commitment to their education has undoubtedly brought them to this stage today.As we look around, we cannot help but feel a sense of pride in witnessing the incredible achievements of our graduates. Each one of them has conquered numerous challenges, displaying resilience in the face of adversity and determination in pursuit of knowledge. Their success is a testament to their ability to adapt, innovate, and remain steadfast in their pursuit of excellence.Today, we acknowledge the importance of this milestone in our graduates' lives. It not only signifies the end of one chapter but also marks the beginning of a new one. With their diplomas in hand, they now have the power to shape their own futures, to follow their passions, and to contribute to society in meaningful ways.As our graduates embark upon new journeys and face a world filled with both opportunities and uncertainties, let us remind themof the values and lessons they have acquired here. May they carry with them the lessons of integrity, empathy, and resilience that have been instilled in them during their time at this prestigious institution.To our graduates, I urge you to always strive for greatness. Remember that success is not solely defined by wealth or fame, but by the impact you have on others and the positive change you bring to the world. Dream big, aim high, and never let setbacks deter your ambitions.On this special day, let's take a moment to appreciate the memories shared, the friendships formed, and the knowledge gained within these walls. As our graduates step into the next phase of their lives, may they remain connected to the spirit of this institution and carry the torch of lifelong learning.In conclusion, let us extend our warmest congratulations to the class of [year]. Today, we celebrate your accomplishments, your dreams, and your future. May you continue to strive for excellence, fulfill your aspirations, and make the world a better place.。

2013年毕业生欢送晚会主持稿开场男:六月,栀子花开,重温过往,校园的微风里充满记忆女:六月,离别时分,折叠思绪,送别的歌声中留恋往昔男:在09年的九月,你们来了,相聚,相遇,相知女:在13年的六月,你们走了,相依,相惜,相别男:不会忘记,灯火通明的教学楼里用功的身影女:不会忘记,满是欢声笑语的宿舍的不着边际男:光阴的故事将在今晚讲述女:青春的旅程将在今晚启航男: 尊敬的领导、老师、同学们女:亲爱的2013届毕业生们合:大家晚上好!男:今晚,我们相聚一起,重温四年的点点滴滴女:今晚,我们欢聚一堂,细数四年的成长足迹男:下面我宣布,2013届毕业生欢送晚会合:现在开始女:首先请允许我介绍莅临现场的领导和嘉宾,他们是。


谢谢大家!Dear guests and beloved audience, good evening!Welcome to this spectacular Chinese and English evening party. I am honored to be the host tonight and bring you an extraordinary performance. In the next few hours, we will have many wonderful programs and performances, hoping to bring you a delightful time.Firstly, let's introduce our guests tonight. They are outstanding individuals from various fields, whose talents and achievements are admirable. Among them are excellent musicians, dancers, actors, writers, and elites from different professions. They will showcase their talents and bring us fantastic performances.In addition to the guests' performances, we have prepared a series of games and interactive activities for everyone to participate in, increasing interaction and entertainment. We will have a lucky draw session, where lucky audience members will have the chance to win some exquisite gifts. Moreover, we have prepared some interesting Q&A sessions to test your knowledge and intelligence.In this evening party, we also have a special segment, which is the exchange between Chinese and English. We will invite some foreign friends to the stage for Chinese and English conversations. This is not only an opportunity for language exchange but also a chance for cultural exchange. Through such communication, we can enhance mutual understanding and friendship.Apart from performances and games, we have prepared some wonderful short films and music videos. These videos will showcase the beautiful scenery, rich culture, and people's lives in China and the UK. We hope that through these videos, you can have a better understanding and appreciation of the cultures and human landscapes of both countries.Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who have participated in the preparation and organization of this evening party. It is their hard work and efforts that have made this event possible. At the same time, I want to express mygratitude to all the audience members for your presence and support. Without your participation, there would be no such a splendid evening party.In the following time, I hope you can enjoy this Chinese and English evening party to the fullest, experiencing the collision and communication of different cultures. Let's spend an unforgettable night together and create beautiful memories. Thank you all!。
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2013届毕业晚会主持稿男A 女B 男C 女D开场词:A:In June,we recall and appreciate our happy growth over the past four years.B:六月,体味相伴四年的欢欣成长。
C:In June, we begin to treasure every period of time in this university.D:六月,珍惜xxxx学校的每一段岁月流光。
A:尊敬的各位领导,Distinguished guests,teachers,B:亲爱的同学们,Dear fellow students,合:大家晚上好!Good evening!C:欢迎大家来到xxxxxx!Welcome to xxxxxx.A:我是主持人XXX。
I am XXX.B:我是主持人XXX。
I am XXX.C:我是主持人XXX。
I am XXX.D:我是主持人XXX。
I am XXX.C:感谢各位老师及各二级学院主席团同学的到来!Welcome to the presence of all teachers and the members of the presidium of secondary colleges.A:我们怀揣憧憬而来,轻嗅xxxx涌动的花海,流溢飘香;When the fragrance of the flowers pervaded in the air, we came to this colleage, full of hope.B:我们拾起回忆珍藏,细观粉桃争妍,碧李流芳。
When the peach trees are in full bloom and fruits on the plum tree are ripen, we are picking up our treasurable memory.C:我们想起离别奔忙,满怀即将失去的无限感伤;Filled with the feeling of upcoming departure, we are busy dealing with things related to graduation.D:我们带着理想前行,沐浴行歌,追寻藏在彩虹背后的力量。
With dreams, we are prepared to move forward to pursue the success lying ahead. A:感谢XXX对本次活动的大力赞助!Here, we’d like to thank xxx for their great support.合:现在我宣布:xxxxxx现在开始!Now, I’d like to announce the opening of xxxxxx.一、开场舞《鬼怪》A:总有人喜欢用飞扬的汗水来彰显年轻的力量;There will always be people who like manifesting their youth and strength with sweat in their cheeks.B:总有人喜欢用激昂的音乐来书写青春的乐章;There will always be people who prefer to compose a chapter of youth with passionate music.C:总有人喜欢用变换的舞姿来造就舞台的闪亮;There will always be people who love to make the stage shining with changing dance.D:下面请欣赏爵士舞《鬼怪》。
Then, Let’s enjoy the jazz dance The Ghost. 二、小品《借粮》A:热情激昂的舞蹈是力与美的完美结合,也是青春能量的无限释放!The passionate dance is a perfect combination of strength and beauty. And it is also a release of the unlimited power of youth.B:是啊,舞蹈让人释放,而语言啊却能让人放松。
Yeah, it is true that dance can help to release one`s power while words can make us relaxed.B:下面请欣赏小品《借粮》。
Then, let’s enjoy the short sketch.三、双人舞《那时候》C:小品,是词与句的盛宴;舞蹈,是刚与柔的结合。
The short sketch is a feast of words and dialogues while the dance is a combination of strength and kindness.D:下面请欣赏双人舞《那时候》。
Then comes the duo dance Then.四、情景剧A:喜欢春夜风中花开的声音;I like the sound of flowers blooming in the wind on spring evenings.B:喜欢夏天操场上的流云。
I am fond of the clouddrifting over the playground in summer.A:喜欢秋日日月湖的静水流深;I enjoy the water flowing quietly in the Sun Moon Lake in autumn.B:喜欢冬季在小路上慢行,身边有着你。
I love to ramble on the alley together with your in winter.A:喜欢你,xxxx!I love you, xxxx.B:下面请欣赏情景剧。
Next, please enjoy the sitcom.五、歌串D:总有那么一些场景让人念念不忘,总有那么一些歌声让我们怀念。
There will always be some unforgettable scenes and songs.C:下面请欣赏歌曲串烧。
Let’s enjoy a series of songs.六、游戏环节Now, it is time for the game.七、古典舞《江南雨》A: 江南雨,风送满长川。
With the help of wind, the southern rain sweeps all the way of Changchuan. There are smoke coming out of the grey-green tile-roofed houses while willows standing along the riverbank. In May, the great aroma of the red gauze hurtles in the sky. How natural and unrestrained it is!B: 朝与暮,长在楚峰前。
Day and night, I encountered eternally in front of Mount Chu. The cold night is full of sadness with the golden pillow. The Magnolia boat on the Mu River is closed tightly. The smoke and waves seems connected in a long way.A:下面请欣赏古典舞《江南雨》。
Let’s appreciate the classical dance.八、小品《富二代》B:舞蹈引人入胜,举手投足间柔美尽显。
The dance is so attractive that the dancers’grace is well displayed as their hands are raised.A:是啊,舞蹈含蓄但却有着直指人心灵深处的力量,而小品描述也总是会直接表露人们的心。
Well, although the dance is implicit, it can form a powerful force which is able to strike aresponsive chord in the hearts of their audiences. Similarly, the description in Opusculum can also always express people’s mind directly .B:下面欣赏小品《富二代》。
Ok, Let’s enjoy the Opusculum.九、韩舞《Whatta Man》C:语言的魅力在于带来了欢声笑语,而舞蹈的魅力在于能点燃激情四射的火花!The charm of language lies in the laughter it brings while the charm of dancing is that it is passionate and appealing.D:让我们从肢体与音乐的配合中,感受其间的力与美吧!Let us feel its strength and beauty from the coordination between our body and music. C:下面请欣赏韩舞Whatta Man。
Next, please enjoy Korean dance Whatta Man.十、影子舞C:用纯色的颜色来表达纯粹的不舍,用黑与白的交织来表达内心的真挚。
We use the pure color to express our reluctance to farewell. We use the integrationof black and white to express our sincerity. D:光与影的变幻不仅可以成就摄影,还有可能成就一支舞蹈。
The changes of light and shadow can not only make a photo, it can also result in a dance. C:是吗?你可别蒙我。
Really? Do not fool me.D:诶,你可别不信,来下面请欣赏影子舞。